LIVE: FBI conducting siege of Oregon wildlife facility

The government should direct the energy of these whacky groups in positive ways. It appears, from various late night conspiracy radio shows and various cable 'ghost hunter' shows, that many southern civil war battlefields are inhabited by ghosts of dead Confederate soldiers.

Let's get these crazy gun waivers to pitch tents on the battlefields of Antietam and Gettysburg and shoot any ghosts they encounter. Or at least let them know Bo and Luke Duke are keeping their struggle alive, so to speak. They could even waive their confederate flags and say "ah do duhclare, ah think auhm seein' tha' vapors".

Or would too many people think them crazy?
I think the FBI should just go away and leave behind a wooden replica of a monster truck...but secretly...
Interesting. Because how long did Occupy Wall Street occupy areas all over the country and nothing was done for months on end?
Did they take over Wall Street, and use the threat of shooting any police who try to enter that street, while denying the people who use that street access to their rights?

No. Stop being a jackass.
All they did was make the streets and sidewalks inaccessible by defecating everywhere.
Now MarGarret, all these assholes did was occupy a federal installation by force of firearms.
Interesting. Because how long did Occupy Wall Street occupy areas all over the country and nothing was done for months on end?
Did they take over Wall Street, and use the threat of shooting any police who try to enter that street, while denying the people who use that street access to their rights?

No. Stop being a jackass.
All they did was make the streets and sidewalks inaccessible by defecating everywhere.
Now MarGarret, all these assholes did was occupy a federal installation by force of firearms.
By force! What resistance did they face?
I just want them out of there, really don't care whether they come out feet first or in cuffs. They are useless parasites on society in any case, as are the majority of these militia types. On welfare, living off the government, and hating the government because they are pitiful losers.
I just want them out of there, really don't care whether they come out feet first or in cuffs. They are useless parasites on society in any case, as are the majority of these militia types. On welfare, living off the government, and hating the government because they are pitiful losers.

You talking about Ferguson and Baltimore?
Interesting. Because how long did Occupy Wall Street occupy areas all over the country and nothing was done for months on end?
Did they take over Wall Street, and use the threat of shooting any police who try to enter that street, while denying the people who use that street access to their rights?

No. Stop being a jackass.
All they did was make the streets and sidewalks inaccessible by defecating everywhere.
Now MarGarret, all these assholes did was occupy a federal installation by force of firearms.
By force! What resistance did they face?
Now MarGarret, we know you are one of the pitiful losers. Why didn't you go down and join them? Welfare check out of sync with the occupation?
I just want them out of there, really don't care whether they come out feet first or in cuffs. They are useless parasites on society in any case, as are the majority of these militia types. On welfare, living off the government, and hating the government because they are pitiful losers.

You talking about Ferguson and Baltimore?
No, I am talking about the armed occupation of a Federal Property that means a lot to me. I really don't care what you opinion.
Such oppression by the government. Tchh tchh. And all the while condemning other governments around the globe.
I love this quote I just found. Shows what bloody hypocrites there are in Washington don't you think?

"In Washington, a White House spokesman said: “We strongly condemn the Syrian government’s attempts to repress and intimidate demonstrators.”

Violent protests spread in Syria -
And this has what to do with the non-feathered loons in the Refuge? Really, they have had ample chances to get out of there. Time for them to face the music. If they fire a single shot at the LEO's that are there, they all need to be planted.
Prayer works. These ppl are true patriots. They arent educated and packaged and slick like the people you idiots like to follow...these are just ordinary, poor people who have had enough. They participated in a peaceful protest, and were cut off when they were trying to leave...As everybody was trying to leave peacefully, and the fbi killed finicum after promising they would not take aggressive action. Anybody who listened to this cannot deny that these people would be dead except for divine intervention. Pray for a peaceful works or they would be dead right now as per the fed plan. And while you jeer at this people because theyre not rehearsed or smooth like the criminals you was DAVID FREY who came up with the idea for the live feed. It was inspired, and saved them from the bloodbath the feds were going to carry out. And may still carry out...but tonight was NOT a part of their plan. Thousands are en route to harney county, many are already there. Also not a part of the fed plan.
I love this quote I just found. Shows what bloody hypocrites there are in Washington don't you think?

"In Washington, a White House spokesman said: “We strongly condemn the Syrian government’s attempts to repress and intimidate demonstrators.”

Violent protests spread in Syria -
And this has what to do with the non-feathered loons in the Refuge? Really, they have had ample chances to get out of there. Time for them to face the music. If they fire a single shot at the LEO's that are there, they all need to be planted.

You can't figure out that Obama and the administration is repressing and intimidating these particular demonstrators?


Hypocrisy thy name is liberal. You only like left wing protests.
They're still holding that Pete Santilli in jail...and ALL he did was report what was going on.
Prayer works. These ppl are true patriots. They arent educated and packaged and slick like the people you idiots like to follow...these are just ordinary, poor people who have had enough. They participated in a peaceful protest, and were cut off when they were trying to leave...As everybody was trying to leave peacefully, and the fbi killed finicum after promising they would not take aggressive action. Anybody who listened to this cannot deny that these people would be dead except for divine intervention. Pray for a peaceful works or they would be dead right now as per the fed plan. And while you jeer at this people because theyre not rehearsed or smooth like the criminals you was DAVID FREY who came up with the idea for the live feed. It was inspired, and saved them from the bloodbath the feds were going to carry out. And may still carry out...but tonight was NOT a part of their plan. Thousands are en route to harney county, many are already there. Also not a part of the fed plan.

Did you see my post about Reverend Graham flying in? Ditto Nevada Assembly woman Fiore?

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