LIVE: FBI conducting siege of Oregon wildlife facility

"The FBI has stated as of 8:40 PM PST that they will not make any aggressive moves toward the four remaining protesters tonight and they will allow Rev. Franklin Graham and Nevada State Assemblywoman Michelle Fiore to negotiate the surrender tomorrow at 8:00 AM.
This is a live stream from inside the Malheur Wildlife Refuge in Burns, Oregon. According to those on the phone, 28,000 people are listening. The FBI is reportedly refusing to talk to Nevada Assemblywoman Michele Fiore who is attempting to resolve this without bloodshed. Fiore claims she just landed at the Portland airport and is on her way to Burns Oregon to act as a negotiator for those inside the facility.

FBI has surrounded the facility and is reportedly less than 50 yards from the door. They were at one point speaking over loudspeakers.
Rev. Franklin Graham, who was supposed to arrive tomorrow to negotiate surrender has reportedly called in to the line. Rev. Graham says that he has been told that he will be allowed to walk those armed protesters out Thursday morning at 7:00 A.M.
Voices on the phone say that the FBI agents on the ground are saying that no one will be allowed on the refuge until after the surrender."

Seems reasonable. Assuming that the protesters aren't armed when the Reverend 'walks them out'.

And its a good idea to keep the area clear until the protestors have safely surrendered.
Burns is a federal stronghold. Which is how the feds view all of our public the places from which they can stage military attacks against American citizens.

Depends....are the 'American Citizens' running police blockades, resisting arrest, refusing to surrender to a lawful warrant for arrest, and reaching for a gun?

If no, then they should be fine.
Just read where Cliven Bundy was told by authority's he would be allowed to negotiate. He landed a few moments ago in Oregon and was arrested and taken into custody.

UPDATE 10:54PM PST: Cliven Bundy just landed in Portland; we are being told by eyes on ground that he was surrounded by SWAT and DETAINED. We will post more when we can. Get the word out.

It seems unlikely that Cliven 'Let me tell you about the negro' Bundy would be allowed to negotiate. The man has openly said that they shouldn't surrender.
BURNS, Ore. (AP) - Cliven Bundy, the father of wildlife refuge occupation leader Ammon Bundy, has been booked into jail after flying into the Portland airport.

Multnomah County Jail records show Cliven Bundy was booked into the lockup just before 11 p.m. Wednesday. According to the Multnomah County Records Department, he was arrested on a U.S. Marshal hold. Officials at the jail could not release anymore information since it is a federal case.

- See more at: | Cliven Bundy Booked Into Multnomah County Jail | Cliven Bundy Booked Into Multnomah County Jail

One has to ask....what the hell was Cliven thinking?
News reports (CNN, Oregon Live) are reporting that Clive Bundy was arrested as soon as he got off the plane in Oregon and the holdouts at the refuge are planning to surrender to the FBI this morning.
I'm curious....with Cliven in the area, will the FBI arrest him too on 'conspiracy' charges? After all, he did conspiracy to prevent federal workers from doing their duty too.

They could have a family reunion in Burns!
Wonder no more. Cliven is behind bars. The family that has nerve together, serves together. :lol:
Funny, the guys who raise delicious steaks in their backyards may have to wait years before they taste another T-Bone, rib-eye or filet. God knows what those prisons make meatloaf out of.
why did Cliven Bundy get arrested

what a bunch of jackbooted thugs
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I'd carpet bomb these hicks!

You mean like this?:

why did Cliven Bundy get arrested

what a bunch of jackbooted thugs

I haven't seen the charges yet. If I were to guess, I'd say conspiracy charges, like his son. As Cliven most definitely conspired to prevent federal employees from doing their job in 2014.
LIVE: FBI Conducting Siege of Oregon Wildlife Refuge

The thugs with badges have made their move obviously. Wonder if they will murder another unarmed man or shoot one in the back or maybe just burn it to the ground like they did in Waco.
its federal land

Federal land belongs to the people.

that is what the lefties say on any other day
Why do homeless folks get to occupy lower wacker drive in Chicago? What is the difference?
LIVE: FBI Conducting Siege of Oregon Wildlife Refuge

The thugs with badges have made their move obviously. Wonder if they will murder another unarmed man or shoot one in the back or maybe just burn it to the ground like they did in Waco.
its federal land

Federal land belongs to the people.

that is what the lefties say on any other day
Why do homeless folks get to occupy lower wacker drive in Chicago? What is the difference?

taking over private property as well
The FBI scum kidnapped 74 year old Cliven Bundy for flying to Portland last night....can't believe the sheeple are standing for this shit.

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