LIVE: Wray and Garland testify before House on politicization of the FBI Jim Jordan chairs.

Our government is a joke and restricting one's speech is against the constitution.
Man, you people really are mushrooms!

You know how the Republicans' bowels are in an uproar over Twitter holding back a story for TWO WHOLE DAYS before they ultimately released it?

I mean, the Republicans are having hearings and shit fits over that.

And yet AMI captured and killed no end of embarrassing stories about Trump, including spending their own money to buy Karen McDougal's silence, all to influence the outcome of the 2016 election.

They didn't hold those stories back for TWO WHOLE DAYS before releasing them. They killed them PERMANENTLY, and spent their own money to do it!

What do you think the odds are the Republicans will hold hearings about that?

How DO you stand the stench of your own hypocrisy?
Recall that they claimed, at an early point, that if you get the vax you won’t get Covid. That was, at best, incorrect
The data supported the claim at the time.
They also claimed if you got the shot you were protecting others. That, too, wasn’t true.
The data also supported the claim at the time.
They also declared that the vax was “safe.” It isn’t. It is even possible that it caused more harm than it prevented.
Data supported that claim too.
The same government also ridiculed other possible medications which did hold actual medical value
The government doesn’t ridicule medications. They support use of medications with data to support them.

The unvaccinated were substantially more likely to die. The government was attempting to save lives by asking social media companies (who had no desire to facilitate the deadly misinformation about COVID) to help combat misinformation that was getting people killed.

Saving lives isn’t political. I have no idea why the political right decided to make this part of their political identity but it’s absolutely stupid.
I never wore one, but in South Carolina most people didn't freak out. I got a few dirty looks.

I didnt use to wear one, but I would have horrible day of allergies after I mowed. Since wearing the mask when I mow, nothing.

Grass clippings are like a billion times larger than the Rona.
Look at catsnsweaters for the typical level of knowledge from the Dem-witted minions.
Incontrovertible truth coming out from the parties involved about govt censorship & flagrantly violating the 1st Amendment is no proof to them.

Is it any wonder why we laugh & have no respect for them?
Just a bunch of lemmings

Those dumbfucks are posing for each other.
Our government is a joke and restricting one's speech is against the constitution.
Congress certainly can't pass any law restricting it. Where in the Constitution does it prohibit the Executive Branch from advising the media on what may or may not be misinformation from a foreign adversary?
Man, you people really are mushrooms!

You know how the Republicans' bowels are in an uproar over Twitter holding back a story for TWO WHOLE DAYS before they ultimately released it?

I mean, the Republicans are having hearings and shit fits over that.

And yet AMI captured and killed no end of embarrassing stories about Trump, including spending their own money to buy Karen McDougal's silence, all to influence the outcome of the 2016 election.

They didn't hold those stories back for TWO WHOLE DAYS before releasing them. They killed them PERMANENTLY, and spent their own money to do it!

What do you think the odds are the Republicans will hold hearings about that?

How DO you stand the stench of your own hypocrisy?
What the heck are you babbling about, they made up stories about Trump that ran on the news 24/7.
The data supported the claim at the time.
So YOU claim. But that is far from a factual claim you make.
The data also supported the claim at the time.

So you claim. 🙄
Data supported that claim too.
So you claim. 🙄
The government doesn’t ridicule medications. They support use of medications with data to support them.
False. It went out of its way to ridicule other medical options. And you know it.
The unvaccinated were substantially more likely to die. The government was attempting to save lives by asking social media companies (who had no desire to facilitate the deadly misinformation about COVID) to help combat misinformation that was getting people killed.
Your claims are unsupported. Across the board.
I didnt use to wear one, but I would have horrible day of allergies after I mowed. Since wearing the mask when I mow, nothing.

Grass clippings are like a billion times larger than the Rona.
I did wear a mask after I rode around in my buddies truck with him all day, he tested positive a few days later. So I wore a mask when I went into a store, I forgot about that.
Stop with that nonsense.
What nonsense?

That you don't know what the difference between making a request and censorship is?

I will defend Trump and Biden until I see proof of censorship and not just making requests.
So YOU claim. But that is far from a factual claim you make.

I can substantiate any claim I make.
So you claim
You can’t infect people if you aren’t infected.

So you claim
Every vaccine study included safety data.
False. It went out of its way to ridicule other medical options. And you know it.
Prove it.
Your claims are unsupported. Across the board
Saved a few million lives with the vaccine.

After the vaccine was introduced, conservative areas faced a substantially disproportionate amount of death from COVID which paralleled the decreased rates of vaccination in those areas.

COVID misinformation was literally getting people killed and it’s absolutely clear from the data. Social media sites are run by smart people. They can see the data. They also aren’t complete assholes. They don’t want to facilitate the people who are pushing this bullshit getting people killed.

This isn’t political. It’s actually just being a descent human being.
They were censoring it, if someone on social media said something about covid they didn't agree with. That post got sent somewhere nobody knows on the web. Same with Hunter's laptop.
Censorship is an action or forceful removal of information.

Making a request is not censorship.

Trump and the FBI can make requests until they are blue in the face, that is not censorship.

Maybe this will help you.


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