Living Large At The White House To The Tune Of 1.4 Billion In Household Expense


Senior Member
May 22, 2012
By Charles C. W. Cooke
We are now firmly ensconced in the brutal Age of the Sequester, and things in America are grave. The federal government, we learned on Wednesday, is so strapped for cash that the president has been forced to cut off the People’s access to the home he’s borrowing from them. He didn’t want to have to do this, naturally — “particularly during the popular spring touring season.” But then Congress just had to go and acquiesce in measures that the president himself had suggested and signed into law. How beastly! We axed 2.6 percent from a $44.8 trillion budget, and now the president can’t even afford the $18,000 per week necessary to retain the seven staff members who facilitate citizens’ enjoying self-guided tours around the White House.

The executive mansion is not in that much trouble, of course. It’s certainly not in sufficiently dire straits for Air Force One ($181,757 per hour) to be grounded, or to see the executive chef ($100,000 per year) furloughed, or to cut back on the hours of the three full-time White House calligraphers ($277,050 per year for the trio), or to limit the invaluable work of the chief of staff to the president’s dog ($102,000 per year), or to trim his ridiculous motorcade ($2.2 million). If Ellen DeGeneres wants another dancercize session or Spain holds another clothing sale, the first family will be there before you can say “citizen executive.” Fear ye not, serfs: Austerity may be the word of the week, but the president is by no means in any danger of being forced to live like the president of a republic instead of like a king.

When Calvin Coolidge was president in the glitzy 1920s, he took the republican ideal so seriously that he ended up in a series of tiffs with the White House housekeeper, Elizabeth Jaffray, over the cost of state dinners, and took to admonishing the executive branch for using too many pencils. Such behavior now serves only as a punchline to a joke that is not funny. The current annual cost of the White House — just in household expenses, not the policy operations for which it exists — is $1.4 billion:

Keep reading…
Living Large in the Obama White House - Charles C. W. Cooke - National Review Online
Living large? Aw, now you're getting to the bottom line...******* in the White House...

Get That Worthless ****** Out Of The White House
Living large? Aw, now you're getting to the bottom line...******* in the White House...

Get That Worthless ****** Out Of The White House

Careful now playing the race card is soo much like you.
Living Large in the Obama White House?

I still can't believe even a racist would post that. Damn, that's disgusting.
Living Large in the Obama White House?

I still can't believe even a racist would post that. Damn, that's disgusting.

As usual the your accent is on the wrong syllable. It's the $1.4 billion spending that is the problem.
Actually, if you wanna blame someone for the sequester, blame the Congress (they're the ones that made it, and made it such a bad deal that they thought it would force them into a grand bargain).

All Obama did was sign it.

And, did you know that the GOP is now trying to reneg on their defense cuts? It seems they want to keep the defense spending, even though it was their idea to put it on the table.
Actually, if you wanna blame someone for the sequester, blame the Congress (they're the ones that made it, and made it such a bad deal that they thought it would force them into a grand bargain).

All Obama did was sign it.

And, did you know that the GOP is now trying to reneg on their defense cuts? It seems they want to keep the defense spending, even though it was their idea to put it on the table.

Where have you been? Oblamer and Jack Lew thought up the 'Squester'. Oblamer refused to go with the Erskine/Bowles recommendations. Then Reid has refused to confirm any of the Bills passed by the Congress to alleviate the so-called stresses of the sequester. No Oblamer is playing Henny Penny and the fear mongering of the American people.
Actually, if you wanna blame someone for the sequester, blame the Congress (they're the ones that made it, and made it such a bad deal that they thought it would force them into a grand bargain).

All Obama did was sign it.

And, did you know that the GOP is now trying to reneg on their defense cuts? It seems they want to keep the defense spending, even though it was their idea to put it on the table.

Where have you been? Oblamer and Jack Lew thought up the 'Squester'. Oblamer refused to go with the Erskine/Bowles recommendations. Then Reid has refused to confirm any of the Bills passed by the Congress to alleviate the so-called stresses of the sequester. No Oblamer is playing Henny Penny and the fear mongering of the American people.

The sequester was originally passed as part of the Budget Control Act of 2011 (BCA), better known as the debt ceiling compromise.

It was intended to serve as incentive for the Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction (aka the “Supercommittee”) to come to a deal to cut $1.5 trillion over 10 years. If the committee had done so, and Congress had passed it by Dec. 23, 2011, then the sequester would have been averted.

Obviously, that didn’t happen.

The Sequester: Absolutely everything you could possibly need to know, in one FAQ could ask Wikipedia..................

On August 2, 2011, Congress passed the Budget Control Act of 2011 as part of an agreement to resolve the debt-ceiling crisis. The Act provided for a Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction (the "super committee") to produce legislation by late November that would decrease the deficit by $1.2 trillion over ten years. When the super committee failed to act,[8] another part of the BCA went into effect. This directed automatic across-the-board cuts (known as "sequestrations") split evenly between defense and domestic spending, beginning on January 2, 2013.

The sequestration became a major topic of the fiscal cliff debate. The debate's resolution, the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 (ATRA), eliminated much of the tax side of the dispute but only delayed the budget sequestrations for two months, thus reducing the original $110 billion to be saved per fiscal year to $85 billion in 2013.[9]
Living large? Aw, now you're getting to the bottom line...******* in the White House...

Get That Worthless ****** Out Of The White House

Careful now playing the race card is soo much like you.

Well, when you back a liberal into a corner with the cold, hard truth and they cannot defend their position, they immediately resort to playing the race card.

Never mind that spending that much money on completely unnecessary things at a time when he is keeping the public out of OUR White House and setting about cutting other things the public will feel is the definition of greed. He isn't about to give anything up while he makes decisions that will make the masses suffer. Nothing to do with color, of course, but what else has the left got to come back at you with?
Waiting for obama to be on MTV's Cribs and later having the Beast sent to Pimp my Ride, lol
By Charles C. W. Cooke
We are now firmly ensconced in the brutal Age of the Sequester, and things in America are grave. The federal government, we learned on Wednesday, is so strapped for cash that the president has been forced to cut off the People’s access to the home he’s borrowing from them. He didn’t want to have to do this, naturally — “particularly during the popular spring touring season.” But then Congress just had to go and acquiesce in measures that the president himself had suggested and signed into law. How beastly! We axed 2.6 percent from a $44.8 trillion budget, and now the president can’t even afford the $18,000 per week necessary to retain the seven staff members who facilitate citizens’ enjoying self-guided tours around the White House.

The executive mansion is not in that much trouble, of course. It’s certainly not in sufficiently dire straits for Air Force One ($181,757 per hour) to be grounded, or to see the executive chef ($100,000 per year) furloughed, or to cut back on the hours of the three full-time White House calligraphers ($277,050 per year for the trio), or to limit the invaluable work of the chief of staff to the president’s dog ($102,000 per year), or to trim his ridiculous motorcade ($2.2 million). If Ellen DeGeneres wants another dancercize session or Spain holds another clothing sale, the first family will be there before you can say “citizen executive.” Fear ye not, serfs: Austerity may be the word of the week, but the president is by no means in any danger of being forced to live like the president of a republic instead of like a king.

When Calvin Coolidge was president in the glitzy 1920s, he took the republican ideal so seriously that he ended up in a series of tiffs with the White House housekeeper, Elizabeth Jaffray, over the cost of state dinners, and took to admonishing the executive branch for using too many pencils. Such behavior now serves only as a punchline to a joke that is not funny. The current annual cost of the White House — just in household expenses, not the policy operations for which it exists — is $1.4 billion:

Keep reading…
Living Large in the Obama White House - Charles C. W. Cooke - National Review Online
Let me see if I have this right: Obama spends 1.4 billion dollars on the White House, taking money from the people. Then he turns around and slams the door shut on the People's White House, and turns it into a private residence that gets no public scrutiny for anything whatever.

Rip off!
Life is such a dream when you have people willing to let you have $1.4 billion a year for household thises and thats whenever you wish it ~~~~

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