"Living" wage stupidity from across the pond...

See as most people don't take time to figure out "geez... what does raising 16.5 million people out of the poverty level really mean" they are just "mouthing" sound bites. Platitudes. NO basis in facts.
Raising the 16.5 million that make more then the minimum but less then the $10.00 today WILL NOT raise them out of the poverty level. Foolish to make statements like that without doing the calculations.
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Here is the story...humans actual react to things...they aren't cogs in a gear that just get plugged in...

SeaTac workers not happy with 15 min. wage

A writer for NW Asian Weekly recently blogged about her experience attending an event at a SeaTac hotel. She asked employees if they were “happy with the $15 wage.” The ensuing conversations,

“It sounds good, but it’s not good,” the woman said.

“Why?” I asked.

“I lost my 401k, health insurance, paid holiday, and vacation,” she responded. “No more free food,” she added.

“The hotel used to feed her. Now, she has to bring her own food. Also, no overtime, she said. She used to work extra hours and received overtime pay.

“What else? I asked.

“I have to pay for parking,” she said.

“I then asked the part-time waitress, who was part of the catering staff.

Yes, I’ve got $15 an hour, but all my tips are now much less,” she said. Before the new wage law was implemented, her hourly wage was $7. But her tips added to more than $15 an hour. Yes, she used to receive free food and parking. Now, she has to bring her own food and pay for parking.”

Yeah...this is the typical lefty win/win....they get credit for forcing evil businesses to pay 15 dollars an hour...and the people cheered....and then they get the added benefit from the fact that those same people are still no better off...and are now still pissed off...and the left is right their to lead them for the next demand...since the left isn't blamed for the loss of income....
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16.5 million moving from above minimum wage say of $8.00 to $10.10 per hour.

You are assuming this number...you don't mention the 80% of teenagers who will now not get starting jobs...or the other people who just lost their jobs and won't get new ones...or the people who now will not get 40 hours a week...thereby negating the wage increase...

You guys never take into how human beings actually behave...

Already in Washington state they interviewed that hotel worker...she got a raise...yeah...and lost all the other perks from the job...and she is slightly less than where she was before they raised the minimum wage...

OH I am NOT a proponent of raising minimum wage!
AGAIN facts...
According to the http://www.bls.gov/cps/minwage2013.pdf source:
1) 797,000 people (0.257%) work at minimum wage and are between 16 to 19
2) 3.3 million work at minimum wage or 1.1% of Americans

Now with a business seeing the minimum wage for entry level,low skilled 16 to 19 year old NOW climbing to where
it makes more sense to have self serve... CBO etc. say 500,000 jobs of these above types will be lost!
The best part about increasing the minimum wage is that one or two employees get a pay raise....most others just get fired...

Cinema Pays For London Living Wage Deal By Sacking Staff

A cinema that was forced to pay the London Living Wage of £8.80 an hour by the trade union BECTU has announced it will finance the wage increases by sacking around a fifth of it's staff. Picturehouse Cinemas told the Evening Standard that it could only afford to pay the increased wages at the Ritzy Cinema in Brixton if it made around 20 staff redundant.
The announcement follows a year long campaign to force the company to put up wages. When it was over the trade union and staff assumed they had won a significant concession, but Picturehouse could not afford to absorb the extra costs so came up with the 'solution' of cutting staff.

They plan to make two management staff redundant along with eight supervisors, three technical staff and others from the front of house team. The Ritzy currently has a staff of 93.

BECTU have now threatened more strikes, saying the move was a “kick in the teeth”. Union official Willy Donaghy said: “The duplicity of these people knows no bounds. What they have done as soon as the deal was implemented is to employ an individual with a reputation for being a ‘union blaster’. This is payback, without a doubt.

yes...go unions...sending jobs overseas....losing jobs at home...

The next step....the Borg collective....errrrr....the government...needs to make it illegal to fire people....that would fix these guys....right?

Of course, forcing a business to arbitrarily increase wages has absolutely no impact on the employment of it's staff....since money just appears in a cloud of pixie dust...

Corporations don't create jobs, so they don't eliminate them either.
Lol !!! Perfect ! You should send that one to Hillary ! :up:
By hiking the minimum wage from its current level of $7.25 to more than $10, and pegging the minimum pay to inflation, the proposal would raise the country's collective wages by $31 billion and lift perhaps 900,000 people out of poverty, according to the CBO study. But the authors found that the measure would also likely eliminate an unknown number of jobs, ranging from a "very slight decrease" in employment to up to 1 million positions.
Minimum Wage Hike Could Lift 900 000 Out Of Poverty But Also Cost Jobs CBO Report

MY question is HOW would 900,000 people be lifted out of Poverty Level?
Again assume these people are MAKING LESS then $7.25/ hour or annually $13,819 AFTER deducting Medicare/SS.
Poverty levels per Federal government:
Raising them to $10.10 means $19,251 left after deducting Medicare/SS.
That doesn't raise that person with a family of 3... still in poverty level..
That does raise the family of 2 totally dependent on single person making $15,730.. but where is that equal to 900,000?

Screen Shot 2014-10-28 at 9.19.59 PM.png

Federal Poverty Level FPL HealthCare.gov
Why can businesses suddenly fire people because the minimum wage goes up?

If they didn't need these people in the first place, why did they have them on the payroll?

Because they own the business.

Someone really needs to explain basic economics to you but I doubt you would comprehend them.
In some parts of North Dakota they're paying fast food workers twice the minimum wage, for lack of workers,

and yet, magically, those businesses somehow still manage to make money.

Fascinating, isn't it, amidst all the talk that if the current minimum wage were raised slightly the fast food industry would perish.

That you think everywhere would work because one small area in one of the least populated states works a certain way shows you know nothing about economics.
Why can businesses suddenly fire people because the minimum wage goes up?

To make a point??

If they didn't need these people in the first place, why did they have them on the payroll?

Maybe because corporations are not as heartless as you libs try to make them out to be and figure that the cost of keeping some useless slugs on the payroll is worth the favorable reaction from the public.

BTW, is all this talk about the minimum wage by liberals on the same breath as they yak about the middle class the indication that they think earning minimum wage puts people in the middle class?
Why can businesses suddenly fire people because the minimum wage goes up?

To make a point??

If they didn't need these people in the first place, why did they have them on the payroll?

Maybe because corporations are not as heartless as you libs try to make them out to be and figure that the cost of keeping some useless slugs on the payroll is worth the favorable reaction from the public.

BTW, is all this talk about the minimum wage by liberals on the same breath as they yak about the middle class the indication that they think earning minimum wage puts people in the middle class?

You don't want a minimum wage because you want to see people at the lowest end of the wage scale paid even less,
because you think somehow that's going to make your life better.

I'm just curious as to how you think it's going to make your life better.
Why can businesses suddenly fire people because the minimum wage goes up?

To make a point??

If they didn't need these people in the first place, why did they have them on the payroll?

Maybe because corporations are not as heartless as you libs try to make them out to be and figure that the cost of keeping some useless slugs on the payroll is worth the favorable reaction from the public.

BTW, is all this talk about the minimum wage by liberals on the same breath as they yak about the middle class the indication that they think earning minimum wage puts people in the middle class?

You don't want a minimum wage because you want to see people at the lowest end of the wage scale paid even less,
because you think somehow that's going to make your life better.

I'm just curious as to how you think it's going to make your life better.
Like I said before, if raising the minimum wage so important. Will you agree on the day it is raised, all government subsidies are gone. The money saved goes to tax cut for the tax payers. I mean everyone will be making a living wage, and no more subsidies when all prices goes up, because of the wage hike. Agreed?
American Communists/Progressives love to point to Great Britain as an example of Communist/Socialist Utopia. But the reality is exactly the opposite. Recent studies have concluded that if Great Britain were an American State, it would rank right near the bottom in average income and economic prosperity. It would rank only above Mississippi.

Average Brits do not live as well as average Americans do. That's the actual reality. So American Communists/Progressives need to find another example to crow about.

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