Liz Cheney Says The GOP Risks Becoming Known As 'The Party Of White Supremacy'

You are goofy, aren't you. White and white supremacists' are not the same thing.

According to critical race theory, they are.

No idea what critical race is, but they are not the same.
Seriously? You've never heard of Critical Race Theory? Did you follow any of the BLM riots this summer? And never heard of Critical Race Theory? How about the 1619 project?
Nope, but I don't watch much fox or listen to crazy right wing hate mongers. Are those things they use to rile you crazies up?
It is the stuff being pushed in schools nationwide. Is not even subtle racism. I wish democrats would stop that nonsense and quit using skin color for political advantage. Pitting people against each other and then using it as an excuse why personal liberty is no longer valuable is beyond reprehensible.

I just looked it up. It's not taught anywhere in public schools. Some law schools teach it as one of several theories in law, but whoever told you it was being taught in our public schools is full of shit. Of course we already knew that.
Might want to dig a little deeper. A whistle blower talked about it at California Schools, that is when people first started to hear about it. Since then, it has popped up in schools all over the country. I'm talking about Critical Race Theory, I don't know about the 1619 Project.

Name the schools where it is being taught. Name even 1 school, other than a law school where it is being taught
I googled for about five minutes and found the name of the group that was handing 20 page critical race packets to California Teachers. The group was called Epoch Education. If you want you can look them up and see what they are about. If your kids are in California, they probably know all about it. All you have to do is google critical race theory in California Schools. Make no mistake, this is not a California only phenomena.
What? You couldn't find even one school that was teaching that? I wonder why you couldn't, if it is being taught all across the country as was claimed.
I'm guessing you don't care, but I gave you the name of the group that is dumping pamphlets to secondary teachers in California Schools. You got me in that I can't list the name of the schools, but can you at least put two and two together and admit that Epoch Education is distributing this material to secondary schools at their behest? It is the same stuff that is being forced on corporations as some kind of racial training. It isn't just law schools.
One group has 'racial' training, while another group says everyone is equal, let's get everybody a job. Tell me why the 'racial' training group is not the racist group? Math isn't fair and people with a certain skin color aren't capable of using the internet? Anyone else think it is odd that the 'woke' crowd has no problem with any of this?
Too bad, Trumpster.

So why does Mac1958 promote the racist screed he does? Why does his party seek to keep people focused on race? Hating whites, who will inevitably hate back?

It's simple, if people focus on the irrational hatred based on race, they won't pay attention to what the Reddit people discovered with the Wall Street scum shorting Gamestop - that the system is rigged and most Americans are being fucked over by a ruling elite.

The Reddit folks found out that the Wall Street vermin were using 186% of the available stock to short Gamestop, basically creating shares out of thin air in order to fleece the customers, shareholders, and employees of Gamestop while enriching themselves.

They fought back and BADLY hurt the crooked insider fucks. Mac and his party can't have that. C'mon man, that guys white, hate him and don't get bogged down with what your overlords are doing.

I call Mac a Nazi - which is entirely accurate. The Nazi method relies heavily on a scapegoat to focus the hatred of the public on and keep them from noticing what the ruling elite is doing. Hitler focused hate on Jews, Mac focuses hate on Whites. But the reason is the same, to keep the rubes at each other's throats so they don't notice the REAL crimes being pulled under their noses.

Gamestop is one of millions of companies traded on the stock market. The kind of bullshit con Melvin Capital was pulling is done constantly, with no one noticing. WallStreeBets paid attention and caught them, hitting them HARD. The Reich is desperate to keep people at each others throats so they don't catch to just how badly our rulers are fucking us.

So Mac and the other Nazis spew racist hatred at whites to keep the hate distracting everyone.
I'm sure that's all very interesting, Trumpster. :laugh:
I don't agree with her on much but I agree with her on this.

Risks? A little late for that.

Most of the party refuses to admit that white racism even exists. The reputation is not exactly a shock.

Why wouldn't or shouldn't racism exist?
Racism is born from stereotypes, stereotypes are born from behavior.
Today’s “RACISM” is nothing more than courageous, intelligent beings paying attention to behavioral statistics, stereotyping, profiling and forecasting. If darkies change their deficient behavior the “RACISM” goes away. TA-DA!
You are just another member of the racist GOPQ. You are a SLUG.
But a solid Trumpster. Trump inspires them to be what they are.

What trump does is tell them it's ok to be what they are.

They've been like that all along.
Yeah, that's one of the key and profound and disturbing takeaways from this.
Most of the party refuses to admit that white racism even exists. The reputation is not exactly a shock.

Racism, of course, exists, and always will. I've experienced it myself at times in my life, but racism doesn't have even a remotely significant foothold in this country to affect much of anything. All of these anecdotes of roaming hoards of white supremacists throughout the country is a farce almost entirely fabricated by the media and the political left. Just like most white people, most non-whites are simply victims of their own choices and circumstances, but blaming whitey is certainly easier.
Both ends of this issue go too far, and both ends of this issue absolutely refuse to hold their own side accountable. The Left still screams RACISM at everything that moves, the Right still blatantly closes their eyes to it. And both sides play the victim.

Bottom line, each side of this gives the other side all the material it needs to keep pointing the finger and avoid looking in the mirror.

Unless and until each side of this clean their own house, it could easily get worse.
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You are goofy, aren't you. White and white supremacists' are not the same thing.

According to critical race theory, they are.

No idea what critical race is, but they are not the same.
Seriously? You've never heard of Critical Race Theory? Did you follow any of the BLM riots this summer? And never heard of Critical Race Theory? How about the 1619 project?
Nope, but I don't watch much fox or listen to crazy right wing hate mongers. Are those things they use to rile you crazies up?

Right, they don’t mention most of the lunatic ideas of the left on CNN and MSNBC because even many lefties would be shocked at how crazy the left is. They want to keep all that on the down low to make you think you are voting for sanity, when in reality it is quite the opposite.
Whataboutism doesn't change what Liz Chaney said.

The ugly racist underbelly of the GOP has been exposed. Where do they go? Do they double down? Do they go more racist?
I don't agree with her on much but I agree with her on this.

Ok? I don't know how we could possibly do that anymore than Trump did.

He condemned white supremacy over and over over.
So.... what does Liz Cheney and all the moronic little parrots who are Trumpetting this, want to have happen?'

Honestly it's just a bunch of lies and stupidity. We could denounce hate groups until the end of time, and they would just pretend we didn't, because they themselves are filled with hate, and they want it to be true.

Trump condemning white supremacy shows as much honesty as a cop kicking the shit out of an unconscious guy on the ground while shouting "quit resisting"

You are full of baloney since you are clearly disregarding his many statements as shown in the video you didn't watch, while you never showed that he is supporting the Supremacists....

You are one of the most partisan democrats in the forum, it makes you dumb because of it.

As always, I'll give your remarks all the consideration they deserve.
I don't agree with her on much but I agree with her on this.

If only the Nazi democrats could come up with a final solution to the white people problem.

All the problems in the universe are due to the existence of white people.

But I'm sure you Nazis will think of something.....
"nazi nazi nazi" he queefs. but both sides do it. lol
You are goofy, aren't you. White and white supremacists' are not the same thing.

According to critical race theory, they are.

No idea what critical race is, but they are not the same.
Seriously? You've never heard of Critical Race Theory? Did you follow any of the BLM riots this summer? And never heard of Critical Race Theory? How about the 1619 project?
Nope, but I don't watch much fox or listen to crazy right wing hate mongers. Are those things they use to rile you crazies up?
It is the stuff being pushed in schools nationwide. Is not even subtle racism. I wish democrats would stop that nonsense and quit using skin color for political advantage. Pitting people against each other and then using it as an excuse why personal liberty is no longer valuable is beyond reprehensible.

I just looked it up. It's not taught anywhere in public schools. Some law schools teach it as one of several theories in law, but whoever told you it was being taught in our public schools is full of shit. Of course we already knew that.
Might want to dig a little deeper. A whistle blower talked about it at California Schools, that is when people first started to hear about it. Since then, it has popped up in schools all over the country. I'm talking about Critical Race Theory, I don't know about the 1619 Project.

Name the schools where it is being taught. Name even 1 school, other than a law school where it is being taught
I googled for about five minutes and found the name of the group that was handing 20 page critical race packets to California Teachers. The group was called Epoch Education. If you want you can look them up and see what they are about. If your kids are in California, they probably know all about it. All you have to do is google critical race theory in California Schools. Make no mistake, this is not a California only phenomena.
What? You couldn't find even one school that was teaching that? I wonder why you couldn't, if it is being taught all across the country as was claimed.
I'm guessing you don't care, but I gave you the name of the group that is dumping pamphlets to secondary teachers in California Schools. You got me in that I can't list the name of the schools, but can you at least put two and two together and admit that Epoch Education is distributing this material to secondary schools at their behest? It is the same stuff that is being forced on corporations as some kind of racial training. It isn't just law schools.
Better idea. You look up Epoch Times. They are crazier than Alex Jones, and the owners of Epoch Education.
Liz thinks if they play nice with the leftists the leftists and their media allies will quit calling them racist. What a dumb bitch.

You only see what is in the press.

But if she parrots the CCP line, she gets invited to the Georgetown cocktail parties and can hob knob with celebrities. She didn't go to DC to worry about peasants, she MUST stay on the "A List."

Just like Lefty Roberts.
Too bad, Trumpster.

So why does Mac1958 promote the racist screed he does? Why does his party seek to keep people focused on race? Hating whites, who will inevitably hate back?

It's simple, if people focus on the irrational hatred based on race, they won't pay attention to what the Reddit people discovered with the Wall Street scum shorting Gamestop - that the system is rigged and most Americans are being fucked over by a ruling elite.

The Reddit folks found out that the Wall Street vermin were using 186% of the available stock to short Gamestop, basically creating shares out of thin air in order to fleece the customers, shareholders, and employees of Gamestop while enriching themselves.

They fought back and BADLY hurt the crooked insider fucks. Mac and his party can't have that. C'mon man, that guys white, hate him and don't get bogged down with what your overlords are doing.

I call Mac a Nazi - which is entirely accurate. The Nazi method relies heavily on a scapegoat to focus the hatred of the public on and keep them from noticing what the ruling elite is doing. Hitler focused hate on Jews, Mac focuses hate on Whites. But the reason is the same, to keep the rubes at each other's throats so they don't notice the REAL crimes being pulled under their noses.

Gamestop is one of millions of companies traded on the stock market. The kind of bullshit con Melvin Capital was pulling is done constantly, with no one noticing. WallStreeBets paid attention and caught them, hitting them HARD. The Reich is desperate to keep people at each others throats so they don't catch to just how badly our rulers are fucking us.

So Mac and the other Nazis spew racist hatred at whites to keep the hate distracting everyone.
I'm sure that's all very interesting, Trumpster. :laugh:

What a well thought out response, Nazi.
Whataboutism doesn't change what Liz Chaney said.

The ugly racist underbelly of the GOP has been exposed. Where do they go? Do they double down? Do they go more racist?

You mean Der Juden, the whites?

Yes, but your Reich has a final solution for solving the white problem in the works.

"nazi nazi nazi" he queefs. but both sides do it. lol

Herr Ulcer;

How would you personally deal with the white problem? What is your solution to the race your party so bitterly hates?

LK Ulcer? (do you lick your ulcer? gross)
"nazi nazi nazi" he queefs. but both sides do it. lol

Herr Ulcer;

How would you personally deal with the white problem? What is your solution to the race your party so bitterly hates?

LK Ulcer? (do you lick your ulcer? gross)
you are not worthy of a response other than mocking you, until you have managed to stop melting down.

you need help.

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