Liz Cheney says Trump appears to have been ‘personally involved in planning’ 6 Jan insurrection

“History has been made here today. Simultaneously you broke in through the front and through the rear! They could not stop you! You occupied the building! You caused them to stop what they were doing! They had to evacuate! They couldn’t complete their session! Mission accomplished! Excellent!” Matthew Thomas Purse JAN6 rioter

NFBW wrote: DJT’s BIG hyper-inflated misunderstanding that his WIN was stolen from him was the driving force behind the riot. DJT owns the attempt to politically steal the election from 81 million Democrats. 21OCT29-POST#499

Oldestyle wrote: It was the driving force behind the "protest", Not Fooled! Not the riot. 21OCT29-POST#500

NFBW wrote: Ohhhh? DJT’s MASSIVE MISUNDERSTANDING that the election was stolen from him, was the driving force behind the rally, but not the riot. I agree with you Oldstyle saying that the purpose of the “rally” was to politically (but peacefully) steal the election from 81 million Democrats. I wonder if ThisIsMe agrees with you as well. But when you suggest that the 1000 or so “peaceful election thieves” only became violent and attacked the Capitol because WOW! “they don’t have enough cops to keep us from going in” .. I think you have fallen completely out of your rocker and can’t get up . Here is one of DJT’s “peaceful’ election thieves turned violent due to lack of cops: 21OCT29-POST#501

“”” On Jan. 6 Matthew Thomas Purse, a 45-year-old Navy veteran from Irvine, California, arrived at the Capitol with a red patch reading “DON’T SHOOT — PRESS”
His presence also undercuts the revisionist right-wing narrative that the rioters were merely a group of bumbling MAGA tourists, as opposed to what they really were: the vanguard of a dangerous, racist mass movement hellbent on destroying what exists of American democracy. - - - He Dressed As Press To Storm The Capitol. Now We Know He Runs A White Nationalist Website. - - - Matthew Purse was one of the most malevolent characters in Washington, D.C., on Jan. 6. The horrifying extent of his extremism has gone unreported, until now.
By Christopher Mathias 10/28/2021 “””

NFBW wrote: Matthew Thomas Purse grabbed a bullhorn as the Jan6 Capitol attackers broke through the barricades and told his fellow rioters in quotes below: 21OCT29-POST#501 - - - - ”” “First of all, mission accomplished, Patriots,” Purse said to scattered cheers from the right-wing mob that had just stormed, vandalized and looted the building, disrupting a joint session of Congress, according to a video reviewed by HuffPost. “History has been made here today. Simultaneously you broke in through the front and through the rear! They could not stop you! You occupied the building! You caused them to stop what they were doing! They had to evacuate! They couldn’t complete their session! Mission accomplished! Excellent!” 21JAN06-mtPURSE-white supremacist mission accomplished “”””
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ThisIsMe wrote: There's no need to litigate the jan6 riot, the select committee is already looking in to that, as has already the FBI. 21OCT28-POST#490

NFBW wrote: I’m not litigating the Jan6 political attempt to overturn the election nor am I litigating the militant violent attempt to support the political operation. I’m trying to find out why you are trying so hard to normalize DJT’s abnormalities with regard to his losing an election and his key role in inciting a riot whether he intended his militant people to assault a live session of Congress or not. It says s lot about DJT’s normalizers when they refuse to discuss certain aspects of the DJT abnormalities but want to talk about the character of the good Americans who actually are in office as a check and balance to corrupted presidential power. And already you are suggesting our conversation has gone out of bounds. I say nothing is off the table if we stick to a discussion based on facts. SO If my facts are off - let me know why, 21OCT28-POST#492
And already you are suggesting our conversation has gone out of bounds. I say nothing is off the table if we stick to a discussion based on facts. SO If my facts are off - let me know why,

Because OUR conversation IS going out of bounds. I initially asked some questions about this committee, which you never did answer. You then started asking a lot of other questions that began to pull us away from the questions I asked, and now we are at a point where we are debating what happened in jan6 and the mindset of trump during that time.

Again, my questions were:

Do you believe the democrats are capable of being completely objective and unbiased?

Do you believe that if the evidence takes them to a place that shows Trump and company to not be guilty that they will admit they are wrong, and would they publicly attest to that fact?

Do you believe they are actually trying to find the truth, or are they just trying to navigate a way to make their presuppositions fit to their desired outcome?

Those were the questions I asked, that we ended up getting away from.
Because OUR conversation IS going out of bounds. I initially asked some questions about this committee, which you never did answer. You then started asking a lot of other questions that began to pull us away from the questions I asked, and now we are at a point where we are debating what happened in jan6 and the mindset of trump during that time.

Again, my questions were:

Do you believe the democrats are capable of being completely objective and unbiased?

Do you believe that if the evidence takes them to a place that shows Trump and company to not be guilty that they will admit they are wrong, and would they publicly attest to that fact?

Do you believe they are actually trying to find the truth, or are they just trying to navigate a way to make their presuppositions fit to their desired outcome?

Those were the questions I asked, that we ended up getting away from.
The answers to all those questions are obvious, ThisIsMe! This is not a committee that was assembled to be objective and unbiased. Nancy Pelosi made sure of that by determining who would be sat and who wouldn't. Her action...refusing to seat the Republicans that the GOP leader named on the basis that THEY were biased towards Trump...becomes laughable considering the Democrats that now sit on that board! Does anyone here really think Adam Schiff isn't biased?

She doesnt really provide a silver bullet in this statement but it really does look like that is the case. Bannon has an obligation to Trump and it is the logical conclusion.
I think that it might be alike that scene in A Few Good Men where Trump would want to scream at America.

"You cant handle the truth. SAD",

On a positive note it does appear that Liz and her friends have bollocks big enough to deal with this.

ZOMG! I bet Trump claimed a deduction for funding the Insurrection on his 2020 taxes!!!

You got him this time!
Here's the problem with a "guilty" verdict coming from this commission, ThisIsMe! Since it's completely stacked with people that hate Trump, will anyone take what it says seriously? Why would they?
I see this going down like this. The committee will keep alleging things...usually from anonymous sources...right up to the midterms in an attempt to give the liberal media SOMETHING to talk about other than how bad the border much it costs to fill up your vehicle or your home heating empty shelves are as an unprecedented shipping bottleneck drags on...or how FUBARED the Middle East is once again becoming!
Once the election has come and gone this whole thing blows away like a fart in the wind! Why? Because there is no THERE...there! It was a protest that got out of hand. One that never should have been allowed to get out of hand! It was never an "insurrection"! That's always been hyperbole. Congress was back in session less than 24 hours after the protest. Our "Democracy" was never in danger of being lost forever!
I agree, the FBI already concluded that there was no coordination between Trump and the protesters not between the protesters themselves. It was a riot that got out of hand.

Now, that is not to say there wasnt some planning involved, at least on an individual level. The people who erected that gallows (wasn't it actually very small by the way? I mean ridiculously small, that it could never be actually used?), but the people who did that have to had planned it in order to have the materials on hand to build it. Also the zip tie guy. So there was obviously SOME planning.

To win me over, in supporting a conviction on Trump and company, they are going to have to show where all that connects to Trump, other than just rhetoric. To think a sitting president, in broad daylight, for the world to see, would organize a coup, where a small group of people, one or two of whom were armed with flagpoles they picked up while inside the capitol, would be able to take over the capitol, stop the election process and set Trump up as a dictator, and then they would be able to hold the capitol, and that once that happened then everyone would be like "well, damn, I guess Trump is president again, there's nothing we can do, i guess we have to just accept it", that's a bit of a stretch to believe that, without actually planning it and giving the order, that through subliminal means and some rhetoric, the crowd took all that and interpreted it to mean "Trump just told us to attack the capitol". That's a stretch.

Now, do I think Trump, when he saw what was going on should have immediately been on social media and on TV telling them to stop, yep, that should have happened. Is it possible that there were people who heard Trump saying the election was stolen, and through the rhetoric they became enraged and decided to take action? Yep, that probably happened, but to take that and say that Trump organized and planned all of it and to convict him for it, that's going to take some hard evidence.

If the dems provide that hard evidence, then I will stand with them, because wrong is wrong, no matter who does it, but, "he spread "the big lie" and talked some rhetoric so therefore he is to blame for those people attacking the capitol", that isn't going to be enough.
ThisIsMe wrote: …. and now we are at a point where we are debating what happened in jan6 and the mindset of trump during that time. 21OCT29-POST#502

NFBW wrote: Do you agree that the Select Committee that Republican Liz Cheney sits on is gathering and examining facts and finding answers about what happened on jan6 driven by the massive misunderstanding that DJT and his legal and political team and his violent and non-violent supporters had that the election was stolen so they had to steal it back in order to save America from destruction by 81 million Americans who voted for Biden? …. or are they working on some other topic? 21OCT29-POST#506
ThisIsMe wrote: …. and now we are at a point where we are debating what happened in jan6 and the mindset of trump during that time. 21OCT29-POST#502

NFBW wrote: Do you agree that the Select Committee that Republican Liz Cheney sits on is gathering and examining facts and finding answers about what happened on jan6 driven by the massive misunderstanding that DJT and his legal and political team and his violent and non-violent supporters had that the election was stolen so they had to steal it back in order to save America from destruction by 81 million Americans who voted for Biden? …. or are they working on some other topic? 21OCT29-POST#506
Tell you what, you answer my questions first, then I'll answer yours.
Tell you what, you answer my questions first, then I'll answer yours.

ThisIsMe wrote: Do you believe the democrats are capable of being completely objective and unbiased? 21OCT27-POST#423

NFBW wrote: I am exceedingly convinced that facts do not allow or condone bias and when laid bare they are the most objective source of information available to all of us. Why are you bothering with redundant questions? 21OCT27-POST#425

ThisIsMe wrote: Facts are only credible if they are presented in context. 21OCT27-POST#451

NFBW wrote: What do you, ThisIsMe , think of these facts and timeline. Are you impressed with DJT’s conduct as POTUS when his VP and Members of Congress, their staff and Police Officers were attacked by the mob that DJT helped incite? 21OCT27-POST#427

ThisIsMe wrote: Generally, no. I was never a fan of trump. 21OCT27-POST#464

NFBW wrote: In your reply ThisIsMe ( 21OCT27-POST#451 ) “Facts are only credible if they are presented in context.” which I agree with the exception that it’s “only” when they are presented in context. The EASTMAN MEMO is now s fact - it exists - was it written and not used or was it used in an actual attempt to overturn the election that DJT lost but “misunderstood” that FACT perhaps out of his strong personal bias and lack of objectivity against the reality that he lost. - - - The members on the select committee did nothing wrong to be there. So why do you wish to discuss their potential bias instead of discussing the bias of DJT who enticed who caused a white supremacist wreck of a human being to travel from California to DC to attempt to assist DJT and hiscmassive misunderstanding cancel Joe Biden from being sworn in on January 20? 21OCT29-POST#508

- - - On Jan. 6 Matthew Thomas Purse, a 45-year-old Navy veteran from Irvine, California, arrived at the Capitol with a red patch reading “DON’T SHOOT — PRESS” sewed to the back of his black tactical vest. He said this on a bullhorn once the Capitol was breached.. 21OCT29-POST#508

“”” “First of all, mission accomplished, Patriots,” Purse said to scattered cheers from the right-wing mob that had just stormed, vandalized and looted the building, disrupting a joint session of Congress, according to a video reviewed by HuffPost. “History has been made here today. Simultaneously you broke in through the front and through the rear! They could not stop you! You occupied the building! You caused them to stop what they were doing! They had to evacuate! They couldn’t complete their session! Mission accomplished! Excellent!” 21JAN06-mtPURSE-white supremacist mission accomplished
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ThisIsMe wrote: Do you believe that if the evidence takes them to a place that shows Trump and company to not be guilty that they will admit they are wrong, and would they publicly attest to that fact? 21OCT29-POST#502

NFBW wrote: What would they be wrong about? How on earth is gathering every single fact and witness possible about a violent attack on the US Capitol during
A political attempt to overturn the presidential election by the sore loser man and sore loser supporters who lost? 21OCT29-POST#509

So, there were at least 15 states that signed on to it, including the district of Columbia. The idea being that, regardless of how the citizens of those states voted, those states would award their electoral votes to whomever won the national popular vote. When all of that was happening, many dems defended it and supported it.

I bring it up because it is an example of where the will of the people would have been subverted. Regardless of how the state actually voted, they would send the electors based on the national popular vote. It would have been very similar to what pence would have done if he would have done what he's being accused of. That is ignoring the will of the voters, and sending the election back to the states, and having them submit an alternate set of electors.

BOTH scenarios are wrong, but when it could have benefitted the dems, they cheered and supported it.
It would not at all have been similar to Pence doing that. It's one thing for a state to send in a slate of electors which doesn't reflect the will of the people... it's an entirely different animal for the vice president to unilaterally decide which electors to count. All the Constitution states is, "The President of the Senate shall, in the Presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the Certificates, and the Votes shall then be counted." It doesn't say "the Votes shall not be counted."

If it did, and if Biden/Harris were to run again, then in 2025 when the Congress meets to certify the 2024 election, Biden/Harris could lose every state but Hawaii and Harris would be allowed to reject every states' electors but Hawaii and keep her job.
ThisIsMe wrote: It was a riot that got out of hand. 21OCT29-POST#505

NFBW wrote: Are there riots that do not get out of hand? Did you mean there are peaceful protests that get out of hand? For example Has a peaceful protest over a social justice matter gotten out of hand resulting in rioting and looting but is not to be blamed on the organizers or the protesters who remained peaceful? 21OCT29-POST#511
Here's the problem with a "guilty" verdict coming from this commission, ThisIsMe! Since it's completely stacked with people that hate Trump, will anyone take what it says seriously? Why would they?
I see this going down like this. The committee will keep alleging things...usually from anonymous sources...right up to the midterms in an attempt to give the liberal media SOMETHING to talk about other than how bad the border much it costs to fill up your vehicle or your home heating empty shelves are as an unprecedented shipping bottleneck drags on...or how FUBARED the Middle East is once again becoming!
Once the election has come and gone this whole thing blows away like a fart in the wind! Why? Because there is no THERE...there! It was a protest that got out of hand. One that never should have been allowed to get out of hand! It was never an "insurrection"! That's always been hyperbole. Congress was back in session less than 24 hours after the protest. Our "Democracy" was never in danger of being lost forever!
So they'll pull a "Benghazi" then, huh?
ThisIsMe wrote: Do you believe that if the evidence takes them to a place that shows Trump and company to not be guilty that they will admit they are wrong, and would they publicly attest to that fact? 21OCT29-POST#502

NFBW wrote: What would they be wrong about? How on earth is gathering every single fact and witness possible about a violent attack on the US Capitol during
A political attempt to overturn the presidential election by the sore loser man and sore loser supporters who lost? 21OCT29-POST#509
They're accusing a US President of conspiring to commit an "insurrection" and they're doing so with little to no proof of that actually happening! The FBI investigated the protest that turned into a riot and found that there was little to no evidence of planning to breach the Capital before hand. You can tell that's the case because the protesters didn't really know what to do once they got inside of the building. They milled around...took selfies...took souvenirs. This wasn't some violent mob intent on murder as they've been portrayed by liberal hyperbole! This was a group of protesters that went too far...ended up inside of the Capital and then didn't know what to do.
Carefully planned to do what exactly? Pose for pictures with Nancy Pelosi's lecturn? How do you carefully plan what took place that day? What did the protesters gain from getting into the Capital? With all due respect, Share...the FBI found almost no planning to breach the Capital taking place before the protests that day. It appears to be something that was spontaneous when the protesters saw how unprepared the Capital Police were for that number of people. You've got a bunch of people milling around Capital offices taking selfies. That's not some organized group with a plan to take down the US government...that some people that ended up inside of the Capital and didn't know what to do next!
We know some extremist groups had plans for that day.
Because OUR conversation IS going out of bounds. I initially asked some questions about this committee, which you never did answer. You then started asking a lot of other questions that began to pull us away from the questions I asked, and now we are at a point where we are debating what happened in jan6 and the mindset of trump during that time.

Again, my questions were:

Do you believe the democrats are capable of being completely objective and unbiased?

Do you believe that if the evidence takes them to a place that shows Trump and company to not be guilty that they will admit they are wrong, and would they publicly attest to that fact?

Do you believe they are actually trying to find the truth, or are they just trying to navigate a way to make their presuppositions fit to their desired outcome?

Those were the questions I asked, that we ended up getting away from.

Not is not here to discuss anything seriously. His primary goal is to have an excuse to spam a number of divisive talking points, primarily to smear White Christians, and Trump supporters.
Then show me what the "plan" was for once they were inside and explain how that dastardly plan was somehow thwarted by the Capital Police! (eye roll)
If it did, and if Biden/Harris were to run again, then in 2025 when the Congress meets to certify the 2024 election, Biden/Harris could lose every state but Hawaii and Harris would be allowed to reject every states' electors but Hawaii and keep her job

Thanks, I don’t always have time to respond to ThisIsMe ‘s post filler.
Then show me what the "plan" was for once they were inside and explain how that dastardly plan was somehow thwarted by the Capital Police! (eye roll)

It was thwarted when Babbitt took a bullet while trying to break into the same room as the targets of her attack. And then after four hours DJT finally Tweets to the mob that he loves them and calls off the attack.
ThisIsMe wrote: Because OUR conversation IS going out of bounds. I initially asked some questions about this committee, which you never did answer. 21OCT29-POST#502

NFBW wrote: I see Correll has decided that you need his biased and highly partisan advice. I wonder why? 21OCT29-POST#520

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