Liz Cheney: Those conservatives who led the charge not to certify the election should be disqualified from running for President.

How dare she demand they elect Americans who support the Constitution, the integrity of our elections and rule of law.
The Constitution allows for the citizens to fight for our country against a corrupt election. The "rule of law" buullshit is funny stuff. I think Nazi Germany used that line.
Yep. NAZI Germany had laws that allowed them to put Jews in gas ovens.

Nah, Like Trumpybear the Nazis were very good at hiding their conspiracies. They left no written records or orders, just a wink and a nod.
Wrong. They had trials that sent Jews to concentration camps.

You're an ignoramus.

They had laws to deprive them of their German citizenship, laws to move them to Ghettos, laws to deport them to the camps, but not to exterminate them. If those orders were ever written down, they never surfaced after the war.
You quibbling about minutia. My point stands.

The used the rule of force to make sure no one knew they were exterminating the Jews. They weren't stupid enough to leave a paper trail.
They used courts to send Jews to concentration camps where they were put into gas ovens.

You're quibbling about minutia that doesn't make a bit of difference.

You said they passed a law allowing them to do it That would mean all the German citizens knew their Government was exterminating the Jews. That is revisionist history.
Liz's skewed view of politics gives some insight into the mind of a RINO. She doesn't say that republicans should be cautious or reluctant to nominate candidates who "led the charge". She would prevent people who have opposing political views from running (against her?) . That makes her a freaking fascist.
Wyoming conservatives hold people responsible for making those who raise taxes on gramma and grampa never to have another nice day in their lying cheating and miserable lives. :lmao:
This is exactly what Ms. Cheney said

“I think we have a huge number of interesting candidates, but I think that we’re going to be in a good position to be able to take the White House. I do think that some of our candidates who led the charge, particularly the senators who led the unconstitutional charge, not to certify the election, you know, in my view that’s disqualifying,” she said.

I agree very little with what Liz Cheney has to say, but she is right here. If you lead an insurrection against the nation or incite a mob to attack our capitol you should be disqualified from running for the presidency. Actually, sedition should be disqualifying for running for any public office.

As far as Cheney running for president, I doubt that she will, but if she does, it will be the last hurrah for the party of Reagan.
FUCK "Lez" Cheney
This is exactly what Ms. Cheney said

“I think we have a huge number of interesting candidates, but I think that we’re going to be in a good position to be able to take the White House. I do think that some of our candidates who led the charge, particularly the senators who led the unconstitutional charge, not to certify the election, you know, in my view that’s disqualifying,” she said.

I agree very little with what Liz Cheney has to say, but she is right here. If you lead an insurrection against the nation or incite a mob to attack our capitol you should be disqualified from running for the presidency. Actually, sedition should be disqualifying for running for any public office.

As far as Cheney running for president, I doubt that she will, but if she does, it will be the last hurrah for the party of Reagan.
Trump didn't incite or lead an insurrection on the Capitol Building. His speech on January 6th, was peaceful and when he told his followers to go to the Capitol, he stressed that they "walk towards the Capitol and in a "peaceful" manner, let their voices be heard. He told NO ONE to break into the Capitol, only be peaceful. As for those that did break in, they were there before Trump was finished with his speech and the massive numbers of Trump followers, remained OUTSIDE the Capitol, not trying to get in. In short, they followed his recommendations and causing no problems.
President Trump had his shortcomings:
1. No presidential demeanor.
2. A New Yorker's grasp of the English language.
3. No filter on his Twitter entries.
His positives:
1. He actually believes in the U.S. Constitution, including its Amendments (as opposed to our current Marxist sycophant).
2. Believes in helping your own citizens before other nations.
3. Believes in strong borders and border control (as opposed to our current George Soros puppet).
4. Believes in fair and equitable trade deals between nations, instead of deals favoring the foreign nations.
5. Believes that NATO should pay its actual agreed upon financial contributions to NATO's defense.
6. Believes that ANYONE wanting to come into our nation, should be "vetted" to rule out criminals fleeing prosecution in their home nation or, criminals that we threw out, trying to get back in or, drug-cartel members or, sex/human traffickers.
This is exactly what Ms. Cheney said

“I think we have a huge number of interesting candidates, but I think that we’re going to be in a good position to be able to take the White House. I do think that some of our candidates who led the charge, particularly the senators who led the unconstitutional charge, not to certify the election, you know, in my view that’s disqualifying,” she said.

I agree very little with what Liz Cheney has to say, but she is right here. If you lead an insurrection against the nation or incite a mob to attack our capitol you should be disqualified from running for the presidency. Actually, sedition should be disqualifying for running for any public office.

As far as Cheney running for president, I doubt that she will, but if she does, it will be the last hurrah for the party of Reagan.
I agree with her, but she doesn't go nearly far enough. Those people violated their oaths to the constitution and are now ineligible to serve in congress in any form.
It is amazing how peoples views change to fit their political direction. Her father was bludgeoned by Progressive politicians and the Prog controlled media/entertainer complex. Repub voters over the years have had enough of the people we elected disappointing us. Hence Trump ended up being the 2016 Repub candidate. The same old same old keep being pushed to us by the Republican establishment. And they even know we want different people to run. That Jan. 6 really scares you doesn't it? If they had targets in mind and carried it out it would have meant something. If they are not Prog agents, then they deserve the backing of Repub voters.
Agreeing with her on one point doesn't mean I've changed my whole view of her.
This is exactly what Ms. Cheney said

“I think we have a huge number of interesting candidates, but I think that we’re going to be in a good position to be able to take the White House. I do think that some of our candidates who led the charge, particularly the senators who led the unconstitutional charge, not to certify the election, you know, in my view that’s disqualifying,” she said.

I agree very little with what Liz Cheney has to say, but she is right here. If you lead an insurrection against the nation or incite a mob to attack our capitol you should be disqualified from running for the presidency. Actually, sedition should be disqualifying for running for any public office.

As far as Cheney running for president, I doubt that she will, but if she does, it will be the last hurrah for the party of Reagan.
I agree with her, but she doesn't go nearly far enough. Those people violated their oaths to the constitution and are now ineligible to serve in congress in any form.

Banning political opponents.....

Nope. I didn't ban them. They disqualified themselves.
This is exactly what Ms. Cheney said

“I think we have a huge number of interesting candidates, but I think that we’re going to be in a good position to be able to take the White House. I do think that some of our candidates who led the charge, particularly the senators who led the unconstitutional charge, not to certify the election, you know, in my view that’s disqualifying,” she said.

I agree very little with what Liz Cheney has to say, but she is right here. If you lead an insurrection against the nation or incite a mob to attack our capitol you should be disqualified from running for the presidency. Actually, sedition should be disqualifying for running for any public office.

As far as Cheney running for president, I doubt that she will, but if she does, it will be the last hurrah for the party of Reagan.

No. I hope she does run. She is going to lose.....................big time. I shall laugh. And laugh. And laugh.
This is exactly what Ms. Cheney said

“I think we have a huge number of interesting candidates, but I think that we’re going to be in a good position to be able to take the White House. I do think that some of our candidates who led the charge, particularly the senators who led the unconstitutional charge, not to certify the election, you know, in my view that’s disqualifying,” she said.

I agree very little with what Liz Cheney has to say, but she is right here. If you lead an insurrection against the nation or incite a mob to attack our capitol you should be disqualified from running for the presidency. Actually, sedition should be disqualifying for running for any public office.

As far as Cheney running for president, I doubt that she will, but if she does, it will be the last hurrah for the party of Reagan.
I agree with her, but she doesn't go nearly far enough. Those people violated their oaths to the constitution and are now ineligible to serve in congress in any form.
Funny, did you say the same for all the Democrats that objected to the electoral votes in 2016?

Of course you didn’t.
They didn't stage an insurrection.

False equivalency is still false. I just checked.
The Cheney family is the ultimate proof of who as a "republican" participated in the steal.

It is 100 percent about

1. Shutting off any investigation into 911

2. A fresh new us war with Iran, described by the Atlanta Jewish times 10 years ago as a traitor who would, as president,

"Forcefully dictate us foreign policy to help the Jewish state obliterate its enemies"

If we, the American people, allow the steal to stand, we will watch our heroes in uniform completely sold out yet again to go fight and die for the cause of greater israel
How dare she demand they elect Americans who support the Constitution, the integrity of our elections and rule of law.
The Constitution allows for the citizens to fight for our country against a corrupt election. The "rule of law" buullshit is funny stuff. I think Nazi Germany used that line.
Yep. NAZI Germany had laws that allowed them to put Jews in gas ovens.

Nah, Like Trumpybear the Nazis were very good at hiding their conspiracies. They left no written records or orders, just a wink and a nod.
Wrong. They had trials that sent Jews to concentration camps.

You're an ignoramus.

They had laws to deprive them of their German citizenship, laws to move them to Ghettos, laws to deport them to the camps, but not to exterminate them. If those orders were ever written down, they never surfaced after the war.
You quibbling about minutia. My point stands.

The used the rule of force to make sure no one knew they were exterminating the Jews. They weren't stupid enough to leave a paper trail.
They used courts to send Jews to concentration camps where they were put into gas ovens.

You're quibbling about minutia that doesn't make a bit of difference.

You said they passed a law allowing them to do it That would mean all the German citizens knew their Government was exterminating the Jews. That is revisionist history.
No it wouldn't. Do all Americans know what a swindle this election was?
She's as worthless as most R's in the house and senate.

Do you have any REAL or substantive criticisms of Cheney or are you just parroting the Trump Cult line, as always????
She voted to impeach Trump. That's all the criticism needed to kick her ass out of office.

Trump has never won a single election. What convinces you he won the 2020 election, other than wishful thinking?
He won 2016, moron.

No he didn’t fool. He won the electoral college not the election. He lost the election by 3 million votes.

This is the part you fools keep forgetting. Donald Trump has never won an election. He didn’t even win the Republican nomination.

He accumulated enough delegates with 15% of the vote in “winner take all” Primaries with 17 candidates in the clown car. 85% of Republicans voted for someone else.
He won the electoral college not the election.

What a dumbass. :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
That is the election.

No it's not. The election is when the people vote. The electoral college is where the politicians override the will of the People. This has only happened 3 times in the history of the Republic, and on all three occasions, the President installed by the politicians was one of the worst Presidents in history.

When 5 "swing states" control the outcome of the Presidential election year after year, your "democratic republic" is in a precarious position. Since the year 2000, Republicans have controlled the government through a combination of lying, cheating and stealing power from Democrats.

White House: Republicans have won one election since the year 1988. W squeaked out a win in 2004. Twice the Electoral College has over ridden the popular vote with disastrous results.

Democrats have won the popular vote for the House in every election since 2006, and yet Republicans have held the House in all but 6 of those 14 years due to gerry mandering and voter suppression.
Link to these charges of violence? Bring "a lot".
"Violent entry" is the only mention of violence I see. :laughing0301:

You only googled "Breach Cases". My gawd but you're slow. Try Capital "insurrection" cases, fool.

I you think I'll lose patience and find it for you, think again. You can do this.
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14th Amendment

3. No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof...
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This is exactly what Ms. Cheney said

“I think we have a huge number of interesting candidates, but I think that we’re going to be in a good position to be able to take the White House. I do think that some of our candidates who led the charge, particularly the senators who led the unconstitutional charge, not to certify the election, you know, in my view that’s disqualifying,” she said.

I agree very little with what Liz Cheney has to say, but she is right here. If you lead an insurrection against the nation or incite a mob to attack our capitol you should be disqualified from running for the presidency. Actually, sedition should be disqualifying for running for any public office.

As far as Cheney running for president, I doubt that she will, but if she does, it will be the last hurrah for the party of Reagan.
Way to go Liz.

Possibly the only time I'll ever agree with her
This is exactly what Ms. Cheney said

“I think we have a huge number of interesting candidates, but I think that we’re going to be in a good position to be able to take the White House. I do think that some of our candidates who led the charge, particularly the senators who led the unconstitutional charge, not to certify the election, you know, in my view that’s disqualifying,” she said.

I agree very little with what Liz Cheney has to say, but she is right here. If you lead an insurrection against the nation or incite a mob to attack our capitol you should be disqualified from running for the presidency. Actually, sedition should be disqualifying for running for any public office.

As far as Cheney running for president, I doubt that she will, but if she does, it will be the last hurrah for the party of Reagan.

I'm certain you would vote for Liz Cheney.

Obama followed the Constitution and the political norms of a faithful and non violent transfer of power. Trump didn't and his NEO-GOP support his unconstitutional efforts to halt the transfer of power to the then President Elect.
Does that include Hussein's last day in office when he demanded his staff impeach and harass Trump for the rest of his life? That doesn't sound anywhere near the spirit of the Constitution that the Founders of American liberties gave this splendid land.
Filing this thread under Don't Give A Damn.
Cheney's opinions are irrelevant and the answer to a question (What does Liz Cheney think?) no one has ever
asked themselves.
Only a fool would think her opinion mattes.
Liz Cheney was in school with my son's graduating class. Unfortunately her parents sent her back east long before she graduated. It is obvious she was somewhat taken in by truly leftist demagogues for her to cut off one of the best conservative presidents since Ike was leader of the free world. I'm done with Cheney and her Rino TDS. Too bad because both of her parents were top drawer achievers.
This is exactly what Ms. Cheney said

“I think we have a huge number of interesting candidates, but I think that we’re going to be in a good position to be able to take the White House. I do think that some of our candidates who led the charge, particularly the senators who led the unconstitutional charge, not to certify the election, you know, in my view that’s disqualifying,” she said.

I agree very little with what Liz Cheney has to say, but she is right here. If you lead an insurrection against the nation or incite a mob to attack our capitol you should be disqualified from running for the presidency. Actually, sedition should be disqualifying for running for any public office.

As far as Cheney running for president, I doubt that she will, but if she does, it will be the last hurrah for the party of Reagan.
Nobody gives a shit what her "view" is beyond single digit IQ Dimwingers like you.
Lol..given how many posts you have made in this thread obviously you do give a shit.

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