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Liz Warren


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2011
Opposing Authoritarian Ideological Fundamentalism.

I'm just tellin' ya...

More and more Dems are going after Liz Warren to run, and now some big donors are beginning to push.

Regardless of where she stands on any issue, her communication skills are so clear and so consistent and so strong that she is light years ahead of any Republican in the critical area of messaging. Hundreds of light years.

Just sayin'...

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Just say no to Hillary and elect Warren. Works for me. A populist is exactly what we need.
She's the female Obama, a shady past, a pathological lair, a deep hatred of America and a longing and loving for a Marxist Dictatorship in the USA. The one main difference between the two is that Liz is certifiable, you have to go to Biden to find someone in the Obama orbit that is truly that crazy.

Have you seen her high cheekbones? They have "I'm a pathological liar who was a lonely and sad housewife, going nowhere in life until I invented an Indian ancestry" written all over them!

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And the character assassination begins, how did conservatives come to see concern for the plight of working people as such a horrible threat?
I'd like to see her run. She is not afraid to rattle cages and brings out refreshing views of our society

The 1% fear her so as a result, Republicans hate her
And the character assassination begins, how did conservatives come to see concern for the plight of working people as such a horrible threat?

You have to consider the source. This board has some of the most stupid Republican fans I have ever encountered. I mean fucking stupid. Like Frank.

Their hatred of Obama has caused them to become deranged. Fortunately there are a relatively small number of them. And they can't seem to get anyone elected President.

Hell the last time they "won" the WH, they had to get the Supreme Court to give it to them. What's that tell ya?
Two times they had to defeat the community organizer. And couldn't get it done. What's that tell ya?

Character assassination is all they've got.
LOL. Warren is no better than Hillary. Just another woman who doesn't know her place and who has consistently lied to advance her career.

I'm just tellin' ya...

More and more Dems are going after Liz Warren to run, and now some big donors are beginning to push.

Regardless of where she stands on any issue, her communication skills are so clear and so consistent and so strong that she is light years ahead of any Republican in the critical area of messaging. Hundreds of light years.

Just sayin'...


What is your fascination on "Messaging"? It isn't the message that's the problem, it's the policy.

frankly, I like what she has to say because it makes sense. What we are currently doing in terms of income inequality is unsustainable. It's not because of how she "messages" it.

I also think that she probably won't run. If anything, the Democrats will try to move more to the center after last week's election. Even though populist referendums on mimimum wage and gun control won, they will take it that they are too far to the left, not that they just ran awful candidates.
And the character assassination begins, how did conservatives come to see concern for the plight of working people as such a horrible threat?

Let's see what a real Cherokee has to say about Liz Warren's claim, shall we?

"Elizabeth Warren is hurt and angry over the media coverage of her false claim of Cherokee ancestry. That would be funny if it weren't so pitiful. All she had to do was investigate, tell the truth, and the issue would have gone away. She could have used her new book to acknowledge the truth and apologize for her blatant disrespect of minorities, but instead, she's continued to perpetuate the lie and attempted to portray herself as a victim.
“What really threw me, though, were the constant attacks from the other side,” she writes about the 2012 Senate campaign. “I would almost persuade myself that I was starting to get the hang of full-throttle campaigning and then — bam! Out of left field, the state Republican Party, or the Brown campaign, or some blogger, would launch a rocket at me.”Doing the research, finding the facts and sharing the truth about someone is not an attack. If people were launching rockets, it is because Warren gave them a big target. Research was done to determine if she had Cherokee ancestry. She didn't have any. That is not an opinion. It is a sound conclusion based on a preponderance of evidence found in historical documents. No one had any control over the lies told except Elizabeth Warren. She had control over it when she opened her mouth and told the story. She also had control when she repeatedly defended her story, despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary. If Elizabeth Warren was a victim, she was only a victim of her own arrogance and dishonesty. If she felt hurt and angry over what happened, she has no one to blame but herself. She could have, should have, just told the truth. She chose not to do that. I don't feel sorry for her."

Read more: Thoughts from Polly s Granddaughter Elizabeth Warren

I think the GOP makes fun of her at their own risk.

The democrats will fall into the same trap if she runs and becomes a threat to Hillary.

I'm not very good at this stuff, but I get the distinct impression there is far more excitement about Liz than Hillary in the party, no?


Hell yea people will get more excited about Warren. She's a populist. Hillary is a plutocrat.

Why would people want to be subjected to all the bullshit the Republican will bring down on Hillary in the event she was elected. We'd have more Jodie Foster, more land deals, more on blow jobs and Bill would be in the background.

No thanks.
What is your fascination on "Messaging"?

I think that many people understand that how a message is delivered plays a critical role in its effectiveness.

If you don't, you don't, okay.


Well, you might have a point. The GOP won because in spending Billions to win a couple senate seats, they had the good sense to not talk about abortion, or gays, or working people deserving to die if they can't afford health coverage. You know, all the crazy shit you all said in 2012 and wonder why you lost.

But at the end of the day, it's not the messaging that's the problem, it's the policy. Liz Warren strikes a nerve because a lot of what she says is actually right, and she's the only politician not afraid to say it.
Hell yea people will get more excited about Warren. She's a populist. Hillary is a plutocrat.

Why would people want to be subjected to all the bullshit the Republican will bring down on Hillary in the event she was elected. We'd have more Jodie Foster, more land deals, more on blow jobs and Bill would be in the background.

No thanks.

You know, Zeke, I love ya, man, but a lot of Democrats went into that kind of thinking in 2008, which is part of the reason why Obama won. Truly, they won't go batshit on this nice, articulate black guy.

But the Republicans went batshit on him anyway. And he really didn't have the experience to play the game in Washington.

I personally agree with Warren more than Hillary on economic issues, but I know that Hillary would be more ready to actually run the Country come January 2017. Liz is a great person, but she's too much of an idealist to play the sleazy game.

The Democrats will PROBABLY be able to retake the senate when all the crazy teabaggers get washed out in 2016, but retaking the house will be impossible.
Are you making a threat on Liz Warrens life? Should you be reported as dangerous to Liz Warren?

Luz Warren doesn't have a life. She has an existence where she wishes she were a man instead of a woman.

When the Government leaves it's core values behind ANY member of the Government becomes a legitimate target for the people.

I am not directly threatening Liz. I'm simply reminding people that assassination is a legitimate means to affecting Government change as we've seen n this nation previously with Mr Lincoln and Mr. Kennedy.

Trust me, I'm certain the Secret Service and FBI already have files on me.
Warren is an elitist wacko who thinks people are too stupid to do anything without government help.

No wonder you idiots like her
She is the originator of the line...
To business owners...You think you built that?
She said it first Obama used it and made it famous.
She is big government,bigger government,biggest government...

And she scares me?
Why? because the low information voter will fall all over themselves to vote for her because they
see everyone else falling in love with her.

She is anti business, for big government because government knows what's best for people...

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