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Liz Warren

So you believe native Americans were not American? You need to take a giant step into the future, stop living in the past.

No they were nit. They were members of a variety of tribes and nations that refused to band together to push the Europeans back into the sea. Once they lost they should have been forced to Americanize, leave, or be executed.

I'm just tellin' ya...

More and more Dems are going after Liz Warren to run, and now some big donors are beginning to push.

Regardless of where she stands on any issue, her communication skills are so clear and so consistent and so strong that she is light years ahead of any Republican in the critical area of messaging. Hundreds of light years.

Just sayin'...


Do her supurb reasoning skills inlcude making false claims about her native American heritage? Not surprised that you think lying about such a think makes her better.
So, you'll forgive anything as long as you agree with her specious motives
There's nothing to forgive. I believe Repubs are simply smearing her like they tried to smear both Clintons, Obama, and any other Democrat that steps into the limelight.

Just take a look at any of the information a real Cherokee genealogist posted about Liz Warren's claims

"Elizabeth Warren Information

Elizabeth Warren is a candidate for the U.S. Senate from the state of Massachusetts. She claims she is of Cherokee descent. She has come under fire for possibly using that claim to give her career a boost at a time when Harvard Law was under pressure to hire more minority professors. We have done extensive research on her ancestry and on the stories she has told trying to back up her claim. There is absolutely no evidence to suggest she actually had a Cherokee or American Indian ancestor. Despite repeated requests for her to release her personnel records from the University of Pennsylvania and Harvard Law School, she refuses to do so

Read more: Thoughts from Polly s Granddaughter Elizabeth Warren Information
You guys always want Democrats to turn over personal records, remember those stupid birthers? I don't think Obama or her need to turn anything over to the Teaparty. Sorry.

Here is her response to your questions once again anyway:

When I was a little girl, I learned about my family's heritage the same way everyone else does -- from my parents and grandparents.

My mother, grandmother, and aunts were open about my family's Native American heritage, and I never had any reason to doubt them. What kid asks their grandparents for legal documentation to go along with their family stories? What kid asks their mother for proof in how she describes herself?

My heritage is a part of who I am -- and I am proud of it.

But that's not good enough for Scott Brown and the Republican Party. For several weeks now, they have orchestrated an attack against my family, my job qualifications, and my character. Earlier today, Scott Brown even questioned the honesty of my parents -- even though they are not fair game and are not here to defend themselves.

Scott Brown wants me to give up my family and forget where I came from. I'm not doing that -- not for politics and not for anything else. I'll hold on to every memory I can. My family is part of who I am, and they will be part of who I am until I die.

Despite evidence to the contrary, Scott Brown also claims I got special breaks because of my background. That's not true, and I need your help to fight back:

The people involved in recruiting and hiring me for my teaching jobs, including Harvard professor Charles Fried -- the solicitor-general under Ronald Reagan and a Scott Brown voter in 2010 -- have said unequivocally they were not aware of my heritage and that it played no role in my hiring.

I did not benefit from my heritage when applying to college or law school, and documents reporters have examined prove it.

I let people know about my Native American heritage in a national directory of law school personnel. At some point after they hired me, I also provided that information to the University of Pennsylvania and Harvard.

Elizabeth Warren Acknowledges Listing Herself As Native American To Harvard Penn

When I was a little boy my parents didn't tell me much of anything about my heritage. My mother came from Rio, so technically I should be considered "Hispanic"

When I was 13 my grandfather wanted to take me to Rome to become a Doctor, my parents said No. I found out relatively recently that my ancestors were prominent people in Rome and in Florence during the Renaissance. In 1500 some of the Florentine clan moved to a small town in Calabria and built and owned the largest home in the town.

It doesn't make a bit of difference in my life and I never used my absolute proper "Hispanic" heritage to further myself in any way.

Liz Fucking Warren, the fake Indian, what a piece of work.
We're gonna need you to provide some proof of all this...

Unlike Liz, I can provide all the proof I'd have to
And the character assassination begins, how did conservatives come to see concern for the plight of working people as such a horrible threat?

Spot on!!!

What character assassination? Warren lied. Flat out lied.

I take real issue with someone who gamed the system and blocked a true First Nations applicant so she could get ahead. Warren is disgusting to me.

And any true classical liberal would be just as appalled as I.

What did she lie about? I'm dying to know.

I'm just tellin' ya...

More and more Dems are going after Liz Warren to run, and now some big donors are beginning to push.

Regardless of where she stands on any issue, her communication skills are so clear and so consistent and so strong that she is light years ahead of any Republican in the critical area of messaging. Hundreds of light years.

Just sayin'...


Do her supurb reasoning skills inlcude making false claims about her native American heritage? Not surprised that you think lying about such a think makes her better.

ZOOM, my point goes right over your head.

And the character assassination begins, how did conservatives come to see concern for the plight of working people as such a horrible threat?

Spot on!!!

What character assassination? Warren lied. Flat out lied.

I take real issue with someone who gamed the system and blocked a true First Nations applicant so she could get ahead. Warren is disgusting to me.

And any true classical liberal would be just as appalled as I.

What did she lie about? I'm dying to know.

She lied about having any Cherokee ancestors, then she lied about using that information to further her career
And the character assassination begins, how did conservatives come to see concern for the plight of working people as such a horrible threat?

You have to consider the source. This board has some of the most stupid Republican fans I have ever encountered. I mean fucking stupid. Like Frank.

Their hatred of Obama has caused them to become deranged. Fortunately there are a relatively small number of them. And they can't seem to get anyone elected President.

Hell the last time they "won" the WH, they had to get the Supreme Court to give it to them. What's that tell ya?
Two times they had to defeat the community organizer. And couldn't get it done. What's that tell ya?

Character assassination is all they've got.

When Obama has no character there is no to assassinate.

Interesting how anyone that disagree with Obama is deranged in your opinion but you bend over, grab your ankles loves of his is perfectly normal. Which one do you like better. kissing his ass or

I'm just tellin' ya...

More and more Dems are going after Liz Warren to run, and now some big donors are beginning to push.

Regardless of where she stands on any issue, her communication skills are so clear and so consistent and so strong that she is light years ahead of any Republican in the critical area of messaging. Hundreds of light years.

Just sayin'...


Do her supurb reasoning skills inlcude making false claims about her native American heritage? Not surprised that you think lying about such a think makes her better.

ZOOM, my point goes right over your head.


I got your point. Plenty that don't care if she is a liar are willing to use their money to prove they don't care.

Since she is a liar, the only communication skills that matter is that. If you consider that skill hundreds of light years ahead, it says a lot about your character.
And the character assassination begins, how did conservatives come to see concern for the plight of working people as such a horrible threat?

Spot on!!!

What character assassination? Warren lied. Flat out lied.

I take real issue with someone who gamed the system and blocked a true First Nations applicant so she could get ahead. Warren is disgusting to me.

And any true classical liberal would be just as appalled as I.

What did she lie about? I'm dying to know.

She lied about having any Cherokee ancestors, then she lied about using that information to further her career

Oh I knew someone would bring up that petty bullshit. She's from Oklahoma, her parents told her she is part Indian, and she just may very well be. She believed them, and why wouldn't she?

She did not use it to further her career.

I know people here w/red hair and blue eyes on the Indian roll. Here's the Chief of the Cherokee Nation. You can't always tell by looks, and there's no evidence one way or another, to prove Elizabeth is lying.


More childish bullshit from RWers
And the character assassination begins, how did conservatives come to see concern for the plight of working people as such a horrible threat?

Spot on!!!

What character assassination? Warren lied. Flat out lied.

I take real issue with someone who gamed the system and blocked a true First Nations applicant so she could get ahead. Warren is disgusting to me.

And any true classical liberal would be just as appalled as I.

What did she lie about? I'm dying to know.

She lied about having any Cherokee ancestors, then she lied about using that information to further her career

Oh I knew someone would bring up that petty bullshit. She's from Oklahoma, her parents told her she is part Indian, and she just may very well be. She believed them, and why wouldn't she?

She did not use it to further her career.

I know people here w/red hair and blue eyes on the Indian roll. Here's the Chief of the Cherokee Nation. You can't always tell by looks, and there's no evidence one way or another, to prove Elizabeth is lying.


More childish bullshit from RWers

Moron. Liz Warren is a liar and a nut and she's absolutely NOT any part Cherokee

Elizabeth Warren Information

Elizabeth Warren is a candidate for the U.S. Senate from the state of Massachusetts. She claims she is of Cherokee descent. She has come under fire for possibly using that claim to give her career a boost at a time when Harvard Law was under pressure to hire more minority professors. We have done extensive research on her ancestry and on the stories she has told trying to back up her claim. There is absolutely no evidence to suggest she actually had a Cherokee or American Indian ancestor. Despite repeated requests for her to release her personnel records from the University of Pennsylvania and Harvard Law School, she refuses to do so.

Read more: Thoughts from Polly s Granddaughter Elizabeth Warren Information

Oh in answer to whatever stupid "point" you thought you'd' made

Spot on!!!

What character assassination? Warren lied. Flat out lied.

I take real issue with someone who gamed the system and blocked a true First Nations applicant so she could get ahead. Warren is disgusting to me.

And any true classical liberal would be just as appalled as I.

What did she lie about? I'm dying to know.

She lied about having any Cherokee ancestors, then she lied about using that information to further her career

Oh I knew someone would bring up that petty bullshit. She's from Oklahoma, her parents told her she is part Indian, and she just may very well be. She believed them, and why wouldn't she?

She did not use it to further her career.

I know people here w/red hair and blue eyes on the Indian roll. Here's the Chief of the Cherokee Nation. You can't always tell by looks, and there's no evidence one way or another, to prove Elizabeth is lying.


More childish bullshit from RWers

Moron. Liz Warren is a liar and a nut and she's absolutely NOT any part Cherokee

Elizabeth Warren Information

Elizabeth Warren is a candidate for the U.S. Senate from the state of Massachusetts. She claims she is of Cherokee descent. She has come under fire for possibly using that claim to give her career a boost at a time when Harvard Law was under pressure to hire more minority professors. We have done extensive research on her ancestry and on the stories she has told trying to back up her claim. There is absolutely no evidence to suggest she actually had a Cherokee or American Indian ancestor. Despite repeated requests for her to release her personnel records from the University of Pennsylvania and Harvard Law School, she refuses to do so.

Read more: Thoughts from Polly s Granddaughter Elizabeth Warren Information

Oh in answer to whatever stupid "point" you thought you'd' made

I don't give two shits about Polly's Granddaughter's blog.

The Herald has twice quoted Charles Fried, the head of the Harvard appointing committee that recommended Warren for her position in 1995, saying that the Democratic candidate’s heritage didn’t come up during the course of her hiring. “It simply played no role in the appointments process,” he said. “It was not mentioned and I didn’t mention it to the faculty.”

The Herald later quoted Fried, a former U.S. Solicitor General under President Ronald Reagan, saying, “I can state categorically that the subject of her Native American ancestry never once was mentioned.”

Did Elizabeth Warren check the Native American box when she lsquo applied rsquo to Harvard and Penn - The Washington Post
I'm not a conservative, Dullard. The world, even politics, doesn't come in only two flavors.

Ha,ha, so what flavor are you now? A re-constructed Republican now known as a Libertarian?:D
And it WAS proven that Warren lied about her ancestry. Here, let me help you out, moron. Can you now prove that Romney in fact, did cheat on his taxes? That way at least your comparison has a basis in discussion?

That is not proof. Just more circumstantial evidence, much like the evidence on Romney that right-wingers claim is not proof.
And you have the nerve to call me a hypocrite? :lmao:

You're the one dismissing the lies and fraud of Warren and deflecting to Romney. Talk about hypocritical...

Since you are not smart enough to know how to quote someone, it is questionable who you are talking to, but you nor anyone has actually proven that Warren was lying, and when you are able to prove that Romney wasn't lying about his taxes, then maybe you can be considered credible.....so far it is just tit-for-tat.

Also Romney still won t release his tax returns. SLTA

THE BOSTON GLOBE (June 7, 2002): Republican gubernatorial hopeful Mitt Romney contradicted his previous public statements yesterday, and said for the first time that he did not file Massachusetts income tax returns for 1999 and 2000 as a resident of this state.

We already know that Mitt Romney lied about his tax returns in 2002. The question is whether he is lying again now, and about what.

MADDOW: The last time [Romney and long-time adviser] Eric Fehrnstrom were up against a wall like this, and he said to trust him, it turned out he was not telling the truth. Do you think he’s telling the truth now? Do you trust him? Do you trust him enough to be comfortable with him as President of the United States?

Look, we know that Mitt Romney avoids contributing financially to this country by stowing money in the Cayman Islands and Switzerland. We know that Mitt Romney has somehow finagled his IRA so that he has more than $100 million there, while most of us stupid non-wealthy are limited to contributing just $6,000 a year, if we can even afford that. We do not know the extent to which Romney was involved in the Son of Boss criminal tax avoidance scheme —kudos to CNN for finally noticing this possibility, at least on the web!

We Already Know That Mitt Romney Lied About His Tax Returns polentical
What character assassination? Warren lied. Flat out lied.

I take real issue with someone who gamed the system and blocked a true First Nations applicant so she could get ahead. Warren is disgusting to me.

And any true classical liberal would be just as appalled as I.

What did she lie about? I'm dying to know.

She lied about having any Cherokee ancestors, then she lied about using that information to further her career

Oh I knew someone would bring up that petty bullshit. She's from Oklahoma, her parents told her she is part Indian, and she just may very well be. She believed them, and why wouldn't she?

She did not use it to further her career.

I know people here w/red hair and blue eyes on the Indian roll. Here's the Chief of the Cherokee Nation. You can't always tell by looks, and there's no evidence one way or another, to prove Elizabeth is lying.


More childish bullshit from RWers

Moron. Liz Warren is a liar and a nut and she's absolutely NOT any part Cherokee

Elizabeth Warren Information

Elizabeth Warren is a candidate for the U.S. Senate from the state of Massachusetts. She claims she is of Cherokee descent. She has come under fire for possibly using that claim to give her career a boost at a time when Harvard Law was under pressure to hire more minority professors. We have done extensive research on her ancestry and on the stories she has told trying to back up her claim. There is absolutely no evidence to suggest she actually had a Cherokee or American Indian ancestor. Despite repeated requests for her to release her personnel records from the University of Pennsylvania and Harvard Law School, she refuses to do so.

Read more: Thoughts from Polly s Granddaughter Elizabeth Warren Information

Oh in answer to whatever stupid "point" you thought you'd' made

I don't give two shits about Polly's Granddaughter's blog.

The Herald has twice quoted Charles Fried, the head of the Harvard appointing committee that recommended Warren for her position in 1995, saying that the Democratic candidate’s heritage didn’t come up during the course of her hiring. “It simply played no role in the appointments process,” he said. “It was not mentioned and I didn’t mention it to the faculty.”

The Herald later quoted Fried, a former U.S. Solicitor General under President Ronald Reagan, saying, “I can state categorically that the subject of her Native American ancestry never once was mentioned.”

Did Elizabeth Warren check the Native American box when she lsquo applied rsquo to Harvard and Penn - The Washington Post

Twila Barnes, Polly's granddaughter is a Cherokee genealogist, thoroughly investigated Liz Warren's claim and found it completely without merit.

Also Harvard billed out Lizzie Warren as "the Indian of the band"

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk
Elizabeth Warren is going to become the Explainer-in-Chief for the liberals and Democrats. She knows how to speak and get through to people, unlike stiff, detached Hillary who is so fucking afraid to make a strong statement about anything now, much less state she's running for POTUS. I have no respect for her incredibly veiled and contrived political moves lately. Warren will be able to get the Dems organized and proactive. I'll be sending her money, that's for sure.

Lizzy Warren is just a "pajamas for homeless" progressive liberal.


From post 214:

Elizabeth Ann Warren[2] (née Herring; born June 22, 1949[3]) is an American academic and politician, who is the senior United States Senator from Massachusetts and a member of the Democratic Party. She was previously a Harvard Law School professor specializing inbankruptcy law. Warren is an active consumer protection advocate whose work led to the conception and establishment of the U.S. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. She has written a number of academic and popular works, and is a frequent subject of media interviews regarding the American economy and personal finance.

In the wake of the 2008 financial crisis, Warren served as chair of the Congressional Oversight Panel created to oversee the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP). She later served as Assistant to the President and Special Advisor to the Secretary of the Treasury for the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau under President Barack Obama. In the late 2000s, she was recognized by publications such as the National Law Journal and the Time 100 as an increasingly influential public policy figure.

Yeah, she's just...

It would be interesting to have our first Native American Woman elected to the Presidency.

I'm just tellin' ya...

More and more Dems are going after Liz Warren to run, and now some big donors are beginning to push.

Regardless of where she stands on any issue, her communication skills are so clear and so consistent and so strong that she is light years ahead of any Republican in the critical area of messaging. Hundreds of light years.

Just sayin'...


Do her supurb reasoning skills inlcude making false claims about her native American heritage? Not surprised that you think lying about such a think makes her better.

To what "superb reasoning skills" did I refer?

Read what I actually wrote.

"Hi Boys and Girls, I'm Jimmy Carl Black, and I'm the Indian of the group" -- Jimmy Carl Black or Liz Warren at Harvard?
I'm stunned she won and all I have to say about her is bleeech!!!

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