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Liz Warren

I'd like to see her run. She is not afraid to rattle cages and brings out refreshing views of our society

The 1% fear her so as a result, Republicans hate her

She is the 1%. Nobody in her club fears her.

Very true...

But the difference is that Warren is trying to change rules that affect her, while the Republican 1% prefer to rant about the poor

She's paying lip service to those less fortunate than her while attacking political opponents. You'll note that she's not going after corrupt unions, corrupt government bureaucrats, nor corrupt recipients of food stamp money. Donors to her campaign are safe from her rhetoric.

Congressional Elections Massachusetts Senate Race 2012 Cycle OpenSecrets

She is following the money

To enact real change you need to go after those who control the most wealth


Dah! Dah!

Kill the Kulaks!

The Workers must control the means of production!!

What are you going on about? Labor already controls the means of production--their problem has to do with realization of profits.

There ARE no means of production that exclude labor.
Warren's top priorities are:

1) Tax the rich.

2) Tax the rich.

3) Tax the rich some more.

4) Clean up Wall Street.

5) Cheap student loans.

Notice that "Being a heap big Cherokee" is not on that list, dumbasses.

Tax the fuck out of the rich because they really didn't earn it so fuck em.
Find a way to give it to the poor who didn't earn it either but they will keep voting Democrat and it keeps people like me in power so it's a good thing.
You would have been more accurate if you just stopped at the word "Tax."
You should pay more attention. It is precisely because rubes don't pay attention that people like Obama and Warren win.
Riiiiiight. except that's NOT what happened with Liz the Nut. She was a sad, lonely nutburger looking for something to make her "Special" when she decided to lie about being an American Indian

No, she was just lying to get a job. Lots of people do it, but it does speak to her character (such as it is).
Please see post #138, it goes for you too.
You'd be so lucky to have anyone so intelligent and eloquent as Elizabeth Warren in your party.......

You might want to wait for her to strap on the dildo before you start sucking it so hard...

You're a nasty know-nothing who resorts to nastiness when you can't debate. So sorry that your party doesn't have anyone that can compare with Warren......maybe if you all didn't hate "education" so much you might learn something. Go back to your gutter where you belong.
See! It is so easy to predict what the right wingers will do to avoid real discussion.

You're so freakin jealous and just shows through your hateful comments. The real whackos are in your party, ala Bachmann, Cruz, etc., etc., You'd be so lucky to have anyone so intelligent and eloquent as Elizabeth Warren in your party......your fear is showing....you might want to go check your underwear.

Warren is certifiable. And how fucking dare she claim to be an American Indian when it's far more likely her ancestors murdered Cherokees.

She needed attention so she lied about her heritage. She's a nut, but an ideal Statist, because you HAVE to lie to get people to turn power and freedom over to the government
Guess what? White people occasionally interbred with Native Americans. Yes, the race that was killing them also had members that loved them. Did I just blow your mind?

Riiiiiight. except that's NOT what happened with Liz the Nut. She was a sad, lonely nutburger looking for something to make her "Special" when she decided to lie about being an American Indian

"Elizabeth Warren Information

Elizabeth Warren is a candidate for the U.S. Senate from the state of Massachusetts. She claims she is of Cherokee descent. She has come under fire for possibly using that claim to give her career a boost at a time when Harvard Law was under pressure to hire more minority professors. We have done extensive research on her ancestry and on the stories she has told trying to back up her claim. There is absolutely no evidence to suggest she actually had a Cherokee or American Indian ancestor. Despite repeated requests for her to release her personnel records from the University of Pennsylvania and Harvard Law School, she refuses to do so.

Read more: Thoughts from Polly s Granddaughter Elizabeth Warren Information

Warren is a Marxist and anti-American.

I'm pointing out that she was a lonely, desperate nut looking for attention so she invented her Cherokee heritage to get special treatment, that says a lot about her

Conservatives are the marxists and anti-Americans. What has your party done for America in the past year? Nothing, nada, zilch, because all they can do is waste time and money looking for ways to demean those that are doing something.
How long will Lizzie hold this make believe job before it's announced she will be on the ticket as VP to Hilly baby.

Oh no......we have our first Hispanic waiting in the wings for that position.........

I'm just tellin' ya...

More and more Dems are going after Liz Warren to run, and now some big donors are beginning to push.

Regardless of where she stands on any issue, her communication skills are so clear and so consistent and so strong that she is light years ahead of any Republican in the critical area of messaging. Hundreds of light years.

Just sayin'...

Better messaging you say? Care to give some examples? Examples that don't include "get your free shit here" as their core message.
Warren's top priorities are:

1) Tax the rich.

2) Tax the rich.

3) Tax the rich some more.

4) Clean up Wall Street.

5) Cheap student loans.

Notice that "Being a heap big Cherokee" is not on that list, dumbasses.

It's how she became relevant in the first place. She's a Marxist and lied about who she was, I know they go together in the Dem party. But only Obama Fluffers give radicals a pass on their radical background.

Do you want a person in power who is a pathological liar and a nut, irrespective of her Marxist beliefs?

I'm just tellin' ya...

More and more Dems are going after Liz Warren to run, and now some big donors are beginning to push.

Regardless of where she stands on any issue, her communication skills are so clear and so consistent and so strong that she is light years ahead of any Republican in the critical area of messaging. Hundreds of light years.

Just sayin'...


Yeah, she does soundbites and buzzwords better than most. She rides the hyperbole wave to shore like an expert surfer.
I'd like to see her run. She is not afraid to rattle cages and brings out refreshing views of our society

The 1% fear her so as a result, Republicans hate her
So having the ability to rattle cages makes her qualified to lead the free world?
With Putin becoming ever more belligerent, the last type of leader this nation can afford is a hysterical far left moonbat who has no idea how to perform the job of POTUS
And the character assassination begins, how did conservatives come to see concern for the plight of working people as such a horrible threat?

You have to consider the source. This board has some of the most stupid Republican fans I have ever encountered. I mean fucking stupid. Like Frank.

Their hatred of Obama has caused them to become deranged. Fortunately there are a relatively small number of them. And they can't seem to get anyone elected President.

Hell the last time they "won" the WH, they had to get the Supreme Court to give it to them. What's that tell ya?
Two times they had to defeat the community organizer. And couldn't get it done. What's that tell ya?

Character assassination is all they've got.
Oh please....Try staying on point.

I'm just tellin' ya...

More and more Dems are going after Liz Warren to run, and now some big donors are beginning to push.

Regardless of where she stands on any issue, her communication skills are so clear and so consistent and so strong that she is light years ahead of any Republican in the critical area of messaging. Hundreds of light years.

Just sayin'...


Yeah, she does soundbites and buzzwords better than most. She rides the hyperbole wave to shore like an expert surfer.

Yep, just what we need another Harvard lawyer who believes in Socialism just like Obama does. I just hope the people have had enough after they just took their power from them under Obama.

I'm just tellin' ya...

More and more Dems are going after Liz Warren to run, and now some big donors are beginning to push.

Regardless of where she stands on any issue, her communication skills are so clear and so consistent and so strong that she is light years ahead of any Republican in the critical area of messaging. Hundreds of light years.

Just sayin'...


What is your fascination on "Messaging"? It isn't the message that's the problem, it's the policy.

frankly, I like what she has to say because it makes sense. What we are currently doing in terms of income inequality is unsustainable. It's not because of how she "messages" it.

I also think that she probably won't run. If anything, the Democrats will try to move more to the center after last week's election. Even though populist referendums on mimimum wage and gun control won, they will take it that they are too far to the left, not that they just ran awful candidates.
What ARE WE doing?
Income inequality is a myth in that income was never designed to be equal in the first place.
Now, are you really going to bother yourself to the point where you will rehash your life experiences on here just to show the contempt you have for others with too much( your words),.....Is boring others to the point of distraction your life's goal?
Face it folks. That jack nut that said american voters are morons and sold...er, well, architected the Obama Tax. He was right. he may have let it slip, but the fucker was only telling the truth.

Keep voting, Dullards.


I'm just tellin' ya...

More and more Dems are going after Liz Warren to run, and now some big donors are beginning to push.

Regardless of where she stands on any issue, her communication skills are so clear and so consistent and so strong that she is light years ahead of any Republican in the critical area of messaging. Hundreds of light years.

Just sayin'...


I think she is fantastic when dealing with Wall street...beyond that? i dont know.
She's the female Obama, a shady past, a pathological lair, a deep hatred of America and a longing and loving for a Marxist Dictatorship in the USA. The one main difference between the two is that Liz is certifiable, you have to go to Biden to find someone in the Obama orbit that is truly that crazy.

Have you seen her high cheekbones? They have "I'm a pathological liar who was a lonely and sad housewife, going nowhere in life until I invented an Indian ancestry" written all over them!

i need to go find a ben carson thread so i can see you playing victim card for Ben.....You partisan troll.

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