LMAO@Stupid Donald

Now he's saying the wall on our southern border will be a "Virtual Wall!" Maybe it will stop all the virtual Illegals from entering America.:badgrin:
. He has always said parts will be "virtual". It is impractical to build the wall of China everywhere. We are still voting for him. Try again.
Really? Can you please link to any statement Donald made during the primary that shows this to be true?

He has always said parts will be "virtual".
"I think this is just more media propaganda, this is such a non-story," Coulter said. "Look, we know the direction he's going in -- we KNOW there's going to be a wall."

- Ann Coulter one week ago while releasing her new book titled "In Trump We Trust" which contains the following statement:

"There's nothing Trump can do that won't be forgiven," Coulter wrote. "Except change his immigration policies."

That anorexic psycho bitch is shittin' kittins.
Now he's saying the wall on our southern border will be a "Virtual Wall!" Maybe it will stop all the virtual Illegals from entering America.:badgrin:
God, please hurry up and end this election year, the shit is draining the brain
It's an expensive non-solution to a problem. Almost half the immigrants here illegally didn't come by means that the wall will stop. The wall will stop some, but also just shift many others to the routes that aren't affected by the wall.
Go after employers if you want to get serious.

Spot on. The illegal immigrants are here because the 5% want them here. Wealthy people like paying 3 to 5 dollars an hour instead of 15 or 20. When wealthy people don't want them here anymore, they will tell their congressmen and then they will be gone

I have no problem with following the rule of law. Problem is, punishing employers goes after Americans, and the anti-immigration crowd generally prefers to blame it all on the brown people from over the border.
Trump's virtual wall will be a series of these:


...with the detector set on 'brown skin'.
It's an expensive non-solution to a problem. Almost half the immigrants here illegally didn't come by means that the wall will stop. The wall will stop some, but also just shift many others to the routes that aren't affected by the wall.
Go after employers if you want to get serious.

All of the above, and employers working employees with expired visas need to get over it and fire them.
Really? Can you please link to any statement Donald made during the primary that shows this to be true?
He has always said parts will be "virtual".
Trump puts a price on his wall: It would cost Mexico $8 billion

Asked how Trump came up with that number by MSNBC host Tamron Hall, the GOP front-runner explained that it is a “very simple calculation.”

“What we’re doing is we have 2,000 miles, right? 2,000 miles. It’s long but not 13,000 miles like they have in China,” he said, comparing his self-declared great wall with the Great Wall of China, which took hundreds of years to build and reportedly resulted in the death of hundreds of thousands of workers. “Of the 2,000, we don’t need 2,000, we need 1,000 because we have natural barriers and I’m taking it price per square foot and a price per square, you know, per mile,” he said.

You were saying?
It's an expensive non-solution to a problem. Almost half the immigrants here illegally didn't come by means that the wall will stop. The wall will stop some, but also just shift many others to the routes that aren't affected by the wall.
Go after employers if you want to get serious.

Spot on. The illegal immigrants are here because the 5% want them here. Wealthy people like paying 3 to 5 dollars an hour instead of 15 or 20. When wealthy people don't want them here anymore, they will tell their congressmen and then they will be gone

I have no problem with following the rule of law. Problem is, punishing employers goes after Americans, and the anti-immigration crowd generally prefers to blame it all on the brown people from over the border.

Sort of like blaming the drug problem on the Cartels. I blame the folks that buy and use illegal drugs.
It's an expensive non-solution to a problem. Almost half the immigrants here illegally didn't come by means that the wall will stop. The wall will stop some, but also just shift many others to the routes that aren't affected by the wall.
Go after employers if you want to get serious.

Spot on. The illegal immigrants are here because the 5% want them here. Wealthy people like paying 3 to 5 dollars an hour instead of 15 or 20. When wealthy people don't want them here anymore, they will tell their congressmen and then they will be gone

I have no problem with following the rule of law. Problem is, punishing employers goes after Americans, and the anti-immigration crowd generally prefers to blame it all on the brown people from over the border.

They are not getting punished. They are very prosperous and pay their Congressmen well to make sure they stay prosperous. And probably have fine money in their budgets just in case.

There are 2000 miles of border with Mexico and an estimated 1000 miles, like the area around Big Bend that are not rationally capable of having a wall built on them and if they did anyway would ruin some beautiful areas. Trump has been saying at least since February of this year that some of those miles of wall will be merely monitored, some will be simply a large fence because that is all that is needed.

Trump puts a price on his wall: It would cost Mexico $8 billion

He has never stated that there will be a physical wall from sea to shining sea, jack ass.
Really? Can you please link to any statement Donald made during the primary that shows this to be true?
He has always said parts will be "virtual".
Trump puts a price on his wall: It would cost Mexico $8 billion

Asked how Trump came up with that number by MSNBC host Tamron Hall, the GOP front-runner explained that it is a “very simple calculation.”

“What we’re doing is we have 2,000 miles, right? 2,000 miles. It’s long but not 13,000 miles like they have in China,” he said, comparing his self-declared great wall with the Great Wall of China, which took hundreds of years to build and reportedly resulted in the death of hundreds of thousands of workers. “Of the 2,000, we don’t need 2,000, we need 1,000 because we have natural barriers and I’m taking it price per square foot and a price per square, you know, per mile,” he said.

You were saying?

The Rio Grande and wetlands are the most frequently breached by illegals.
It's an expensive non-solution to a problem. Almost half the immigrants here illegally didn't come by means that the wall will stop. The wall will stop some, but also just shift many others to the routes that aren't affected by the wall.
Go after employers if you want to get serious.

Spot on. The illegal immigrants are here because the 5% want them here. Wealthy people like paying 3 to 5 dollars an hour instead of 15 or 20. When wealthy people don't want them here anymore, they will tell their congressmen and then they will be gone

I have no problem with following the rule of law. Problem is, punishing employers goes after Americans, and the anti-immigration crowd generally prefers to blame it all on the brown people from over the border.

They are not getting punished. They are very prosperous and pay their Congressmen well to make sure they stay prosperous. And probably have fine money in their budgets just in case.

You start with fines and go to jail time for repeat offenses. A big employer with 100 illegals at sub-minimum wage,

that's 100 counts.
Really? Can you please link to any statement Donald made during the primary that shows this to be true?
He has always said parts will be "virtual".
Trump puts a price on his wall: It would cost Mexico $8 billion

Asked how Trump came up with that number by MSNBC host Tamron Hall, the GOP front-runner explained that it is a “very simple calculation.”

“What we’re doing is we have 2,000 miles, right? 2,000 miles. It’s long but not 13,000 miles like they have in China,” he said, comparing his self-declared great wall with the Great Wall of China, which took hundreds of years to build and reportedly resulted in the death of hundreds of thousands of workers. “Of the 2,000, we don’t need 2,000, we need 1,000 because we have natural barriers and I’m taking it price per square foot and a price per square, you know, per mile,” he said.

You were saying?

The Rio Grande and wetlands are the most frequently breached by illegals.

Virtual sharks in the Rio Grande.
Really? Can you please link to any statement Donald made during the primary that shows this to be true?
He has always said parts will be "virtual".
Trump puts a price on his wall: It would cost Mexico $8 billion

Asked how Trump came up with that number by MSNBC host Tamron Hall, the GOP front-runner explained that it is a “very simple calculation.”

“What we’re doing is we have 2,000 miles, right? 2,000 miles. It’s long but not 13,000 miles like they have in China,” he said, comparing his self-declared great wall with the Great Wall of China, which took hundreds of years to build and reportedly resulted in the death of hundreds of thousands of workers. “Of the 2,000, we don’t need 2,000, we need 1,000 because we have natural barriers and I’m taking it price per square foot and a price per square, you know, per mile,” he said.

You were saying?
Can you show one post that any Trump supporter wrote on this site, that believed donald's wall was not going to go across the entire border?

Because I have argued with all of you on numerous occasions the past year and SAID, it was a waste of time and money building a wall across the entire southern border, because there are mountains and desserts that make crossing the border alive, near impossible, and every single Trump supporter, in those threads, FOUGHT ME on it and argued that the wall would be across the entire border.
Really? Can you please link to any statement Donald made during the primary that shows this to be true?
He has always said parts will be "virtual".
Trump puts a price on his wall: It would cost Mexico $8 billion

Asked how Trump came up with that number by MSNBC host Tamron Hall, the GOP front-runner explained that it is a “very simple calculation.”

“What we’re doing is we have 2,000 miles, right? 2,000 miles. It’s long but not 13,000 miles like they have in China,” he said, comparing his self-declared great wall with the Great Wall of China, which took hundreds of years to build and reportedly resulted in the death of hundreds of thousands of workers. “Of the 2,000, we don’t need 2,000, we need 1,000 because we have natural barriers and I’m taking it price per square foot and a price per square, you know, per mile,” he said.

You were saying?

The Rio Grande and wetlands are the most frequently breached by illegals.

I was speaking of desert areas and areas honey combed with natural cliffs and walls of rock already, not your precious wetlands. Those will get covered in asphalt, dear.
Really? Can you please link to any statement Donald made during the primary that shows this to be true?
He has always said parts will be "virtual".
Trump puts a price on his wall: It would cost Mexico $8 billion

Asked how Trump came up with that number by MSNBC host Tamron Hall, the GOP front-runner explained that it is a “very simple calculation.”

“What we’re doing is we have 2,000 miles, right? 2,000 miles. It’s long but not 13,000 miles like they have in China,” he said, comparing his self-declared great wall with the Great Wall of China, which took hundreds of years to build and reportedly resulted in the death of hundreds of thousands of workers. “Of the 2,000, we don’t need 2,000, we need 1,000 because we have natural barriers and I’m taking it price per square foot and a price per square, you know, per mile,” he said.

You were saying?

The Rio Grande and wetlands are the most frequently breached by illegals.

Virtual sharks in the Rio Grande.

Drones, armed patrol boats and manned elevated guard shacks. I prefer land mines on the US side of the Rio Grande, but we can't get away with that. A series of pressure sensors or motion sensors with solar powered lights would also be effective.
You start with fines and go to jail time for repeat offenses. A big employer with 100 illegals at sub-minimum wage,

that's 100 counts.
I believe that is a felony by existing laws. It is also a felony to be a repeat invader of our nation too.

The problem is not that we dont have adequate laws. The problem is the laws are not being enforced because we have wealthy donors buying Congressman and other politicians to simply look the other way.

Those cretins need to go to jail for a long time and have all their property confiscated.

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