LMAO@Stupid Donald

There are 2000 miles of border with Mexico and an estimated 1000 miles, like the area around Big Bend that are not rationally capable of having a wall built on them and if they did anyway would ruin some beautiful areas. Trump has been saying at least since February of this year that some of those miles of wall will be merely monitored, some will be simply a large fence because that is all that is needed.

Trump puts a price on his wall: It would cost Mexico $8 billion

He has never stated that there will be a physical wall from sea to shining sea, jack ass.

He cannot make up his mind what it is because the plan for it came from where you are: right up his @ss.
Can you show one post that any Trump supporter wrote on this site, that believed donald's wall was not going to go across the entire border?

Because I have argued with all of you on numerous occasions the past year and SAID, it was a waste of time and money building a wall across the entire southern border, because there are mountains and desserts that make crossing the border alive, near impossible, and every single Trump supporter, in those threads, FOUGHT ME on it and argued that the wall would be across the entire border.
C4A, I know I have tried to assplain this to various people over the past year, but I dont have time to pour back over all my old posts and hunt thread to thread till I find it.

It seems rather obvious to me anyway. Do you really think Trump ever meant that we would build a 40 foot wall through Big Bend national park, for example?
Really? Can you please link to any statement Donald made during the primary that shows this to be true?
He has always said parts will be "virtual".
Trump puts a price on his wall: It would cost Mexico $8 billion

Asked how Trump came up with that number by MSNBC host Tamron Hall, the GOP front-runner explained that it is a “very simple calculation.”

“What we’re doing is we have 2,000 miles, right? 2,000 miles. It’s long but not 13,000 miles like they have in China,” he said, comparing his self-declared great wall with the Great Wall of China, which took hundreds of years to build and reportedly resulted in the death of hundreds of thousands of workers. “Of the 2,000, we don’t need 2,000, we need 1,000 because we have natural barriers and I’m taking it price per square foot and a price per square, you know, per mile,” he said.

You were saying?

The Rio Grande and wetlands are the most frequently breached by illegals.

Virtual sharks in the Rio Grande.

Drones, armed patrol boats and manned elevated guard shacks. I prefer land mines on the US side of the Rio Grande, but we can't get away with that. A series of pressure sensors or motion sensors with solar powered lights would also be effective.

You would be right at home in Angola.
Drones, armed patrol boats and manned elevated guard shacks. I prefer land mines on the US side of the Rio Grande, but we can't get away with that. A series of pressure sensors or motion sensors with solar powered lights would also be effective.
WE could do land mines between double barriers.

Why not?

Really? Can you please link to any statement Donald made during the primary that shows this to be true?
He has always said parts will be "virtual".
Trump puts a price on his wall: It would cost Mexico $8 billion

Asked how Trump came up with that number by MSNBC host Tamron Hall, the GOP front-runner explained that it is a “very simple calculation.”

“What we’re doing is we have 2,000 miles, right? 2,000 miles. It’s long but not 13,000 miles like they have in China,” he said, comparing his self-declared great wall with the Great Wall of China, which took hundreds of years to build and reportedly resulted in the death of hundreds of thousands of workers. “Of the 2,000, we don’t need 2,000, we need 1,000 because we have natural barriers and I’m taking it price per square foot and a price per square, you know, per mile,” he said.

You were saying?
Can you show one post that any Trump supporter wrote on this site, that believed donald's wall was not going to go across the entire border?

Because I have argued with all of you on numerous occasions the past year and SAID, it was a waste of time and money building a wall across the entire southern border, because there are mountains and desserts that make crossing the border alive, near impossible, and every single Trump supporter, in those threads, FOUGHT ME on it and argued that the wall would be across the entire border.

Did they say we ought to build a wall down the middle of the Rio Grande River? Make up some more shit out of your liberal mind full of mush.
Really? Can you please link to any statement Donald made during the primary that shows this to be true?
Trump puts a price on his wall: It would cost Mexico $8 billion

Asked how Trump came up with that number by MSNBC host Tamron Hall, the GOP front-runner explained that it is a “very simple calculation.”

“What we’re doing is we have 2,000 miles, right? 2,000 miles. It’s long but not 13,000 miles like they have in China,” he said, comparing his self-declared great wall with the Great Wall of China, which took hundreds of years to build and reportedly resulted in the death of hundreds of thousands of workers. “Of the 2,000, we don’t need 2,000, we need 1,000 because we have natural barriers and I’m taking it price per square foot and a price per square, you know, per mile,” he said.

You were saying?

The Rio Grande and wetlands are the most frequently breached by illegals.

Virtual sharks in the Rio Grande.

Drones, armed patrol boats and manned elevated guard shacks. I prefer land mines on the US side of the Rio Grande, but we can't get away with that. A series of pressure sensors or motion sensors with solar powered lights would also be effective.

You would be right at home in Angola.

Or in Israel, the White House or Hillarys home in NY. They all have walls or high fences to avoid being invaded. Who is trying to get into Angola?
Really? Can you please link to any statement Donald made during the primary that shows this to be true?
He has always said parts will be "virtual".
Trump puts a price on his wall: It would cost Mexico $8 billion

Asked how Trump came up with that number by MSNBC host Tamron Hall, the GOP front-runner explained that it is a “very simple calculation.”

“What we’re doing is we have 2,000 miles, right? 2,000 miles. It’s long but not 13,000 miles like they have in China,” he said, comparing his self-declared great wall with the Great Wall of China, which took hundreds of years to build and reportedly resulted in the death of hundreds of thousands of workers. “Of the 2,000, we don’t need 2,000, we need 1,000 because we have natural barriers and I’m taking it price per square foot and a price per square, you know, per mile,” he said.

You were saying?
Can you show one post that any Trump supporter wrote on this site, that believed donald's wall was not going to go across the entire border?

Because I have argued with all of you on numerous occasions the past year and SAID, it was a waste of time and money building a wall across the entire southern border, because there are mountains and desserts that make crossing the border alive, near impossible, and every single Trump supporter, in those threads, FOUGHT ME on it and argued that the wall would be across the entire border.
Could Trump Actually Deport 11 Million People?


bripat9643 Diamond Member

Care4all said:
The very first Congressman to support Tump said the wall was a ''VIRTUAL WALL'' ....

Key ally Chris Collins tempers Trump’s controversial campaign promises
By Jerry Zremski

  • Updated 10:25 AM
    May 18, 2016

WASHINGTON – The first member of Congress to endorse Donald Trump for president doesn’t envision one of Trump’s main campaign promises – a wall at the Mexican border – ever becoming a reality that stretches from the Pacific Ocean to the Gulf of Mexico.

“I have called it a virtual wall,” Rep. Chris Collins said in an interview with The Buffalo News.

“Maybe we will be building a wall over some aspects of it; I don’t know,” the Clarence Republican said of Trump’s proposed barrier to keep illegal immigrants and drugs from crossing the southern border.

Collins, who has become one of the presumptive GOP nominee’s main media surrogates, also cast doubts on another central Trump campaign promise: the candidate’s vow to deport the nation’s 12 million undocumented immigrants.

“I call it a rhetorical deportation of 12 million people,” Collins said.

He then gestured toward a door in his Capitol Hill office.

“They go out that door, they go in that room, they get their work papers, Social Security number, then they come in that door, and they’ve got legal work status but are not citizens of the United States,” Collins said. “So there was a virtual deportation as they left that door for processing and came in this door.”

Collins added: “We’re not going to put them on a bus, and we’re not going to drive them across the border.”

Key ally Chris Collins tempers Trump’s controversial campaign promises - Politics Now


His opinion of what Trump plans, along with $3.50, you a venti Latte at Starbucks.
Almost 600 miles of fence was constructed, with each of the individual fences composed of steel and concrete.[19] In between these fences are infrared cameras and sensors, National Guard soldiers, and SWAT teams on alert, giving rise to the term "virtual fence".[

As usual takes common sense to inform the idiots here
Could Trump Actually Deport 11 Million People?....
WASHINGTON – The first member of Congress to endorse Donald Trump for president doesn’t envision one of Trump’s main campaign promises – a wall at the Mexican border – ever becoming a reality that stretches from the Pacific Ocean to the Gulf of Mexico.
“I have called it a virtual wall,” Rep. Chris Collins said in an interview with The Buffalo News.

I dont think that a one thousand mile physical 40 foot high wall with another one thousand miles of augmented barriers filling in where there are already natural barriers is well described as a virtual wall. It is still more real wall than fence or virtual wall.

The point is that TODAY we have not built the barriers or fencing that by law the federalis are committed to building. Trump is going to build a real wall there in those areas, plus some more, and fill in with fencing and monitored systems where there is no need to build a wall because it is virtually impassable already.

Places like this do not need a man made wall; it already is a natural wall.


Lies and strawmen.

The left is fed a steady diet of them and they gobble 'em up. They love 'em!

LWNJ's love to set up "all or nothing" scenarios. This is how they operate. If it’s not 100%, it’s 0%.

Now he's saying the wall on our southern border will be a "Virtual Wall!" Maybe it will stop all the virtual Illegals from entering America.:badgrin:
. He has always said parts will be "virtual". It is impractical to build the wall of China everywhere. We are still voting for him. Try again.
Hell, you are going to vote for him no matter what he says or does now. He could decide to give every illegal citizenship status tomorrow, and you would find a way to spin it so as to vote for him. You are voting for "the man", not the policies. The Fascist way.
Hell, you are going to vote for him no matter what he says or does now. He could decide to give every illegal citizenship status tomorrow, and you would find a way to spin it so as to vote for him. You are voting for "the man", not the policies. The Fascist way.
People this are all the Democrat Party has to offer any more; just distractions from real issues that would highlight their failures and accusations of racism 24/7.

Just take a look at the list of Hillary Clintons failures and Trumps successes in my signature to see for yourself what the choice is in this election.

We will either have more corporate cronyism, nepotism, corruption, failure and incompetence if we elect Clinton or we can put a person in charge of this country that will get down to fixing our nations problems even if he is occasionally rude while doing so.
Could Trump Actually Deport 11 Million People?....
WASHINGTON – The first member of Congress to endorse Donald Trump for president doesn’t envision one of Trump’s main campaign promises – a wall at the Mexican border – ever becoming a reality that stretches from the Pacific Ocean to the Gulf of Mexico.
“I have called it a virtual wall,” Rep. Chris Collins said in an interview with The Buffalo News.

I dont think that a one thousand mile physical 40 foot high wall with another one thousand miles of augmented barriers filling in where there are already natural barriers is well described as a virtual wall. It is still more real wall than fence or virtual wall.

The point is that TODAY we have not built the barriers or fencing that by law the federalis are committed to building. Trump is going to build a real wall there in those areas, plus some more, and fill in with fencing and monitored systems where there is no need to build a wall because it is virtually impassable already.

Places like this do not need a man made wall; it already is a natural wall.


Just simply stunning and beautiful pictures! Our Nation has so so so many beautiful spots...we all should get away from our computers and go out, and get some fresh air and look around us at the natural beauties right before our eyes, and give thanks to the Lord!

There are so many gorgeous places up here in Maine that rank up there with the most beautiful, imho, and that's why we moved here!

NOW, back to the topic! :D

I don't think Mr. Trump is as dumb as the liberals believe he is....I think he knows when to say what, and purposely chooses his venues on what he says, to fit the crowd, or fit the purpose of his statement.

I watched most all of Trump's rally's shown during the primary, and he chose not to repeat or say what he said in the interview you posted....in other words, he told his supporters what they wanted to hear, and held back, on what he told the reporter about NOT having a wall across the entire southern border,

Yet the Reporter was concerned about the cost of such a venture or the feasibility of it, so Trump told her it would not be across the WHOLE southern border so the cost estimate is lower than what one might think....

And with supporters like Bripat or Correl and Basquebromance, and shootspeeders and odium etc etc etc, just hear what Trump tells his followers and not what he has said in some obscure interview.

I agree with the Donald position of not needing to build a fence across the entire southern border because there are natural, earthly 'walls' like desserts and mountains and rivers, and to strategically build walls in high traffic crossings, to help border patrol be in more control and be able to do their jobs.

I've been arguing this ALL ALONG with many of the trump supporters on this board, who all disagreed with me.
Could Trump Actually Deport 11 Million People?....
WASHINGTON – The first member of Congress to endorse Donald Trump for president doesn’t envision one of Trump’s main campaign promises – a wall at the Mexican border – ever becoming a reality that stretches from the Pacific Ocean to the Gulf of Mexico.
“I have called it a virtual wall,” Rep. Chris Collins said in an interview with The Buffalo News.

I dont think that a one thousand mile physical 40 foot high wall with another one thousand miles of augmented barriers filling in where there are already natural barriers is well described as a virtual wall. It is still more real wall than fence or virtual wall.

The point is that TODAY we have not built the barriers or fencing that by law the federalis are committed to building. Trump is going to build a real wall there in those areas, plus some more, and fill in with fencing and monitored systems where there is no need to build a wall because it is virtually impassable already.

Places like this do not need a man made wall; it already is a natural wall.


Just simply stunning and beautiful pictures! Our Nation has so so so many beautiful spots...we all should get away from our computers and go out, and get some fresh air and look around us at the natural beauties right before our eyes, and give thanks to the Lord!

There are so many gorgeous places up here in Maine that rank up there with the most beautiful, imho, and that's why we moved here!

NOW, back to the topic! :D

I don't think Mr. Trump is as dumb as the liberals believe he is....I think he knows when to say what, and purposely chooses his venues on what he says, to fit the crowd, or fit the purpose of his statement.

I watched most all of Trump's rally's shown during the primary, and he chose not to repeat or say what he said in the interview you posted....in other words, he told his supporters what they wanted to hear, and held back, on what he told the reporter about NOT having a wall across the entire southern border,

Yet the Reporter was concerned about the cost of such a venture or the feasibility of it, so Trump told her it would not be across the WHOLE southern border so the cost estimate is lower than what one might think....

And with supporters like Bripat or Correl and Basquebromance, and shootspeeders and odium etc etc etc, just hear what Trump tells his followers and not what he has said in some obscure interview.

I agree with the Donald position of not needing to build a fence across the entire southern border because there are natural, earthly 'walls' like desserts and mountains and rivers, and to strategically build walls in high traffic crossings, to help border patrol be in more control and be able to do their jobs.

I've been arguing this ALL ALONG with many of the trump supporters on this board, who all disagreed with me.

Trump is using an advertising trick that keeps his message more simplistic so as to reach more voters.

He is competing for each and every vote and leaving no dumb rocks unturned, so to speak.

edit: I am so jealous you live in Maine; a very beautiful state.
"I think this is just more media propaganda, this is such a non-story," Coulter said. "Look, we know the direction he's going in -- we KNOW there's going to be a wall."

- Ann Coulter one week ago while releasing her new book titled "In Trump We Trust" which contains the following statement:

"There's nothing Trump can do that won't be forgiven," Coulter wrote. "Except change his immigration policies."

That anorexic psycho bitch is shittin' kittins.
Poor kittens.....

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