Lock him up! Lock him up!

The question begs....did CBS (Clinton Broadcast System) attack Cankles for doing what they are attacking Trump for?
The question begs....did CBS (Clinton Broadcast System) attack Cankles for doing what they are attacking Trump for?

Jesus fucking christ you people are repugnant.

That's all you got?

Please cease annoying me. It's hypocritical for CBS to attack Trump for doing what Clinton did and not attack Clinton. Good grief, you can't possibly be this dense
The question begs....did CBS (Clinton Broadcast System) attack Cankles for doing what they are attacking Trump for?

Jesus fucking christ you people are repugnant.

That's all you got?

Please cease annoying me. It's hypocritical for CBS to attack Trump for doing what Clinton did and not attack Clinton. Good grief, you can't possibly be this dense

They criticized her relentlessly.
FBI reviewing newly discovered Clinton-related emails
LOCK HIM UP should be chanted at every Trump protest from now on.
The question begs....did CBS (Clinton Broadcast System) attack Cankles for doing what they are attacking Trump for?

Jesus fucking christ you people are repugnant.

That's all you got?

What part of in the bag for Hellary double standard do you not understand?

Was that English? Do you wear a helmet 24/7?

Some of our more intellectually challenged friends have difficulty with the concept that both of those two travesty candidates can be corrupt.
The best thing for this country might very well be that the FBI, continuing with it's investigation into the Clinton Foundation, produces evidence into corruption, obstruction, bribery, etc, asks for an indictment, and Hillary, the White bill Cosby, and Chelsea all going to jail...
....followed by Trump being impeached, leaving Mike Pence the President and the Clinton Dynasty being forever wiped out.

Some of our more intellectually challenged friends have difficulty with the concept that both of those two travesty candidates can be corrupt.

Hardly. Anyone who knows about how REAL business works, especially International business, knows that this 'realm' is almost as corrupt as politics. There is bribery, pay-offs, etc.... In Japan bribery and payoffs is almost accepted business practice.

Only the truly partisan or naïve believe neither Hillary or Trump are corrupt or neither have engaged in corrupt practices.
The best thing for this country might very well be that the FBI, continuing with it's investigation into the Clinton Foundation, produces evidence into corruption, obstruction, bribery, etc, asks for an indictment, and Hillary, the White bill Cosby, and Chelsea all going to jail...
....followed by Trump being impeached, leaving Mike Pence the President and the Clinton Dynasty being forever wiped out.

Impeachment doesn't remove a president from office. But it ain't happening anyway. Best thing for the country is to let the Donald do what we elected him to do.
Some of our more intellectually challenged friends have difficulty with the concept that both of those two travesty candidates can be corrupt.

Hardly. Anyone who knows about how REAL business works, especially International business, knows that this 'realm' is almost as corrupt as politics. There is bribery, pay-offs, etc.... In Japan bribery and payoffs is almost accepted business practice.

Only the truly partisan or naïve believe neither Hillary or Trump are corrupt or neither have engaged in corrupt practices.
How is it illegal to "bribe" businesses? Happens everyday. If it isn't your money it's not your business.
The best thing for this country might very well be that the FBI, continuing with it's investigation into the Clinton Foundation, produces evidence into corruption, obstruction, bribery, etc, asks for an indictment, and Hillary, the White bill Cosby, and Chelsea all going to jail...
....followed by Trump being impeached, leaving Mike Pence the President and the Clinton Dynasty being forever wiped out.


Pretty sure none of that is in the country's best interest.

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