Lock him up! Lock him up!

Some of our more intellectually challenged friends have difficulty with the concept that both of those two travesty candidates can be corrupt.

Hardly. Anyone who knows about how REAL business works, especially International business, knows that this 'realm' is almost as corrupt as politics. There is bribery, pay-offs, etc.... In Japan bribery and payoffs is almost accepted business practice.

Only the truly partisan or naïve believe neither Hillary or Trump are corrupt or neither have engaged in corrupt practices.

So we'll knock all this shit off now?
The best thing for this country might very well be that the FBI, continuing with it's investigation into the Clinton Foundation, produces evidence into corruption, obstruction, bribery, etc, asks for an indictment, and Hillary, the White bill Cosby, and Chelsea all going to jail...
....followed by Trump being impeached, leaving Mike Pence the President and the Clinton Dynasty being forever wiped out.

Impeachment doesn't remove a president from office. But it ain't happening anyway. Best thing for the country is to let the Donald do what we elected him to do.

Right. Fleece the middle class with tax breaks for the rich.

Some of our more intellectually challenged friends have difficulty with the concept that both of those two travesty candidates can be corrupt.

Hardly. Anyone who knows about how REAL business works, especially International business, knows that this 'realm' is almost as corrupt as politics. There is bribery, pay-offs, etc.... In Japan bribery and payoffs is almost accepted business practice.

Only the truly partisan or naïve believe neither Hillary or Trump are corrupt or neither have engaged in corrupt practices.
How is it illegal to "bribe" businesses? Happens everyday. If it isn't your money it's not your business.
'Greasing the palms of union bosses or city officials to avoid red tape that threatens your schedule (time is money) is what I am talking about...it happens.
The best thing for this country might very well be that the FBI, continuing with it's investigation into the Clinton Foundation, produces evidence into corruption, obstruction, bribery, etc, asks for an indictment, and Hillary, the White bill Cosby, and Chelsea all going to jail...
....followed by Trump being impeached, leaving Mike Pence the President and the Clinton Dynasty being forever wiped out.


Pretty sure none of that is in the country's best interest.

It is however in keeping with our descent into third world economic wealth disparity and corrupt governance.
Some of our more intellectually challenged friends have difficulty with the concept that both of those two travesty candidates can be corrupt.

Hardly. Anyone who knows about how REAL business works, especially International business, knows that this 'realm' is almost as corrupt as politics. There is bribery, pay-offs, etc.... In Japan bribery and payoffs is almost accepted business practice.

Only the truly partisan or naïve believe neither Hillary or Trump are corrupt or neither have engaged in corrupt practices.
How is it illegal to "bribe" businesses? Happens everyday. If it isn't your money it's not your business.
'Greasing the palms of union bosses or city officials to avoid red tape that threatens your schedule (time is money) is what I am talking about...it happens.

So does corporate power greasing the entire political and economic system. And no one you have any opportunity of voting for is going near that.
LOCK HIM UP should be chanted at every Trump protest from now on.
...complete with baby rattles.

The baby rattle was a Gingrich thing.
So we'll knock all this shit off now?
Yeah...it's going to stop.

FL, while I agree to some extent, there is 'business' and then there is dirty shit that threatens national security, covers up massive f* ups in order to save one's ass, etc.....

I know Libs do not agree, but the old rule applies - it's not the event that gets you in the shorts - it's the cover up.

Benghazi was a ROYAL Hillary / Obama F*-Up! 4 Americans died needlessly when there were months and months of advanced warning. I think the entire royal MASTER F*-Up that followed could have all been avoided had Obama came out and openly been honest with the American People - the Ambassador and 3 Americans were killed in a terrorist attack in Benghazi.

That stuff happens - has happened. It would have been more acceptable than coming out and blaming a video - LYING...then getting caught. The COVER UP was the infinitely worse part.

Barry and Hillary have failed to learn that Americans are AMAZINGLY forgiving. Say you're sorry and it all blows over. You lie and leave loose ends and it lingers and blows up into a full-fledged scandal.

Sounds simple, but no one died because of a Trump business deal. That matters to some people.
The best thing for this country might very well be that the FBI, continuing with it's investigation into the Clinton Foundation, produces evidence into corruption, obstruction, bribery, etc, asks for an indictment, and Hillary, the White bill Cosby, and Chelsea all going to jail...
....followed by Trump being impeached, leaving Mike Pence the President and the Clinton Dynasty being forever wiped out.

Impeachment doesn't remove a president from office. But it ain't happening anyway. Best thing for the country is to let the Donald do what we elected him to do.

Right. Fleece the middle class with tax breaks for the rich.

Where have you been? That's exactly what's been going on for a while now. Trump ran on changing it. You had no knowledge?
Some of our more intellectually challenged friends have difficulty with the concept that both of those two travesty candidates can be corrupt.

Hardly. Anyone who knows about how REAL business works, especially International business, knows that this 'realm' is almost as corrupt as politics. There is bribery, pay-offs, etc.... In Japan bribery and payoffs is almost accepted business practice.

Only the truly partisan or naïve believe neither Hillary or Trump are corrupt or neither have engaged in corrupt practices.
How is it illegal to "bribe" businesses? Happens everyday. If it isn't your money it's not your business.
'Greasing the palms of union bosses or city officials to avoid red tape that threatens your schedule (time is money) is what I am talking about...it happens.
...which is NOT business to business dealings. You are talking about government corruption, not private enterprise. I can offer a company 50% off to get started, and have. Nothing wrong, illegal or immoral about it.
...which is NOT business to business dealings. You are talking about government corruption, not private enterprise. I can offer a company 50% off to get started, and have. Nothing wrong, illegal or immoral about it.
You and I are on the same page. There is corruption in business, but like you said, it isn't (usually - don't want to say 'never') business-to-business.
...which is NOT business to business dealings. You are talking about government corruption, not private enterprise. I can offer a company 50% off to get started, and have. Nothing wrong, illegal or immoral about it.
You and I are on the same page. There is corruption in business, but like you said, it isn't (usually - don't want to say 'never') business-to-business.
I don't see what possible corruption there could be if both businesses agree on the transaction. That's not to say some companies don't cheat customers or government or another business but you mentioned bribery. I don't see how you can have bribery to do business. Bribery has an illegal connotation as far as I know.
The question begs....did CBS (Clinton Broadcast System) attack Cankles for doing what they are attacking Trump for?

Jesus fucking christ you people are repugnant.

That's all you got?

Please cease annoying me. It's hypocritical for CBS to attack Trump for doing what Clinton did and not attack Clinton. Good grief, you can't possibly be this dense

Oh yes he can be that dense.

He only hears what he wants to hear and if its something negative, in his mind, about Trump you can bet your ass he'll believe it.
The question begs....did CBS (Clinton Broadcast System) attack Cankles for doing what they are attacking Trump for?
Ms Sassy, news reports are NOT attacks, which is of course why you dislike the MSM so much, not knowing the difference between an op ed and a news report. They "report" the subject, research, and give the results of the research, they do not attack. However the CBS DID report ad nauseum about the accusations against Hillary as issued from the Trump, umm...voice box. And how many times did you read or hear CBS' report on how Donald Trump routinely destroyed Emails AFTER being subpoenaed to court for several of the multiple lawsuits against him for shady business practices? I ask because I heard it one time, not day after day after day after day the way I heard reports of Donald calling Hillary crooked and corrupt...on CBS!

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