Log of Failed Liberal Policy

Failed Liberal Policy:

The left (Obama) throws taxpayer's money around like it's a game of Monopoly

What money? Taxes are lower than they've been since what? Fucking Lincoln? The revenue chests are depleted.

Man alive, your theory on taxes and federal revenue simply isn't holding up under the facts. Revenue's to the federal government are as high as they've ever been in U.S. history and that is a fact.

  • Raises taxes on incomes over $400,000 for individuals and $450,000 for households

  • Raises taxes on investment income for those taxpayers as well

  • Limits tax deductions for incomes over $250,000—raising their taxes, too

  • Increases the death tax rate for estates over $5 million

Morning Bell: Fiscal Cliff and Tax Hikes to Start the New Year
Why do you waste everyone's time providing a link to a biased source?

I'm sorry, I forgot that if "impartial" MSNBC didn't tell you it, you don't believe it and/or you don't understand it...

Humor me, won't you? Give me just a few short examples of "unbiased sources" in your mind....
Failed Liberal Policy:

The left (Obama) throws taxpayer's money around like it's a game of Monopoly

What money? Taxes are lower than they've been since what? Fucking Lincoln? The revenue chests are depleted.

And this illustrates my point about taxes. It's much more than just the rate. It's how many new items are being taxed until we are literally taxed to death.

By the government’s own account, the stringent new CAFE standards will increase the average cost of a new car by $3,000 in 2025. The Energy Information Administration warned that new cars priced under $15,000 may no longer be available by 2025. Further, people who buy a new car this year are unlikely to ever realize any fuel savings.

New Car Prices: CAFE Standards Partly to Blame
When debt reaches 90 percent of GDP, economies experience significant growth problems.

In one study, Manmohan Kumar and Jaejoon Woo of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) find that high-debt economies grew 1.3 percentage points slower than their low-debt counterparts. The negative effects of debt builds steadily as debt grows from low (below 30% of GDP) to high (above 90%). Over a decade, a difference of 1.3% points of growth would be $11,000 more—or less—every year per family in the U.S. That’s enough to send the kids to a state college or move to a nicer neighborhood.

If Congress Doesn?t Cut the Debt, Get Used to Low Growth | myHeritage
Over the weekend, Obama's top economic adviser Gene Sperling revealed the administration's game plan. Sperling predicted Republicans in Congress would soon see the "harm" caused by the sequester. That would, according to Sperling, cause the Republicans to come running back to the table to accept another round of massive tax increases. No tax hike is ever enough for this president or his liberal allies in Congress.
Feeling poorer?

Americans saw their income drop so dramatically in January that it marked the deepest one-month decline in 20 years.

Personal income decreased by $505.5 billion in January, or 3.6%, compared to December (on a seasonally adjusted and annualized basis). That's the most dramatic decline since January 1993, according to the Commerce Department.

Americans see biggest one-month decline in income in 20 years - Mar. 1, 2013

The dumbocrats (hijacked by marxists, socialists, and communists) continue to collapse this once great nation.
"Suppose you desperately needed to lose weight but had a Big Mac with fries and a Coke staring you in the face. You could take your need to diet seriously and say, “No thanks, I’ll have a salad.” Or you could decide to reduce the Big Mac meal by 2 percent—pushing aside a couple French fries and gobbling up the rest.

If you took Option B, how do you think that “diet” would work out for you? Well, that, my friends, is the tale of the sequester that hit us this morning." - Jim DeMint
The Obama Administration is planning cuts to Medicare Advantage, according to a new federal regulation. The result could mean higher premiums or seniors losing their coverage.

Obama Administration Plans to Cut Medicare Advantage Reimbursements | CNS News

And to think, liberals tried to sell the public in the 2012 elections that it was the GOP who would cut government and leave seniors without the care and coverage they need... :lmao:
Liberals spend a lot of time complaining about "greedy bankers" and their interest rates. So what does it say that one of the world's wealthiest corporations - sitting on roughly $150 billion - has to borrow $17 billion because paying back a loan with interest is cheaper than paying taxes to Uncle Sam on the $17 billion they already have?

That's beyond criminal. How can you complain about "greedy" bankers when the federal government is twice as greedy? Answer: because the liberal knows that if the banker has the money, they will never see a dime - but if Uncle Sam has the money, there are endless avenues for the liberal to swindle that money away from the rightful owner and into their own greedy pockets.

Apple has bags of cash -- so why is it borrowing $17B?
Apple has announced a colossal $17 billion debt offering, despite having cash reserves of around $145 billion. That's because Apple's cash isn't heaped up in piles in Tim Cook's office in Cupertino, but is instead linked to Apple's foreign operations. Given America's tax code, it's cheaper for Apple to borrow money domestically than it would be to pay the taxes required to repatriate its foreign profit.

Apple Sets a New Kind of Record: $17 Billion in Debt - Businessweek
Failed Liberal Policy:

83% of American physicians "have considered leaving their practices over President Barack Obama's health care reform law, according to a survey released by the Doctor Patient Medical Association."

Report: 83 percent of doctors have considered quitting over Obamacare | The Daily Caller

Simply astounding. Just like they did in Cuba and the U.S.S.R., the liberals policies is going to leave us destitute, with healthcare that rivals that of 3rd world countries, and living in a state of perpetual proverty.

load of crap

Crackpot Doom Scandal: 83% of doctors will quit because of ObamaCare
Failed Liberal Policy:

83% of American physicians "have considered leaving their practices over President Barack Obama's health care reform law, according to a survey released by the Doctor Patient Medical Association."

Report: 83 percent of doctors have considered quitting over Obamacare | The Daily Caller

Simply astounding. Just like they did in Cuba and the U.S.S.R., the liberals policies is going to leave us destitute, with healthcare that rivals that of 3rd world countries, and living in a state of perpetual proverty.

load of crap

Crackpot Doom Scandal: 83% of doctors will quit because of ObamaCare

Really? And is my post right above yours about Apple borrowing money when they already have it a "load of crap" as well? :lmao:
Failed Liberal Policy:

83% of American physicians "have considered leaving their practices over President Barack Obama's health care reform law, according to a survey released by the Doctor Patient Medical Association."

Report: 83 percent of doctors have considered quitting over Obamacare | The Daily Caller

Simply astounding. Just like they did in Cuba and the U.S.S.R., the liberals policies is going to leave us destitute, with healthcare that rivals that of 3rd world countries, and living in a state of perpetual proverty.

load of crap

Crackpot Doom Scandal: 83% of doctors will quit because of ObamaCare

Dude - seriously?!? Did you even read your little link before posting it? It just confirmed everything the article said!!! :cuckoo:
Failed Liberal Policy:

83% of American physicians "have considered leaving their practices over President Barack Obama's health care reform law, according to a survey released by the Doctor Patient Medical Association."

Report: 83 percent of doctors have considered quitting over Obamacare | The Daily Caller

Simply astounding. Just like they did in Cuba and the U.S.S.R., the liberals policies is going to leave us destitute, with healthcare that rivals that of 3rd world countries, and living in a state of perpetual proverty.

That was posted last July - sorry but 83% of doctors didn't quit.
Liberals spend a lot of time complaining about "greedy bankers" and their interest rates. So what does it say that one of the world's wealthiest corporations - sitting on roughly $150 billion - has to borrow $17 billion because paying back a loan with interest is cheaper than paying taxes to Uncle Sam on the $17 billion they already have?

That's beyond criminal.
The crime is that Apple gets to defer taxation on its profits just because they are sitting overseas.
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Liberals spend a lot of time complaining about "greedy bankers" and their interest rates. So what does it say that one of the world's wealthiest corporations - sitting on roughly $150 billion - has to borrow $17 billion because paying back a loan with interest is cheaper than paying taxes to Uncle Sam on the $17 billion they already have?

That's beyond criminal.
The crime is that Apple gets to defer taxation on its profits just because they are sitting overseas.

Actually, the crime is that we have the highest corporate tax in the world, forcing corporations like Apple to keep their dollars overseas.

But it's your side of the aisle - and the idiot policies that you support - which created the problem.

I'll support ending ALL tax loopholes and ALL deductions if you'll support a federal tax cap of 10%.
Failed Liberal Policy:

83% of American physicians "have considered leaving their practices over President Barack Obama's health care reform law, according to a survey released by the Doctor Patient Medical Association."

Report: 83 percent of doctors have considered quitting over Obamacare | The Daily Caller

Simply astounding. Just like they did in Cuba and the U.S.S.R., the liberals policies is going to leave us destitute, with healthcare that rivals that of 3rd world countries, and living in a state of perpetual proverty.

That was posted last July - sorry but 83% of doctors didn't quit.

Um, you do know that Obamacare has not been implemented yet (don't you)? Lets wait until it's actually implemented before we decide whether or not doctors have quit because of it.

By the way, Obamacare is such a disaster, even dumbocrats are seeing the light. Senator Max Baucus has called it (and I quote) "a train wreck" and Senator Harry Reid (majority leader) has agreed with him! Wow....

Sen. Max Baucus, Obamacare's Biggest Advocate, Now Warns Of Disaster

Harry Reid Says He ?Agrees? Obamacare Could Be A ?Train Wreck?? | Weasel Zippers
Failed Liberal Policies?

The US Constitution
Worker Rights
Civil Rights
Environmental Protections
Gay Rights

Should I go on?

Uh the Constitution is hated by the left, just ask Lakhota

as for the rest
Abortion....wow that works out well....too bad all these liberals werent aborted
workers rights.....what does that mean? the right to work??????
civil rights.......wow republicans pushed that....thanks for joining...but hey you have liberals like Robert Byrd, Bill Clinton and Al Gore (all related to people opposed to civil rights)
gay righs...like abortion......do you really need to see 2 men make out?

please continue.....I'm enjoying what you think is good
Failed Liberal Policy:

83% of American physicians "have considered leaving their practices over President Barack Obama's health care reform law, according to a survey released by the Doctor Patient Medical Association."

Report: 83 percent of doctors have considered quitting over Obamacare | The Daily Caller

Simply astounding. Just like they did in Cuba and the U.S.S.R., the liberals policies is going to leave us destitute, with healthcare that rivals that of 3rd world countries, and living in a state of perpetual proverty.

They're going to leave medicine to do what, exactly?

Become WALMART greeters?

MDs aren't going to suffer from ACA.

If anything they'll get richer than they already are.

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