Lol at the peaceniks claiming Trump is a warmonger for not allowing Iran to go nuclear.

W Bush sent soldiers to kill in an Iraq war he started, he really was involved in killing them.

Indeed, the Vietnam War was a even bigger disaster, by Lyndon B Johnson the promoter of Affirmative Action against White males.

Look at the big picture: How else do you develop the most powerful military in the world, without real battlefield experience? If it weren't for GW's actions after 9/11, we'd be a third-rate militarily-weak nation whose army was still using M1 steel pot helmets that don't stop bullets, heavy-ass Vietnam-era flak jackets, and crappy jam-o-matic M16A1 rifles.

The big picture is that the Iraq war was a disaster.

How so? The Iraqi people are voting for their own leaders now, aren't they?

They certainly didn't have that luxury while Saddam was gassing his own people.

Close to 5,000 Americans killed in the Iraq War.

Over 100,000's of thousands of Iraqis killed in the Iraq War.

Refugees headed West from the war.

ISIS Sunnis, and Iran Shiites have increasingly fought over Iraq's remnants.

ISIS Sunnis have retreated, thus Iran Shiite influences are increasing a lot more in influence over Iraq.

Actually 6,828 American soldiers killed in both Iraq and Afghanistan.

reasonable estimate-----I believe it
Dude, wake the f*ck up and quit trying to defend them. Iran has been directly and indirectly responsible for the deaths of between 500-1000 of your own countrymen in the Middle East..

Iran responsible for deaths of 500 U.S. service members in Iraq, military officials say

Iran: US Soldiers Killed Number Over 1,000 | [site:name] | National Review

Didn't W Bush kill nearly 10 X more U.S service members in Iraq?

No, that was militant Muslims....likely aided by Iran

1.) W Bush put those service man in harms way.

2.) Iran, and Iraq weren't really buddies back then, so how do you figure that?

3.) Iran's influences, and ISIS's influences actually came forward thanks to W Bush destablizing Iraq into Anarchy.

You're clueless

Southerner Hicks pretending to be true Irish people are clueless.

1.) You don't even remotely understand Muslim dynamics, and sects, such as how Iran, and Iraq are different were different enemies overall of Shiite Iran vs Sunni Saddam, or ISIS, or Al Qaeda are different enemies.

2.) Saddam was a Sunni minority of a Shiite majority country of Iraq, by getting rid of him, you led Shiite's to expand their influences from Iran into Iraq.

3.) Some ISIS officials were ex Saddam, and they fled into Syria, and then came back to Iraq where they fed on de-stabilized anarchy caused by Iraq to encroach on Iraq's Sunni population.

LOL at sobie-----you have no idea what K-girl does and does not "understand"
Could be that is the plan. Then the warmongers who run this country, can start a nice big war with Iran resulting in mass death of Iran’s citizens like was done in Iraq, Vietnam, Korea, and so many other nations the US government has attacked.

So if they pursue nuclear weapons and attack us, and we wipe them out..that's because we told them not to get nuclear weapons?

You people are crazy.
Tell me the nations Iran has attacked in the past 50 years. Then compare that to the number attacked by the good ole USA.

why? every move made by Hezbollah is IRANIAN. Hezbollah and their Yemeni Shiite shills
ran the gutters of Sanaa red. IRAN. All of the land (actually waste land) south of the
Litani River in Lebanon is one giant IRANIAN fortress devoted to Brutal terrorism .
Iran is very active in collusion with the mass Butcher----BASHAR ASSAD. Terrorist actions
around the world, including Shiite sluts with bombs on the whore asses is FOR THE GLORY
OF SHIITE (Iranian) SHIT. There is an active Shiite shit recruiting program in South
I do not believe anything put out by the government run media. They have been spouting this shit that Iran is the number 1 terrorist nation for years, with little proof. Stop believing the lies.

Do you know how many civilians the US killed in the Iraq War? Iran has no such track record.
Keep your propaganda in the sewer where both you and it belong. In fact IRAN is a
terrorist country NOW-------not always but NOW

Keep your sewer propaganda where it belongs.

Your Zionism hasn't helped America.

Your Neocon Zionist wars if anything have harmed America.

No, Poland didn't commit the Holocaust.

No, Israel is not a true ally.

No, we shouldn't waste more tax dollars on Israel so they can continue exterminating Palestinians.
So if they pursue nuclear weapons and attack us, and we wipe them out..that's because we told them not to get nuclear weapons?

You people are crazy.
Tell me the nations Iran has attacked in the past 50 years. Then compare that to the number attacked by the good ole USA.

why? every move made by Hezbollah is IRANIAN. Hezbollah and their Yemeni Shiite shills
ran the gutters of Sanaa red. IRAN. All of the land (actually waste land) south of the
Litani River in Lebanon is one giant IRANIAN fortress devoted to Brutal terrorism .
Iran is very active in collusion with the mass Butcher----BASHAR ASSAD. Terrorist actions
around the world, including Shiite sluts with bombs on the whore asses is FOR THE GLORY
OF SHIITE (Iranian) SHIT. There is an active Shiite shit recruiting program in South
I do not believe anything put out by the government run media. They have been spouting this shit that Iran is the number 1 terrorist nation for years, with little proof. Stop believing the lies.

Do you know how many civilians the US killed in the Iraq War? Iran has no such track record.
Keep your propaganda in the sewer where both you and it belong. In fact IRAN is a
terrorist country NOW-------not always but NOW

Keep your sewer propaganda where it belongs.

Your Zionism hasn't helped America.

Your Neocon Zionist wars if anything have harmed America.

No, Poland didn't commit the Holocaust.

No, Israel is not a true ally.

No, we shouldn't waste more tax dollars on Israel so they can continue exterminating Palestinians.

Didn't W Bush kill nearly 10 X more U.S service members in Iraq?

No, that was militant Muslims....likely aided by Iran

1.) W Bush put those service man in harms way.

2.) Iran, and Iraq weren't really buddies back then, so how do you figure that?

3.) Iran's influences, and ISIS's influences actually came forward thanks to W Bush destablizing Iraq into Anarchy.

You're clueless

Southerner Hicks pretending to be true Irish people are clueless.

1.) You don't even remotely understand Muslim dynamics, and sects, such as how Iran, and Iraq are different were different enemies overall of Shiite Iran vs Sunni Saddam, or ISIS, or Al Qaeda are different enemies.

2.) Saddam was a Sunni minority of a Shiite majority country of Iraq, by getting rid of him, you led Shiite's to expand their influences from Iran into Iraq.

3.) Some ISIS officials were ex Saddam, and they fled into Syria, and then came back to Iraq where they fed on de-stabilized anarchy caused by Iraq to encroach on Iraq's Sunni population.

LOL at sobie-----you have no idea what K-girl does and does not "understand"

Why should I support Israel / Jews ,when most Israelis / Jews sound like a bunch of anti-Polish twerps like you.

If I had to pick, I'd say I back Iran over Israel.
We should send these misguided fools over to Iran. It would serve them right. Have they even read the Iran nuke deal? It's a joke, a very dangerous joke. Good for Trump for recognizing this and cancelling it, and for reimposing sanctions on Iran.

By the way, for all you believers in the Russian-collusion myth, Russia strongly supported the Iran nuke deal and argued against pulling out of it. Gee, what gives? If Trump is under Russian control, how come he's ignoring a major Russian policy? For that matter, why has he sold arms to Ukraine, continued Obama's sanctions on Russia, blocked Russian arms sales by dissuading potential customers, etc., etc.?
We should send these misguided fools over to Iran. It would serve them right. Have they even read the Iran nuke deal? It's a joke, a very dangerous joke. Good for Trump for recognizing this and for reimposing sanctions on Iran.

By the way, for all you believers in the Russian-collusion myth, Russia strongly supported the Iran nuke deal and argued against pulling out of it. Gee, what gives?

The very dangerous joke I see in the Mid-East is Israel who definitely has Nukes, rather than Iran with presumably no Nukes.
No, that was militant Muslims....likely aided by Iran

1.) W Bush put those service man in harms way.

2.) Iran, and Iraq weren't really buddies back then, so how do you figure that?

3.) Iran's influences, and ISIS's influences actually came forward thanks to W Bush destablizing Iraq into Anarchy.

You're clueless

Southerner Hicks pretending to be true Irish people are clueless.

1.) You don't even remotely understand Muslim dynamics, and sects, such as how Iran, and Iraq are different were different enemies overall of Shiite Iran vs Sunni Saddam, or ISIS, or Al Qaeda are different enemies.

2.) Saddam was a Sunni minority of a Shiite majority country of Iraq, by getting rid of him, you led Shiite's to expand their influences from Iran into Iraq.

3.) Some ISIS officials were ex Saddam, and they fled into Syria, and then came back to Iraq where they fed on de-stabilized anarchy caused by Iraq to encroach on Iraq's Sunni population.

LOL at sobie-----you have no idea what K-girl does and does not "understand"

Why should I support Israel / Jews ,when most Israelis / Jews sound like a bunch of anti-Polish twerps like you.

If I had to pick, I'd say I back Iran over Israel.

LOL----some Israeli HURT you? You can back Iran------you are that stupid
We should send these misguided fools over to Iran. It would serve them right. Have they even read the Iran nuke deal? It's a joke, a very dangerous joke. Good for Trump for recognizing this and for reimposing sanctions on Iran.

By the way, for all you believers in the Russian-collusion myth, Russia strongly supported the Iran nuke deal and argued against pulling out of it. Gee, what gives?

The very dangerous joke I see in the Mid-East is Israel who definitely has Nukes, rather than Iran with presumably no Nukes.

Big difference: When have you ever seen crowds of people in Israel chanting "Death to Iran"? Israel's nuclear weapons (if that actually have them) are a deterrent, not for offensive purposes.

Israel has also never stated that they want to wipe Iran off the map, unlike Iran's Mullahs who have expressed the desire to wipe Israel off the map.
Wow Gipper, you took hating America to new heights. Calling America a terrorist nation is as about as low as you can get. And you even have a little group of dems joining your party. If it isn't clear now that the democrat party must be wiped out, people need to open their eyes. There can be no more negotiations or concessions with the left. They are no longer even Americans.
Why are they so absurd about everything? Seriously.

How do they allow themselves to become so pathetic?
All the while cuckservative zionist Israel firsters such as yourself could care less Israel has nukes and REFUSES to allow inspections or admit they have nukes.
He just gave them the green light to pursue their nuclear weapons program.
I hope they achieve it and VERY quickly!
1.) W Bush put those service man in harms way.

2.) Iran, and Iraq weren't really buddies back then, so how do you figure that?

3.) Iran's influences, and ISIS's influences actually came forward thanks to W Bush destablizing Iraq into Anarchy.

You're clueless

Southerner Hicks pretending to be true Irish people are clueless.

1.) You don't even remotely understand Muslim dynamics, and sects, such as how Iran, and Iraq are different were different enemies overall of Shiite Iran vs Sunni Saddam, or ISIS, or Al Qaeda are different enemies.

2.) Saddam was a Sunni minority of a Shiite majority country of Iraq, by getting rid of him, you led Shiite's to expand their influences from Iran into Iraq.

3.) Some ISIS officials were ex Saddam, and they fled into Syria, and then came back to Iraq where they fed on de-stabilized anarchy caused by Iraq to encroach on Iraq's Sunni population.

LOL at sobie-----you have no idea what K-girl does and does not "understand"

Why should I support Israel / Jews ,when most Israelis / Jews sound like a bunch of anti-Polish twerps like you.

If I had to pick, I'd say I back Iran over Israel.

LOL----some Israeli HURT you? You can back Iran------you are that stupid

Iran helped Poles escape the Nazis.

Israel hasn't done a damn thing positive for Polish people.

Israel supported Israeli status to Jewish Communist killer of Polish people Salomon Morel, calling it a anti-Semitic conspiracy theory when Poland tried to bring Jewish Communist killer Salomon Morel to justice.

Israel supports Jewish Holocaust survivors to get monetary compensations from the Polish government.

Israel supports Poland as a nation of Holocaust deniers for trying to enact a law which protects Polish victims of the Nazis for being blamed for the Holocaust from the usual Jewish suspects.
We should send these misguided fools over to Iran. It would serve them right. Have they even read the Iran nuke deal? It's a joke, a very dangerous joke. Good for Trump for recognizing this and for reimposing sanctions on Iran.

By the way, for all you believers in the Russian-collusion myth, Russia strongly supported the Iran nuke deal and argued against pulling out of it. Gee, what gives?

The very dangerous joke I see in the Mid-East is Israel who definitely has Nukes, rather than Iran with presumably no Nukes.

Big difference: When have you ever seen crowds of people in Israel chanting "Death to Iran"? Israel's nuclear weapons (if that actually have them) are a deterrent, not for offensive purposes.

Israel has also never stated that they want to wipe Iran off the map, unlike Iran's Mullahs who have expressed the desire to wipe Israel off the map.

Israel is dedicated to wiping Palestine off the map, what about that?

When are we going to target Israel with sanctions?
By the way, for all you believers in the Russian-collusion myth, Russia strongly supported the Iran nuke deal and argued against pulling out of it. Gee, what gives? If Trump is under Russian control, how come he's ignoring a major Russian policy? For that matter, why has he sold arms to Ukraine, continued Obama's sanctions on Russia, blocked Russian arms sales by dissuading potential customers, etc., etc.?

Russia invaded a majority Russian Crimea with virtually no killings, bam right away sanctions from the U.S.A.

Israel has invaded a majority Palestinian West Bank with killings of Palestinians, for what nearly 70 years now?

When the F*ck are we going to slap sanctions on Israel?
We should send these misguided fools over to Iran. It would serve them right. Have they even read the Iran nuke deal? It's a joke, a very dangerous joke. Good for Trump for recognizing this and for reimposing sanctions on Iran.

By the way, for all you believers in the Russian-collusion myth, Russia strongly supported the Iran nuke deal and argued against pulling out of it. Gee, what gives?

The very dangerous joke I see in the Mid-East is Israel who definitely has Nukes, rather than Iran with presumably no Nukes.

Big difference: When have you ever seen crowds of people in Israel chanting "Death to Iran"? Israel's nuclear weapons (if that actually have them) are a deterrent, not for offensive purposes.

Israel has also never stated that they want to wipe Iran off the map, unlike Iran's Mullahs who have expressed the desire to wipe Israel off the map.

Israel is dedicated to wiping Palestine off the map, what about that?

When are we going to target Israel with sanctions?

There is no such country as "Palestine." There never was.

  • When was it founded and by whom?

  • What were its borders?

  • What was its capital?

  • Who was the President?

  • What was its form of government?

  • What were its major cities?

  • What constituted the basis of its economy?

  • Who was the Palestinian leader before Yasser Arafat?

  • Was Palestine ever recognized by a country whose existence, at that time or now, leaves no room for interpretation?

  • What was the language of the country of Palestine?

  • What was the prevalent religion of the country of Palestine?

  • What was the name of its currency and what was the approximate exchange rate of the Palestinian monetary unit against the US dollar, German mark, GB pound, or Japanese yen on any particular date?

  • And, finally, since there is no such country today, what caused its demise and when did it occur?

If these so-called "Palestinians" are anything but a generic collection of Arabs from all over the rest of the Arab world and if they really have a genuine ethnic identity that gives them right for self-determination, then why did they never try to become an independent and sovereign nation until Arabs suffered their devastating defeat in the Six Day War in 1967?
We should send these misguided fools over to Iran. It would serve them right. Have they even read the Iran nuke deal? It's a joke, a very dangerous joke. Good for Trump for recognizing this and for reimposing sanctions on Iran.

By the way, for all you believers in the Russian-collusion myth, Russia strongly supported the Iran nuke deal and argued against pulling out of it. Gee, what gives?

The very dangerous joke I see in the Mid-East is Israel who definitely has Nukes, rather than Iran with presumably no Nukes.

Big difference: When have you ever seen crowds of people in Israel chanting "Death to Iran"? Israel's nuclear weapons (if that actually have them) are a deterrent, not for offensive purposes.

Israel has also never stated that they want to wipe Iran off the map, unlike Iran's Mullahs who have expressed the desire to wipe Israel off the map.

Israel is dedicated to wiping Palestine off the map, what about that?

When are we going to target Israel with sanctions?

There is no such country as "Palestine." There never was.

  • When was it founded and by whom?

  • What were its borders?

  • What was its capital?

  • Who was the President?

  • What was its form of government?

  • What were its major cities?

  • What constituted the basis of its economy?

  • Who was the Palestinian leader before Yasser Arafat?

  • Was Palestine ever recognized by a country whose existence, at that time or now, leaves no room for interpretation?

  • What was the language of the country of Palestine?

  • What was the prevalent religion of the country of Palestine?

  • What was the name of its currency and what was the approximate exchange rate of the Palestinian monetary unit against the US dollar, German mark, GB pound, or Japanese yen on any particular date?

  • And, finally, since there is no such country today, what caused its demise and when did it occur?

If these so-called "Palestinians" are anything but a generic collection of Arabs from all over the rest of the Arab world and if they really have a genuine ethnic identity that gives them right for self-determination, then why did they never try to become an independent and sovereign nation until Arabs suffered their devastating defeat in the Six Day War in 1967?

1517 Israel was 1.7% Jewish.

1918 Israel was 8.1% Jewish.

1946 Israel was 30,0% Jewish.

Jewish & Non-Jewish Population of Israel/Palestine (1517-Present)
So, the roughly 30% or so Jewish minority should impose it's self on the other 70%?

So, by this logic, the 30% or so Catholic minority should impose it's self on the other 70%?

I hope we do, I'm tired of you stupid f*cking Protestant, and Jewish A-holes making this Country a Neocon sh*hole anyways.

We too could justify it too, because long ago Catholic countries like France, and Spain held a lot of land here, anyways.
Lol at the peaceniks claiming Trump is a warmonger for not allowing Iran to go nuclear.
Lol harder at the rightard dumb fucks believing what Trump tells them.

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