Lol at the peaceniks claiming Trump is a warmonger for not allowing Iran to go nuclear.

The left always side with Islamo terrorists. Always.

They sure seem to don't they.
Islam and the American Left are united in a common goal - the destruction of Western Civilization.

More like Jews, and Muslims are anti-Western.

Exactly why we shouldn't give a damn, especially considering Israel has nukes.
Europe has been threatened, and we have bases there. One plane with a nuke in it, one boat, one car. All that’s needed for Main St USA to go up in a mushroom cloud as Iran vows.

Poland has been threatened by Russia for taking down Soviet memorials.

When are Conservative Protestant lowlifes like you going to pander to Polish voters in the U.S.A for that?

Instead the simpletons pander to Jews / Israel over, and over again for no logical, or sound reason.

1.) Polish Americans voted approx 65% for Trump, one of the biggest voters for Trump... Jewish Americans voted approx 75% for Hillary, one of the biggest voters for Hillary.

2.) Polish Americans tend to be Catholics who believe in Jesus, and Christmas, Jews don't.

3.) Jews in Israel sometimes spit on Christians, how about Poles in Poland?

4.) Jews / Israel not only don't believe in Jesus, they can mock Jesus.

Videos below of your Israel mocking Jesus, you know the Israel you support.

Just how dumb Protestant hicks are in this country.

More nonsense and Antisemitism...go away

So, you are Protestant?

Protestant Ulster Irish aren't really Irish FYI.

Listen up little man, you don't have the very first clue about anything you spew and your crap is past old. You're throwing out anything and everything hoping something, anything sticks. Sit down already...anti Semites disgust me

What's truly hilarious is when Conservatives think Jews are the center of the Conservative Right agenda.

Actually, if anything Jews are the center of the Liberal Left agenda.

You really are quite the sick little man kid. So much little intelligence. How many Joooos have you killed again?

Why don't you explain how Jews have disproportionately helped Conservatives?

Admit it, you read about Israel in the bible, so therefor low IQ nitwits think that's the center of thier ideals.

Liberal facts of Judaism overall are.

- 1/2 of Democrat funding is Jewish, while 1/4th of Republican funding is Jewish.

- Jewish Democrat voting blocs especially in Florida are important for Democrats, I don't think they could've elected Obama without it.

- Nearly 2,000 Jewish Rabbis have signed a letter welcoming Refugees into this country.

- Jews played a big role in founding, or controlling Liberal ideals, and institutions be it Marxism, Social Democracy, Hollywood, CNN news, NBC news, CBS News, ABC News, Trotskyism, Leninism, Cultural Marxism like Mencken, or Horkeimer, as well as the SPLC, ADL, ACLU, NAACP, etc.

- Jews play a big role in Gun control like Diane Feinstein, Emanuel Celler, Joseph Lieberman, Michael Bloomberg, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Chuck Schumer among others.

- Jew Emanuel Celler also dreampt up the Celler - Hart immigration act, which shifted us to more Latino immigrants.

- Other Jewish Liberal mentions could include George Soros, Bernie Sanders, Saul Alinsky,Paul R. Ehrlich, Wolf Blitzer, Rachel Maddow, Noam Chomsky, Tim Wise,David Axelrod, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Anthony Weiner, Elliot Spitzer, Paul Krugman, David Plouffe, Rahm Emanuel, Jill Stein, Jon Stewart, BIll Maher, Barbara Walters, Al Franken, Elena Kagan, Gloria Steinem, Betty Friedan, Barney Frank,

LOL, all bark and no bite. Go kill some Jooos boy, I'm sure Iran can use your help.
So, you are Protestant?

Protestant Ulster Irish aren't really Irish FYI.

Listen up little man, you don't have the very first clue about anything you spew and your crap is past old. You're throwing out anything and everything hoping something, anything sticks. Sit down already...anti Semites disgust me

What's truly hilarious is when Conservatives think Jews are the center of the Conservative Right agenda.

Actually, if anything Jews are the center of the Liberal Left agenda.

You really are quite the sick little man kid. So much little intelligence. How many Joooos have you killed again?

Why don't you explain how Jews have disproportionately helped Conservatives?

Admit it, you read about Israel in the bible, so therefor low IQ nitwits think that's the center of thier ideals.

Liberal facts of Judaism overall are.

- 1/2 of Democrat funding is Jewish, while 1/4th of Republican funding is Jewish.

- Jewish Democrat voting blocs especially in Florida are important for Democrats, I don't think they could've elected Obama without it.

- Nearly 2,000 Jewish Rabbis have signed a letter welcoming Refugees into this country.

- Jews played a big role in founding, or controlling Liberal ideals, and institutions be it Marxism, Social Democracy, Hollywood, CNN news, NBC news, CBS News, ABC News, Trotskyism, Leninism, Cultural Marxism like Mencken, or Horkeimer, as well as the SPLC, ADL, ACLU, NAACP, etc.

- Jews play a big role in Gun control like Diane Feinstein, Emanuel Celler, Joseph Lieberman, Michael Bloomberg, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Chuck Schumer among others.

- Jew Emanuel Celler also dreampt up the Celler - Hart immigration act, which shifted us to more Latino immigrants.

- Other Jewish Liberal mentions could include George Soros, Bernie Sanders, Saul Alinsky,Paul R. Ehrlich, Wolf Blitzer, Rachel Maddow, Noam Chomsky, Tim Wise,David Axelrod, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Anthony Weiner, Elliot Spitzer, Paul Krugman, David Plouffe, Rahm Emanuel, Jill Stein, Jon Stewart, BIll Maher, Barbara Walters, Al Franken, Elena Kagan, Gloria Steinem, Betty Friedan, Barney Frank,

LOL, all bark and no bite. Go kill some Jooos boy, I'm sure Iran can use your help.

No logic, go support Jewish enemies of the Conservative, and Right wing because Jewish former Communist Jew Irving Kristol tricked a bunch of Hicks into supporting Jews, and Israel.
He just gave them the green light to pursue their nuclear weapons program.

well considering that Isreal is the only one of the two that has nuclear weapons,I would say good boy trump.:11_2_1043::banana:

Oh and Israel does have nuclear weapons,you just dont hear about it here in the states from the corporate controlled media.venture OUTSIDE the states,you hear that little truth reported everywhere.:thup:
Why are they so absurd about everything? Seriously.

How do they allow themselves to become so pathetic?

How has Trump done anything to prevent Iran from going nuclear?

By pulling out of the deal, he automatically has stipulated that they can no longer "legally" get a nuke after the 10 year sunset clause expires. obummer GRANTED iran a nuke in 12 years. And not only that, according to the terms of this moronic deal, it would have been LEGAL for them to have it.
Why are they so absurd about everything? Seriously.

How do they allow themselves to become so pathetic?

How has Trump done anything to prevent Iran from going nuclear?

By pulling out of the deal, he automatically has stipulated that they can no longer "legally" get a nuke after the 10 year sunset clause expires. obummer GRANTED iran a nuke in 12 years. And not only that, according to the terms of this moronic deal, it would have been LEGAL for them to have it.
But but but CNN said....

And CNN also said......

MSNBC reported......

NY Times also said......

None of that is true.


Why are they so absurd about everything? Seriously.

How do they allow themselves to become so pathetic?

How has Trump done anything to prevent Iran from going nuclear?

By pulling out of the deal, he automatically has stipulated that they can no longer "legally" get a nuke after the 10 year sunset clause expires. obummer GRANTED iran a nuke in 12 years. And not only that, according to the terms of this moronic deal, it would have been LEGAL for them to have it.

Now they can have it in a couple years! Well done Trump.

And who the fuck are we to say what is legal for another sovereign nation?

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Why are they so absurd about everything? Seriously.

How do they allow themselves to become so pathetic?

How has Trump done anything to prevent Iran from going nuclear?

By pulling out of the deal, he automatically has stipulated that they can no longer "legally" get a nuke after the 10 year sunset clause expires. obummer GRANTED iran a nuke in 12 years. And not only that, according to the terms of this moronic deal, it would have been LEGAL for them to have it.

Now they can have it in a couple years! Well done Trump.

And who the fuck are we to say what is legal for another sovereign nation?

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Not with the sanctions in place. You are a broken record dude. Your way they were guaranteed a bomb in 12 years. At least this way we have a chance to prevent it. Pull your idiotic head out of your ass.
Why are they so absurd about everything? Seriously.

How do they allow themselves to become so pathetic?

How has Trump done anything to prevent Iran from going nuclear?

By pulling out of the deal, he automatically has stipulated that they can no longer "legally" get a nuke after the 10 year sunset clause expires. obummer GRANTED iran a nuke in 12 years. And not only that, according to the terms of this moronic deal, it would have been LEGAL for them to have it.

Now they can have it in a couple years! Well done Trump.

And who the fuck are we to say what is legal for another sovereign nation?

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Not with the sanctions in place. You are a broken record dude. Your way they were guaranteed a bomb in 12 years. At least this way we have a chance to prevent it. Pull your idiotic head out of your ass.

LOL- neither way guarantees a bomb- or guarantees preventing a bomb.

But what was in place preventing working on a bomb for 12 years.

Now we have nothing that prevents working on a bomb.

And the sanctions? If the other members of the agreement chose to ignore them, then they won't slow down Iran at all.
Some food for thought...

Why are they so absurd about everything? Seriously.

How do they allow themselves to become so pathetic?

How has Trump done anything to prevent Iran from going nuclear?

By pulling out of the deal, he automatically has stipulated that they can no longer "legally" get a nuke after the 10 year sunset clause expires. obummer GRANTED iran a nuke in 12 years. And not only that, according to the terms of this moronic deal, it would have been LEGAL for them to have it.

Now they can have it in a couple years! Well done Trump.

And who the fuck are we to say what is legal for another sovereign nation?

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Not with the sanctions in place. You are a broken record dude. Your way they were guaranteed a bomb in 12 years. At least this way we have a chance to prevent it. Pull your idiotic head out of your ass.

LOL- neither way guarantees a bomb- or guarantees preventing a bomb.

But what was in place preventing working on a bomb for 12 years.

Now we have nothing that prevents working on a bomb.

And the sanctions? If the other members of the agreement chose to ignore them, then they won't slow down Iran at all.

the business of international relationships and "agreements" is tedious and of uncertain outcome
Why are they so absurd about everything? Seriously.

How do they allow themselves to become so pathetic?
Not allowing Iran to go nuclear? He just cancelled an agreement with Iran. We now have no say one way or another with Iran's nuclear is "having no say" turn into "not allowing"?
These people are being too stupid to argue with today. No facts are interfering with their story.
Why are they so absurd about everything? Seriously.

How do they allow themselves to become so pathetic?

How has Trump done anything to prevent Iran from going nuclear?

By pulling out of the deal, he automatically has stipulated that they can no longer "legally" get a nuke after the 10 year sunset clause expires. obummer GRANTED iran a nuke in 12 years. And not only that, according to the terms of this moronic deal, it would have been LEGAL for them to have it.

Now they can have it in a couple years! Well done Trump.

And who the fuck are we to say what is legal for another sovereign nation?

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Not with the sanctions in place. You are a broken record dude. Your way they were guaranteed a bomb in 12 years. At least this way we have a chance to prevent it. Pull your idiotic head out of your ass.

It was not my way you moron, it was the world’s way. How are the sanctions going to do a damn bit of good when only the US will abide by them?

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Some food for thought...


What a disingenuous prick you are. You don't give a shit about the American worker. What is even more funny is you think it is A-OK to let a terrorist country get a nuke so long as the workers have jobs. You are a clown.
Why are they so absurd about everything? Seriously.

How do they allow themselves to become so pathetic?

How has Trump done anything to prevent Iran from going nuclear?

By pulling out of the deal, he automatically has stipulated that they can no longer "legally" get a nuke after the 10 year sunset clause expires. obummer GRANTED iran a nuke in 12 years. And not only that, according to the terms of this moronic deal, it would have been LEGAL for them to have it.

Now they can have it in a couple years! Well done Trump.

And who the fuck are we to say what is legal for another sovereign nation?

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Not with the sanctions in place. You are a broken record dude. Your way they were guaranteed a bomb in 12 years. At least this way we have a chance to prevent it. Pull your idiotic head out of your ass.

It was not my way you moron, it was the world’s way. How are the sanctions going to do a damn bit of good when only the US will abide by them?

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Wrong, it was the elitist version of a "deal". They could give a shit about the average citizen of the world so long as they were able to profit from the deal they were happy with whatever shit got rammed down OUR throat. After all. Whatever the iranians do will affect us....not the elite.
How has Trump done anything to prevent Iran from going nuclear?

By pulling out of the deal, he automatically has stipulated that they can no longer "legally" get a nuke after the 10 year sunset clause expires. obummer GRANTED iran a nuke in 12 years. And not only that, according to the terms of this moronic deal, it would have been LEGAL for them to have it.

Now they can have it in a couple years! Well done Trump.

And who the fuck are we to say what is legal for another sovereign nation?

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Not with the sanctions in place. You are a broken record dude. Your way they were guaranteed a bomb in 12 years. At least this way we have a chance to prevent it. Pull your idiotic head out of your ass.

It was not my way you moron, it was the world’s way. How are the sanctions going to do a damn bit of good when only the US will abide by them?

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Wrong, it was the elitist version of a "deal". They could give a shit about the average citizen of the world so long as they were able to profit from the deal they were happy with whatever shit got rammed down OUR throat. After all. Whatever the iranians do will affect us....not the elite.

How did Iran affect you? How many counties have they invaded in the last few decades? How many countries have they lobbed missiles into over the last few decades?

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By pulling out of the deal, he automatically has stipulated that they can no longer "legally" get a nuke after the 10 year sunset clause expires. obummer GRANTED iran a nuke in 12 years. And not only that, according to the terms of this moronic deal, it would have been LEGAL for them to have it.

Now they can have it in a couple years! Well done Trump.

And who the fuck are we to say what is legal for another sovereign nation?

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Not with the sanctions in place. You are a broken record dude. Your way they were guaranteed a bomb in 12 years. At least this way we have a chance to prevent it. Pull your idiotic head out of your ass.

It was not my way you moron, it was the world’s way. How are the sanctions going to do a damn bit of good when only the US will abide by them?

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Wrong, it was the elitist version of a "deal". They could give a shit about the average citizen of the world so long as they were able to profit from the deal they were happy with whatever shit got rammed down OUR throat. After all. Whatever the iranians do will affect us....not the elite.

How did Iran affect you? How many counties have they invaded in the last few decades? How many countries have they lobbed missiles into over the last few decades?

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They haven't.....yet. And that is the point. They get The Bomb, they will use the Bomb. It's as simple as that.
Now they can have it in a couple years! Well done Trump.

And who the fuck are we to say what is legal for another sovereign nation?

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Not with the sanctions in place. You are a broken record dude. Your way they were guaranteed a bomb in 12 years. At least this way we have a chance to prevent it. Pull your idiotic head out of your ass.

It was not my way you moron, it was the world’s way. How are the sanctions going to do a damn bit of good when only the US will abide by them?

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Wrong, it was the elitist version of a "deal". They could give a shit about the average citizen of the world so long as they were able to profit from the deal they were happy with whatever shit got rammed down OUR throat. After all. Whatever the iranians do will affect us....not the elite.

How did Iran affect you? How many counties have they invaded in the last few decades? How many countries have they lobbed missiles into over the last few decades?

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They haven't.....yet. And that is the point. They get The Bomb, they will use the Bomb. It's as simple as that.

Yeah, that is just horseshit. Iran has talked trash for 40 years, and it has always been just that.
Not with the sanctions in place. You are a broken record dude. Your way they were guaranteed a bomb in 12 years. At least this way we have a chance to prevent it. Pull your idiotic head out of your ass.

It was not my way you moron, it was the world’s way. How are the sanctions going to do a damn bit of good when only the US will abide by them?

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Wrong, it was the elitist version of a "deal". They could give a shit about the average citizen of the world so long as they were able to profit from the deal they were happy with whatever shit got rammed down OUR throat. After all. Whatever the iranians do will affect us....not the elite.

How did Iran affect you? How many counties have they invaded in the last few decades? How many countries have they lobbed missiles into over the last few decades?

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They haven't.....yet. And that is the point. They get The Bomb, they will use the Bomb. It's as simple as that.

Yeah, that is just horseshit. Iran has talked trash for 40 years, and it has always been just that.

Because they have never had the means to attack. Given a nuke, and the missile to put it on, and they will. You have to be a complete, and utter imbecile to not understand that simple fact. iran has been the preeminent sponsor of State terror for decades. Pretty much the entire rest of the Arab world is thanking trump for doing it. I will trust their opinion far more than i will trust yours.

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