LOL - DeSantis says to chuck "little elf Fauci" across the Potomac

At one time, the left liked him. I don't think that's so true nowadays... although lefties aren't too bright so who knows?

first, dude says masks don't do any good (he had it right the first time)

then it was OMG OMG, we have to wear masks..

then it was 2 masks!

Then people listened to the elf and shut down the economy and we lost big... as individuals, as a nation..

Then there was the vax that eveyrone took but still got covid.. in larger numbers than those who didn't take it (those were BAD people who didn't take it, btw) :rolleyes:

then there is the worst of all: Gain of function

I wonder...

Are there sharks in the Potomac?

The late inventor of the PCR test, Nobel Prize winner Dr. Kary Mullis. In 1997 Dr. Mullis said that the PCR test was of little use in detecting viral illnesses, at that time referring to HIV.

“Tony Fauci does not mind going on television, in front of the people that pay his salary, and lie directly into the camera.”

This Fauci dude served the orange douche bag. Does this mean that the orange loser was so mentally challenged that Fauci ran rings around him? :auiqs.jpg:
He did basically the same job for seven presidents. Nobody even knew who this guy was until covid. Suddenly we got a massive dose of the incompetence we pay for year after year.
no comments on the (some may call it ) snarky comment from DeSantis

I guess that turncoat named Crist is right... the Right are haters..

yeh, we hate

big government
stupid government
un-Constitutional government
baby killing

yep... good to be a hater sometimes..

And voila!; overnight Crist transforms into the guru of political love!!
What an :ahole-1:.
And voila!; overnight Crist transforms into the guru of political love!!
What an :ahole-1:.
he quoted the Bible!

well, there goes the Christian vote DeSantis was counting on..:confused:

Crist obviously realized there were some Christians and Catholic Hispanics in FL (much as he'd like to fantasize otherwise) ! so he had to quote the Bible to get their vote

AND accuse half of FL of being haters..

sounds like a great political strategy!
he quoted the Bible!

well, there goes the Christian vote DeSantis was counting on..

Crist obviousl realized there were some Christians and Catholic Hispanics in FL (much as he'd like to fantasize otherwise) so he had to quote the Bible and accuse half of FL of being haters..

sounds like a great political strategy!

Crist's own words, "I'm on the battlefield of love."
What a dolt. And this after insulting half of Florida's voters!!
You said Trump hired Fauci as medical director. That's a lie, Pedo Joe did... Google it before you look more ridiculous
LOL Did Fauci serve under Rump? Yes or No?

Come on, retard. Don't run away. Let's see if you have the guts to respond. I doubt it. Prove me wrong. Go.
He did basically the same job for seven presidents. Nobody even knew who this guy was until covid. Suddenly we got a massive dose of the incompetence we pay for year after year.
And your orange douche bag went along with it. What does that say about your fuhrer?
LOL Did Fauci serve under Rump? Yes or No?

Come on, retard. Don't run away. Let's see if you have the guts to respond. I doubt it. Prove me wrong. Go.

You stated Trump hired Fauci...yes or fcking no?

I know and you're trapped so STFU
You stated Trump hired Fauci...yes or fcking no?

I know and you're trapped so STFU
You first, retard. I asked you a question. Like a fucking measly coward, you are running from it.

One more time: Did Fauci serve under Rump? Yes or No?

I know you are trapped so... :auiqs.jpg:
This evil nerd shit created a spotlight and declared himself Heath Nazi of the Planet so he could bask in it.
Did you or did you not say Trump hired Fauci.

It's in the thread, idiot
Sorry, retard. You didn't answer my question.

You first, retard. I asked you a question. Like a fucking measly coward, you are running from it.

One more time: Did Fauci serve under Rump? Yes or No?
See lib dolts the issue is not when he got hired and by whom. The issue is the bogus opportunity he then created for himself
Crist's own words, "I'm on the battlefield of love."
What a dolt. And this after insulting half of Florida's voters!!
he really loves the unborn, doesn't it?

enough to have them killed by the thousands in his state...

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