LOL - DeSantis says to chuck "little elf Fauci" across the Potomac

Go away ya annoying prick
Surprise, surprise. Poor retard can't answer my question.... :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg:

I asked you a question. Like a fucking measly coward, you are running from it.

One more time: Did Fauci serve under Rump? Yes or No?
Surprise, surprise. Poor retard can't answer my question.... :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg:

I asked you a question. Like a fucking measly coward, you are running from it.

One more time: Did Fauci serve under Rump? Yes or No?

Ignorant. You're ignored, absolutely nobody has time for your BS. You lied, got caught and are dancing like a leftist male ballerina
Ignorant. You're ignored, absolutely nobody has time for your BS. You lied, got caught and are dancing like a leftist male ballerina
I asked you a question. Like a fucking measly coward, you are running from it.

One more time: Did Fauci serve under Rump? Yes or No?
I asked you a question. Like a fucking measly coward, you are running from it.

One more time: Did Fauci serve under Rump? Yes or No?
You’re a child asking why on repeat. We’ve shown you why your question had a bad premise and answered it with logic and critical thinking. You just keep asking why.
LOL Did Fauci serve under Rump? Yes or No?

Come on, retard. Don't run away. Let's see if you have the guts to respond. I doubt it. Prove me wrong. Go.

Hahaha, Raygun, Pappa Bush, Baby Bush, Trumpyberra.

What a Great American little Tony turned out to be.
You’re a child asking why on repeat. We’ve shown you why your question had a bad premise and answered it with logic and critical thinking. You just keep asking why.
Awww... isn't that sweet? One retard comes to the aid of another.

<sniff> It gets me right here :crybaby:
People who take out legitimate loans that are excused.
Get it now?
America was not rewarding debtors until Mr Tax and Spend Dementia-man came along... talking about how much kids like his wet hairy legs and how Corn Pop was a bad dude.. etc.... :oops:

and people need to vote for him so they can get something that... he is not Constitutionally capable of giving..
When addressing me you need to post in blue. I will no longer read your replies if they aren’t in blue text.
That's ok, retard. We got it that you can't answer my questions. Retards never can. Thanks for playing. :itsok:

I always knew that Fauci dude reminded me of something...


I was going to say something else... something about how in something like 20 years he will wish his only punishment were being chucked across the Potomac.. but I will let that go..

Someone needs to give DeSantis a kick into the ocean. Preferably where there are some sharks.
De Santis is the best!!!!!!!!:yes_text12:

Didn't DeS say

INTO the Potomac?

except there are laws against polluting rivers..

(yes, I am supposed 2b a Christian... which means I hate lying and weasels (or elfs, if u prefer) making massive bucks off said lies
at 80 years old and after 40 years in the same government job, Fauci strikes me as a consummate bureaucrat, one with a huge ego and penchant for self-promotion, you know, the same thing they accuse Trump of

"don't get between him and a camera, he's everywhere! are we encouraging that?" - President Trump

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