LOL - DeSantis says to chuck "little elf Fauci" across the Potomac

Surprise, surprise. Poor retard can't answer my question.... :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg:

I asked you a question. Like a fucking measly coward, you are running from it.

One more time: Did Fauci serve under Rump? Yes or No?

I ask you a question. Like a.. measly coward, you will likely run from it.

One more time: Did bidum, not Trump, make masks and vaxxes mandatory? Yes or No?
at 80 years old and after 40 years in the same government job, Fauci strikes me as a consummate bureaucrat, one with a huge ego and penchant for self-promotion, you know, the same thing they accuse Trump of

"don't get between him and a camera, he's everywhere! are we encouraging that?" - President Trump
I never liked Fauci, even before all the ... what is now water under the bridge

I mean, even before he said anything... I guess that's not scientific but maybe it shows I sensed he was a weasel long b4 I had substantial proof, such proof being namely

everything that spewed out of his weasely mouth

“Sant” DeSantis tossing “Elf” Fauxi in a dry run.
I ask you a question. Like a.. measly coward, you will likely run from it.

One more time: Did bidum, not Trump, make masks and vaxxes mandatory? Yes or No?
Sorry, retard. Does not work that way. Only when my question is answered, will I entertain yours.


Did Fauci serve under Rump? Yes or No?
Sorry, retard. Does not work that way. Only when my question is answered, will I entertain yours.


Did Fauci serve under Rump? Yes or No?
everyone knows the answer

But who was the pres who had the mandates?


answer me this, bat-head
everyone knows the answer

But who was the pres who had the mandates?


answer me this, bat-head
Sorry, retard. Do you think dodging a question will let you off the hook?

You jumped into the discussion. Now, let's see if you are a miserable rat-fink coward like the rest of the retards.

One more time, answer the question: Did Fauci serve under Rump? Yes or No?
no comments on the (some may call it ) snarky comment from DeSantis

I guess that turncoat named Crist is right... the Right are haters..

yeh, we hate

big government
stupid government
un-Constitutional government
baby killing

yep... good to be a hater sometimes..
You want a response?

Fauci is a competent well respected professional.

DiSantis is a cynical politician

I always knew that Fauci dude reminded me of something...


I was going to say something else... something about how in something like 20 years he will wish his only punishment were being chucked across the Potomac.. but I will let that go..
DeShamtis must be trying to distract from him looking like a jerkoff in the campaign ad of him in a fighter jet. When he grimaced that was him soiling himself. And how did he manage to fit his huge lardass into that seat without a shoehorn?

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