LOL! Hillary campaign says Millennial girls are too STUPID to understand how IMPORTANT she is!!


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
I've been saying for awhile the Democrat party doesn't think much of their base of voters. why else would they only ALLOW them six debates another one on a Saturday night when no one is watching. and only giving them TWO OLD FOGIES to now vote for. sheesh how degrading. Back to how we NEED a WOMAN President. lol


This the comment from the site:
I love this video because it shows how Democrats really think – if you don’t love and adore them it’s because you’re too STUPID to do it, it can’t possibly be that Millennials just aren’t buying Hillary’s crap. And notice that she’s basically admitting that the only reason to vote for Hillary is because she has the right reproductive parts. AND she assumes that this is the only reason that Millennial women WOULD ever vote for Hillary!!

It’s so great.

McCaskill COULD have said that they have failed in showing that demographic all of Hillary’s extensive (lol!) qualifications to be president, but she didn’t. Because there are none. Just her reproductive parts. And the Hillary campaign thinks young women are just too stupid to know it.

ALL of it here::lmao:

Read more:
All the Millennials I've spoke to are positively wild for Ted Cruz.
Total lie.
That is basically what she said
No she didn't , she said that the younger women do not feel that Hillary is fresh and new, because the Clinton's have been around for so long.
Older women support her because they have been part of the long road to get a woman in.

I am on the fence with her personally
"they haven't fully looked at the choices"
"they don't understand"
Yes the fuck she did.
'Hillary campaign says Millennial girls are too STUPID...'

...says the 'granny' who doesn't know how to operate more than one e-mail on a single phone and whose own staff (in an e-mail) described her as 'often confused' and 'technologically challenged' ... but Hillary insists she is capable of being our President.

Yer balls must hurt.
So you must be very narrow minded thinking the only people on this forum have balls...interesting....I don't have balls but mine are still larger than yours.......:wink_2:

"they haven't fully looked at the choices"
"they don't understand"
Yes the fuck she did.
At this point I am not a supporter of Hillary's but I fucking hate it when people make shit up


SEN. CLAIRE MCCASKILL (D-MO): Well, I think part of it is they haven’t yet fully looked at the choices. There may not be a natural enthusiasm because the Clintons have been around all of their lives and this doesn't feel as new and as different and as historic as it does to some of us who understand what it means to have a woman president in light of the struggles we have gone through

'Hillary campaign says Millennial girls are too STUPID...'

...says the 'granny' who doesn't know how to operate more than one e-mail on a single phone and whose own staff (in an e-mail) described her as 'often confused' and 'technologically challenged' ... but Hillary insists she is capable of being our President.


Easy did you see Hillary say that in this video? No you did not.......You need to get better at telling a little bit a truth to your lies.


I've been saying for awhile the Democrat party doesn't think much of their base of voters. why else would they only ALLOW them six debates another one on a Saturday night when no one is watching. and only giving them TWO OLD FOGIES to now vote for.

Your beloved testosterone-depleted Trump is older than Hillary. In fact, he is the oldest of all the candidates, second only to Sanders. I'm not sure he would live out a first term.
Yer balls must hurt.
So you must be very narrow minded thinking the only people on this forum have balls...interesting....I don't have balls but mine are still larger than yours.......:wink_2:

"they haven't fully looked at the choices"
"they don't understand"
Yes the fuck she did.
At this point I am not a supporter of Hillary's but I fucking hate it when people make shit up

Easy did you see Hillary say that in this video? No you did not.......You need to get better at telling a little bit a truth to your lies.

'Hillary campaign says Millennial girls are too STUPID...'

...says the 'granny' who doesn't know how to operate more than one e-mail on a single phone and whose own staff (in an e-mail) described her as 'often confused' and 'technologically challenged' ... but Hillary insists she is capable of being our President.


Margaret Chase Smith 1964

SEN. CLAIRE MCCASKILL (D-MO): Well, I think part of it is they haven’t yet fully looked at the choices. There may not be a natural enthusiasm because the Clintons have been around all of their lives and this doesn't feel as new and as different and as historic as it does to some of us who understand what it means to have a woman president in light of the struggles we have gone through

Hillary CAMPAIGN. She might as well be. She introduces her, backs her PACs.. etc
Easy did you see Hillary say that in this video? No you did not.......You need to get better at telling a little bit a truth to your lies.


I never said she said anything about millennial girls...but yes I saw where Hillary has insisted she would be great for the country, and I have seen the reports on her own staff calling her 'confused' and 'technologically challenged'. Get your fact straight before you call someone a liar.
Your beloved testosterone-depleted Trump is older than Hillary. In fact, he is the oldest of all the candidates, second only to Sanders. I'm not sure he would live out a first term.

So you have something against old people, old men, or just old Conservatives?

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