LOLOL.............Illegals flooding NYC schools

Nowhere in what you posted does it mention illegal aliens.

They aren't American citizens and aren't entitled to anything. Let them get packed into busses and get shipped back to the border where they belong.
Seems like the government should do its damn job and control the borders.
They are yet these kids are from when Trump was president. There are laws which allow people to come in to this nation, what they do after is their actions.

Are you American? If so, why is the situation on our southern border acceptable to you?

I am and it isn't, but I'm not going to rip off my Hulk Hogan t-shirt, crush a bud light against my forehead and start LARPing about running to the border guns-a-blazin.' Your little kiddie fantasies have nothing to do with any real approach to addressing the problem.
You are wrong It was in the case Phyler vs. Doe that the US Supreme Court overruled Texas state law and gave illegal border-jumpers the "right" to an education. Not Brown vs. the Board of Education.

I still think they should just fuck off and die though.
Brown established that no one could be discriminated against from getting an education.
Nowhere in what you posted does it mention illegal aliens.

They aren't American citizens and aren't entitled to anything. Let them get packed into busses and get shipped back to the border where they belong.
You could actually quote what you are referencing. The 14th covers any human in the borders of the USA.

Section 1​

All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
I am and it isn't, but I'm not going to rip off my Hulk Hogan t-shirt, crush a bud light against my forehead and start LARPing about running to the border guns-a-blazin.' Your little kiddie fantasies have nothing to do with any real approach to addressing the problem.
Why does ones desire to protect its border from foreign illegal invaders make them a fanisizer, guns blazing, hulk hogan t shirt, bud light against their forehead type of person?

You can try to gaslight me all you like. You are incorrect and a moron for doing so.

Ive seen your exchanges with others here. Go ahead and play the race card and get it over with. That way we can just move on.
They are in the US and that is what matters. The kids have been abandoned since Trump and he kept them locked up. It was the drunk cat lady who started the bullshit about me being a drug user which you allowed her to influence you. Yet, this supposed drug addict has way more knowledge of laws than you so called fine upstanding drug free people.
Perhaps Trump couldn't confirm if they were accompanied by coyote's/sex traffickers. of course your ilk it wouldn't have been a concern.
It's why there is such a problem on the border. your ilk doesn't give a shit.
Educate them until we send them back, but the emphasis is to send them back.
I could care less if you're a drug addict or not, I was just curious.
Perhaps Trump couldn't confirm if they were accompanied by coyote's/sex traffickers. of course your ilk it wouldn't have been a concern.
It's why there is such a problem on the border. your ilk doesn't give a shit.
Educate them until we send them back, but the emphasis is to send them back.
I could care less if you're a drug addict or not, I was just curious.
My ilk has not a damn thing to do with what Trump did or Biden did. I have no power to impose or to deny any laws concerning immigration. Your attempts to make me guilty is nothing but a jovial moment for us that know the laws of the US. As far as giving a shit I have all the free shit you want in a collection chamber called a terlit, you may help yerself.

As long as these people are in the US they have equal protection of the laws, don't like it then change the laws through the legislative process.
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I agree. Trump had the border handled quite well.

Bidung took over and we have a million more illegals in the country. He handcuffed ICE and the BP and invited them in. He certainly isn't going to do anything about it and you can bet the Dems will get dumped in 2022.
Why does ones desire to protect its border from foreign illegal invaders make them a fanisizer, guns blazing, hulk hogan t shirt, bud light against their forehead type of person?

You can try to gaslight me all you like. You are incorrect and a moron for doing so.
If you go out of your way to thump your chest and boast about what you "would do" if you weren't afwaid of gettin' in twouble, expect the ridicule that you have earned.
All person born or naturalized in the United States.

That's not illegal aliens. The only school they should be in is the one in their own country. Not the US at our expense.
If you go out of your way to thump your chest and boast about what you "would do" if you weren't afwaid of gettin' in twouble, expect the ridicule that you have earned.
again, I will lose tons of sleep tonight because you "ridicule" me.

I boasted nothing. I made a simple statement about what I would be happy to do if I didn't have to fear prosecution from a government who refuses to do the job of enforcing our laws.

You're a punk little bitch. That much is clear. So ridicule away little one. We both know this is the only place you could get away with it!!!!
I agree. Trump had the border handled quite well.

Bidung took over and we have a million more illegals in the country. He handcuffed ICE and the BP and invited them in. He certainly isn't going to do anything about it and you can bet the Dems will get dumped in 2022.
Maybe everyone should remember this the next time we have an election. The 'hide the old man in the basement,' tell the media to scream "I hate Trump!" 24/7, and shady ballot 'harvesting' hasn't worked out too well for the nation's interests so far.
All person born or naturalized in the United States.

That's not illegal aliens. The only school they should be in is the one in their own country. Not the US at our expense.
I got news for ya. Schools don't ask to see a passport when families register their children.
My ilk has not a damn thing to do with what Trump did or Biden did. I have no power to impose or to deny any laws concerning immigration. Your attempts to make me guilty is nothing but a jovial moment for us that know the laws of the US. As far as giving a shit I have all the free shit you want in a collection chamber called a terlit, you may help yerself.

Right. You know the laws of the US, yet you violate federal law every time you fire up the bong. Hopefully you've gotten rid of any firearms you own. Being a drug user while in possession of a firearm is a serious no-no.


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