London Becomes a Shithole Under Sadiq Khan

I was just in London two months ago and I loved it. Was no different then the other times I’ve been there
I was just in London two months ago and I loved it. Was no different then the other times I’ve been there

I'm glad you had a good experience.

It's been since January, 2018 that I have been away from London so maybe a little bit has been done to clean it up.

At that time there were street bums occupying the entrance to St. Pancras Church.

Euston Road, just past The British Library, was a gauntlet of panhandlers, some of them aggressive in the extreme.

Charing Cross Underground Station had been colonized. The pedestrian tunnel under The Strand was a camp of tents. Some had outdoor kitchens (camp stoves) and were raised on a layer of pallets to keep the residents somewhat dry as their was a lot of water on the pavement..

Did you happen to go to or through any of those places? Had conditions changed?

I'd like to go again in October for one particular V&A special exhibit and perhaps up to Fountains Abbey (again) for the floodlighting. Fortunately The National Trust has managed to keep squatters at bay though staff who I've come to know over the years tells me it's a constant battle.

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