London Muslims Chant “Allahu Akbar! USA You Will Pay, Caliphate on its Way”

This is an awesome thread.

Some people had a protest rally for some reason which they chanted something which is barely audible and it signifies that American liberals are calling for the caliphate.

It's awesome. And Mac linked to his great thread which does the same thing. It's double awesome.
You ARE the frog...and don't know it.


Of course. We are in great danger of being overrun by those towelheads in London.

We've never been safer. Ever.

May Jesus and Allah be caught giving each other blow jobs under your mistletoe.
Why are you such a homophobe???
Yes well if China comes on US ground due to war, you'll be chanting the same thing in Mexico. Crap we have destroyed Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Libya, etc. People have to live somewhere. We will reap what we sow.

Why dont you go and join your fellow islamonazi scum in Syria, very soon we will turn and start kicking you terrorists out of the west and back to the deserts of Saudi
I wonder what would have happened if it were Nazis goosestepping through the Streets of London, instead?
Would the same benightedly unintelligent leftists be trying to deflect away from it like they are this?

The creatures in question are declaring open war on the country they have invaded. The things should be dealt with for what they are -- enemy combatants.
This is an awesome thread.

Some people had a protest rally for some reason which they chanted something which is barely audible and it signifies that American liberals are calling for the caliphate.

It's awesome. And Mac linked to his great thread which does the same thing. It's double awesome.

You are no liberal. You are simply a mindless leftist, and are performing here in EXACTLY the way you have been trained to perform.

A new Christian Crusade would solve a lot of problems. Start with liberating the Holy Land from Jewish and Muslim pretenders and that would send a signal. The Christian Republic of Palestine sounds good to me. From there start kicking ass eastwards and westwards, Lebanon and Egypt, put Christians in power. Syria is secular enough, so they can remain as they are. We have the power now to do so. Russia, Europe, the U.S. and the other Christians lands are so much more powerful than even China and India put together, much less the Muslim world.
A new Christian Crusade would solve a lot of problems. Start with liberating the Holy Land from Jewish and Muslim pretenders and that would send a signal. The Christian Republic of Palestine sounds good to me. From there start kicking ass eastwards and westwards, Lebanon and Egypt, put Christians in power. Syria is secular enough, so they can remain as they are. We have the power now to do so. Russia, Europe, the U.S. and the other Christians lands are so much more powerful than even China and India put together, much less the Muslim world.

Monte's best line of the year---- *) Syria is secular enough, so they can remain as they are (* right------a Baathist hell hole ----gutters running with blood and
dead babies floating in the sewers
A new Christian Crusade would solve a lot of problems. Start with liberating the Holy Land from Jewish and Muslim pretenders and that would send a signal. The Christian Republic of Palestine sounds good to me. From there start kicking ass eastwards and westwards, Lebanon and Egypt, put Christians in power. Syria is secular enough, so they can remain as they are. We have the power now to do so. Russia, Europe, the U.S. and the other Christians lands are so much more powerful than even China and India put together, much less the Muslim world.

Monte's best line of the year---- *) Syria is secular enough, so they can remain as they are (* right------a Baathist hell hole ----gutters running with blood and
dead babies floating in the sewers

Syria is secular, and the Government forces are demolishing your Islamist friends. Syria can perhaps return to being among the most westernized Arab state.
A new Christian Crusade would solve a lot of problems. Start with liberating the Holy Land from Jewish and Muslim pretenders and that would send a signal. The Christian Republic of Palestine sounds good to me. From there start kicking ass eastwards and westwards, Lebanon and Egypt, put Christians in power. Syria is secular enough, so they can remain as they are. We have the power now to do so. Russia, Europe, the U.S. and the other Christians lands are so much more powerful than even China and India put together, much less the Muslim world.

Monte's best line of the year---- *) Syria is secular enough, so they can remain as they are (* right------a Baathist hell hole ----gutters running with blood and
dead babies floating in the sewers

Syria is secular, and the Government forces are demolishing your Islamist friends. Syria can perhaps return to being among the most westernized Arab state.

oh-----monte is playing the "either you lick the ass of mass murderer Bashar----"OR you are an "islamist", game
A new Christian Crusade would solve a lot of problems. Start with liberating the Holy Land from Jewish and Muslim pretenders and that would send a signal. The Christian Republic of Palestine sounds good to me. From there start kicking ass eastwards and westwards, Lebanon and Egypt, put Christians in power. Syria is secular enough, so they can remain as they are. We have the power now to do so. Russia, Europe, the U.S. and the other Christians lands are so much more powerful than even China and India put together, much less the Muslim world.

a true blood thirsty Baathist dog and its wet dreams
A new Christian Crusade would solve a lot of problems. Start with liberating the Holy Land from Jewish and Muslim pretenders and that would send a signal. The Christian Republic of Palestine sounds good to me. From there start kicking ass eastwards and westwards, Lebanon and Egypt, put Christians in power. Syria is secular enough, so they can remain as they are. We have the power now to do so. Russia, Europe, the U.S. and the other Christians lands are so much more powerful than even China and India put together, much less the Muslim world.

a true blood thirsty Baathist dog and its wet dreams

You certainly are a hoot.
But the Crusades, the Crusades!
Pretty much the same war.
The Crusades took place because Christians felt they needed to kick Muslims out of the holy lands.
I guess they were tired of all of the rape and murder that was going on.
the holy land didn't belong to the subhuman christer goyim in the first place

Jews fought side-by-side with Muslim soldiers to defend Jerusalem against the Crusaders.[4] Saint Louis University ProfessorThomas Madden, author of A Concise History of the Crusades, claims the "Jewish Defenders" of the city knew the rules of warfare and retreated to their synagogue to "prepare for death" since the Crusaders had breached the outer walls.[5]According to the Muslim chronicle of Ibn al-Qalanisi, "The Jews assembled in their synagogue, and the Franks burned it over their heads."[6] One modern-day source even claims the Crusaders "[circled] the screaming, flame-tortured humanity singing 'Christ We Adore Thee!' with their Crusader crosses held high."[7] However, a contemporary Jewish communication does not corroborate the report that Jews were actually inside of the Synagogue when it was set fire.[8] This letter was discovered among the Cairo Geniza collection in 1975 by historian Shelomo Dov Goitein.[9] Historians believe that it was written just two weeks after the siege, making it "the earliest account on the conquest in any language."[9] However, all sources agree that a synagogue was indeed burned during the siege.
History of the Jews and the Crusades - Wikipedia
But the Crusades, the Crusades!
Muslims were attacking Europe for hundreds of years prior to the first Crusade, which was begun at the plea to the pope by the Byzantine Emperor (Christian) whose people and cities were under frequent attacks by the Muslims.
If the European and American politicians won't do what is necessary and attack Islam, then the people of Europe and America must form their own armies and fight.
So true-----but today we are into NEW THINK-----in new think----all of the troubles of the world have been caused by "WESTERN COLONIALISM"-----prior
to "WESTERN COLONIALISM" all was paradise------and the VERY SPECIAL PARADISE for all-----was the GLORIOUS CALIPHATE (ask any muslim between the ages of five and 20-------and MOST over the age of 20
The Arabian Golden Age and its advances in science and arts was driven by non-Arabians. The Arabians were basically Bedouin goat herders with fervor that were good at conquest. They represented a small ruling militaristic elite wherever they ruled. The adoption of Arabic as a common language helped make communication between scholars easier. But the intellectuals were not Arabians. And, most of the scholars, scientists, physicians during the Arabian Golden Age were were still Christians. The Arabian elite preferred to collect taxes from the Christians than have them convert. They were far less liberal with the Persians who practiced Zoroastrianism, thus not people of the book. But, Rhazes (also known as al-Razi) the foremost medieval physician was a Persian from Teheran. These same non-Arabians translated scientific Greek works to Arabic, not a small feat, and this gave them a base to work from. The Golden Age ended when eventually the religion blocked progress, it can be traced back to the rise of the anti-philosophical Ash’arism school among Sunni Muslims, who comprised (and comprise) the vast majority of the Muslim world. The religion, is backward with respect to Christianity. Christianity acknowledges a private-public distinction and gives Christians the liberty to decide much about their social and political lives. Islam, on the other hand, denies any private-public distinction and includes laws regulating the most minute details of private life. Obviously, this blocks innovation.

So, that is why there are only 2 Muslim Nobel prize winners out of 1.5 billion Muslims. While Switzerland a country of 8 million people has 25 Nobel prize winners.

The Arabian Golden Age and its advances in science and arts was driven by non-Arabians. The Arabians were basically Bedouin goat herders with fervor that were good at conquest. They represented a small ruling militaristic elite wherever they ruled. The adoption of Arabic as a common language helped make communication between scholars easier. But the intellectuals were not Arabians. And, most of the scholars, scientists, physicians during the Arabian Golden Age were were still Christians. The Arabian elite preferred to collect taxes from the Christians than have them convert. They were far less liberal with the Persians who practiced Zoroastrianism, thus not people of the book. But, Rhazes (also known as al-Razi) the foremost medieval physician was a Persian from Teheran. These same non-Arabians translated scientific Greek works to Arabic, not a small feat, and this gave them a base to work from. The Golden Age ended when eventually the religion blocked progress, it can be traced back to the rise of the anti-philosophical Ash’arism school among Sunni Muslims, who comprised (and comprise) the vast majority of the Muslim world. The religion, is backward with respect to Christianity. Christianity acknowledges a private-public distinction and gives Christians the liberty to decide much about their social and political lives. Islam, on the other hand, denies any private-public distinction and includes laws regulating the most minute details of private life. Obviously, this blocks innovation.

So, that is why there are only 2 Muslim Nobel prize winners out of 1.5 billion Muslims. While Switzerland a country of 8 million people has 25 Nobel prize winners.

almost right-----the translators were "generally"-----either Christian priests or jews.
At that time the only LITERATE Christians------were the priests. Try to get over you worship of ADOLF The priests were no less regressive than were
the muslims. As to nobel prizes-----_DA JOOOS GOT MORE
No, Christian Europeans have far more.
No, Christian Europeans have far more.

of course----there are a LOT MORE Christians in Europe than there are jews----
Christians in Europe have murdered jews over the past 2000 years in the hundreds
of millions and also have forced conversion to the Christianity-----is that the point
you are struggling to make?. Proportionately ----jews still out do the Christians
of Europe-----however it is true that PROPORTIONATELY the Christians out do the muslims
Yes well if China comes on US ground due to war, you'll be chanting the same thing in Mexico. Crap we have destroyed Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Libya, etc. People have to live somewhere. We will reap what we sow.

Everybody reaps what they sow, but have you ever thought about the fact maybe THEY are now reaping what they have also sowed? They spent about 10 centuries enslaving africans and europeans, turned their own farmland into desert by horrible farming practices, have pretty much also made war with every culture they have come in contact with and have about zero tolerance with people who think differently than they do, especialy when in their home land. Need we mention their treatment of women?

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