London on Lockdown

[ame=]‪London Street Battles: Video of mad clashes, riots out of control‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
Heres a couple pics from the riots, seems like a pretty diverse crowd to me, not all black.







You choose the pics of Middle Eastern Muslims.
Again, their parents are not necessarily 'liberals'.... I suspect that most of their parents couldn't tell you who the Prime Minister is. They are - probably - completely disengaged in the political system. It's not about liberals, Ravi... it is about the result of liberal policies. Please try and learn the difference.
Must spread..... Absolutely right! Had these kids been taught a work ethic in stead of entitlement, had they been spanked when they broke the rules when they were 5, had they been taught how great their country is, in stead of how much their country owes them, there would be no rioting.

Now, that's another interesting thing about the UK. They seem to have very little pride in their country, despite their impressive history, they seem embarrassed by it. I find that odd.
And that is exactly what is happening in this great country.......We have a president and many other liberal politicians who constantly demonize this country. We have a public school system run by the liberal elite who teach that this country is the great evil. Textbooks now are filled with hogwash filled liberal revisionist history that further demonizes this country........Modern day liberalism is the greatest threat to this country. Obviously it's now sadly become GB's greatest threat also.
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At least one of those photos posted by High Gravity show people caught up in the riots,
rather than rioters themselves. It has kicked off only a few miles from me in Salford. There
are indeed white rioters there. Copycat white trash sadly. Someone else mentioned that
English people don't seem to have pride in their country. I am old enough at 58 to remember
a very different England that I did have pride in. I grew up in an England were all my friend's
father's worked, and were people took a pride in themselves and their country. Sadly, we have been sold out by politicians of all sides for many years. We have been invaded by foreigners who were not wanted by native English people. If we spoke up we were shouted
down as racists. Well, look at my country now, the french laugh at us and call London
At least one of those photos posted by High Gravity show people caught up in the riots,
rather than rioters themselves. It has kicked off only a few miles from me in Salford. There
are indeed white rioters there. Copycat white trash sadly. Someone else mentioned that
English people don't seem to have pride in their country. I am old enough at 58 to remember
a very different England that I did have pride in. I grew up in an England were all my friend's
father's worked, and were people took a pride in themselves and their country. Sadly, we have been sold out by politicians of all sides for many years. We have been invaded by foreigners who were not wanted by native English people. If we spoke up we were shouted
down as racists. Well, look at my country now, the french laugh at us and call London

Uncontrolled immigration has, I think, encouraged an upswing in racism which I think is based more on a lost of national identity than on real 'hatred' of minorities. It is the EU that is responsible for this ridiculous situation in the UK.
Actually, what they appear to be mainly is young. Young blacks. Young whites. Mainly male but also some females. But mostly young.

So young people are unhappy in England?

As I've said earlier in the thread, these kids see no future. They mainly come from families where welfare is their way of life. They come from parents who have never worked, grandparents who never worked, they have their rent paid, their vacations paid, their bills paid, everything is provided for them. They have no concept of work. And they resent people who do work. Is that their fault? Not entirely. It is decades of liberal policies in action that led them here. It is decades of either leaving school with no qualifications or university and these kids don't see the opportunity of university.

They claim they're 'showing the rich what they can do' and yet the people they have hurt the most are those on minimum wage. They haven't 'shown the rich', they have hurt their own.... they are little thugs who have no sense of responsibility because no one has ever held them accountable for their actions. They commit crime, they get a slap on the wrist and rewarded with new stuff - because they might feel excluded because they don't cannot afford designer clothes or shoes.... so they get given designer label clothes and shoes. And they commit more crime.... and they get a slap on the wrist again and more free stuff.

Liberal Britain. Learn about it - because if the Democrats have their way, this is what we will become.

You sure are full of broad, sweeping generalities.

The cause of the riots in London is liberalism? BS
So young people are unhappy in England?

As I've said earlier in the thread, these kids see no future. They mainly come from families where welfare is their way of life. They come from parents who have never worked, grandparents who never worked, they have their rent paid, their vacations paid, their bills paid, everything is provided for them. They have no concept of work. And they resent people who do work. Is that their fault? Not entirely. It is decades of liberal policies in action that led them here. It is decades of either leaving school with no qualifications or university and these kids don't see the opportunity of university.

They claim they're 'showing the rich what they can do' and yet the people they have hurt the most are those on minimum wage. They haven't 'shown the rich', they have hurt their own.... they are little thugs who have no sense of responsibility because no one has ever held them accountable for their actions. They commit crime, they get a slap on the wrist and rewarded with new stuff - because they might feel excluded because they don't cannot afford designer clothes or shoes.... so they get given designer label clothes and shoes. And they commit more crime.... and they get a slap on the wrist again and more free stuff.

Liberal Britain. Learn about it - because if the Democrats have their way, this is what we will become.

You sure are full of broad, sweeping generalities.

The cause of the riots in London is liberalism? BS

No, sky.... pay attention. I did not say that. I said it was the result of decades of liberal policies. Not liberals themselves or liberalism, but the way government implements liberal ideas as policies. Completely different.

Also... the riots are across the country - that's England. Not London. Basic geography. Try not to show Americans as not smart enough to know the difference between London, England, Great Britain and the United Kingdom. They are all different things.
So young people are unhappy in England?

As I've said earlier in the thread, these kids see no future. They mainly come from families where welfare is their way of life. They come from parents who have never worked, grandparents who never worked, they have their rent paid, their vacations paid, their bills paid, everything is provided for them. They have no concept of work. And they resent people who do work. Is that their fault? Not entirely. It is decades of liberal policies in action that led them here. It is decades of either leaving school with no qualifications or university and these kids don't see the opportunity of university.

They claim they're 'showing the rich what they can do' and yet the people they have hurt the most are those on minimum wage. They haven't 'shown the rich', they have hurt their own.... they are little thugs who have no sense of responsibility because no one has ever held them accountable for their actions. They commit crime, they get a slap on the wrist and rewarded with new stuff - because they might feel excluded because they don't cannot afford designer clothes or shoes.... so they get given designer label clothes and shoes. And they commit more crime.... and they get a slap on the wrist again and more free stuff.

Liberal Britain. Learn about it - because if the Democrats have their way, this is what we will become.

You sure are full of broad, sweeping generalities.

The cause of the riots in London is liberalism? BS
Do you not understand CG's spot on opinion that it is liberal policies of entitlement that is helping to fuel this lunacy?

Throw in the supposed racism angle of the original cause, and you've got fuel for the fire.

Christ, some people are beyond dense.
At least one of those photos posted by High Gravity show people caught up in the riots,
rather than rioters themselves. It has kicked off only a few miles from me in Salford. There
are indeed white rioters there. Copycat white trash sadly. Someone else mentioned that
English people don't seem to have pride in their country. I am old enough at 58 to remember
a very different England that I did have pride in. I grew up in an England were all my friend's
father's worked, and were people took a pride in themselves and their country. Sadly, we have been sold out by politicians of all sides for many years. We have been invaded by foreigners who were not wanted by native English people. If we spoke up we were shouted
down as racists. Well, look at my country now, the french laugh at us and call London

America is following closely on your heels. It will be interersting to see what effect firearms has.

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