London on Lockdown

So, on sky news - live - just now... interview with one of these thugs....

'Why are you doing this?'

'For money'

'But why are you out here?'

'To annoy the police'.

That is the mentality of people that they're dealing with.

Fucking thugs. No reason - just mindless violence and thuggery.
Those people are nuts. I have never seen so much destruction caused by rioters.

Yea, they truly are. And it is mindless. There is no real reason for it. No cause. Just mass hooliganism. Little bastards.

They're taking advantage of a bad situation. I'm concerned.

How could this happen?

There was no 'bad situation'. This is deliberate thuggery and hooliganism, nothing more. Not race, not poverty... just out of control kids.
Bobbies gonna be ready for the hooligans tonight...
Britain braces for new night of riots
August 9, 2011, Anticipating another round of rioting, British officials beef up the police presence in London and other cities. After a day of scattered skirmishes between officers and rioters, authorities say they can't guarantee an end to the violence and looting.
British officials anticipating more riots Tuesday night sharply increased police presence in London and elsewhere to try to control the country's worst uprising in years. About 16,000 officers, roughly triple the number on duty in London a day earlier, were being deployed to try to accomplish what some observers described as "reclaiming the streets." Police said they could not guarantee an end to the looting, the burning of shops, or the general destruction of property. The tactics under consideration for controlling unruly crowds reportedly included plastic bullets. "We have lots of information to suggest that there may be similar disturbances tonight," Cmdr. Simon Foy told the BBC. "That's exactly the reason why the Met [police force] has chosen to now actually really 'up the game' and put a significant number of officers on the streets."

Local media reported sporadic skirmishes between police and rioters throughout the day Tuesday. Confrontations between police and rioters were also reported in Manchester and neighboring Salford in northwestern England. In central England, according to news reports, police arrested several people in Birmingham and stopped a group caught torching cars West Bromwich. Looting was reported in Wolverhampton, police said. Police were investigating the death of a man Tuesday who had been found shot in Croydon.

By late Tuesday, at least 560 people had been arrested in London, with more than 100 charged. Dozens more were arrested in other cities. Prime Minister David Cameron -- who cut short a holiday in Italy to deal with the crisis -- recalled Parliament from its summer recess for an emergency debate on the riots and looting that have spread from the deprived London neighborhood of Tottenham to districts across the capital and to Liverpool, Bristol and other cities. Cameron described the scenes of burning buildings and smashed windows as "sickening," but he refrained from tougher measures such as calling in the military to help police restore order. "People should be in no doubt that we will do everything necessary to restore order to Britain's streets and to make them safe for the law-abiding," Cameron told reporters after a crisis meeting at his Downing Street office.

Someone said there is a sense of entitlement in many of these rioters. This is true, I saw
the early stages of this 30 years ago with Thatchers government. They came to power and
unemployment doubled in less than two years. A representative of her government said
"unemployment is a price worth paying" to sort the country out. Then she destroyed the
mining industry. Many areas never recovered and many people never worked again. The
children of these people soon learned to play the system. Get pregnant, no partner? Have
a house, rent paid, and money to live on. At the same time we were getting mass
immigration. This is the mix we are now trying to deal with, but how? When this is over, there
will still not be enough jobs.
Someone said there is a sense of entitlement in many of these rioters. This is true, I saw
the early stages of this 30 years ago with Thatchers government. They came to power and
unemployment doubled in less than two years. A representative of her government said
"unemployment is a price worth paying" to sort the country out. Then she destroyed the
mining industry. Many areas never recovered and many people never worked again. The
children of these people soon learned to play the system. Get pregnant, no partner? Have
a house, rent paid, and money to live on. At the same time we were getting mass
immigration. This is the mix we are now trying to deal with, but how? When this is over, there
will still not be enough jobs.

What an enlightened view. So, it was the conservatives in Thacker years that caused the problem?

And our redneck friends here in the US want to blame all this on liberals.
Yea, they truly are. And it is mindless. There is no real reason for it. No cause. Just mass hooliganism. Little bastards.

They're taking advantage of a bad situation. I'm concerned.

How could this happen?

There was no 'bad situation'. This is deliberate thuggery and hooliganism, nothing more. Not race, not poverty... just out of control kids.

That's exactly what I said. A riot is, by nature, out of control.

How is your anger about it going to solve anything?

A riot, is like a fire. It's nature is to consume. It has smoke. It destroys. Do we get angry at the fire for being hot?
Someone said there is a sense of entitlement in many of these rioters. This is true, I saw
the early stages of this 30 years ago with Thatchers government. They came to power and
unemployment doubled in less than two years. A representative of her government said
"unemployment is a price worth paying" to sort the country out. Then she destroyed the
mining industry. Many areas never recovered and many people never worked again. The
children of these people soon learned to play the system. Get pregnant, no partner? Have
a house, rent paid, and money to live on. At the same time we were getting mass
immigration. This is the mix we are now trying to deal with, but how? When this is over, there
will still not be enough jobs.

What an enlightened view. So, it was the conservatives in Thacker years that caused the problem?

And our redneck friends here in the US want to blame all this on liberals.

NO she was attempting to undo what the labour party (liberal)s had done.. It was temporary. Tony Blair is the Fucking Clinton of the totally disastrous entitlement era..
Liberals are wrong in there thinking.. Big business can be regulated as to not screw people over. Its the same liberal who deregulate for big business.
They are fucking cons... The rep aren't much better. Go Tea Party Go!
I've just been watching the TV news. Seems to be quiet in London. This shows how
smart these people are. They know they are facing overwhelming force, so they are
nowhere to be seen. A few miles from me in Manchester, there are hundreds of people
running the police ragged all over the city centre, breaking shop windows and robbing.
Sheer oportunitist thieves and thugs. These people are both white and black. They don't
care they are damaging their own city. All this for a lousy pair of sneakers and phones.
They're taking advantage of a bad situation. I'm concerned.

How could this happen?

There was no 'bad situation'. This is deliberate thuggery and hooliganism, nothing more. Not race, not poverty... just out of control kids.

That's exactly what I said. A riot is, by nature, out of control.

How is your anger about it going to solve anything?

A riot, is like a fire. It's nature is to consume. It has smoke. It destroys. Do we get angry at the fire for being hot?

What anger? I have no anger. Could you please stop deciding for me how I feel, it's annoying. Thanks.

I know perfectly well what a riot is.

This is why people get pissed with you sky, you are one condescending little twit at times.... and I like you... as you know.
So young people are unhappy in England?

As I've said earlier in the thread, these kids see no future. They mainly come from families where welfare is their way of life. They come from parents who have never worked, grandparents who never worked, they have their rent paid, their vacations paid, their bills paid, everything is provided for them. They have no concept of work. And they resent people who do work. Is that their fault? Not entirely. It is decades of liberal policies in action that led them here. It is decades of either leaving school with no qualifications or university and these kids don't see the opportunity of university.

They claim they're 'showing the rich what they can do' and yet the people they have hurt the most are those on minimum wage. They haven't 'shown the rich', they have hurt their own.... they are little thugs who have no sense of responsibility because no one has ever held them accountable for their actions. They commit crime, they get a slap on the wrist and rewarded with new stuff - because they might feel excluded because they don't cannot afford designer clothes or shoes.... so they get given designer label clothes and shoes. And they commit more crime.... and they get a slap on the wrist again and more free stuff.

Liberal Britain. Learn about it - because if the Democrats have their way, this is what we will become.

You sure are full of broad, sweeping generalities.

The cause of the riots in London is liberalism? BS

Liberals are the new Jews.
As I've said earlier in the thread, these kids see no future. They mainly come from families where welfare is their way of life. They come from parents who have never worked, grandparents who never worked, they have their rent paid, their vacations paid, their bills paid, everything is provided for them. They have no concept of work. And they resent people who do work. Is that their fault? Not entirely. It is decades of liberal policies in action that led them here. It is decades of either leaving school with no qualifications or university and these kids don't see the opportunity of university.

They claim they're 'showing the rich what they can do' and yet the people they have hurt the most are those on minimum wage. They haven't 'shown the rich', they have hurt their own.... they are little thugs who have no sense of responsibility because no one has ever held them accountable for their actions. They commit crime, they get a slap on the wrist and rewarded with new stuff - because they might feel excluded because they don't cannot afford designer clothes or shoes.... so they get given designer label clothes and shoes. And they commit more crime.... and they get a slap on the wrist again and more free stuff.

Liberal Britain. Learn about it - because if the Democrats have their way, this is what we will become.

You sure are full of broad, sweeping generalities.

The cause of the riots in London is liberalism? BS

Liberals are the new Jews.

Who slaughtered 6 million liberals just for being liberal? Anyone? No.

Ravi, that is fucking disrespectful to the millions of Jews who were slaughtered by Nazis. The right are not Nazis - no matter how much you wish we were. And liberals have not suffered the historic slaughter that the Jews have.

Your disrespect and trivializing of the holocaust is disgraceful.
You sure are full of broad, sweeping generalities.

The cause of the riots in London is liberalism? BS

Liberals are the new Jews.

Who slaughtered 6 million liberals just for being liberal? Anyone? No.

Ravi, that is fucking disrespectful to the millions of Jews who were slaughtered by Nazis. The right are not Nazis - no matter how much you wish we were. And liberals have not suffered the historic slaughter that the Jews have.

Your disrespect and trivializing of the holocaust is disgraceful.


I'm talking about the tendency of many to blame all woes on the Jews.

Go look in the mirror with your stupid blame the liberals bullshit.
They're taking advantage of a bad situation. I'm concerned.

How could this happen?

There was no 'bad situation'. This is deliberate thuggery and hooliganism, nothing more. Not race, not poverty... just out of control kids.

That's exactly what I said. A riot is, by nature, out of control.

How is your anger about it going to solve anything?

A riot, is like a fire. It's nature is to consume. It has smoke. It destroys. Do we get angry at the fire for being hot?
Fire lacks the ability to put itself out or to not start in the first place. These are supposedly PEOPLE that are out of control. Excusing their actions by comparing them to a chemical reaction is what caused this situation in the first place. People must take responsibility for their actions and stop excusing bad behavior.
Liberals are the new Jews.

Who slaughtered 6 million liberals just for being liberal? Anyone? No.

Ravi, that is fucking disrespectful to the millions of Jews who were slaughtered by Nazis. The right are not Nazis - no matter how much you wish we were. And liberals have not suffered the historic slaughter that the Jews have.

Your disrespect and trivializing of the holocaust is disgraceful.


I'm talking about the tendency of many to blame all woes on the Jews.

Go look in the mirror with your stupid blame the liberals bullshit.

I don't need to look in a mirror. I have academic research to substantiate my opinion. I am not blaming liberals. I am blaming policies. Policies are not people - learn the difference.

However you choose to justify your comment, by comparing the "plight" of liberals (which is actually not reality - it is your fantasy) to the very real suffering and deaths of 6 million innocent people, you mock their suffering. You mock their deaths. You mock history. Personally, I find that akin to racism.
Liberals are the new Jews.

Who slaughtered 6 million liberals just for being liberal? Anyone? No.

Ravi, that is fucking disrespectful to the millions of Jews who were slaughtered by Nazis. The right are not Nazis - no matter how much you wish we were. And liberals have not suffered the historic slaughter that the Jews have.

Your disrespect and trivializing of the holocaust is disgraceful.


I'm talking about the tendency of many to blame all woes on the Jews.

Go look in the mirror with your stupid blame the liberals bullshit.

This is for Ravi
.... Just because... I'm not a liberal.
Enjoy the song.

[ame=]‪George Strait - You Look So Good In Love (live)‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

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Who slaughtered 6 million liberals just for being liberal? Anyone? No.

Ravi, that is fucking disrespectful to the millions of Jews who were slaughtered by Nazis. The right are not Nazis - no matter how much you wish we were. And liberals have not suffered the historic slaughter that the Jews have.

Your disrespect and trivializing of the holocaust is disgraceful.


I'm talking about the tendency of many to blame all woes on the Jews.

Go look in the mirror with your stupid blame the liberals bullshit.

I don't need to look in a mirror. I have academic research to substantiate my opinion. I am not blaming liberals. I am blaming policies. Policies are not people - learn the difference.

However you choose to justify your comment, by comparing the "plight" of liberals (which is actually not reality - it is your fantasy) to the very real suffering and deaths of 6 million innocent people, you mock their suffering. You mock their deaths. You mock history. Personally, I find that akin to racism.
Good for you. I didn't do that, as much as you need to believe that I did. You can blame it all on liberal policies.

I've just been watching the TV news. Seems to be quiet in London. This shows how
smart these people are. They know they are facing overwhelming force, so they are
nowhere to be seen. A few miles from me in Manchester, there are hundreds of people
running the police ragged all over the city centre, breaking shop windows and robbing.
Sheer oportunitist thieves and thugs. These people are both white and black. They don't
care they are damaging their own city. All this for a lousy pair of sneakers and phones.

Love the area. I stayed at a hotel in Bramhall when I was on a service call in Manchester maybe 15 years ago.

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