London terrorists, Palestinian terrorists, what's the difference? Nothing

The so-called "Palestinians" laid the groundwork for all that is happening today. They showed their fellow Islamists that mass murder is a lucrative business. They receive more world aid per capita than any other group in the world as a reward for their relentless terrorism, and so others follow suit.

Mass murder -- it works. Just look at the number of revolting creatures here that support it.
Actually, the so-called "jews" laid the groundwork for all that is happening today. They showed their fellow jews that mass murder is a lucrative business. They receive more world aid per capita than any other group in the world as a reward for their relentless terrorism, and so others follow suit.

Mass murder -- it works. Just look at the number of revolting creatures here that support it.

zionists suck!

Actually, muhammud, you are my personal stalker / plagiarist. You are not allowed to stalk / plagiarize the posts of others without my permission.
What do you want from someone who has nothing positive to say about 1.2 billion "victims"?
Ahhh, you're jealous that the Muslim people could create a lasting civilization that now comprises well over a billion people while Judaism, which has been around for several more centuries can't seem to make any headway.


What lasting civilization did you muhammedans create?

I understand you’re hoping to play the “moslem golden age” card but there are a host of flaws in doing so. Let’s understand that islam was flush with the plunder of recent conquest which artificially accounted for the so-called “advancements” that moslems claim. Once the rapid expansion into newly conquered territories ended and moslems had to depend on being productive and innovative themselves, they discovered that they were not up to the task.

You forget that the Islamic Empire collapsed from the inside.

The so-called Islamist empire was an empire of stamp collectors.
The so-called "Palestinians" laid the groundwork for all that is happening today. They showed their fellow Islamists that mass murder is a lucrative business. They receive more world aid per capita than any other group in the world as a reward for their relentless terrorism, and so others follow suit.

Mass murder -- it works. Just look at the number of revolting creatures here that support it.
Actually, the so-called "jews" laid the groundwork for all that is happening today. They showed their fellow jews that mass murder is a lucrative business. They receive more world aid per capita than any other group in the world as a reward for their relentless terrorism, and so others follow suit.

Mass murder -- it works. Just look at the number of revolting creatures here that support it.

zionists suck!

Actually, muhammud, you are my personal stalker / plagiarist. You are not allowed to stalk / plagiarize the posts of others without my permission.
What do you want from someone who has nothing positive to say about 1.2 billion "victims"?
Ahhh, you're jealous that the Muslim people could create a lasting civilization that now comprises well over a billion people while Judaism, which has been around for several more centuries can't seem to make any headway.

Fuck all muslims. Kill them.
No, dumb one, I hav not even brought up the golden age. I have simply
posted facts including the zionist jealousy towards the Muslims for actually creating a lasting civilization which now comprises almost 25% of our planet. Our Jewish people on the other hand are still struggling to maintain even a minute percent of our worlds population.

This obviously pisses you off. Sorry.
What bs? Everything I posted was fact including your jealousy towards the Muslims actually creating a lasting civilization which now comprises almost 25% of our planet. Our Jewish people on the other hand are still struggling to maintain even a minute percent of our worlds population.

This obviously pisses you off. Sorry.
Your generalized, factless opinion is not fact.
You're a retard.
If you walked into any Muslim village with a Magan Dovid you would be murdered in under 30 seconds.
You stupid POS.
What bs? Everything I posted was fact including your jealousy towards the Muslims actually creating a lasting civilization which now comprises almost 25% of our planet. Our Jewish people on the other hand are still struggling to maintain even a minute percent of our worlds population.

This obviously pisses you off. Sorry.
Your generalized, factless opinion is not fact.
You're a retard.
If you walked into any Muslim village with a Magan Dovid you would be murdered in under 30 seconds.
You stupid POS.
Again now...
Everything I posted was fact including your jealousy towards the Muslims actually creating a lasting civilization which now comprises almost 25% of our planet. Our Jewish people on the other hand are still struggling to maintain even a minute percent of our worlds population.

This obviously pisses you off. Sorry.
What bs? Everything I posted was fact including your jealousy towards the Muslims actually creating a lasting civilization which now comprises almost 25% of our planet. Our Jewish people on the other hand are still struggling to maintain even a minute percent of our worlds population.

This obviously pisses you off. Sorry.
Your generalized, factless opinion is not fact.
You're a retard.
If you walked into any Muslim village with a Magan Dovid you would be murdered in under 30 seconds.
You stupid POS.
Again now...
Everything I posted was fact including your jealousy towards the Muslims actually creating a lasting civilization which now comprises almost 25% of our planet. Our Jewish people on the other hand are still struggling to maintain even a minute percent of our worlds population.

This obviously pisses you off. Sorry.
You are equating numbers with quality?
You really are a retard.
What bs? Everything I posted was fact including your jealousy towards the Muslims actually creating a lasting civilization which now comprises almost 25% of our planet. Our Jewish people on the other hand are still struggling to maintain even a minute percent of our worlds population.

This obviously pisses you off. Sorry.
Your generalized, factless opinion is not fact.
You're a retard.
If you walked into any Muslim village with a Magan Dovid you would be murdered in under 30 seconds.
You stupid POS.
Again now...
Everything I posted was fact including your jealousy towards the Muslims actually creating a lasting civilization which now comprises almost 25% of our planet. Our Jewish people on the other hand are still struggling to maintain even a minute percent of our worlds population.

This obviously pisses you off. Sorry.
If you think anyone here is jealous of your butchering 7th century barbarians, you are biggest imbecile in a decade.
What bs? Everything I posted was fact including your jealousy towards the Muslims actually creating a lasting civilization which now comprises almost 25% of our planet. Our Jewish people on the other hand are still struggling to maintain even a minute percent of our worlds population.

This obviously pisses you off. Sorry.
Your generalized, factless opinion is not fact.
You're a retard.
If you walked into any Muslim village with a Magan Dovid you would be murdered in under 30 seconds.
You stupid POS.
Again now...
Everything I posted was fact including your jealousy towards the Muslims actually creating a lasting civilization which now comprises almost 25% of our planet. Our Jewish people on the other hand are still struggling to maintain even a minute percent of our worlds population.

This obviously pisses you off. Sorry.
You are equating numbers with quality?
You really are a retard.
No, my dumb little friend, I am equating numbers with a lasting civilization.
What bs? Everything I posted was fact including your jealousy towards the Muslims actually creating a lasting civilization which now comprises almost 25% of our planet. Our Jewish people on the other hand are still struggling to maintain even a minute percent of our worlds population.

This obviously pisses you off. Sorry.
Your generalized, factless opinion is not fact.
You're a retard.
If you walked into any Muslim village with a Magan Dovid you would be murdered in under 30 seconds.
You stupid POS.
Again now...
Everything I posted was fact including your jealousy towards the Muslims actually creating a lasting civilization which now comprises almost 25% of our planet. Our Jewish people on the other hand are still struggling to maintain even a minute percent of our worlds population.

This obviously pisses you off. Sorry.
If you think anyone here is jealous of your butchering 7th century barbarians, you are biggest imbecile in a decade.
I'm a Jew. I am just honest. You came way late to the party.
What bs? Everything I posted was fact including your jealousy towards the Muslims actually creating a lasting civilization which now comprises almost 25% of our planet. Our Jewish people on the other hand are still struggling to maintain even a minute percent of our worlds population.

This obviously pisses you off. Sorry.
Your generalized, factless opinion is not fact.
You're a retard.
If you walked into any Muslim village with a Magan Dovid you would be murdered in under 30 seconds.
You stupid POS.
Again now...
Everything I posted was fact including your jealousy towards the Muslims actually creating a lasting civilization which now comprises almost 25% of our planet. Our Jewish people on the other hand are still struggling to maintain even a minute percent of our worlds population.

This obviously pisses you off. Sorry.
You are equating numbers with quality?
You really are a retard.
No, my dumb little friend, I am equating numbers with a lasting civilization.
It's good for the rest of us to know that you admire murderers.
What bs? Everything I posted was fact including your jealousy towards the Muslims actually creating a lasting civilization which now comprises almost 25% of our planet. Our Jewish people on the other hand are still struggling to maintain even a minute percent of our worlds population.

This obviously pisses you off. Sorry.
Your generalized, factless opinion is not fact.
You're a retard.
If you walked into any Muslim village with a Magan Dovid you would be murdered in under 30 seconds.
You stupid POS.
Again now...
Everything I posted was fact including your jealousy towards the Muslims actually creating a lasting civilization which now comprises almost 25% of our planet. Our Jewish people on the other hand are still struggling to maintain even a minute percent of our worlds population.

This obviously pisses you off. Sorry.
If you think anyone here is jealous of your butchering 7th century barbarians, you are biggest imbecile in a decade.
I'm a Jew. I am just honest. You came way late to the party.
You're an ignorant POS who would murdered in 30 seconds if you stepped into a Muslim village wearing a kippa.
You're just too stupid to know it.
What bs? Everything I posted was fact including your jealousy towards the Muslims actually creating a lasting civilization which now comprises almost 25% of our planet. Our Jewish people on the other hand are still struggling to maintain even a minute percent of our worlds population.

This obviously pisses you off. Sorry.
Your generalized, factless opinion is not fact.
You're a retard.
If you walked into any Muslim village with a Magan Dovid you would be murdered in under 30 seconds.
You stupid POS.
Again now...
Everything I posted was fact including your jealousy towards the Muslims actually creating a lasting civilization which now comprises almost 25% of our planet. Our Jewish people on the other hand are still struggling to maintain even a minute percent of our worlds population.

This obviously pisses you off. Sorry.
If you think anyone here is jealous of your butchering 7th century barbarians, you are biggest imbecile in a decade.
I'm a Jew. I am just honest. You came way late to the party.
I don't care what you claim to be. Nuke all the muslims.
What bs? Everything I posted was fact including your jealousy towards the Muslims actually creating a lasting civilization which now comprises almost 25% of our planet. Our Jewish people on the other hand are still struggling to maintain even a minute percent of our worlds population.

This obviously pisses you off. Sorry.
Your generalized, factless opinion is not fact.
You're a retard.
If you walked into any Muslim village with a Magan Dovid you would be murdered in under 30 seconds.
You stupid POS.
Again now...
Everything I posted was fact including your jealousy towards the Muslims actually creating a lasting civilization which now comprises almost 25% of our planet. Our Jewish people on the other hand are still struggling to maintain even a minute percent of our worlds population.

This obviously pisses you off. Sorry.
If you think anyone here is jealous of your butchering 7th century barbarians, you are biggest imbecile in a decade.
I'm a Jew. I am just honest. You came way late to the party.
I don't care what you claim to be. Nuke all the muslims.
Nuke Loser.
There is a huge difference you moron. The Palestinian people are locked behind a wall and the terrorist pussies in the idf bomb them regularly.
They're locked behind a wall, yet the animals are somehow capable of using vehicles to mow down innocent people, stab people at restaurants and movie theaters, etc. just like they are doing in London and all over Europe? Exactly how stupid are you, Achmed.
The so-called "Palestinians" laid the groundwork for all that is happening today. They showed their fellow Islamists that mass murder is a lucrative business. They receive more world aid per capita than any other group in the world as a reward for their relentless terrorism, and so others follow suit.

Mass murder -- it works. Just look at the number of revolting creatures here that support it.
Actually, the so-called "jews" laid the groundwork for all that is happening today. They showed their fellow jews that mass murder is a lucrative business. They receive more world aid per capita than any other group in the world as a reward for their relentless terrorism, and so others follow suit.

Mass murder -- it works. Just look at the number of revolting creatures here that support it.

zionists suck!
Aha! The Jews "made" the Palestinian animals kill them, just like the Brits and French "made" the Islamist animals kill them.
Both engage in driving over innocent people and random stabbing attacks in the name of Allah. There is absolutely no difference between the Islamic animals in London, and the Islamic Palestinian animals. Except for geography.
israel is battlefield. war isnt over. all israel people are zionist soldier .all israel people should serve in military based on israel rule . so kill soldiers in war isnt terrorism
if somebody kill jew in usa. its terrorism but its not terrorism in battlefield(israel).

nazar man nist. vaghti inja az mullah ha beporsi chera koshtan israeli ha bad nist vali isis bade. javabeshoon ine.:D
So the entire country of Israel is a battlefriend just because the Mullah said so. By that logic then, the entire country of Iran can also be a battlefield and nuked?

Baz ke cherto pert gofti. LOL
No, dumb one, I hav not even brought up the golden age. I have simply
posted facts including the zionist jealousy towards the Muslims for actually creating a lasting civilization which now comprises almost 25% of our planet. Our Jewish people on the other hand are still struggling to maintain even a minute percent of our worlds population.

This obviously pisses you off. Sorry.

Your tender islamo-feelings being offended is your own issue to deal with.

Otherwise, you posted nothing factual. You simply copied and pasted another post you plagiarized.

I can't help but notice that you're unable to actually address the collapse of your alleged "lasting civilization". Of course, Muhammedans were—and still are—thoroughly outraged that the infidel dared to interrupt the expansionist program of murder, rapine, and ultimately, subjugation of any infidel society within reach. Muhammedans, especially the “holy warriors”, have kept this indignant grudge smoldering for 800 years.

Your whining in connection with the silly "lasting civilization" (which doesn't exist), is really your reaction to the retrogression of the muhammedan Middle East and why the Islamist world has grown progressively backward over the last 700 years. Muhammedans have fled from science. Muhamnedans have fled from art and philosophy. The Islamist world has fled from truth, while sometimes uncomfortable, is still truth. Meanwhile, the rest of the world has embraced science, art, philosophy and learning and in doing so, became progressively more powerful, wealthy and stable.

I don’t know what is worse: the mind numbing dogma that you muhammedans are so quick to foist on others or the great willingness of Muhamnedans toward unquestioned acceptance of it?
The so-called "Palestinians" laid the groundwork for all that is happening today. They showed their fellow Islamists that mass murder is a lucrative business. They receive more world aid per capita than any other group in the world as a reward for their relentless terrorism, and so others follow suit.

Mass murder -- it works. Just look at the number of revolting creatures here that support it.
Actually, the so-called "jews" laid the groundwork for all that is happening today. They showed their fellow jews that mass murder is a lucrative business. They receive more world aid per capita than any other group in the world as a reward for their relentless terrorism, and so others follow suit.

Mass murder -- it works. Just look at the number of revolting creatures here that support it.

zionists suck!

Actually, muhammud, you are my personal stalker / plagiarist. You are not allowed to stalk / plagiarize the posts of others without my permission.
What do you want from someone who has nothing positive to say about 1.2 billion "victims"?
Ahhh, you're jealous that the Muslim people could create a lasting civilization that now comprises well over a billion people while Judaism, which has been around for several more centuries can't seem to make any headway.

We are seeing the amazing contributions of Muslim people today, intolerance, violence, oppression, terrorism, murder, mayhem, etc.

So are you saying that 1.2 billion Muslims vs. 6 million Jews and the Jews are still kicking Muslim ass in every way possible? Perhaps the Muslims are outnumbered.

Allah has played a cruel joke on Moslems.
What bs? Everything I posted was fact including your jealousy towards the Muslims actually creating a lasting civilization which now comprises almost 25% of our planet. Our Jewish people on the other hand are still struggling to maintain even a minute percent of our worlds population.

This obviously pisses you off. Sorry.
So Achmed what does all this gibberish have to do with the fact that there is no difference between the terrorist animals in London, and the Palestinian terrorist animals? They both wear suicide vests, they both target innocent civilians, they both use cars to mow down people, they both stab innocent people like madmen, etc...
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