London’s New Mayor Warns Trump: Let In Muslims Or They Will Attack America

sadiq was just being friendly------letting us know what muslims do if anyone does anything they do not like
What he basically said, though, was that 'no matter what you do', Muslims will attack you. It doesn't take a Muslim Mayor...or a figure that out.
seems to me they attack countries that have let them in also.

that's what Trump said-------you should mention the fact that you got it from HIM-----
i'm sure anyone with a lick of common sense said it.

you should say it too - cause it's true. :)

and what does villo valo have to do with this?

who is v "villo valo" <<<is that a legal term?
pffft - lead singer for HIM. :)
So the OP suggests that it is ok to insult a country who just had been terrorized.. Makes me angry to think anyone would excuse that behavior..

I wouldnt feel bad for you if you repeatedly hit yourself in the head with a hammer.....thats all on you.
So the OP suggests that it is ok to insult a country who just had been terrorized.. Makes me angry to think anyone would excuse that behavior..
------------------------------- feck'um , where'd the stiff upper lip go . Musta been bred out of the 'brits' , course the mayor is a muslim eh EWings ??

He had to do away with the stiff upper lip.
It was making it to difficult to blow his muslim buddies.
it is very light hearted bitchy snotty. have you never spent time in the school yard?

Not when it comes to insulting a country , who needs our support..


They brought this on themselves,fuke em.
Did you ever notice The Left never really wants to actually discuss their policies or the consequences of them? What they do is troll instead when you corner them to explain their agendas.

What I see in The Left is a bunch of Intellectual, Moral and Philosophical Cowards who are too spineless to discuss these issues and too stupid to defend their illogical points of view.

If you really want to boil down what a Liberal is, think of The Color YELLOW. Yes, the color of piss. I propose a new flag for The LEFT since they claim this is NOT THEIR COUNTRY.


The Leftist Flag of Surrender really says it all. They stand for nothing except their own comfort at your expense. They run away at the first sign of danger. They believe in their Dirty Pseudo Religious Dogma so much, that they refuse to defend it, but they sure as Hell want you to pay for it. Not them of course...they will always exempt themselves....but you can fork over your hard earned income to an A-Z list of Lefty Crusader Causes, and that's fine with them and their 47% who pay no taxes.

Just don't ask them to take a stand for it if it actually will cost them anything. Hell, you even have to pay them to stage fake protests for their own causes, so you can't expect much from them but to accept a paycheck from a subversive billionaire to piss on an American flag or spit on a Veteran.
it is very light hearted bitchy snotty. have you never spent time in the school yard?

Not when it comes to insulting a country , who needs our support..


They brought this on themselves,fuke em.
---------------------------- yeah , kinda that way eh ?? And it wasn't the people in england , it was their government and the infection started many years in the past . I remember reading on 'english' message boards that all would be fine with the importation of muslims and that was maybe 2002 HWgo .
it is very light hearted bitchy snotty. have you never spent time in the school yard?

Not when it comes to insulting a country , who needs our support..


They brought this on themselves,fuke em.
---------------------------- yeah , kinda that way eh ?? And it wasn't the people in england , it was their government and the infection started many years in the past . I remember reading on 'english' message boards that all would be fine with the importation of muslims and that was maybe 2002 HWgo .

You have to be a special kind of stupid to think bringing in muslims is gonna be just fine.
That so many Englanders were so blind to the dangers amazes me.
well i remember , think it was the attacks on '7-7' [was it] and the board readers were amazed . I told them years before that what was coming their way then eventually i was banned . It was fun though . Thing is that its my OPINION that the 'british' / english are so politically correct and Pacifist that they care nothing for England or Western Civilization just so they have access to 'curry' and 'bacon sarnies' whatever they are . I was on quite a few boards over the years from about 1998 up to ABOUT 2009 and then it got so bad that i could say NOTHING that i thought was honest , imo . I feel bad for English kids although i suspect that they will just grow up as an underclass in their own land !!
7-7 attack mentioned here plus others . Looks like 7 - 7 was in 2005 . Anyway , its been 'brit' government [and other govs] that allow these attacks to happen . Course the rulers and elites live in the GUARDED towers guarded by 'queens' men that have guns and all that guarding of the elites is done at taxpayer expense . --- London terror attack: Timelines of attacks in London – from 7/7 to Westminster --- plus info on Lee Rigby and other info HWgo !!
While the leftards are saying yeah he's right, Americans are saying FU.

“Donald Trump’s ignorant view of Islam could make both of our countries less safe – it risks alienating mainstream Muslims around the world and plays into the hands of extremists,” he said. “Donald Trump and those around him think that Western liberal values are incompatible with mainstream Islam – London has proved him wrong.”

London’s New Mayor Warns Trump: Let In Muslims Or They Will Attack America
I recall that. What a creep. Sure glad he's not here.
Like so many Muslims. Do as we say or more Terrorism.
What I want to know is why does London care whether or not America accepts immigrants? I think they have their own problems to worry about without being like nosy neighbors. Perhaps it's time they mind their own business for a change? We kicked them out a very long time ago. Lol.
Some of us care because we really do not want the same thing to happen to you. I think it's less likely since your are armed, but they still have the gun free zones :sad:
Boy, what happened to England? Their Left Globalists are completely out of control. Look at the awful damage they've done. But hey, Brits continue to support them. It's what Einstein said about the definition of insanity. Things are only gonna get worse in Great Britain and Western Europe. It's very sad, but it is what it is.
While the leftards are saying yeah he's right, Americans are saying FU.

“Donald Trump’s ignorant view of Islam could make both of our countries less safe – it risks alienating mainstream Muslims around the world and plays into the hands of extremists,” he said. “Donald Trump and those around him think that Western liberal values are incompatible with mainstream Islam – London has proved him wrong.”

London’s New Mayor Warns Trump: Let In Muslims Or They Will Attack America

You gotta love that fucked up snowfalke pretzel logic.

Don't accuse them of being violent, or they might kill you!!!

Lefties and Islamos are identical. Cult religions that get violent if you don't submit to them.
Yep. We've had threats from the left here that if they don't win the election tomorrow they will RIOT. Sound familiar?

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