London’s New Mayor Warns Trump: Let In Muslims Or They Will Attack America

Trump can't come to London but more Muzzie terrorists are welcome and that it's Allah's will. Fuck Allah and the goat herding mayor.
"muzzie"? I have muslim friends you PoS.

Do they let you play with their sheep too, Dottie?

The mayor is a muzzie terrorist enabler. Keep Americans out, let more muzzies in - yeah, Dottie - that's the ticket. If we won't let them in then, then they will attack us. Some friends you got there. LOLOLOL
Ever been to Dearborn, MI you piece of shit? Like closing the gate after the horse has already left the stable. You really are an idiot.

Have you?

It's nothing like you guys portray :dunno:
now YOU'RE taking my quotes out of context. I was illustrating how absurd Donnie's muslim ban is and how much of an ASSCLOWN OP is
it is very light hearted bitchy snotty. have you never spent time in the school yard?

Not when it comes to insulting a country , who needs our support..

I (oracle at usmb) can solve the muslim ban problem. CHANGE ITS NAME
Let's have a contest. FIND A NICE NAME. anyone?
Do you have anyone close who fought in a war? It is a can of worms that you don't want to open unless if 100% necessary like FDR did in WWII . War is ugly..

I'm a Viet combat Vet and my dad, uncle, son, and various other relatives all stood the wall...what's your point?

Your video is about dropping the big one, I took it as a bomb..

It was satire, GENIUS!!!!!

You are so funny..:haha:
While the leftards are saying yeah he's right, Americans are saying FU.

“Donald Trump’s ignorant view of Islam could make both of our countries less safe – it risks alienating mainstream Muslims around the world and plays into the hands of extremists,” he said.
Cut-and-run Democrat Donald Trump agrees.

Birther Donald Trump also agrees.
it is very light hearted bitchy snotty. have you never spent time in the school yard?

Not when it comes to insulting a country , who needs our support..


I do not believe that we were IN ANY WAY --withholding love and support from Great Britain.
We (ie Donald) was commenting on a SINGLE person who had already NEGATIVELY
COMMENTED upon him. If Sadiq cannot take it------he should not fart it out
it is very light hearted bitchy snotty. have you never spent time in the school yard?

Not when it comes to insulting a country , who needs our support..


I do not believe that we were IN ANY WAY --withholding love and support from Great Britain.
We (ie Donald) was commenting on a SINGLE person who had already NEGATIVELY
COMMENTED upon him. If Sadiq cannot take it------he should not fart it out

Do you have a link to Sadiq gave Trump a negative comment?
it is very light hearted bitchy snotty. have you never spent time in the school yard?

Not when it comes to insulting a country , who needs our support..


I do not believe that we were IN ANY WAY --withholding love and support from Great Britain.
We (ie Donald) was commenting on a SINGLE person who had already NEGATIVELY
COMMENTED upon him. If Sadiq cannot take it------he should not fart it out

Do you have a link to Sadiq gave Trump a negative comment?

it is very light hearted bitchy snotty. have you never spent time in the school yard?

Not when it comes to insulting a country , who needs our support..


I do not believe that we were IN ANY WAY --withholding love and support from Great Britain.
We (ie Donald) was commenting on a SINGLE person who had already NEGATIVELY
COMMENTED upon him. If Sadiq cannot take it------he should not fart it out

Do you have a link to Sadiq gave Trump a negative comment?[/QUOTE

"Donald Trump’s ignorant view of Islam could make both of our countries less safe – it risks alienating mainstream Muslims around the world and plays into the hands of extremists,” <<SADIQ SAID THAT
Trump’s Attack on the Mayor of London May Be the Worst Tweet of His Presidency
Trump’s Attack on the Mayor of London May Be the Worst Tweet of His Presidency

I am not all that impressed that Trump DID SUCH A BIG SIN------he did kinda quote the mayor
No, he misquoted the mayor.

no-----the criticism was mostly a kinda "out of context" thing-----the quote was close enough and
Context is everything. The mayor informed the public that there was a large police response to the attack, and not to get alarmed at the sudden spike in police presence.

Trump made it sound like the mayor was telling the people not to be alarmed about the attack. He's a fucking retard idiot who probably got his misinformation from Fox News, as he almost always does.

Your support of terrorists is noted, again.
That is NOT support for terrorists, imo.
The mayor of London is as pissed off at these fuckers as any of us. More, probably. Why would you say that?
The average Londoner is saying the same thing Trump is saying....what did you expect after letting a muslim become mayor? How many more dead and maimed will the Brits quest for "diversity" produce?

Do you have a link to that Tom?

I'm a licensed pest-control inspector with over 60 hours of training in the biology of various species. Ever heard of a "crow's court"? Crows will mass on occasion in half a dozen trees and start a group conversation among themselves. It will build to a pitch and a dozen of them will attack a particular crow and peck it to death. It's thought the victim crow had done something to offend enough of the others to warrant it's death.
They do that in the big old tree next door. Pest control can kill 'em? Damned squawkers.
it is very light hearted bitchy snotty. have you never spent time in the school yard?

Not when it comes to insulting a country , who needs our support..


I do not believe that we were IN ANY WAY --withholding love and support from Great Britain.
We (ie Donald) was commenting on a SINGLE person who had already NEGATIVELY
COMMENTED upon him. If Sadiq cannot take it------he should not fart it out
Rosie--Trump started it. Look at RealDonaldTrump tweets starting 6-4. Mayor's spokesman said the Mayor was too busy to respond to such foolishness (paraphrase) and here we go; Thunder Mouth's feelings were hurt.
it is very light hearted bitchy snotty. have you never spent time in the school yard?

Not when it comes to insulting a country , who needs our support..


I do not believe that we were IN ANY WAY --withholding love and support from Great Britain.
We (ie Donald) was commenting on a SINGLE person who had already NEGATIVELY
COMMENTED upon him. If Sadiq cannot take it------he should not fart it out

Rosie--Trump started it. Look at RealDonaldTrump tweets starting 6-4. Mayor's spokesman said the Mayor was too busy to respond to such foolishness (paraphrase) and here we go; Thunder Mouth's feelings were hurt.

no-----sadiq commented on the excellent policy of licking Islamic ass as a precaution against
terrorism LONG BEFORE this recent act of
terrorism in London. If you think about it------you will remember
While the leftards are saying yeah he's right, Americans are saying FU.

“Donald Trump’s ignorant view of Islam could make both of our countries less safe – it risks alienating mainstream Muslims around the world and plays into the hands of extremists,” he said. “Donald Trump and those around him think that Western liberal values are incompatible with mainstream Islam – London has proved him wrong.”

London’s New Mayor Warns Trump: Let In Muslims Or They Will Attack America
“Donald Trump and those around him think that Western liberal values are incompatible with mainstream Islam – London has proved him wrong.”

Recent events have proven that mayor wrong

Not just recent events. 1400 years of history have proven that about Islam.
for those who are not familiar with islam-------I will help. Muslims never attack any people
before those people ATTACK ISLAM Ie muslims are NEVER THE AGGRESSORS.
The important issue is what muslims consider an ATTACK ON ISLAM. For the record----
I learned this stuff from highly educated muslims who had been educated in muslim countries--
long long ago-------when I was young. It is very important----I encountered muslims who just
HAD TO TRANSMIT this material to me whether I wanted to hear about it or not. To make it
simple-----AN ATTACK ON ISLAM-----is not wanting TO BE A MUSLIM. (the exceptions
for Jews and Christians requires complete subjugation to Islamic rule AND to all muslims and
includes the payment of tribute for the honor of being subjugated)

While the leftards are saying yeah he's right, Americans are saying FU.

“Donald Trump’s ignorant view of Islam could make both of our countries less safe – it risks alienating mainstream Muslims around the world and plays into the hands of extremists,” he said. “Donald Trump and those around him think that Western liberal values are incompatible with mainstream Islam – London has proved him wrong.”

London’s New Mayor Warns Trump: Let In Muslims Or They Will Attack America

OP is a lie, that is not what the mayor said - there was no threatening or warning.

“Donald Trump’s ignorant view of Islam could make both of our countries less safe – it risks alienating mainstream Muslims around the world and plays into the hands of extremists."

yeah? so? it is a clear INNUENDO. and a baseless conjecture. How does Sadiq know
what Trump's view of islam is? (that's the baseless conjecture part) The innuendo part is the
suggestion that if anyone complains about islam or muslims-----muslims are LOGICALLY AND
CORRECTLY inspired to slit random throats. (that's the threat part too). no matter the context---
it MEANS "kiss muslim ass or WE KILL YOU"

Trump's tweeted his views to the world with little to no impulse control. It's all out there.

There is nothing in what Sadiq said that is a threat or what is claimed in the title.
While the leftards are saying yeah he's right, Americans are saying FU.

“Donald Trump’s ignorant view of Islam could make both of our countries less safe – it risks alienating mainstream Muslims around the world and plays into the hands of extremists,” he said. “Donald Trump and those around him think that Western liberal values are incompatible with mainstream Islam – London has proved him wrong.”

London’s New Mayor Warns Trump: Let In Muslims Or They Will Attack America

London’s New Mayor Warns Trump: Let In Muslims Or They Will Attack America

That sounds like the Kebab is threatening something, he's probably got a hotline to ISIS.

Um so the British have tons of Kebabs in Britain and Britain is now under seige and has had two Islamic Terrorist attacks in less than two weeks and the people don't know when the next one will happen. Why is Britain getting attacked....why is France getting attacked when they've let tons of Kebabs in?

The Kebab Mayor is devoid of logic being a Leftist, but being a Kebab his comments sound like he's threatening America.

Except Lucy - he did not say that.
Hate and venom plays directly into the terrorists hands. You're a fool to believe right wing rhetoric.

I bet you agree with Hillary Clinton.

"If you thought Hillary Clinton would stop talking any time soon then think again.

The defeated presidential candidate told a fundraiser for a youth program that the best way to stop terrorism was to “understand” other cultures and their food.

Yes, really…

…Hillary said the best way of combating terror was to “reach out to the world” in order to “understand” people living in foreign countries.

“Getting to know one another. Learning about the experiences, the lives, the cultures, the religions, the food,” she added."

One wonders what kind of “cultures” Clinton is referring to? Maybe the ‘culture’ of Bacha bāzī, where elderly Muslim men dress up young boys as girls and then rape them? Or could she be referring to female genital mutilation? Another expression of Islamic ‘culture’ now endorsed by imams living in America."

Hillary: Way to Stop Terrorism is to “Understand” Other Cultures & Their Food

While the leftards are saying yeah he's right, Americans are saying FU.

“Donald Trump’s ignorant view of Islam could make both of our countries less safe – it risks alienating mainstream Muslims around the world and plays into the hands of extremists,” he said. “Donald Trump and those around him think that Western liberal values are incompatible with mainstream Islam – London has proved him wrong.”

London’s New Mayor Warns Trump: Let In Muslims Or They Will Attack America

OP is a lie, that is not what the mayor said - there was no threatening or warning.

“Donald Trump’s ignorant view of Islam could make both of our countries less safe – it risks alienating mainstream Muslims around the world and plays into the hands of extremists."

yeah? so? it is a clear INNUENDO. and a baseless conjecture. How does Sadiq know
what Trump's view of islam is? (that's the baseless conjecture part) The innuendo part is the
suggestion that if anyone complains about islam or muslims-----muslims are LOGICALLY AND
CORRECTLY inspired to slit random throats. (that's the threat part too). no matter the context---
it MEANS "kiss muslim ass or WE KILL YOU"

Trump's tweeted his views to the world with little to no impulse control. It's all out there.

There is nothing in what Sadiq said that is a threat or what is claimed in the title.

wrong-----Sadiq issued words to the effect that any restrictions placed on muslims
in reference to immigration or travel would CREATE TERRORISM. That is
a THREAT. In fact, it is not only a threat. It accurately describes the prime
directive of islam which is the destruction of anything which IN ANY WAY restricts
either islam or any muslim or the propagation of islam and absolute muslilm rule.
It is DIVINE law which justifies murder, rape, enslavement, pillage and
exploitation of non-muslims. It justified everything Muhummad did, If there is an
an honest muslim around, he can describe this important principle to you. The
principle exists for the BENEFIT OF MANKIND-------it is the reason that allah created
the universe. Sadiq is a Pakistani muslim-----I learned all about Islam from Pakistanis.
I have even known a few "saddiques" <<< that's how we spell it in the USA. I am
not suggesting that "ALL MUSLIMS" harbor that DIVINE PRINCIPLE as their very
own prime directive------enough do......more than enough.

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