London’s New Mayor Warns Trump: Let In Muslims Or They Will Attack America

The OP is lying.

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London’s Muslim Mayor Warns Trump: Let In Muslims Or They Will Attack America

Posted By: External Source on: June 06, 2017

The Muslim mayor of London has issued a warning to Donald Trump: Moderate your stance on Muslims, or they will launch more attacks against America.

Last month, Trump praised Sadiq Khan for winning London’s mayoral race, and said he would be willing to create an exception in his policy restricting Muslim entry into the United States in order to allow Khan to visit. But in a statement, Khan dismissed Trump’s invitation, and also denounced his views on Islam as “ignorant,” suggesting Trump’s policies would increase the terrorist threat in both the U.S. and U.K.

“Donald Trump’s ignorant view of Islam could make both of our countries less safe – it risks alienating mainstream Muslims around the world and plays into the hands of extremists,” he said. “Donald Trump and those around him think that Western liberal values are incompatible with mainstream Islam – London has proved him wrong.”

While Khan touted the liberal values of British Muslims, some polls have found worrying indicators that their assimilation is incomplete. A poll in April, for instance, found that two-thirds of British Muslims would not tell the government if a friend or family member became involved with extremists. Over 20 percent supported establishing sharia in the U.K.

Read more:
London’s Muslim Mayor Warns Trump: Let In Muslims Or They Will Attack America
So the OP suggests that it is ok to insult a country who just had been terrorized.. Makes me angry to think anyone would excuse that behavior..
Oh really? The USA has been terrorized, and insulted.

Oh Willow, :beer:

Directly after 9/11

  • 23px-Flag_of_the_United_Kingdom.svg.png
    United Kingdom: r Tony Blair pledged that Britain would stand "full square alongside the U.S." in the battle against terrorism. Queen Elizabeth expressed "growing disbelief and total shock."[13] In London, the U.S. national anthem was played at the Changing of the Guard at Buckingham Palace under orders from Her Majesty, and traffic on The Mall came to a halt during the tribute.[20] A Service of Remembrance was held at St. Paul's Cathedral attended by the Queen, the Prince of Wales, Prime Minister Tony Blair, U.S. Ambassador William Farish, and a congregation of thousands inside and outside the cathedral.[21]

But let us not forget these mentally ill christian far right and their comments to 9/11

Controversial Christian American reactions
Two days following the attacks, on the Christian television program The 700 Club, television evangelist Jerry Falwell called the event a punishment from God and laid the blame on "paganists", "abortionists", "feminists" and "gays and lesbians", claiming that they "helped this happen". Host Pat Robertson concurred with the statements. Both evangelists came under attack from President George W. Bush for their statements,and Falwell subsequently apologized.
While the leftards are saying yeah he's right, Americans are saying FU.

“Donald Trump’s ignorant view of Islam could make both of our countries less safe – it risks alienating mainstream Muslims around the world and plays into the hands of extremists,” he said. “Donald Trump and those around him think that Western liberal values are incompatible with mainstream Islam – London has proved him wrong.”

London’s New Mayor Warns Trump: Let In Muslims Or They Will Attack America
Leave it to Alt-Right to twist words to sell their product.
could someone define "mainstream islam" for me? Muslims are VERY VERY fond of claiming
that there is NO CENTRAL AUTHORITY IN ISLAM. is there a book of "MAIN STREAM ISLAM"
The OP is lying.

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London’s Muslim Mayor Warns Trump: Let In Muslims Or They Will Attack America

Posted By: External Source on: June 06, 2017

The Muslim mayor of London has issued a warning to Donald Trump: Moderate your stance on Muslims, or they will launch more attacks against America.

Last month, Trump praised Sadiq Khan for winning London’s mayoral race, and said he would be willing to create an exception in his policy restricting Muslim entry into the United States in order to allow Khan to visit. But in a statement, Khan dismissed Trump’s invitation, and also denounced his views on Islam as “ignorant,” suggesting Trump’s policies would increase the terrorist threat in both the U.S. and U.K.

“Donald Trump’s ignorant view of Islam could make both of our countries less safe – it risks alienating mainstream Muslims around the world and plays into the hands of extremists,” he said. “Donald Trump and those around him think that Western liberal values are incompatible with mainstream Islam – London has proved him wrong.”

While Khan touted the liberal values of British Muslims, some polls have found worrying indicators that their assimilation is incomplete. A poll in April, for instance, found that two-thirds of British Muslims would not tell the government if a friend or family member became involved with extremists. Over 20 percent supported establishing sharia in the U.K.

Read more:
London’s Muslim Mayor Warns Trump: Let In Muslims Or They Will Attack America
Let Muslims in or they will attack America! That is the perfect reason not to let them in!
So the OP suggests that it is ok to insult a country who just had been terrorized.. Makes me angry to think anyone would excuse that behavior..

When someone says something stupid, like the Muslim mayor of London, they beg to be called out.
I am merely using Trump's and his Chumps own benchmark. Fair is fair.

Cut-and-run Democrat Trump felt it was very significant that the world hated us because of Bush.

Birther Trump also felt it was very significant that the world hated us because of Obama.

So the Chumps can't blow off the fact the world is hating us because of our apprentice President Trump.

Western Europe hated us due to the massive failures of petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama. Had the whiney former president shown some courage and character, MILLIONS of unvetted Muslims would not have invaded their countries and thousands of fewer fatalities.
They do that in the big old tree next door. Pest control can kill 'em? Damned squawkers.

Nope, can't kill any type of bird and most pests can't even be moved without state Fish and Game getting involved.
While the leftards are saying yeah he's right, Americans are saying FU.

“Donald Trump’s ignorant view of Islam could make both of our countries less safe – it risks alienating mainstream Muslims around the world and plays into the hands of extremists,” he said. “Donald Trump and those around him think that Western liberal values are incompatible with mainstream Islam – London has proved him wrong.”

London’s New Mayor Warns Trump: Let In Muslims Or They Will Attack America
Leave it to Alt-Right to twist words to sell their product.
Oh please. It's a direct quote. And you can't even "put it in perspective" because the OP is correct.
'London’s New Mayor Warns Trump: Let In Muslims Or They Will Attack America'

Let Muslims into the US or they will attack America.

Once in America, like they are in Paris and London, they will attack.

In essence, London's mayor warns the President of the United States, no matter what your nation does, Muslims will attack America.

America must decide if they will resist or make it easier for its would-be conqurers.
The average Londoner is saying the same thing Trump is saying....what did you expect after letting a muslim become mayor? How many more dead and maimed will the Brits quest for "diversity" produce?

Do you have a link to that Tom?
The average Londoner voted for Mr Khan in droves.

Speaks volumes about the intelligence level of a Londoner...or some toad from Wales

It's amazing how the right twists everything to try and force people to accept their views.

"Accept my view and you're a patriot, don't accept my view and you're treasonous."
The average Londoner is saying the same thing Trump is saying....what did you expect after letting a muslim become mayor? How many more dead and maimed will the Brits quest for "diversity" produce?

Do you have a link to that Tom?
The average Londoner voted for Mr Khan in droves.

Speaks volumes about the intelligence level of a Londoner...or some toad from Wales

It's amazing how the right twists everything to try and force people to accept their views.

"Accept my view and you're a patriot, don't accept my view and you're treasonous."

Yawn.....zzzzzzzz gnite
So, he is threatening us? "let them in, or else"?

not personally....... sadiq seems like a nice guy-----like a peacenik
You will be happy to know that the NAME ---'sadiq' means approximately
'London’s New Mayor Warns Trump: Let In Muslims Or They Will Attack America'

Let Muslims into the US or they will attack America.

Once in America, like they are in Paris and London, they will attack.

In essence, London's mayor warns the President of the United States, no matter what your nation does, Muslims will attack America.

America must decide if they will resist or make it easier for its would-be conqurers.

Exactly. I'm still wanting to know why it is so important to another country who WE take into OUR country?
'London’s New Mayor Warns Trump: Let In Muslims Or They Will Attack America'

Let Muslims into the US or they will attack America.

Once in America, like they are in Paris and London, they will attack.

In essence, London's mayor warns the President of the United States, no matter what your nation does, Muslims will attack America.

America must decide if they will resist or make it easier for its would-be conqurers.

Exactly. I'm still wanting to know why it is so important to another country who WE take into OUR country?

sadiq was just being friendly------letting us know what muslims do if anyone does anything
they do not like

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