London’s New Mayor Warns Trump: Let In Muslims Or They Will Attack America

Trump’s Attack on the Mayor of London May Be the Worst Tweet of His Presidency
Trump’s Attack on the Mayor of London May Be the Worst Tweet of His Presidency

I am not all that impressed that Trump DID SUCH A BIG SIN------he did kinda quote the mayor
No, he misquoted the mayor.

no-----the criticism was mostly a kinda "out of context" thing-----the quote was close enough and
Context is everything. The mayor informed the public that there was a large police response to the attack, and not to get alarmed at the sudden spike in police presence.

Trump made it sound like the mayor was telling the people not to be alarmed about the attack. He's a fucking retard idiot who probably got his misinformation from Fox News, as he almost always does.

Your support of terrorists is noted, again.

Where in that comment does G5000 support a terrorist?
The average Londoner is saying the same thing Trump is saying....what did you expect after letting a muslim become mayor? How many more dead and maimed will the Brits quest for "diversity" produce?

Do you have a link to that Tom?
So the OP suggests that it is ok to insult a country who just had been terrorized.. Makes me angry to think anyone would excuse that behavior..
------------------------------- feck'um , where'd the stiff upper lip go . Musta been bred out of the 'brits' , course the mayor is a muslim eh EWings ??

Unless if there are ties to the terrorist, or terrorist behavior his culture has nothing to do with anything.
who insulted whom and what??

Trump’s Attack on the Mayor of London May Be the Worst Tweet of His Presidency
Trump’s Attack on the Mayor of London May Be the Worst Tweet of His Presidency

I am not all that impressed that Trump DID SUCH A BIG SIN------he did kinda quote the mayor
No, he misquoted the mayor.

no-----the criticism was mostly a kinda "out of context" thing-----the quote was close enough and
Context is everything. The mayor informed the public that there was a large police response to the attack, and not to get alarmed at the sudden spike in police presence.

Trump made it sound like the mayor was telling the people not to be alarmed about the attack. He's a fucking retard idiot who probably got his misinformation from Fox News, as he almost always does.


Rootin' for Pootin, you are a lying slack jawed retard.

The Muzzie terrorist enabling mayor tried the don't be alarmed, look at all the cops we got hangin' out trick. That's a slope headed response.

All he did was give the next attackers more targets. Having cops standing on the street means they aren't rounding up the next wave of terrorists. His action is nothing more than a political platitude.
The average Londoner is saying the same thing Trump is saying....what did you expect after letting a muslim become mayor? How many more dead and maimed will the Brits quest for "diversity" produce?

Do you have a link to that Tom?
The average Londoner voted for Mr Khan in droves.

Speaks volumes about the intelligence level of a Londoner...or some toad from Wales
Love it!! And who is your President ?
The average Londoner is saying the same thing Trump is saying....what did you expect after letting a muslim become mayor? How many more dead and maimed will the Brits quest for "diversity" produce?

Do you have a link to that Tom?

I'm a licensed pest-control inspector with over 60 hours of training in the biology of various species. Ever heard of a "crow's court"? Crows will mass on occasion in half a dozen trees and start a group conversation among themselves. It will build to a pitch and a dozen of them will attack a particular crow and peck it to death. It's thought the victim crow had done something to offend enough of the others to warrant it's death.
Yeah, Trump should tell him not to go anywhere near people who fund ISIS or al Qaeda.


^ that OP :rofl:
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Remember when Trump moaned during his Democrat cut-and-run days how the rest of the world hates us because of Bush?

Remember when Trump moaned during his birther days how the rest of the world hates us because of Obama?

Those days of global love for America are looking pretty good now.

That's what you get when you hire an apprentice to be President. :lol:
---------------------------------------------------------------- global LOVE means nothing . What has the 'globe' ever done at anytime to demonstrate its LOVE for the USA G5000 ??
So the OP suggests that it is ok to insult a country who just had been terrorized.. Makes me angry to think anyone would excuse that behavior..
------------------------------- feck'um , where'd the stiff upper lip go . Musta been bred out of the 'brits' , course the mayor is a muslim eh EWings ??

Unless if there are ties to the terrorist, or terrorist behavior his culture has nothing to do with anything.
-------------------------------------------------------- yeah , all cultures are Equal eh EWings ??
Remember when Trump moaned during his Democrat cut-and-run days how the rest of the world hates us because of Bush?

Remember when Trump moaned during his birther days how the rest of the world hates us because of Obama?

Those days of global love for America are looking pretty good now.

That's what you get when you hire an apprentice to be President. :lol:
---------------------------------------------------------------- global LOVE means nothing . What has the 'globe' ever done at anytime to demonstrate its LOVE for the USA G5000 ??
I am merely using Trump's and his Chumps own benchmark. Fair is fair.

Cut-and-run Democrat Trump felt it was very significant that the world hated us because of Bush.

Birther Trump also felt it was very significant that the world hated us because of Obama.

So the Chumps can't blow off the fact the world is hating us because of our apprentice President Trump.
Trump can't come to London but more Muzzie terrorists are welcome and that it's Allah's will. Fuck Allah and the goat herding mayor.
UK is lost in the war. Airstrip One now.

Sure lets make our only 9/11 allies our enemies...:disbelief:
Some muslim mayor in an allied country that has attempted to sway our election through threats as a means of acceptance isn't one of our "our allies". The countries are allies but that Islamist mayor is not! A few media outlets pushing the Islamization of the world via their opinions and bogus polls are not "our allies" either.
Remember when Trump moaned during his Democrat cut-and-run days how the rest of the world hates us because of Bush?

Remember when Trump moaned during his birther days how the rest of the world hates us because of Obama?

Those days of global love for America are looking pretty good now.

That's what you get when you hire an apprentice to be President. :lol:
Trump has the emotional development of a 13 yr old. Seriously. In his defense, most of his rw devotees are the same
The "muzzies" in Saudi Arabia are happy with our President. He chickened out and would not say "radical Islamic terrorists" around them, and he sold them a bunch of arms. When Hillary did it, the pseudocons had a year-long shit fit over it.

It's Okay When Trump Does It!™
^ that OP :rofl: Embarassed for you kid :(
Trump can't come to London but more Muzzie terrorists are welcome and that it's Allah's will. Fuck Allah and the goat herding mayor.
"muzzie"? I have muslim friends you PoS.

Do they let you play with their sheep too, Dottie?

The mayor is a muzzie terrorist enabler. Keep Americans out, let more muzzies in - yeah, Dottie - that's the ticket. If we won't let them in then, then they will attack us. Some friends you got there. LOLOLOL
Ever been to Dearborn, MI you piece of shit? Like closing the gate after the horse has already left the stable. You really are an idiot.
So the OP suggests that it is ok to insult a country who just had been terrorized.. Makes me angry to think anyone would excuse that behavior..

who insulted whom and what??
current events. Look into it :thup:

A Trump's Twitter criticism of London Mayor Sadiq Khan is out of context, again

San Diego is no liberal bastion either you Dope. I used to reside there when i served.

nothing wrong with Donald's comment------in fact Donald was criticized MANY times for
similarly clumsy statements------IN THE SAME MANNER-------Sadiq suffers from hoof in
mouth disease just as does Donald
While the leftards are saying yeah he's right, Americans are saying FU.

“Donald Trump’s ignorant view of Islam could make both of our countries less safe – it risks alienating mainstream Muslims around the world and plays into the hands of extremists,” he said. “Donald Trump and those around him think that Western liberal values are incompatible with mainstream Islam – London has proved him wrong.”

London’s New Mayor Warns Trump: Let In Muslims Or They Will Attack America
I recall that. What a creep. Sure glad he's not here.

poor Sadiq-----it's not his fault he was born to muslim parents

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