London’s New Mayor Warns Trump: Let In Muslims Or They Will Attack America

So the OP suggests that it is ok to insult a country who just had been terrorized.. Makes me angry to think anyone would excuse that behavior..

who insulted whom and what??

Trump’s Attack on the Mayor of London May Be the Worst Tweet of His Presidency
Trump’s Attack on the Mayor of London May Be the Worst Tweet of His Presidency
Islamic London Mayor: Let Muslims in or we will attack you.

“Donald Trump’s ignorant view of Islam could make both of our countries less safe – it risks alienating mainstream Muslims around the world and plays into the hands of extremists,” he said. “Donald Trump and those around him think that Western liberal values are incompatible with mainstream Islam – London has proved him wrong.”

YEAH!!!!! I thought that ^^^^^^^ was a REALLY idiotic thing to say
So the OP suggests that it is ok to insult a country who just had been terrorized.. Makes me angry to think anyone would excuse that behavior..
Hey Ball Less Eagle, how are they not hangin'?

Sorry if insulting goat herding Muzzie terrorists enablers causes your sensitive nature to inflame. Perchance you should curl up with a few sheep shanks instead.


So Trump just spent a few days treated like a royal in Saudi Arabia ( btw ) who the majority of the 9/11 terrorist came from..

And you call the mayor a terrorist...?

I had a feeling a presidential visit would put too much strain on a very busy Scotland Yard and MI-whatever. It was a nice thought, though.

MI-5 is the Brit's domestic intel service, MI-6 their foreign service. We protect our own president abroad since most foreign intel services are full of lunatics not to be trusted.
So the OP suggests that it is ok to insult a country who just had been terrorized.. Makes me angry to think anyone would excuse that behavior..
Hey Ball Less Eagle, how are they not hangin'?

Sorry if insulting goat herding Muzzie terrorists enablers causes your sensitive nature to inflame. Perchance you should curl up with a few sheep shanks instead.


So Trump just spent a few days treated like a royal in Saudi Arabia ( btw ) who the majority of the 9/11 terrorist came from..

And you call the mayor a terrorist...?


Donald DID NOT CALL --sadiq a terrorist
So the OP suggests that it is ok to insult a country who just had been terrorized.. Makes me angry to think anyone would excuse that behavior..

who insulted whom and what??

Trump’s Attack on the Mayor of London May Be the Worst Tweet of His Presidency
Trump’s Attack on the Mayor of London May Be the Worst Tweet of His Presidency

I am not all that impressed that Trump DID SUCH A BIG SIN------he did kinda quote the mayor
No, he misquoted the mayor.
So the OP suggests that it is ok to insult a country who just had been terrorized.. Makes me angry to think anyone would excuse that behavior..
Hey Ball Less Eagle, how are they not hangin'?

Sorry if insulting goat herding Muzzie terrorists enablers causes your sensitive nature to inflame. Perchance you should curl up with a few sheep shanks instead.

BTW....As a mother :wink_2::wink_2::wink_2:

I would turn off social media for a year after doing that... what are you showing our children? That it is ok to bully people..

Trump has the smallest balls ever..He Bullies and then hides behind the Americans..

He is a Wimp..

Cut-and-run Democrat Donald J. Trump in 2007: “I think Bush is probably the worst president in the history of the United States. The rest of the world hates us."

Birther Donald J. Trump: “The world hates our president.”

I just love it when the pseudocons' own benchmarks come back and snap them in the face, especially when they hire a two-faced retard apprentice as their boss.
So the OP suggests that it is ok to insult a country who just had been terrorized.. Makes me angry to think anyone would excuse that behavior..
Hey Ball Less Eagle, how are they not hangin'?

Sorry if insulting goat herding Muzzie terrorists enablers causes your sensitive nature to inflame. Perchance you should curl up with a few sheep shanks instead.


So Trump just spent a few days treated like a royal in Saudi Arabia ( btw ) who the majority of the 9/11 terrorist came from..

And you call the mayor a terrorist...?


Donald DID NOT CALL --sadiq a terrorist

President Trump has unleashed another Twitter storm, infuriating officials in London. This has posed special challenges for the US-UK relationship.

Trump puts strain on special relationship - BBC News
The "muzzies" in Saudi Arabia are happy with our President. He chickened out and would not say "radical Islamic terrorists" around them, and he sold them a bunch of arms. When Hillary did it, the pseudocons had a year-long shit fit over it.

It's Okay When Trump Does It!™
So the OP suggests that it is ok to insult a country who just had been terrorized.. Makes me angry to think anyone would excuse that behavior..
Hey Ball Less Eagle, how are they not hangin'?

Sorry if insulting goat herding Muzzie terrorists enablers causes your sensitive nature to inflame. Perchance you should curl up with a few sheep shanks instead.


So Trump just spent a few days treated like a royal in Saudi Arabia ( btw ) who the majority of the 9/11 terrorist came from..

And you call the mayor a terrorist...?


Donald DID NOT CALL --sadiq a terrorist

ZZ Pups called The Mayor a terrorist, not Trump...
So the OP suggests that it is ok to insult a country who just had been terrorized.. Makes me angry to think anyone would excuse that behavior..

who insulted whom and what??

Trump’s Attack on the Mayor of London May Be the Worst Tweet of His Presidency
Trump’s Attack on the Mayor of London May Be the Worst Tweet of His Presidency

I am not all that impressed that Trump DID SUCH A BIG SIN------he did kinda quote the mayor
No, he misquoted the mayor.

no-----the criticism was mostly a kinda "out of context" thing-----the quote was close enough and
The "muzzies" in Saudi Arabia are happy with our President. He chickened out and would not say "radical Islamic terrorists" around them, and he sold them a bunch of arms. When Hillary did it, the pseudocons had a year-long shit fit over it.

It's Okay When Trump Does It!™

seems to me that Hellcat did not play with the Saudis----she played with the Iranians?
she sold arms to the Saudis?
The average Londoner is saying the same thing Trump is saying....what did you expect after letting a muslim become mayor? How many more dead and maimed will the Brits quest for "diversity" produce?
So the OP suggests that it is ok to insult a country who just had been terrorized.. Makes me angry to think anyone would excuse that behavior..
------------------------------- feck'um , where'd the stiff upper lip go . Musta been bred out of the 'brits' , course the mayor is a muslim eh EWings ??
So the OP suggests that it is ok to insult a country who just had been terrorized.. Makes me angry to think anyone would excuse that behavior..

who insulted whom and what??

Trump’s Attack on the Mayor of London May Be the Worst Tweet of His Presidency
Trump’s Attack on the Mayor of London May Be the Worst Tweet of His Presidency

I am not all that impressed that Trump DID SUCH A BIG SIN------he did kinda quote the mayor
No, he misquoted the mayor.

no-----the criticism was mostly a kinda "out of context" thing-----the quote was close enough and
Context is everything. The mayor informed the public that there was a large police response to the attack, and not to get alarmed at the sudden spike in police presence.

Trump made it sound like the mayor was telling the people not to be alarmed about the attack. He's a fucking retard idiot who probably got his misinformation from Fox News, as he almost always does.

who insulted whom and what??

Trump’s Attack on the Mayor of London May Be the Worst Tweet of His Presidency
Trump’s Attack on the Mayor of London May Be the Worst Tweet of His Presidency

I am not all that impressed that Trump DID SUCH A BIG SIN------he did kinda quote the mayor
No, he misquoted the mayor.

no-----the criticism was mostly a kinda "out of context" thing-----the quote was close enough and
Context is everything. The mayor informed the public that there was a large police response to the attack, and not to get alarmed at the sudden spike in police presence.

Trump made it sound like the mayor was telling the people not to be alarmed about the attack. He's a fucking retard idiot who probably got his misinformation from Fox News, as he almost always does.

Your support of terrorists is noted, again.
who insulted whom and what??

Trump’s Attack on the Mayor of London May Be the Worst Tweet of His Presidency
Trump’s Attack on the Mayor of London May Be the Worst Tweet of His Presidency

I am not all that impressed that Trump DID SUCH A BIG SIN------he did kinda quote the mayor
No, he misquoted the mayor.

no-----the criticism was mostly a kinda "out of context" thing-----the quote was close enough and
Context is everything. The mayor informed the public that there was a large police response to the attack, and not to get alarmed at the sudden spike in police presence.

Trump made it sound like the mayor was telling the people not to be alarmed about the attack. He's a fucking retard idiot who probably got his misinformation from Fox News, as he almost always does.


the mayor HAS made comments suggesting a SHRUG and a WINK for Islamic terrorism-----
something like "OH WELL---DAT'S DE STROKES FOLKS"

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