London’s New Mayor Warns Trump: Let In Muslims Or They Will Attack America

While the leftards are saying yeah he's right, Americans are saying FU.

“Donald Trump’s ignorant view of Islam could make both of our countries less safe – it risks alienating mainstream Muslims around the world and plays into the hands of extremists,” he said. “Donald Trump and those around him think that Western liberal values are incompatible with mainstream Islam – London has proved him wrong.”

London’s New Mayor Warns Trump: Let In Muslims Or They Will Attack America
This is not about values, its about fear, intimadation, terror acts, making a Muzzy country, forcing a Nation to except their laws, customs. More it is a invasion of criminals. Talking is stupid its been proven they do not listen or bargain in good faith. or live up to agreements made.
While the leftards are saying yeah he's right, Americans are saying FU.

“Donald Trump’s ignorant view of Islam could make both of our countries less safe – it risks alienating mainstream Muslims around the world and plays into the hands of extremists,” he said. “Donald Trump and those around him think that Western liberal values are incompatible with mainstream Islam – London has proved him wrong.”

London’s New Mayor Warns Trump: Let In Muslims Or They Will Attack America
This is not about values, its about fear, intimadation, terror acts, making a Muzzy country, forcing a Nation to except their laws, customs. More it is a invasion of criminals. Talking is stupid its been proven they do not listen or bargain in good faith. or live up to agreements made.
--------------------------- yep , you hit it on the nails head DStubbs !!
If we declare a group a hate group, we should be able to stop the, from coming in, of course then it opens up can of worms where other groups could be declared a hate group on a whim.

This is a great point.

If snowflakes are trying to stop Ann Coulter and Milo from speaking, why can't we stop people from coming into the country who are terrorists?
The Mayor of London needs tarred and feather and dragged through the streets and then hung for Treason and Sedition for what he said about England should expect terrorism as part of their life.

I think it was Charles Krauthammer who said, "The US Constitution is not a suicide pact."

It is completely reasonable for us to decide which foreign nationals visit and live in the USA.
---------------------------------------- i don't even think that a ban on foreign people immigrating to the USA due to their religion is a Constitutional issue CAngus .

It's not, you are absolutely correct, but the left will say it is....hence the lawsuits blocking the 100% LEGAL TRAVEL BAN the President proposed.
The Mayor of London needs tarred and feather and dragged through the streets and then hung for Treason and Sedition for what he said about England should expect terrorism as part of their life.

I think it was Charles Krauthammer who said, "The US Constitution is not a suicide pact."

It is completely reasonable for us to decide which foreign nationals visit and live in the USA.
---------------------------------------- i don't even think that a ban on foreign people immigrating to the USA due to their religion is a Constitutional issue CAngus .

It's not, you are absolutely correct, but the left will say it is....hence the lawsuits blocking the 100% LEGAL TRAVEL BAN the President proposed.
---------------------------------------- maybe TRUMP will do an Andrew Jackson on the pissants judges CAngus .
people had to throw plastic chairs at the terrorists last night to
protect themselves

Police are proffering charges against those people for criminal assault with plastic furniture (Crimes Act s77, p21)

that is common is such fascist places

many have gone to jail or been convicted

for defending themselves or family

in their own homes using ordinary kitchen utensils
In order to take my guns they will have to kill me.

yes indeed
The Mayor of London needs tarred and feather and dragged through the streets and then hung for Treason and Sedition for what he said about England should expect terrorism as part of their life.

I think it was Charles Krauthammer who said, "The US Constitution is not a suicide pact."

It is completely reasonable for us to decide which foreign nationals visit and live in the USA.
---------------------------------------- i don't even think that a ban on foreign people immigrating to the USA due to their religion is a Constitutional issue CAngus .

It's not, you are absolutely correct, but the left will say it is....hence the lawsuits blocking the 100% LEGAL TRAVEL BAN the President proposed.
---------------------------------------- maybe TRUMP will do an Andrew Jackson on the pissants judges CAngus .

The ultimate goal of the left is a permanent underclass of voters getting free shit from working class people to keep Dems in power....and they don't mind if terrorists blow you up or slice your daughter's throat to get their way.

It's fucking disgusting.
What we need are some modern day Paul Kersey type vigilantes to wipe the scum out.....they start pulling this shit in the USA it will happen guaranteed
Obama and Clinton giving Billions to terrorists never bought the world one
Moment of peace from these Satanic Muslims.

Obama's homosexual fornication with Islam only proved that he and his henchmen should face a firing squad .

The Clintons and Obamas are political terrorists and should be declared enemies of The State.
It goes further than that. They are allies with illegals and Jihadists to destroy American Culture and to break down natural law, so that they may impose tyrannical globalism.
The Mayor of London needs tarred and feather and dragged through the streets and then hung for Treason and Sedition for what he said about England should expect terrorism as part of their life.

I think it was Charles Krauthammer who said, "The US Constitution is not a suicide pact."

It is completely reasonable for us to decide which foreign nationals visit and live in the USA.
---------------------------------------- i don't even think that a ban on foreign people immigrating to the USA due to their religion is a Constitutional issue CAngus .

It's not, you are absolutely correct, but the left will say it is....hence the lawsuits blocking the 100% LEGAL TRAVEL BAN the President proposed.
---------------------------------------- maybe TRUMP will do an Andrew Jackson on the pissants judges CAngus .

The ultimate goal of the left is a permanent underclass of voters getting free shit from working class people to keep Dems in power....and they don't mind if terrorists blow you up or slice your daughter's throat to get their way.

It's fucking disgusting.
So...London let them in and they have been attached 3 times in 2 months.

Good plan.

If the Govt. of England had a working brain cell they would kick all Muslims out of their country unless they want more attacks.

That would be a good plan.
crazy but wasn't 'princess diana' the main squeeze of some arab muslim . When was that , back in the late 90s ?? And the young 'king' in waiting , who is he , Harry maybe , i think that he has good things to say about Englands muslim population . Plus the British government just keeps letting muslims come into England no matter what disasters they create . -------------- most likely off topic and just a comment .
So...London let them in and they have been attached 3 times in 2 months.

Good plan.

If the Govt. of England had a working brain cell they would kick all Muslims out of their country unless they want more attacks.

That would be a good plan.
------------------------------------------------------------ thanks Claudette , you are 100 percent correct . England wants whats happening because they are allowing it to happen Claudette .
While the leftards are saying yeah he's right, Americans are saying FU.

“Donald Trump’s ignorant view of Islam could make both of our countries less safe – it risks alienating mainstream Muslims around the world and plays into the hands of extremists,” he said. “Donald Trump and those around him think that Western liberal values are incompatible with mainstream Islam – London has proved him wrong.”

London’s New Mayor Warns Trump: Let In Muslims Or They Will Attack America
“Donald Trump and those around him think that Western liberal values are incompatible with mainstream Islam – London has proved him wrong.”

Recent events have proven that mayor wrong
The thing is, the media is in their pocket so they will never be confronted about their always being wrong while people are being murdered because of their insane agendas.

The British have their General Election in four days on Thursday, WTF would happen if there's another Islamic Terrorist attack on election day who knows.

The MSM are the lowest of the low, the MSM are essentially running Propaganda for the Kebabs, all MSM are Traitors to their own people and are in sync with the Leftists as a general Fifth Column in Western nations.

Hate and venom plays directly into the terrorists hands. You're a fool to believe right wing rhetoric.
While the leftards are saying yeah he's right, Americans are saying FU.

“Donald Trump’s ignorant view of Islam could make both of our countries less safe – it risks alienating mainstream Muslims around the world and plays into the hands of extremists,” he said. “Donald Trump and those around him think that Western liberal values are incompatible with mainstream Islam – London has proved him wrong.”

London’s New Mayor Warns Trump: Let In Muslims Or They Will Attack America
“Donald Trump and those around him think that Western liberal values are incompatible with mainstream Islam – London has proved him wrong.”

Recent events have proven that mayor wrong
The thing is, the media is in their pocket so they will never be confronted about their always being wrong while people are being murdered because of their insane agendas.

The British have their General Election in four days on Thursday, WTF would happen if there's another Islamic Terrorist attack on election day who knows.

The MSM are the lowest of the low, the MSM are essentially running Propaganda for the Kebabs, all MSM are Traitors to their own people and are in sync with the Leftists as a general Fifth Column in Western nations.

Hate and venom plays directly into the terrorists hands. You're a fool to believe right wing rhetoric.
Save the world. Go hug an Islamo terrorist for us.
so i should let people into my country out of fear they will attack me if i don't?

now if i let that tactic work, what's to stop them from saying "let us put in sharia law or we will attack you"

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