Long Island Middle School Bans Footballs, Other Recreational Items

did you know they hurt?

Were you forced to play lacrosse?

WTF happened to personal responsibility; parental consent notes and good clean fun.

Jeez...and they wonder why kids sit around playing video games and getting fat.

It's a playground with hundreds of kids...collateral damage.

In the OP someone nailed it...it's more about liability and lawsuits.

I should have read the article.

Where did you play? My boy played D-1. Long pole. Chose it over football offers. Said he wanted to walk like a normal human being when he graduated.

West coast. I still have one bad knee and one bad hip...mostly from playing BYU. A goon squad.

Agree with your son. If you don't want to walk funny play defense. They were usually the ones putting the hurt on others...heheh.
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But how else are we supposed to separate the Strong from the Weak, and cull the herd?

Seriously... schools are run largely as 'local' operations, and it's my hope that the Parents in this school system end-up bitch-slapping these so-called 'officials' who strike me as simply aggravating or adding-to the Wussification (make that Pussification) of America...

Jesus-H-Christ... let the kids be kids... it's been the way of the world since we first climbed down from the trees... the young playing and fighting amongst themselves... letting each find their own way, while keeping an eye on them to avoid the worst of what kids can do...
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All part of the leftist agenda to eliminate competition which might result in somebody LOSING a game....the HORROR!

As a devil's advocate, I can see the school's point too....with the number of young Long Island jewish lads with ACLU lawyer fathers, they probably get sued once a week for a playground bruise. When I came home from a playground scrap, all my folks wanted to know is if I won or not. If not, Pop and me put on the gloves and corrections in my boxing game were made.
Why don't they just get it all over with and ban breathing?

What a bunch of fucking dipshits we have "teaching" our kids. No wonder Homeschooling is so popular.
another item for the 'oh whatever' file

I didn't read the thread--haven't felt like googling--physical fitness was a priority I understood. 'Too many children out of shape'--so I certainly expect that this school district has some alternative plans that will provide the necessary cardio and strength training.

Hooray--every day things just get 'better and better' for education in the US. <with sarcasm>
We've become a nation of pussies and now we are raising out kids to be the same way. Geez when I was a kid and someone got hurt on the playground you went to the nurse, she threw an ice cube surrounded by papertowels on your boo boo, or cleaned it and threw a bandaid over it and sent you back to class. If there was a lump on my head she'd call home and tell my mom who no doubt rolled her eyes and said "oh not again". I always had a skinned knee or a bandaid,kids played hard and parents let them. I feel sorry for the kids now.
That reminds me of a prison yard! The whole point of recess is for the kids to blow off steam! Moonglow is right. Walking around, looking for a fight!

Give the kids some balls and let them play for goodness sakes. And no "tag?"

Some will end up in prison.
Gotta learn all life skills!!
Shank making in wood shop?

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