Long overdue!

ed US property
Ha HA Don't be ridiculous. 99% of the war was in the South, with Union troops attacking property THERE.
Answer the questions of Post # 21. Go ahead.
Sherman had it right. Let the southerners feel the pain that they brought on themselves. His march through the south caused thousands to desert the confederate army and bring the war to an end sooner.
View attachment 348747

All Mao, Stalin, and Lenin, products should be banned also.

Isn't there a Lenin statue that needs to come down in Seattle?



Lenin died before we ever had any real conflict with the Russians lol

he isn't an enemy or a traitor...stalin statues yea ok bring em down
How were the confederates traitors? They seceded from the union.
Do you know what "traitor" means?
They took up arms against their country
What country? They SECEDED

They rebelled*


There was no mechanism to succeed

No mechanism to succeed? Lol
ed US property
Ha HA Don't be ridiculous. 99% of the war was in the South, with Union troops attacking property THERE.
Answer the questions of Post # 21. Go ahead.
Sherman had it right. Let the southerners feel the pain that they brought on themselves. His march through the south caused thousands to desert the confederate army and bring the war to an end sooner.

The purpose was to get them to surrender and bring them back into the country.

And with Sherman's postwar record with Native Tribes and wars, do you really think agreeing with him will keep up your woke bonafides?
This is very good news.

Nascar bans the confederate flag at their events.

It's about time to get that flag of traitors to our nation out of Nascar and all places in America. Anyone who reveres a flag of traitors to America seriously needs to reconsider living here because obviously you hate our nation since you fly the flag of traitors to our nation who tried to destroy our nation.

If you're an American, you don't fly a flag of traitors to our nation.

Your days of your traitor flag being acceptable are over. We real Americans have put up with your treason for way too long. I'm proud that finally that flag is being treated as the piece of garbage it is.

The confederacy did not try to destroy our nation. It made no demand upon New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, or any northern state to do anything. The overwhelming majority of people (soldiers and civilians both) who fought for the south, did so in self-defense of their land which was under attack. Most knew nothing about slavery, and never saw a black person in their entire lives.

Slavery was bad, of course, but if the 11 southern states would have had a GOOD reason to secede, would you still call it treason ? The 13 colonies had a good reason to secede from England. You call that "treason" ?
You are comparing our revolution that formed the USA to the confederacy. Sorry, you lost and the USA won. We honor the men who died defending the USA, not the ones who were killing and maiming our soldiers.

People who own human beings as slaves, who went to war resulting in over 600 thousand Americans dead because they were too lazy to work themselves or too greedy to hire and pay people to do that work aren't honorable people.

Anyone who sees such people as respectable and flies their flag, are traitors to America and everyone who gave their lives for freedom, liberty and America.

I'm tired of having to be politically correct for the feelings of people who want to fly the flag of traitors.

The only reason the civil war happened was because lazy people in the south wanted to keep human beings as slaves to do the work those white people were just too down right lazy to do. Or too greedy cheap to pay someone a wage to do. No such people should ever been respected or treated with anything but contempt and distain.

The people who started that war are the lazy slave owners. They started it at Ft. Sumpter. They lost the war they started.

All the conservatives need to get over it. It's been nearly 150 years since they lost that war.

They lost. Move on. They should stop trying to force their traitors and their flag on us.

The losers don't get to dictate things to the winners in war.They lost. America won. If they don't like it, that's their problem.
This is very good news.

Nascar bans the confederate flag at their events.

It's about time to get that flag of traitors to our nation out of Nascar and all places in America. Anyone who reveres a flag of traitors to America seriously needs to reconsider living here because obviously you hate our nation since you fly the flag of traitors to our nation who tried to destroy our nation.

If you're an American, you don't fly a flag of traitors to our nation.

Your days of your traitor flag being acceptable are over. We real Americans have put up with your treason for way too long. I'm proud that finally that flag is being treated as the piece of garbage it is.

The confederacy did not try to destroy our nation. It made no demand upon New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, or any northern state to do anything. The overwhelming majority of people (soldiers and civilians both) who fought for the south, did so in self-defense of their land which was under attack. Most knew nothing about slavery, and never saw a black person in their entire lives.

Slavery was bad, of course, but if the 11 southern states would have had a GOOD reason to secede, would you still call it treason ? The 13 colonies had a good reason to secede from England. You call that "treason" ?
You are comparing our revolution that formed the USA to the confederacy. Sorry, you lost and the USA won. We honor the men who died defending the USA, not the ones who were killing and maiming our soldiers.

People who own human beings as slaves, who went to war resulting in over 600 thousand Americans dead because they were too lazy to work themselves or too greedy to hire and pay people to do that work aren't honorable people.

Anyone who sees such people as respectable and flies their flag, are traitors to America and everyone who gave their lives for freedom, liberty and America.

I'm tired of having to be politically correct for the feelings of people who want to fly the flag of traitors.

The only reason the civil war happened was because lazy people in the south wanted to keep human beings as slaves to do the work those white people were just too down right lazy to do. Or too greedy cheap to pay someone a wage to do. No such people should ever been respected or treated with anything but contempt and distain.

The people who started that war are the lazy slave owners. They started it at Ft. Sumpter. They lost the war they started.

All the conservatives need to get over it. It's been nearly 150 years since they lost that war.

They lost. Move on. They should stop trying to force their traitors and their flag on us.

The losers don't get to dictate things to the winners in war.They lost. America won. If they don't like it, that's their problem.

They were brought back into America, that was the purpose. Most were forgiven, and the understanding was they could honor their dead and their losing leaders as they saw fit.

Now you want to go against that because you can't stand the sight of a fucking statue.

You are pathetic, and should fuck yourself with a rusty tire iron.
This news will melt some snowflakes.

NASCAR is a business. They are doing what's good for business.

Most Americans.....and most NASCAR fans....know that confederate symbols are
bad for business.
They are bad for business. You know why? Because shit stains like you cry racism every time to see them.
ed US property
Ha HA Don't be ridiculous. 99% of the war was in the South, with Union troops attacking property THERE.
Answer the questions of Post # 21. Go ahead.
Sherman had it right. Let the southerners feel the pain that they brought on themselves. His march through the south caused thousands to desert the confederate army and bring the war to an end sooner.

The purpose was to get them to surrender and bring them back into the country.

And with Sherman's postwar record with Native Tribes and wars, do you really think agreeing with him will keep up your woke bonafides?
When did I say I agreed with anything he did after the war?
ed US property
Ha HA Don't be ridiculous. 99% of the war was in the South, with Union troops attacking property THERE.
Answer the questions of Post # 21. Go ahead.
Sherman had it right. Let the southerners feel the pain that they brought on themselves. His march through the south caused thousands to desert the confederate army and bring the war to an end sooner.

The purpose was to get them to surrender and bring them back into the country.

And with Sherman's postwar record with Native Tribes and wars, do you really think agreeing with him will keep up your woke bonafides?
When did I say I agreed with anything he did after the war?

When did all of a sudden you get to pick and choose the bad and the good a person does?

ed US property
Ha HA Don't be ridiculous. 99% of the war was in the South, with Union troops attacking property THERE.
Answer the questions of Post # 21. Go ahead.
Sherman had it right. Let the southerners feel the pain that they brought on themselves. His march through the south caused thousands to desert the confederate army and bring the war to an end sooner.

The purpose was to get them to surrender and bring them back into the country.

And with Sherman's postwar record with Native Tribes and wars, do you really think agreeing with him will keep up your woke bonafides?
When did I say I agreed with anything he did after the war?

When did all of a sudden you get to pick and choose the bad and the good a person does?

My comment was about Sherman`s march and nothing else. How hard is this to understand?
NASCAR no longer wants to be associated with racist assholes

Only a troll asshole would associate the Confederate Flag with racism.
Only a troll asshole would associate the Confederate Flag with racism.
Or a historian. Well, really anyone with an ability to read anyway.
NASCAR no longer wants to be associated with racist assholes

Only a troll asshole would associate the Confederate Flag with racism.
Only a troll asshole would associate the Confederate Flag with racism.
Of course. There was no mention of slavery or white supremacy at all in succession or the civil war. The true racist was Lincoln when he emancipated the slaves. :cuckoo:

The Civil War was a long time ago. The Confederate Flag has long ago been accepted by America as a harmless symbol of regional pride, nothing to do with slavery or secession.
The thing is most of them were rehabilitated after the war, and the idea was to let each side honor their dead and leaders as they saw fit. It was part of the healing process, and now a century or more later when no one from the time is around to defend it you want to unilaterally end that bargain.
Interesting perspective. Well Confederate haters ? Got any response ? What do you have to say about that ?

What part of YOUR culture, will you be OK to have people 150 years from now, put an end to ?
See Germany.....

It shouldn't be so hard to grasp the concept of not glorifying Confederates just like it shouldn't be so hard to not glorify Nazis...

Both of which are something the racists here in the US have a hard time not understanding........View attachment 348784
Where is the Japanese flag? Didn't we fight them or is it because they are Asian, it is not politically correct to show that flag?

Please explain your post.
Where are the statues honoring Tojo and Hirohito?
Next to the one honoring Lenin in Seattle? You're conflating the argument. He posted a Nazi flag. Do you see Nazi flags at NASCAR events?
We see the flag of a nation created to ensure that slavery would last forever.
NASCAR no longer wants to be associated with racist assholes

Only a troll asshole would associate the Confederate Flag with racism.
Only a troll asshole would associate the Confederate Flag with racism.
Or a historian. Well, really anyone with an ability to read anyway.
NASCAR no longer wants to be associated with racist assholes

Only a troll asshole would associate the Confederate Flag with racism.
Only a troll asshole would associate the Confederate Flag with racism.
Of course. There was no mention of slavery or white supremacy at all in succession or the civil war. The true racist was Lincoln when he emancipated the slaves. :cuckoo:

The Civil War was a long time ago. The Confederate Flag has long ago been accepted by America as a harmless symbol of regional pride, nothing to do with slavery or secession.
Harmless to whom?

Racists and those who want to remind blacks of their second class status
NASCAR no longer wants to be associated with racist assholes

Only a troll asshole would associate the Confederate Flag with racism.
Only a troll asshole would associate the Confederate Flag with racism.
Or a historian. Well, really anyone with an ability to read anyway.
NASCAR no longer wants to be associated with racist assholes

Only a troll asshole would associate the Confederate Flag with racism.
Only a troll asshole would associate the Confederate Flag with racism.
Of course. There was no mention of slavery or white supremacy at all in succession or the civil war. The true racist was Lincoln when he emancipated the slaves. :cuckoo:
You know what emancipation is?
Its the process of giving freedom and rights to someone.
And think. republicans tried to pass themselves as the party of Lincoln.
And the democrats were party of KKK,, while Trump supporters are for the confederacy.

Your confusion is so bad, that you can't even make a clear point to refute.

The Civil War is over. The flag is now a harmless symbol of regional pride. Stop living in the past.
The thing is most of them were rehabilitated after the war, and the idea was to let each side honor their dead and leaders as they saw fit. It was part of the healing process, and now a century or more later when no one from the time is around to defend it you want to unilaterally end that bargain.
Interesting perspective. Well Confederate haters ? Got any response ? What do you have to say about that ?

What part of YOUR culture, will you be OK to have people 150 years from now, put an end to ?
See Germany.....

It shouldn't be so hard to grasp the concept of not glorifying Confederates just like it shouldn't be so hard to not glorify Nazis...

Both of which are something the racists here in the US have a hard time not understanding........View attachment 348784
Where is the Japanese flag? Didn't we fight them or is it because they are Asian, it is not politically correct to show that flag?

Please explain your post.
Where are the statues honoring Tojo and Hirohito?
Next to the one honoring Lenin in Seattle? You're conflating the argument. He posted a Nazi flag. Do you see Nazi flags at NASCAR events?
We see the flag of a nation created to ensure that slavery would last forever.
The US Flag? Hmmmm....OK
The thing is most of them were rehabilitated after the war, and the idea was to let each side honor their dead and leaders as they saw fit. It was part of the healing process, and now a century or more later when no one from the time is around to defend it you want to unilaterally end that bargain.
Interesting perspective. Well Confederate haters ? Got any response ? What do you have to say about that ?

What part of YOUR culture, will you be OK to have people 150 years from now, put an end to ?
See Germany.....

It shouldn't be so hard to grasp the concept of not glorifying Confederates just like it shouldn't be so hard to not glorify Nazis...

Both of which are something the racists here in the US have a hard time not understanding........View attachment 348784
Where is the Japanese flag? Didn't we fight them or is it because they are Asian, it is not politically correct to show that flag?

Please explain your post.
Where are the statues honoring Tojo and Hirohito?
Next to the one honoring Lenin in Seattle? You're conflating the argument. He posted a Nazi flag. Do you see Nazi flags at NASCAR events?
We see the flag of a nation created to ensure that slavery would last forever.
The US Flag? Hmmmm....OK
Yes, you are correct in pointing out that the United States tolerated the racists in its midst for close to a hundred years.

It took a war to rid ourselves of those racists
Makes me sick that NASCAR is bowing down to the Liberals and BLM loons who despise auto racing, while spitting in the face of their loyal fan base. ... :cuckoo:
I think this will prove to be a most unwise business decision. That is unless they plan on trying to move all NASCAR races up north or to the left coast where this kind of bullshit is acceptable. So far I just can't imagine NASCAR gaining much traction in San Fagcisco.
NASCAR no longer wants to be associated with racist assholes

Only a troll asshole would associate the Confederate Flag with racism.
Only a troll asshole would associate the Confederate Flag with racism.
Or a historian. Well, really anyone with an ability to read anyway.
NASCAR no longer wants to be associated with racist assholes

Only a troll asshole would associate the Confederate Flag with racism.
Only a troll asshole would associate the Confederate Flag with racism.
Of course. There was no mention of slavery or white supremacy at all in succession or the civil war. The true racist was Lincoln when he emancipated the slaves. :cuckoo:
You know what emancipation is?
Its the process of giving freedom and rights to someone.
And think. republicans tried to pass themselves as the party of Lincoln.
And the democrats were party of KKK,, while Trump supporters are for the confederacy.

Your confusion is so bad, that you can't even make a clear point to refute.

The Civil War is over. The flag is now a harmless symbol of regional pride. Stop living in the past.
You are asking the wrong people whether it is a harmless symbol
The thing is most of them were rehabilitated after the war, and the idea was to let each side honor their dead and leaders as they saw fit. It was part of the healing process, and now a century or more later when no one from the time is around to defend it you want to unilaterally end that bargain.
Interesting perspective. Well Confederate haters ? Got any response ? What do you have to say about that ?

What part of YOUR culture, will you be OK to have people 150 years from now, put an end to ?
See Germany.....

It shouldn't be so hard to grasp the concept of not glorifying Confederates just like it shouldn't be so hard to not glorify Nazis...

Both of which are something the racists here in the US have a hard time not understanding........View attachment 348784
Where is the Japanese flag? Didn't we fight them or is it because they are Asian, it is not politically correct to show that flag?

Please explain your post.
Where are the statues honoring Tojo and Hirohito?
Next to the one honoring Lenin in Seattle? You're conflating the argument. He posted a Nazi flag. Do you see Nazi flags at NASCAR events?
We see the flag of a nation created to ensure that slavery would last forever.
The US Flag? Hmmmm....OK
Yes, you are correct in pointing out that the United States tolerated the racists in its midst for close to a hundred years.

It took a war to rid ourselves of those racists
So when you watched the Dukes of Hazzard, you thoughts to yourself. "RACISTS"?


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