Long overdue!

Which "Confederate flag" is being banned, libtard dullards?


I’m not a nascar fan, but the confederate flag has been hijacked by racists a long time ago. It’s a cool looking flag, but because so many racist use it as a symbol for their racism I was personally don’t want anything to do with it. I in no way believe everyone who sports a confederate flag is a racist. I see the argument on both sides.

The same assholes who are coming for the Confederate Flag now, will be coming for the American flag in ten years.

Mark my words.

If not sooner.

They already are. For some strange reason leftist assholes hate flags...well except that fag flag. That's telling

By the way you idiot loons the Stars and Bars was a battle flag....not the Confederate national flag. Morons
I’m not a nascar fan, but the confederate flag has been hijacked by racists a long time ago. It’s a cool looking flag, but because so many racist use it as a symbol for their racism I was personally don’t want anything to do with it. I in no way believe everyone who sports a confederate flag is a racist. I see the argument on both sides.

The same assholes who are coming for the Confederate Flag now, will be coming for the American flag in ten years.

Mark my words.

If not sooner.

They already are. For some strange reason leftist assholes hate flags...well except that fag flag. That's telling

By the way you idiot loons the Stars and Bars was a battle flag....not the Confederate national flag. Morons
The flag they banned is the flag of the Tennessee Army....There were numerous "battle flags" that flew over Confederate troops, as depicted by the infograpic I posted.

The Texas flag is a one-state Stars and Bars, and the moonbats don't even know it.

1 shitty driver whines and the entire sport collapses to its knees and begs for forgiveness. Someone might want to remind NASCAR who their demographic audience is! It isn't Jerome and his homies or Juan and his posse, Its good ole boys like me who live in the south and used to LOVE NASCAR. Not anymore. It can go the way of the NFL. There was a race on tonight in fact and since the stands are already empty this kind of stupidity will keep them empty.
aww, the racists cant be racist no more?
let me play...
I wish I were a fan so I could drop them like I did to the Natl Felons League and professional tree hockey. But I look forward to their collapse.
What made you drop the NHL?
To me, the sport died on February 18, 2001.

God bless you and Dale Earnhardt's family always!!!

Absolutely. I remember that day like it was yesterday, it ain't been the same since then

1 shitty driver whines and the entire sport collapses to its knees and begs for forgiveness. Someone might want to remind NASCAR who their demographic audience is! It isn't Jerome and his homies or Juan and his posse, Its good ole boys like me who live in the south and used to LOVE NASCAR. Not anymore. It can go the way of the NFL. There was a race on tonight in fact and since the stands are already empty this kind of stupidity will keep them empty.
aww, the racists cant be racist no more?
let me play...

H.K. Edgerton must be a WACIST!

1 shitty driver whines and the entire sport collapses to its knees and begs for forgiveness. Someone might want to remind NASCAR who their demographic audience is! It isn't Jerome and his homies or Juan and his posse, Its good ole boys like me who live in the south and used to LOVE NASCAR. Not anymore. It can go the way of the NFL. There was a race on tonight in fact and since the stands are already empty this kind of stupidity will keep them empty.
They will either convert back or start pandering to Black people. I dont know what the allure is with watching people drive a car but I might check it out now. NASCAR may have picked up a Black fan.

And it's about time. Should have been done decades ago! Racism in the extreme!

the confedeRAT flag is a symbol of treason!

any CONSERVATIVE displaying the confedeRAT flag or the NAZI flag is SPITTING on the US flag and should be treated as the TRAITORS they truly are.

Come and get us.
Dupe thread.

Makes me sick that NASCAR is bowing down to the Liberals and BLM loons who despise auto racing, while spitting in the face of their loyal fan base. ... :cuckoo:

Do they think that the people this pleases, are going to start watching now? THey are fucking morons.
I'm definitely thinking about supporting NASCAR. This may be the only sport more boring than baseball but for this gesture they will at least get me to watch one event.

And it's about time. Should have been done decades ago! Racism in the extreme!

the confedeRAT flag is a symbol of treason!

any CONSERVATIVE displaying the confedeRAT flag or the NAZI flag is SPITTING on the US flag and should be treated as the TRAITORS they truly are.

Come and get us.
No one wants you inbreds. Why would someone purposely come to get you?

And it's about time. Should have been done decades ago! Racism in the extreme!

the confedeRAT flag is a symbol of treason!

any CONSERVATIVE displaying the confedeRAT flag or the NAZI flag is SPITTING on the US flag and should be treated as the TRAITORS they truly are.

Come and get us.
No one wants you inbreds. Why would someone purposely come to get you?

Please don't post when you are drunk.

You look stupid enough as it is.
Which "Confederate flag" is being banned, libtard dullards?



I'm pretty sure that anything resembling the Stars and Bars...will get some attention
LOL! If they flew the navy jack....they could act patriotic as well!

Best avoid the Van Dorn flag..Nascar idiots would shoot it up..thinking it was Moooslum!

And it's about time. Should have been done decades ago! Racism in the extreme!

the confedeRAT flag is a symbol of treason!

any CONSERVATIVE displaying the confedeRAT flag or the NAZI flag is SPITTING on the US flag and should be treated as the TRAITORS they truly are.
What the hell do the left care about the USA and her flag? If your explanation was correct wouldnt lefty love the confederate flag?

And it's about time. Should have been done decades ago! Racism in the extreme!
NASCAR racetrack owners can dictate whatever they want on their property.
As for those clowns who like the stars & bars, they can still wave them from their private property and any attempt to stop them would end up in court with the plaintiffs losing, after all, flag waving is a form of "free speech."

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