looks like another huge mess

Tax reform is easy.

Finding politicians with the spine and balls to resist special interests from bribing them into putting carve-outs in the tax code for them is what is damned near impossible.

The only reason this is happening is because the rubes aren't paying attention. Which is just how our American Politboro and their propagandists like it.
Yeah. The only ones enthused are the Freedom Caucus, who have embraced deficits for Trump. I dunno. Trump's obviously a disaster in terms of having no core beliefs (aside from ego) ... even W had a better sense of his view of govt. But we started out with a "vision" to lower rates at least on workers, and paying for it by ending tax deductions that went more to the wealthy. THAT was what Bannon campaigned upon.

But now we're ending the estate tax - which might be a good thing if the revenue was raised in a neutral manner, but as its proposed has absolutely nothing to do with income tax reform beyond being a Yuuuge boon to the 1% - and ending state tax deduction that directly target blue states and actually hurt workers.

McConnell is just a vote counter. He doesn't even pretend to lead beyond giving protection to any goper senator who has to OH MY GOD THE HORROR cast a vote that might make someone mad. Ryan .... has to push anything that might get through the House with just gop votes.

It's just no way to try and run a republic. And the effect of trying is that the dems are not going to do a single helpful thing. Of course Obama jammed Obamacare through. But McConnell preserved his precious 5 seat maj in the Court, so I'd think may he could just get the fuck over it. But Trump won't steadfastly stand behind anything ... beyond protecting his base so they'll blow him.
The GOP is debating whether tripling the deficit like Reagan is politically worth being able to say they passed tax reform.
The GOP is debating whether tripling the deficit like Reagan is politically worth being able to say they passed tax reform.

Obama doubled the debt. Whatever his tax plan was certainly didn't work. I guess you want more of the same?
The GOP is debating whether tripling the deficit like Reagan is politically worth being able to say they passed tax reform.

Obama doubled the debt. Whatever his tax plan was certainly didn't work. I guess you want more of the same?
Obama had to pull us out of a crashed economy. Trump inherited a strong economy. As the debt skyrockets upwards, especially after his wars start, you will have no excuses.
The GOP is debating whether tripling the deficit like Reagan is politically worth being able to say they passed tax reform.

Obama doubled the debt. Whatever his tax plan was certainly didn't work. I guess you want more of the same?
Obama had to pull us out of a crashed economy. Trump inherited a strong economy. As the debt skyrockets upwards, especially after his wars start, you will have no excuses.

A crashed economy caused by a housing crisis the Dems caused.
The GOP is debating whether tripling the deficit like Reagan is politically worth being able to say they passed tax reform.

Obama doubled the debt. Whatever his tax plan was certainly didn't work. I guess you want more of the same?
Obama's tax plan was to end the Bush tax cuts, but the GOP would not let him.

He finally managed to achieve the repeal of the Bush tax cuts on the top bracket, and federal revenues rose while the deficit shrank.

As I said in my first post, tax reform is easy. All we have to do is repeal the $1.4 trillion in annual tax expenditures. That $1.4 trillion could then be used to lower tax rates for EVERYONE, and pay down the debt. When the debt is paid off, then we could lower tax rates for EVERYONE even more.

But as I also said in my first post, your heroes count on you being too stupid to notice they are raping your dumb ass.
The GOP is debating whether tripling the deficit like Reagan is politically worth being able to say they passed tax reform.

Obama doubled the debt. Whatever his tax plan was certainly didn't work. I guess you want more of the same?
Obama had to pull us out of a crashed economy. Trump inherited a strong economy. As the debt skyrockets upwards, especially after his wars start, you will have no excuses.

A crashed economy caused by a housing crisis the Dems caused.
Lol passing the motherfucking buck. The foundation of the republican party.
well, if anything. the GOP is consistent -

The GOP's tax reform push is already a huge mess

consistent F'ups.

have a good time.

Conversely, the DIm have already written about a thousand new laws and regulations to push through next time they obtain power.

Shurg, it's the monolithic left against Pubes that fail to repeal a bill like Obamacare they voted to repeal just years prior.

Really, the GOP has no other function than to present a false impression of choice within government.
well, if anything. the GOP is consistent -

The GOP's tax reform push is already a huge mess

consistent F'ups.

have a good time.

Conversely, the DIm have already written about a thousand new laws and regulations to push through next time they obtain power.

Shurg, it's the monolithic left against Pubes that fail to repeal a bill like Obamacare they voted to repeal just years prior.

Really, the GOP has no other function than to present a false impression of choice within government.

naw, ya dont say.

you mean they actually work on legislation when they DONT control congress ?

thats a bad example for Republipukes !!

well, if anything. the GOP is consistent -

The GOP's tax reform push is already a huge mess

consistent F'ups.

have a good time.

The good times never end when Hillary is not our president. Period.

guess not, maybe I should have voted for her.

GOP F'ups are because Clinton and the media totally overpower their weak ass and make them screw up 24/7.

You mean they control the narrative that many simply pay no attention to any more. But that does not stop them from claiming Americans feel like them when their numbers are decreasing everyday. You people are insuring Trumps re-election.
The GOP is debating whether tripling the deficit like Reagan is politically worth being able to say they passed tax reform.

Obama doubled the debt. Whatever his tax plan was certainly didn't work. I guess you want more of the same?
Obama had to pull us out of a crashed economy. Trump inherited a strong economy. As the debt skyrockets upwards, especially after his wars start, you will have no excuses.

A crashed economy caused by a housing crisis the Dems caused.
Lol passing the motherfucking buck. The foundation of the republican party.

Like Obama did with NK and Iran?

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