Looks like calling the First Lady a hooker did not work

Democrats think if they keep reminding us that Melania Trump was a supermodel, we won't like her any more.
Melania wasn't a supermodel.......she was a high-end escort targeting wealthy fat ass white millionaires and billionaires. Sadly, she had to settle for Donald Trump
Thank you thank you. I give these to the Trump lawyers to use in Melania's defamation case against the Daily Mail. Ka CHING. Each repetition is more money from the DM.
Melania is on Putin's pay role as we speak.
Melania is a Russian spy and Trump and red state Amerika are too fucking stupid-ignorant and arrogant to realize it. No one really knows who Melania is! Trump doesn't know thats for sure. All Trump saw was tits and ass when he met Melania at an escort venue targeting rich fat white millionaires and billionaires!!!!
The only difference between you and those who spread hate against Michelle Obama for years is political polarity.
Democrats think if they keep reminding us that Melania Trump was a supermodel, we won't like her any more.

Supermodels don't have fake everything like Melenia. ;)

Seriously, Melenia is a role model for no one. She was riding superficiality all the way to a rich guy's lap. She can't hold a candle to a smart, educated, independent woman like Michelle. Hanging nice dresses on her will never change that.
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Liberals are big on women and immigrants unless they are Republican or just married to one.
The Russians have a long-range plan to take over the American Presidency, but indirectly. Just make it toothless on the world scene, and have an agent in the White House. Who cares if the U.S. has the greatest military? If our Prez is a complete dunderhead, he’ll be neutralized and nobody will take America seriously. And if he fawns over whoever’s in power in Russia, well, so much the better.
Trumps wife has yet to take on the role as our nations First Lady so I'll withhold judgement until that changes. In trumps own words, she's just vagina. His words, not mine.
Disagreed on FLOTUS not being FLOTUS.

1) there's no requirement for her to do anything. OTOH, I eagerly await your quotations of her official duties and responsibilities.

2) It's only been about 7 weeks. Not much time for anyone to move worlds and discover the cure for cancer.

3) FLOTUS has been maintaining a low profile, but that doesn't mean she's just been sitting around watching soap operas. As the link below points out, not many people are interested in FLOTUS visits to sick children unless it's to slam her: Melania Trump Reads to Kids in a Hospital—and Is Read by the Press Pool Report in Return

All that from my one tiny little comment. And than you want me to follow a link for even more. Not today.
I'll reserve judgement for when our First Lady moves beyond that of hood ornament and takes on her role in ernest.
When the "little comment" is incorrect, it warrants correction. You are free to believe Melania is a Russian spy, not fulfilling her duties as FLOTUS or any other silly thing you like. The fact remains, she's married to a politician/elected leader, and has no official duties.
Melania is a Russian spy and Trump and red state Amerika are too fucking stupid-ignorant and arrogant to realize it. No one really knows who Melania is! Trump doesn't know thats for sure. All Trump saw was tits and ass when he met Melania at an escort venue targeting rich fat white millionaires and billionaires!!!!
The only difference between you and those who spread hate against Michelle Obama for years is political polarity.
Shhhhhhhhhhh, calm down........the FBI, NSA and Defense Intelligence will not allow our country to be handed over to Russia. Trump, his wife the Trump cabinet along with voters from red state Amerika will be proven to be the real "Enemies of the State"!!!
Trumps wife has yet to take on the role as our nations First Lady so I'll withhold judgement until that changes. In trumps own words, she's just vagina. His words, not mine.
Disagreed on FLOTUS not being FLOTUS.

1) there's no requirement for her to do anything. OTOH, I eagerly await your quotations of her official duties and responsibilities.

2) It's only been about 7 weeks. Not much time for anyone to move worlds and discover the cure for cancer.

3) FLOTUS has been maintaining a low profile, but that doesn't mean she's just been sitting around watching soap operas. As the link below points out, not many people are interested in FLOTUS visits to sick children unless it's to slam her: Melania Trump Reads to Kids in a Hospital—and Is Read by the Press Pool Report in Return

All that from my one tiny little comment. And than you want me to follow a link for even more. Not today.
I'll reserve judgement for when our First Lady moves beyond that of hood ornament and takes on her role in ernest.
When the "little comment" is incorrect, it warrants correction. You are free to believe Melania is a Russian spy, not fulfilling her duties as FLOTUS or any other silly thing you like. The fact remains, she's married to a politician/elected leader, and has no official duties.
She is married to a Manchurian candidate of which Putin (Russian) and Red state Amerika made Trump PRESIDENT!!!!!
Trumps wife has yet to take on the role as our nations First Lady so I'll withhold judgement until that changes. In trumps own words, she's just vagina. His words, not mine.
Disagreed on FLOTUS not being FLOTUS.

1) there's no requirement for her to do anything. OTOH, I eagerly await your quotations of her official duties and responsibilities.

2) It's only been about 7 weeks. Not much time for anyone to move worlds and discover the cure for cancer.

3) FLOTUS has been maintaining a low profile, but that doesn't mean she's just been sitting around watching soap operas. As the link below points out, not many people are interested in FLOTUS visits to sick children unless it's to slam her: Melania Trump Reads to Kids in a Hospital—and Is Read by the Press Pool Report in Return

All that from my one tiny little comment. And than you want me to follow a link for even more. Not today.
I'll reserve judgement for when our First Lady moves beyond that of hood ornament and takes on her role in ernest.
When the "little comment" is incorrect, it warrants correction. You are free to believe Melania is a Russian spy, not fulfilling her duties as FLOTUS or any other silly thing you like. The fact remains, she's married to a politician/elected leader, and has no official duties.

Melania is a Russian spy and Trump and red state Amerika are too fucking stupid-ignorant and arrogant to realize it. No one really knows who Melania is! Trump doesn't know thats for sure. All Trump saw was tits and ass when he met Melania at an escort venue targeting rich fat white millionaires and billionaires!!!!
The only difference between you and those who spread hate against Michelle Obama for years is political polarity.
Shhhhhhhhhhh, calm down........the FBI, NSA and Defense Intelligence will not allow our country to be handed over to Russia. Trump, his wife the Trump cabinet along with voters from red state Amerika will be proven to be the real "Enemies of the State"!!!
LOL. "It's medication time, Mr. Rastamen!"


Putin and Russia did not pick a politician. That might leave tracks and be too obvious. They choose someone totally unexpected: a loudmouth New York businessman. They set him up with a Czech wife who softens him up surreptitiously to admire the Russian way of life. Not that hard to do since he’s a bully anyway.

They’re really smart. They make the marriage fall apart in 1991, when Putin supposedly retires from the KGB, and next give their unwitting stooge a real American wife to further disguise what they’re up to. Then they shuffle her off a few years later. His business career is tempestuous but he’s not really a national figure—yet.

Eventually they throw him prize bait: a Slovenian supermodel even more enticing than the Czech agent—she’s a classic femme fatale not even James Bond could resist. Putin’s been President of Russia for one year by this point. Coincidence?

Fun fact: Only 5% of Slovenians were Communist Party members when she was growing up—and her father was in that cadre.

So once she’s by his side, the Russians ply Trump with “secret” information that President Obama isn’t American-born and he goes wild, launching him on the world stage as a major loon but also earning him points with American nimrods.

Wife no. 3 helps strengthen Trump’s ties with Russia. Putin praises him and they develop a bromance—or so Trump thinks. Egomaniacs can sometimes be easily manipulated.

Melania suggests her husband proclaim that legal immigrants might be as dangerous as illegal ones. It’s a perfect way to throw suspicion off herself, as good as having a murky immigration story of her own, or faking her college degree when that can easily be discovered, or making sure her nude photos get into print, or stealing lines from the First Lady. How could anyone suspect her of anything nefarious?
Melania is a Russian spy and Trump and red state Amerika are too fucking stupid-ignorant and arrogant to realize it. No one really knows who Melania is! Trump doesn't know thats for sure. All Trump saw was tits and ass when he met Melania at an escort venue targeting rich fat white millionaires and billionaires!!!!
The only difference between you and those who spread hate against Michelle Obama for years is political polarity.
Shhhhhhhhhhh, calm down........the FBI, NSA and Defense Intelligence will not allow our country to be handed over to Russia. Trump, his wife the Trump cabinet along with voters from red state Amerika will be proven to be the real "Enemies of the State"!!!
LOL. "It's medication time, Mr. Rastamen!"

Red State Amerika is already heavily medicated and addicted. Stay tuned....more to come.
Red State Amerika is already heavily medicated and addicted. Stay tuned....more to come.
Hey Devin Idiot......Melania is a Russian Spy! Now shut up and sit in the corner and JERK off to naked pictures of Melania.
After waiting for the end of the world for over 30 years, the wait stopped in 1991.

Have fun with your paranoid delusions and, yes, I'm staying tuned. LOL
It's interesting to see how popular first lady's have been, according to the polls.

Laura Bush holds the highest rating at 85%
Hillary Clinton was second at 80%
Michelle Obama is third at 79%

All three were enormously well liked first lady's.

I guess time will tell if our current First Lady is capable of living up to the high standard set by the gals mentioned in your comment. And, for all we know trump might be a control freak and won't allow his wife to work independent of him.
Red State Amerika is already heavily medicated and addicted. Stay tuned....more to come.
Hey Devin Idiot......Melania is a Russian Spy! Now shut up and sit in the corner and JERK off to naked pictures of Melania.
After waiting for the end of the world for over 30 years, the wait stopped in 1991.

Have fun with your paranoid delusions and, yes, I'm staying tuned. LOL
Meh......whatever!!! Thanks to red state conservative voters they have elected a Russian Intelligence Asset (Trump) into the WH ....
It's interesting to see how popular first lady's have been, according to the polls.

Laura Bush holds the highest rating at 85%
Hillary Clinton was second at 80%
Michelle Obama is third at 79%

All three were enormously well liked first lady's.

I guess time will tell if our current First Lady is capable of living up to the high standard set by the gals mentioned in your comment. And, for all we know trump might be a control freak and won't allow his wife to work independent of him.
Trump will do whatever Putin tells him to do. Melania doesn't listen to Trump! She gets her marching orders from PUTIN. Melania is a Russian Spy plain and simple.

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