Looks like Judge Curiel broke some US judge codes "of conduct"

RWNJ'S seem to be the only people in America that don't understand that the organizations are completely separate and are not related. But we give you an A for trying.
The code of conduct says he can't be a member of a group that excludes members based on race, creed or national origin.

What part of that don't you understand?
So? La Raza San Diego Lawyers Association allows members of all races.

What about Donald Trump's breaking of the law when he disparaged the judge in his case? Should Donald go to jail for contempt of court?
He was never in contempt of court.

The judge hasn't said anything but Trump's disparagement is against the law in every single state.
It's also against the law to with hold evidence from a court, but hillary continuously does it. And you don't care.
Trump's getting a bad wrap on this one. The usual suspects immediately declared him 'Evil Racist' for mentioning this Judge's bias against him over his stance on Immigration.

But it turns out, Trump does have a legitimate beef. This Judge is a member of organizations that are publicly attacking Trump and boycotting his businesses. He shouldn't have been allowed to preside over a case involving a Trump business. He should have recused himself or been removed.
Not this time. Trump crossed a line and the whole country is pissed, even Republicans.

I'm not pissed and I am part of the country. Any judge that aligns himself with a racist group like La Raza has no business being in any place of power.

Fine, but your deliberate ignorance of the facts is disturbing. The two La Raza's are not connected.
So you would be okay with David Duke being a judge in the hood?
This judge was NEVER an issue, had no black marks, wasn't even on anyone's radar until Trump got pissed and Trumpeted to his followers to go get him. WTF....now they're making shit up, trying to to do anything they can to smear him at bequest of their Messiah?

Utterly unreal - and this is what they want in the White House :cuckoo:
We already have that in the Whitehouse and you don't mind. You deserve what you get. Anyone but Hillary .
Not this time. Trump crossed a line and the whole country is pissed, even Republicans.

I'm not pissed and I am part of the country. Any judge that aligns himself with a racist group like La Raza has no business being in any place of power.

Fine, but your deliberate ignorance of the facts is disturbing. The two La Raza's are not connected.
So you would be okay with David Duke being a judge in the hood?

David Duke would not be nominated, nor would he get past the judiciary committee like Judge Curiel did.
Not this time. Trump crossed a line and the whole country is pissed, even Republicans.

I'm not pissed and I am part of the country. Any judge that aligns himself with a racist group like La Raza has no business being in any place of power.

Fine, but your deliberate ignorance of the facts is disturbing. The two La Raza's are not connected.
So you would be okay with David Duke being a judge in the hood?
It was just pointed out to you how ignorant you are being, and you thought it would be a great idea to confirm it?!? :lol:

You tards don't know the difference between a group which advocates racial equality (the judge's organization) and a group with advocates racial superiority (David Duke's organization).
Trump's a fraud. Even a casual examination of the court documents and Trump's deposition reveals why he is so desperately throwing up smoke.

Again, if the judge was really out to get him, he would have moved the trial date up to October and allowed cameras into the court room so we could all see Trump exposed in real time for the fraud he is.
Trump's getting a bad wrap on this one. The usual suspects immediately declared him 'Evil Racist' for mentioning this Judge's bias against him over his stance on Immigration.

But it turns out, Trump does have a legitimate beef. This Judge is a member of organizations that are publicly attacking Trump and boycotting his businesses. He shouldn't have been allowed to preside over a case involving a Trump business. He should have recused himself or been removed.

They are not connected and we have years of court cases to exam that show Judge Curiel never exhibited bias. You're welcome to show evidence and I would enjoy seeing this man taken down with solid proof, but so far all you people do is scream bias and never back it up.
Are all Democrats crooks? Hillary is a crook. The judge is a crook. Obama is a crook.


it would be really nice if you read with comprehension or at least didn't buy drump's assertions.

Trump knows his Chumps have the attention span of goldfish. He knows they won't read the court documents to which I have provided links. He knows they are too lazy and stupid.
Trump's a fraud. Even a casual examination of the court documents and Trump's deposition reveals why he is so desperate.

The real fraud was allowing a biased activist Judge to preside over this case. This Judge is clearly part of an organized Anti-Trump agenda. He shouldn't have been allowed to be involved in this case. To hell with him and La Raza.
Trump's a fraud. Even a casual examination of the court documents and Trump's deposition reveals why he is so desperate.

The real fraud was allowing a biased activist Judge to preside over this case. This Judge is clearly part of an organized Anti-Trump agenda. He shouldn't have been allowed to be involved in this case. To hell with him and La Raza.

But you never offer proof of that assertion. Why is that?
Trump's depo here: http://zhlaw.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/Exhibit.pdf

FORGE: Mr. Trump, I've placed in front of you a document marked as Exhibit 481, which is an excerpt from Mr. Sexton's sworn testimony to the Office of the New York State Attorney General.
If you could, please, direct your attention to the second page, which is page 157. At line 10, Mr. Sexton is asked: "QUESTION:· And were any of those -- any of these other speakers at any of those events handpicked by Donald Trump?"
Mr. Sexton's answer: "ANSWER: None of our instructors at the live events were handpicked by Donald Trump." Do you have any basis to dispute Mr. Sexton's testimony in this regard?

TRUMP:·No. That's correct.
Not this time. Trump crossed a line and the whole country is pissed, even Republicans.

I'm not pissed and I am part of the country. Any judge that aligns himself with a racist group like La Raza has no business being in any place of power.

Fine, but your deliberate ignorance of the facts is disturbing. The two La Raza's are not connected.
So you would be okay with David Duke being a judge in the hood?

David Duke would not be nominated, nor would he get past the judiciary committee like Judge Curiel did.
What if he did?
Trump's getting a bad wrap on this one. The usual suspects immediately declared him 'Evil Racist' for mentioning this Judge's bias against him over his stance on Immigration.

But it turns out, Trump does have a legitimate beef. This Judge is a member of organizations that are publicly attacking Trump and boycotting his businesses. He shouldn't have been allowed to preside over a case involving a Trump business. He should have recused himself or been removed.

They are not connected and we have years of court cases to exam that show Judge Curiel never exhibited bias. You're welcome to show evidence and I would enjoy seeing this man taken down with solid proof, but so far all you people do is scream bias and never back it up.

As you know, proving bias on the part of a Judge is near impossible. But it's clear he's a member of organizations that are viciously attacking Trump. These groups are even organizing boycotts of Trump businesses. So how could he be allowed to preside over a case involving a Trump business? It's a real mess. Trump is justified in believing there's been bias.
FORGE: What I'm getting at is -- I just want to confirm one way or the other -- you did not actually do a quality control -- you, Donald Trump, personally did not do a quality control --

TRUMP: Most of that would be Mr. Sexton and his staff.

FORGE: And Mr. Sexton, he had no background in terms of buying and selling real estate for profit, did he?

TRUMP: I -- it was long time ago that I talked to him.· You're talking about many, many year ago.· But he was a -- he's a high-quality person who -- frankly, who was very much into the world of education.

FORGE: ·But as you sit here today, do you know whether or not he had any experience buying and selling --

TRUMP: It was limited.· It was limited. I think it was much more so in the school world rather than the real estate world.

FORGE: Do you have any understanding as to whether he'd ever been an actual teacher before this? And "this" being Trump University.

TRUMP: I had the information many, many years ago, and I was very impressed with him.
Trump advertised Trump University as a school where you could learn to make a killing in the real estate world. He claimed he personally "hand-picked" the instructors.

During his deposition, he admitted he had no involvement with choosing the instructors at all. He left it to a man he didn't even know prior to starting Trump U. A man who had no real estate background whatsoever.

That's one key piece of evidence of the fraud.
Not this time. Trump crossed a line and the whole country is pissed, even Republicans.

I'm not pissed and I am part of the country. Any judge that aligns himself with a racist group like La Raza has no business being in any place of power.

Fine, but your deliberate ignorance of the facts is disturbing. The two La Raza's are not connected.
So you would be okay with David Duke being a judge in the hood?

David Duke would not be nominated, nor would he get past the judiciary committee like Judge Curiel did.
What if he did?

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