Looks like Judge Curiel broke some US judge codes "of conduct"

Plaintiffs and Class Members who attended Trump University’s real estate investing classes, were promised a “complete real estate education,” a “one year apprenticeship,” a one-on-one mentorship, practical and fail-safe real estate techniques, a “power team” consisting of real estate agents, lenders, personal finance managers, property managers and contractors, and were assured that although the Seminars were costly, they would make the money back in their first real estate deal, and could make up to tens of thousands of dollars per month or more. Plaintiffs and Class Members did not receive what they bargained for.

Instead of a complete real estate education, students merely received an “infomercial” pushing additional Seminars or workshops they were told they would need to take to succeed. The “one year apprenticeship” they were promised was actually just a threeday seminar; the one-on-one year-long mentorship consisted of no practical insights and no mentorship, but rather excursions to Home Depot and “mentors” who either recommend real estate deals that they stood to benefit from financially, raising a conflict of interest, or who quickly disappeared and failed to return calls.

http://www.trumpuniversitylitigation.com/Content/Documents/Makaeff Complaint.pdf
'Looks like Judge Curiel broke some US judge codes "of conduct"'

Looks like you continue to be a rightwing partisan scumbag.
In attempting to publicly defend its reputation, Trump University has the audacity to compare itself to Harvard University – claiming that it does not guarantee real estate success, just as Harvard cannot guarantee a Rhodes scholarship. Comparing Trump University to Harvard University is a bit like comparing a snake oil salesman to a brain surgeon. First, Harvard is clearly an accredited institution while Trump is not; Harvard professors are educated in their field, while Trump instructors and mentors are trained in sales, not real estate; and when Harvard students pay for a four-year education, they receive four years of teaching, whereas Trump students who pay for a one-year real estate education receive three days of a hard-sell sales presentation.

http://www.trumpuniversitylitigation.com/Content/Documents/Makaeff Complaint.pdf
Donald Trump’s Involvement – Donald Trump is personally liable due to his public representations concerning Trump University and his involvement and role in the misconduct:

(a) Donald Trump is the founder and Chairman of Trump University – according to Trump University seminar presenters, Donald Trump owns Trump University “lock, stock and barrel,” and it is his “baby, his company”;

(b) Donald Trump authorized Trump University to use his name, photos and quotes for all Trump University seminar presentations, website and advertising – the home page of the website displays a large photo of Donald Trump along with the message from him: “Are YOU My Next Apprentice? Prove it to me!”

(c) Print advertisements featuring Donald Trump and his image included quotes from him including: “Don’t think you can profit in this market? You can. And I’ll show you how. Learn from my handpicked expert how you can profit from the largest real estate liquidation in history.”

(d) An email from Trump University to thousands or tens of thousands consumers featured Donald Trump’s photo with the words: “Are you My Next Apprentice,” and stated: “76% of the world’s millionaires made their fortunes in real estate. Now it’s your turn. My father did it, I did it, and now I’m ready to teach you how to do it too.” The signature line at the bottom of the email reads, Donald J. Trump, Chairman, Trump University, and even includes his signature.

(e) Trump University print advertisements were reviewed and authorized by Donald Trump before they were released and contained quotes from Donald J. Trump, himself, including: “I can turn anyone into a successful real estate investor, including you. – Donald Trump.”

(f) Donald Trump sent signed letters to consumers nationwide, with Donald Trump’s name and signature at the bottom, which stated: “[N]o course offers the same depth of insight, experience and support as the one bearing my name . . . . My hand-picked instructors and mentors will show you how to use real estate strategies to: supplement or even replace your income, secure your long-term financial future . . . tart profiting today! Now is the time to create your financial legacy. You can do it, even if you only have five or ten hours a week to spare. With our simple instructions and practice exercises – and ongoing support from your own Trump Team of Experts – you’ll have what you need to succeed!” (Emphasis in original). The letter closes with Donald J Trump’s name, signature, and Trump University address, at 40 Wall Street, 32nd Floor, New York, NY 10005.

On and on it goes like that.
Now you know why Trump needs to throw up a lot of smoke and bullshit.

If the judge was actually out to fuck this fraudulent pig, the judge would have moved the trial date up to October, allow cameras into the courtroom, and then we could all watch this crook sweat on Court TV in real time as his lying ways were laid bare for all to see.
Look at Trump's speech pattern quoted in the suit: "We're going to have professors and adjunct professors that are absolutely terrific. Terrific people. Terrific brains. Successful. The best. We are going to have the best of the best. "

Exactly the same speech pattern he spews now. And he's still the same old fraud, lying out of his ass to the rubes.

The best people. The best steaks. The best Republican. The best bullshitter of all time.
Donald Trump’s Involvement – Donald Trump is personally liable due to his public representations concerning Trump University and his involvement and role in the misconduct:

(a) Donald Trump is the founder and Chairman of Trump University – according to Trump University seminar presenters, Donald Trump owns Trump University “lock, stock and barrel,” and it is his “baby, his company”;

(b) Donald Trump authorized Trump University to use his name, photos and quotes for all Trump University seminar presentations, website and advertising – the home page of the website displays a large photo of Donald Trump along with the message from him: “Are YOU My Next Apprentice? Prove it to me!”

(c) Print advertisements featuring Donald Trump and his image included quotes from him including: “Don’t think you can profit in this market? You can. And I’ll show you how. Learn from my handpicked expert how you can profit from the largest real estate liquidation in history.”

(d) An email from Trump University to thousands or tens of thousands consumers featured Donald Trump’s photo with the words: “Are you My Next Apprentice,” and stated: “76% of the world’s millionaires made their fortunes in real estate. Now it’s your turn. My father did it, I did it, and now I’m ready to teach you how to do it too.” The signature line at the bottom of the email reads, Donald J. Trump, Chairman, Trump University, and even includes his signature.

(e) Trump University print advertisements were reviewed and authorized by Donald Trump before they were released and contained quotes from Donald J. Trump, himself, including: “I can turn anyone into a successful real estate investor, including you. – Donald Trump.”

(f) Donald Trump sent signed letters to consumers nationwide, with Donald Trump’s name and signature at the bottom, which stated: “[N]o course offers the same depth of insight, experience and support as the one bearing my name . . . . My hand-picked instructors and mentors will show you how to use real estate strategies to: supplement or even replace your income, secure your long-term financial future . . . tart profiting today! Now is the time to create your financial legacy. You can do it, even if you only have five or ten hours a week to spare. With our simple instructions and practice exercises – and ongoing support from your own Trump Team of Experts – you’ll have what you need to succeed!” (Emphasis in original). The letter closes with Donald J Trump’s name, signature, and Trump University address, at 40 Wall Street, 32nd Floor, New York, NY 10005.

On and on it goes like that.

My question about these scams, which in a way proves they're scams, has always been -

If these courses can make you millions in real estate, why aren't you people just out there making millions in real estate using your own courses,

instead of going to all the trouble to sell the courses and make a few thousand here, a few thousand there?

Now you know why Trump needs to throw up a lot of smoke and bullshit.

If the judge was actually out to fuck this fraudulent pig, the judge would have moved the trial date up to October, allow cameras into the courtroom, and then we could all watch this crook sweat on Court TV in real time as his lying ways were laid bare for all to see.
Exactly. The judge chose not to fock Trump. Trump's own lawyers won't move to have him recuse.

I think the real issue is that 60% of the gop still thinks Obama's a muslim. 60% don't thing Trump's a racist. I think we can conclude 60% of the gop is racist.

I'm sure there are black dems who are racist too, but they aren't making the noise.

If someone wants to vote for an openly racist candidate that's there business. Unlike Paul Ryan, however, I choose not to.
Look at Trump's speech pattern quoted in the suit: "We're going to have professors and adjunct professors that are absolutely terrific. Terrific people. Terrific brains. Successful. The best. We are going to have the best of the best. "

Exactly the same speech pattern he spews now. And he's still the same old fraud, lying out of his ass to the rubes.

The best people. The best steaks. The best Republican. The best bullshitter of all time.

He's a con man cliche.
RWNJ'S seem to be the only people in America that don't understand that the organizations are completely separate and are not related. But we give you an A for trying.
The code of conduct says he can't be a member of a group that excludes members based on race, creed or national origin.

What part of that don't you understand?
So? La Raza San Diego Lawyers Association allows members of all races.

What about Donald Trump's breaking of the law when he disparaged the judge in his case? Should Donald go to jail for contempt of court?

There is no such law numbnut.

There is a contempt of court law in every single state in the union and a federal law besides, Bonehead
Up in the north east somewhere the locals practically carried torches to some poor Cop's house when it was revealed he had a Confederate flag in his garage but the same idiots think it's fine for a judge to belong to a race based organization and support open borders while he is presiding over a case with a defendant who wants to build a wall.

So conservative judges should not be allowed to preside over cases involving questions over any immigrant's status?

Conservatism isn't a race... guess you didn't get the memo.

It's a race to the bottom of the cesspool.
Look at Trump's speech pattern quoted in the suit: "We're going to have professors and adjunct professors that are absolutely terrific. Terrific people. Terrific brains. Successful. The best. We are going to have the best of the best. "

Exactly the same speech pattern he spews now. And he's still the same old fraud, lying out of his ass to the rubes.

The best people. The best steaks. The best Republican. The best bullshitter of all time.

He's a con man cliche.
A textbook huckster.

That's why I used to satirize clips from the Music Man about him.

TRUMP: Now, Melania, I need some ideas if I'm going to get our country out of the serious trouble it's in.

MELANIA: America ain't in any trouble.

TRUMP: We're gonna have to create some. Must create a desperate need in America to be great again.

Donald Trump’s Involvement – Donald Trump is personally liable due to his public representations concerning Trump University and his involvement and role in the misconduct:

(a) Donald Trump is the founder and Chairman of Trump University – according to Trump University seminar presenters, Donald Trump owns Trump University “lock, stock and barrel,” and it is his “baby, his company”;

(b) Donald Trump authorized Trump University to use his name, photos and quotes for all Trump University seminar presentations, website and advertising – the home page of the website displays a large photo of Donald Trump along with the message from him: “Are YOU My Next Apprentice? Prove it to me!”

(c) Print advertisements featuring Donald Trump and his image included quotes from him including: “Don’t think you can profit in this market? You can. And I’ll show you how. Learn from my handpicked expert how you can profit from the largest real estate liquidation in history.”

(d) An email from Trump University to thousands or tens of thousands consumers featured Donald Trump’s photo with the words: “Are you My Next Apprentice,” and stated: “76% of the world’s millionaires made their fortunes in real estate. Now it’s your turn. My father did it, I did it, and now I’m ready to teach you how to do it too.” The signature line at the bottom of the email reads, Donald J. Trump, Chairman, Trump University, and even includes his signature.

(e) Trump University print advertisements were reviewed and authorized by Donald Trump before they were released and contained quotes from Donald J. Trump, himself, including: “I can turn anyone into a successful real estate investor, including you. – Donald Trump.”

(f) Donald Trump sent signed letters to consumers nationwide, with Donald Trump’s name and signature at the bottom, which stated: “[N]o course offers the same depth of insight, experience and support as the one bearing my name . . . . My hand-picked instructors and mentors will show you how to use real estate strategies to: supplement or even replace your income, secure your long-term financial future . . . tart profiting today! Now is the time to create your financial legacy. You can do it, even if you only have five or ten hours a week to spare. With our simple instructions and practice exercises – and ongoing support from your own Trump Team of Experts – you’ll have what you need to succeed!” (Emphasis in original). The letter closes with Donald J Trump’s name, signature, and Trump University address, at 40 Wall Street, 32nd Floor, New York, NY 10005.

On and on it goes like that.

My question about these scams, which in a way proves they're scams, has always been -

If these courses can make you millions in real estate, why aren't you people just out there making millions in real estate using your own courses,

instead of going to all the trouble to sell the courses and make a few thousand here, a few thousand there?
What I don't get is this: there are literally thousands of these "let me show you how to make money in real estate" schemes out there. They were there in the 1970s and 80s. So Trump gets sued. Maybe he even has to pay back some money. Maybe even the DOJ case ultimately shows fraud, and he has to pay a corporate fine. There will still be customers who think they benefited. Why does Trump care? Play the victim card. It's not like Hill and Bill don't.

Hell, he's outed himself as a racist, and when called over it, he poses like Mussolini. It's not like his ego is capable of shame. LOL

Almost immediately after Trump founded Trump University, the New York State Education Department ("NYSED") wrote to Donald Trump on May 27, 2005, warning him that using the name "University" was illegal without a license, and asked Trump to stop using the name "Trump University." Instead of complying, Defendant's agents created a fictitious office in Dover, Delaware, and then Defendant continued to brazenly operate illegally out of his 40 Wall Street office in New York, New York for five years.

http://www.trumpuniversitylitigation.com/Content/Documents/Cohen Complaint.pdf[

Oh, the horror. How many people died? Did someone get the Foster treatment? Did an ambassador die? Who got raped? Did he perjure himself? Was he disbarred? Is he under criminal investigation for possible breaches of national security? Drug smuggling? Is there a Whitewater like thingy?

You're such a leftwing hack G.

Almost immediately after Trump founded Trump University, the New York State Education Department ("NYSED") wrote to Donald Trump on May 27, 2005, warning him that using the name "University" was illegal without a license, and asked Trump to stop using the name "Trump University." Instead of complying, Defendant's agents created a fictitious office in Dover, Delaware, and then Defendant continued to brazenly operate illegally out of his 40 Wall Street office in New York, New York for five years.

http://www.trumpuniversitylitigation.com/Content/Documents/Cohen Complaint.pdf[

Oh, the horror. How many people died? Did someone get the Foster treatment? Did an ambassador die? Who got raped? Did he perjure himself? Was he disbarred? Is he under criminal investigation for possible breaches of national security? Drug smuggling? Is there a Whitewater like thingy?

You're such a leftwing hack G.
The facts just burn your ass, don't they.

And you think it's okay to break the law and rip people off if no one dies. I seeeeeee...

It is fascinating to see what lengths you piss drinkers will go to defend your idol. There literally is no limit.
If Trump wins, you rubes are going to find out his bullshit about being the best is as empty as his promise to the rubes who bought into his real estate course.

The perfect con is the one in which the rube doesn't know he's been had. And that's YOU, suckers! :lol:

The mark does half the work for the con man. The mark has to want to bleev the bullshit for the con to work, whether its a storefront real estate con or a huckster posing as a conservative Republican.

I spent many years on paranormal forums and am very familiar with the mindset. Trump's Chumps exhibit the exact same pathological desire to believe as the clients of psychics and mediums.
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Almost immediately after Trump founded Trump University, the New York State Education Department ("NYSED") wrote to Donald Trump on May 27, 2005, warning him that using the name "University" was illegal without a license, and asked Trump to stop using the name "Trump University." Instead of complying, Defendant's agents created a fictitious office in Dover, Delaware, and then Defendant continued to brazenly operate illegally out of his 40 Wall Street office in New York, New York for five years.

http://www.trumpuniversitylitigation.com/Content/Documents/Cohen Complaint.pdf[

Oh, the horror. How many people died? Did someone get the Foster treatment? Did an ambassador die? Who got raped? Did he perjure himself? Was he disbarred? Is he under criminal investigation for possible breaches of national security? Drug smuggling? Is there a Whitewater like thingy?

You're such a leftwing hack G.
The facts just burn your ass, don't they.

And you think it's okay to break the law and rip people off if no one dies. I seeeeeee...

It is fascinating to see what lengths you piss drinkers will go to defend your idol. There literally is no limit.
He's a con man. But he sold these folks what they wanted: a con. That's the essence of any con: the victim actually has to convince himself. I can't convince someone that something too good to possibly be true is really true. The victim's own greed or desperation makes the sale because they NEED to BELIEVE.

I don't find Trump U to be that big a deal in and of itself.

But Trump is selling the middle class that he'll reform taxes when he and his actual supporters don't pay taxes ... or their bills.

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