Looks like Judge Curiel broke some US judge codes "of conduct"

As you know, proving bias on the part of a Judge is near impossible. But it's clear he's a member of organizations that are viciously attacking Trump. These groups are even organizing boycotts of Trump businesses. So how could he be allowed to preside over a case involving a Trump business? It's a real mess. Trump is justified in believing there's been bias.

Judge Curiel has shown no bias or inclination to any group or political party in the ten years his cases can be examined. He has ruled in favor of business and against unions, he has never donated to a campaign but has endorsed attorneys 4 times where three won and one lost. His organization is not connected in any way to the La Raza Immigrant group and there is no record anywhere that he has worked with, donated money or time, or any kind of visible support. In fact, judge Curiel seems to be the kind of judge that people want to see on the bench, he's without bias, and fair to an extreme.

He's a member of organizations that are publicly attacking Trump and advocating boycotting Trump businesses. He should not have been allowed to preside over a case involving a Trump business. Period, end of story.


Report: Trump University Judge Linked to Group that Calls for Boycott of Trump’s Businesses

Judge Gonzalo Curiel, who is overseeing a fraud case against Trump University, is reportedly a member of the San Diego La Raza Lawyers Association, which is affiliated with the Hispanic National Bar Association.

The Hispanic National Bar Association sent out a press release last summer after Donald Trump, who is now the presumptive Republican nominee, announced he was running for president and created a controversy by discussing illegal immigration and crime during his announcement speech.

The press release stated the organization’s mission to target Trump’s “business interests,” according to the Conservative Treehouse.

Judge Linked to Group that Calls for Boycott of Trump Businesses

Define "affiliated with".

Was the judge a member? Did he sign the press release?

He should have recused himself or been removed. He is very likely biased against Trump.

Almost immediately after Trump founded Trump University, the New York State Education Department ("NYSED") wrote to Donald Trump on May 27, 2005, warning him that using the name "University" was illegal without a license, and asked Trump to stop using the name "Trump University." Instead of complying, Defendant's agents created a fictitious office in Dover, Delaware, and then Defendant continued to brazenly operate illegally out of his 40 Wall Street office in New York, New York for five years.

http://www.trumpuniversitylitigation.com/Content/Documents/Cohen Complaint.pdf[

Oh, the horror. How many people died? Did someone get the Foster treatment? Did an ambassador die? Who got raped? Did he perjure himself? Was he disbarred? Is he under criminal investigation for possible breaches of national security? Drug smuggling? Is there a Whitewater like thingy?

You're such a leftwing hack G.
The facts just burn your ass, don't they.

And you think it's okay to break the law and rip people off if no one dies. I seeeeeee...

It is fascinating to see what lengths you piss drinkers will go to defend your idol. There literally is no limit.
He's a con man. But he sold these folks what they wanted: a con. That's the essence of any con: the victim actually has to convince himself. I can't convince someone that something too good to possibly be true is really true. The victim's own greed or desperation makes the sale because they NEED to BELIEVE.

I don't find Trump U to be that big a deal in and of itself.

But Trump is selling the middle class that he'll reform taxes when he and his actual supporters don't pay taxes ... or their bills.

Who would pay taxes if they can avoid doing so? That would be just stupid.
Press Release: The HNBA calls for a boycott of all of Trump business ventures, including golf courses, hotels, and restaurants. We salute NBC/Universal, Univision and Macy’s for ending their association with Trump, and we join them in standing up against bigotry and racist rhetoric. Other businesses and corporations should follow the lead of NBC/Universal, Univision and Macy’s and take similar actions against Donald Trump’s business interests. We can and will make a difference.

Trump is justified in believing there's been bias. And anyone in his shoes, would feel the same way.
Does the judge belong to the HBNA?


Okay, then.

Being affiliated with organizations calling for Trump's head, is enough reason to suspect bias. And if you were in Trump's shoes, you would feel the same way.
It's a shame Trump's Chumps don't spend as much time reading the deposition and the other legal documents I provided as they do copying and pasting shit from propaganda sites.

Like I said. Trump knows his Chumps have the attention span of goldfish and are too lazy and stupid to read the documents. The goldfish prefer to swim around in his piss.

And Hillary knows her chumps, like you. Or better yet, maybe you'll do a Gary Johnson write-in. Better yet.

It's a shame Trump's Chumps don't spend as much time reading the deposition and the other legal documents I provided as they do copying and pasting shit from propaganda sites.

Like I said. Trump knows his Chumps have the attention span of goldfish and are too lazy and stupid to read the documents. The goldfish prefer to swim around in his piss.

And Hillary knows her chumps, like you. Or better yet, maybe you'll do a Gary Johnson write-in. Better yet.

Nice red herring you have there!
Press Release: The HNBA calls for a boycott of all of Trump business ventures, including golf courses, hotels, and restaurants. We salute NBC/Universal, Univision and Macy’s for ending their association with Trump, and we join them in standing up against bigotry and racist rhetoric. Other businesses and corporations should follow the lead of NBC/Universal, Univision and Macy’s and take similar actions against Donald Trump’s business interests. We can and will make a difference.

Trump is justified in believing there's been bias. And anyone in his shoes, would feel the same way.
Does the judge belong to the HBNA?


Okay, then.

Being affiliated with organizations calling for Trump's head, is enough reason to suspect bias. And if you were in Trump's shoes, you would feel the same way.
Define "affiliated with".

I notice you Chumps are parroting that line without any clue what it means. What a bunch of saps.

How is the judge "affiliated with" the HNBA?
They are not connected and we have years of court cases to exam that show Judge Curiel never exhibited bias. You're welcome to show evidence and I would enjoy seeing this man taken down with solid proof, but so far all you people do is scream bias and never back it up.

As you know, proving bias on the part of a Judge is near impossible. But it's clear he's a member of organizations that are viciously attacking Trump. These groups are even organizing boycotts of Trump businesses. So how could he be allowed to preside over a case involving a Trump business? It's a real mess. Trump is justified in believing there's been bias.

Judge Curiel has shown no bias or inclination to any group or political party in the ten years his cases can be examined. He has ruled in favor of business and against unions, he has never donated to a campaign but has endorsed attorneys 4 times where three won and one lost. His organization is not connected in any way to the La Raza Immigrant group and there is no record anywhere that he has worked with, donated money or time, or any kind of visible support. In fact, judge Curiel seems to be the kind of judge that people want to see on the bench, he's without bias, and fair to an extreme.

He's a member of organizations that are publicly attacking Trump and advocating boycotting Trump businesses. He should not have been allowed to preside over a case involving a Trump business. Period, end of story.


Report: Trump University Judge Linked to Group that Calls for Boycott of Trump’s Businesses

Judge Gonzalo Curiel, who is overseeing a fraud case against Trump University, is reportedly a member of the San Diego La Raza Lawyers Association, which is affiliated with the Hispanic National Bar Association.

The Hispanic National Bar Association sent out a press release last summer after Donald Trump, who is now the presumptive Republican nominee, announced he was running for president and created a controversy by discussing illegal immigration and crime during his announcement speech.

The press release stated the organization’s mission to target Trump’s “business interests,” according to the Conservative Treehouse.

Judge Linked to Group that Calls for Boycott of Trump Businesses

Their press release:

Washington, DC – The Hispanic National Bar Association represents the interests of nearly 54 million Hispanics/Latinos in the United States, which is approximately 17% of the U.S. population. By his recent derogatory remarks about Mexican immigrants, Donald Trump’s disrespect of such a large segment of the population of America is not only unbelievable, but outright wrong. His comment that Mexico only sends rapists and criminals to the United States reveals a racist nature that cannot and will not go unnoticed by the Hispanic National Bar Association nor the Latino community.

Those who seek our highest public office should attempt to engage all Americans, not divide us. His comments are clearly divisive and racist and do nothing to promote equality and justice for all. Trump’s statements reveal a bias that all Americans should reject and respond to accordingly. We cannot stand silent and allow Trump to promote such racist and discriminatory behavior. This is the time for all Americans to take a stand against his insensitive, offensive and untrue statements.

The HNBA calls for a boycott of all of Trump business ventures, including golf courses, hotels, and restaurants. We salute NBC/Universal, Univision and Macy’s for ending their association with Trump, and we join them in standing up against bigotry and racist rhetoric. Other businesses and corporations should follow the lead of NBC/Universal, Univision and Macy’s and take similar actions against Donald Trump’s business interests. We can and will make a difference.

This is a predictable outcome to an insensitive speech. The fact that he never attempted to minimize his comments, only leads me to believe that this organization was spot on in their analysis of Donald Trump.
It's a shame Trump's Chumps don't spend as much time reading the deposition and the other legal documents I provided as they do copying and pasting shit from propaganda sites.

Like I said. Trump knows his Chumps have the attention span of goldfish and are too lazy and stupid to read the documents. The goldfish prefer to swim around in his piss.

And Hillary knows her chumps, like you. Or better yet, maybe you'll do a Gary Johnson write-in. Better yet.

Nice red herring you have there!

Nah... I nailed it and you know it G-Boy.
And now, a musical interlude as the rubes attempt to discover what the ever loving fuck "affiliated with" means.

Judge Curiel has shown no bias or inclination to any group or political party in the ten years his cases can be examined. He has ruled in favor of business and against unions, he has never donated to a campaign but has endorsed attorneys 4 times where three won and one lost. His organization is not connected in any way to the La Raza Immigrant group and there is no record anywhere that he has worked with, donated money or time, or any kind of visible support. In fact, judge Curiel seems to be the kind of judge that people want to see on the bench, he's without bias, and fair to an extreme.

He's a member of organizations that are publicly attacking Trump and advocating boycotting Trump businesses. He should not have been allowed to preside over a case involving a Trump business. Period, end of story.


Report: Trump University Judge Linked to Group that Calls for Boycott of Trump’s Businesses

Judge Gonzalo Curiel, who is overseeing a fraud case against Trump University, is reportedly a member of the San Diego La Raza Lawyers Association, which is affiliated with the Hispanic National Bar Association.

The Hispanic National Bar Association sent out a press release last summer after Donald Trump, who is now the presumptive Republican nominee, announced he was running for president and created a controversy by discussing illegal immigration and crime during his announcement speech.

The press release stated the organization’s mission to target Trump’s “business interests,” according to the Conservative Treehouse.

Judge Linked to Group that Calls for Boycott of Trump Businesses

Define "affiliated with".

Was the judge a member? Did he sign the press release?

He should have recused himself or been removed. He is very likely biased against Trump.

You have to have evidence of bias, and this doesn't come close to fitting the bill. What else do you have?
It's a shame Trump's Chumps don't spend as much time reading the deposition and the other legal documents I provided as they do copying and pasting shit from propaganda sites.

Like I said. Trump knows his Chumps have the attention span of goldfish and are too lazy and stupid to read the documents. The goldfish prefer to swim around in his piss.

And Hillary knows her chumps, like you. Or better yet, maybe you'll do a Gary Johnson write-in. Better yet.

Nice red herring you have there!

Nah... I nailed it and you know it G-Boy.
Nope. You missed by a country mile, retard. I have posted countless times on this forum I support John Kasich and will be writing him in.

Got any more stupidity you wish to expose about yourself, goldfish?
"Affiliated with":

He was seen in public having lunch with a member of the HNBA.

He was a member many years ago, long before Trump announced his candidacy.

He once mentioned the HNBA in a speech.

The HNBA once brought a case before him in court.

It's a shame Trump's Chumps don't spend as much time reading the deposition and the other legal documents I provided as they do copying and pasting shit from propaganda sites.

Like I said. Trump knows his Chumps have the attention span of goldfish and are too lazy and stupid to read the documents. The goldfish prefer to swim around in his piss.

And Hillary knows her chumps, like you. Or better yet, maybe you'll do a Gary Johnson write-in. Better yet.

Nice red herring you have there!

Nah... I nailed it and you know it G-Boy.
Nope. You missed by a country mile, retard. I have posted countless times on this forum I support John Kasich and will be writing him in.

Got any more stupidity you wish to expose about yourself, goldfish?

Good luck wasting your vote genius... why bother? You should just get drunk and rub one out. It'd be just as productive as writing in Kasich.
Though the entirety of Defendant Trump and Trump University's marketing and advertising campaigns were centered around Defendant Trump's real estate expertise and access to Defendant Trump's coveted real estate "secrets," Trump University did not teach Donald Trump's real estate "secrets" as promised. Rather, Sexton (who had no real estate experience) was responsible for compiling course materials and largely handed this task over to third parties in the industry such as Dynetech, Mark Dove, and David Early.

http://www.trumpuniversitylitigation.com/Content/Documents/Cohen Complaint.pdf
It's a shame Trump's Chumps don't spend as much time reading the deposition and the other legal documents I provided as they do copying and pasting shit from propaganda sites.

Like I said. Trump knows his Chumps have the attention span of goldfish and are too lazy and stupid to read the documents. The goldfish prefer to swim around in his piss.

And Hillary knows her chumps, like you. Or better yet, maybe you'll do a Gary Johnson write-in. Better yet.

Nice red herring you have there!

Nah... I nailed it and you know it G-Boy.
Nope. You missed by a country mile, retard. I have posted countless times on this forum I support John Kasich and will be writing him in.

Got any more stupidity you wish to expose about yourself, goldfish?

Good luck wasting your vote genius... why bother? You should just get drunk and rub one out. It'd be just as productive as writing in Kasich.
I'd only be wasting my vote and my principles if I cast my vote for Trump or Clinton.

My vote has to be EARNED.
Though Defendant portrayed Trump University as a University with an admissions process and "Ivy League quality" rivaling Wharton Business School, Trump University was unaccredited and unlicensed to operate as an institution of higher learning. Trump University provided no degrees, no credits, no licenses, nor anything else of marketable value to student-victims.

http://www.trumpuniversitylitigation.com/Content/Documents/Cohen Complaint.pdf
Trump was informed it was illegal to call his fake school a "University", but he continued to do so anyway. He willfully violated New York law.
Though Defendant portrayed Trump University as a University with an admissions process and "Ivy League quality" rivaling Wharton Business School, Trump University was unaccredited and unlicensed to operate as an institution of higher learning. Trump University provided no degrees, no credits, no licenses, nor anything else of marketable value to student-victims.

And Hillary knows her chumps, like you. Or better yet, maybe you'll do a Gary Johnson write-in. Better yet.

Nice red herring you have there!

Nah... I nailed it and you know it G-Boy.
Nope. You missed by a country mile, retard. I have posted countless times on this forum I support John Kasich and will be writing him in.

Got any more stupidity you wish to expose about yourself, goldfish?

Good luck wasting your vote genius... why bother? You should just get drunk and rub one out. It'd be just as productive as writing in Kasich.
I'd only be wasting my vote and my principles if I cast my vote for Trump or Clinton.

My vote has to be EARNED.

Blah blah blah..... you're gonna get Clinton or Trump. That's reality. I'll take Trump over that miserable shitbag any day.
"But complaints about a judge based primarily on ethnicity have found little traction in the past, and have even gotten lawyers into hot water.

For example, in a 1986 case, Baltimore defense attorney Paul Evans was banned from the court and recommended for disbarment after he complained in a letter that the judge in his case "either was grossly incompetent or biased in favor" of what he called "the Jewish firm" involved in the proceedings.

An appeals court upheld the punishment, saying the letter was "undignified, discourteous, and degrading" and that Evans never demonstrated the judge's incompetence or bias using examples or evidence.

And in 1996, attorneys Larry Klayman and Paul Orfanedes questioned the fairness of U.S. District Court Judge Denny Chin. They pointed out in a letter that the judge was an appointee of President Bill Clinton and an Asian-American, who they claimed could be biased due to Klayman's involvement in litigation against Democratic donor John Huang and other Asian-Americans.

Chin said to Klayman, "You asked questions of the Court, at least in part, because of my race?"
"In part," Klayman responded. "I, for instance, would not sit as a Jewish American on a case that involved a Palestinian."

Chin said the question was "offensive." He ordered Klayman and Orfanedes never to appear before him again, and to notify any other judges they appeared before that they had been sanctioned.

An appeals court upheld the punishment in 1998, saying, "A suggestion that a judge cannot administer the law fairly because of the judge's racial and ethnic heritage is extremely serious, and should not be made without a factual foundation going well beyond the judge's membership in a particular racial or ethnic group."
If Trump's lawyers do challenge Curiel on his ethnicity, one lawyer who has known the jurist for 20 years says he might take it in stride."
Analysts: Requesting judge's recusal in Trump case risky - CNNPolitics.com

Total nonsense and I really do like Trump. Bias is proven over a period of time with evidence not innuendo.
Trump was informed it was illegal to call his fake school a "University", but he continued to do so anyway. He willfully violated New York law.

More selective outrage... yet you ignore the Clinton crime family entirely. Nobody but you leftwing hacks gives a shit about Trump U.

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