Looks like Judge Curiel broke some US judge codes "of conduct"

The up-sell

Insiders at Trump University have confirmed that the entire Trump University program is focused on the “up-sell” – the whole purpose of the free seminar is to get people to sign up for the $1,500 seminar. The purpose of the $1,500 seminar is to get people to sign up for the $35,000 seminar, and the entire purpose of that seminar is to get people to sign up for additional Seminars, products and books. Instructors were taught to be “armed with objections and rebuttals” and to “work the room with special attention to team members in possession of a credit card that needs to be run.

http://www.trumpuniversitylitigation.com/Content/Documents/Makaeff Complaint.pdf
Misrepresentation of instructors’ and mentors’ experience

Contrary to Defendants’ representations, many of the seminar instructors and mentors were not experienced in real estate – in fact, many had little to no personal real estate experience, and most had not engaged in the vast majority of the real estate techniques they were teaching. In fact, these instructors and mentors were predominantly professional salespeople, hired for their ability to deliver a hard-sell sales presentation, and paid exclusively on commission based on the percent of sales they delivered. Trump’s best speakers earn commissions of $30,000 or more per month.
Misrepresentations of “unlimited one-year mentorship”

While consumers who purchased the $35,000 seminar were promised unlimited mentoring for an entire year, in fact, Trump University told its mentors it would not pay them for more than six one-hour mentoring sessions per consumer. When one Trump University student became frustrated by the lack of any value or information the mentor was providing and asked to meet twice per week, the mentor eventually admitted that the “one year” of mentoring/consulting promised was really only six one-hour coaching sessions. Indeed, Trump University Corporate has admitted to these consumers that the fact that only 6 sessions would be provided should have been disclosed.
wow Soggy you're smart. Donald pays no taxes and he doesn't intend to change that. Happy now. Go stand in the sun

Why would he? That's be idiotic. So, is it safe to assume given your comments that you seeks out ways to pay the most taxes possible?
Judge Curiel has shown no bias or inclination to any group or political party in the ten years his cases can be examined. He has ruled in favor of business and against unions, he has never donated to a campaign but has endorsed attorneys 4 times where three won and one lost. His organization is not connected in any way to the La Raza Immigrant group and there is no record anywhere that he has worked with, donated money or time, or any kind of visible support. In fact, judge Curiel seems to be the kind of judge that people want to see on the bench, he's without bias, and fair to an extreme.

He's a member of organizations that are publicly attacking Trump and advocating boycotting Trump businesses. He should not have been allowed to preside over a case involving a Trump business. Period, end of story.


Report: Trump University Judge Linked to Group that Calls for Boycott of Trump’s Businesses

Judge Gonzalo Curiel, who is overseeing a fraud case against Trump University, is reportedly a member of the San Diego La Raza Lawyers Association, which is affiliated with the Hispanic National Bar Association.

The Hispanic National Bar Association sent out a press release last summer after Donald Trump, who is now the presumptive Republican nominee, announced he was running for president and created a controversy by discussing illegal immigration and crime during his announcement speech.

The press release stated the organization’s mission to target Trump’s “business interests,” according to the Conservative Treehouse.

Judge Linked to Group that Calls for Boycott of Trump Businesses

Define "affiliated with".

Was the judge a member? Did he sign the press release?

He should have recused himself or been removed. He is very likely biased against Trump.

Trump hasn't even asked him to recuse himself.

The judge is likely biased against Trump only because most Americans are biased against Trump.
Are all Democrats crooks? Hillary is a crook. The judge is a crook. Obama is a crook.

LOL- how very hilarious- once again Conservatives start with the noose and then whine about why people think that trials are necessary.

Who is being convicted of crimes?
Republican Former House Leader Dennis Hastert- for crimes related to child molestation
Republican governor of Virginia- Bob McDonnel- convicted of 11 counts of corruption charges.

Who has not been convicted of crimes
President Obama
Secretary Clinton
Judge Curiel

Sure- its just Democrats.......on your brain.
I would have some sympathy for the gop elite. They feel they need to support the candidate who got the most votes and delegates ... despite the fact that when the nomination was in doubt he was not getting a maj of voters. The elite could not coalesce behind one guy once Jeb showed he was older than his birth certificate showed.
wow Soggy you're smart. Donald pays no taxes and he doesn't intend to change that. Happy now. Go stand in the sun

Why would he? That's be idiotic. So, is it safe to assume given your comments that you seeks out ways to pay the most taxes possible?
The rich pay too much now so nothing is the way to go, soggy.
Misrepresenting and fabricating testimonials

Defendants enhance, misrepresent and in certain instances, completely fabricate student testimonials. They also continue to use testimonials which it knows are no longer true.
Are all Democrats crooks? Hillary is a crook. The judge is a crook. Obama is a crook.

LOL- how very hilarious- once again Conservatives start with the noose and then whine about why people think that trials are necessary.

Who is being convicted of crimes?
Republican Former House Leader Dennis Hastert- for crimes related to child molestation
Republican governor of Virginia- Bob McDonnel- convicted of 11 counts of corruption charges.

Who has not been convicted of crimes
President Obama
Secretary Clinton
Judge Curiel

Sure- its just Democrats.......on your brain.
I would have some sympathy for the gop elite. They feel they need to support the candidate who got the most votes and delegates ... despite the fact that when the nomination was in doubt he was not getting a maj of voters. The elite could not coalesce behind one guy once Jeb showed he was older than his birth certificate showed.
wow Soggy you're smart. Donald pays no taxes and he doesn't intend to change that. Happy now. Go stand in the sun

Why would he? That's be idiotic. So, is it safe to assume given your comments that you seeks out ways to pay the most taxes possible?
The rich pay too much now so nothing is the way to go, soggy.

That makes nofuckingsensewhatsoever.
Press Release: The HNBA calls for a boycott of all of Trump business ventures, including golf courses, hotels, and restaurants. We salute NBC/Universal, Univision and Macy’s for ending their association with Trump, and we join them in standing up against bigotry and racist rhetoric. Other businesses and corporations should follow the lead of NBC/Universal, Univision and Macy’s and take similar actions against Donald Trump’s business interests. We can and will make a difference.

Trump is justified in believing there's been bias. And anyone in his shoes, would feel the same way.
Does the judge belong to the HBNA?


Okay, then.

Being affiliated with organizations calling for Trump's head, is enough reason to suspect bias. And if you were in Trump's shoes, you would feel the same way.

If I was a defendent and I thought a judge was biased against me- I would have my lawyers ask the judge to recuse himself.

Trump has never done that.

Instead he has just impugned the judge in public.

The only one who has a demonstrated bias in this issue is Trump- against the judge.

Because he is a "Mexican"
Misrepresenting and fabricating testimonials

Defendants enhance, misrepresent and in certain instances, completely fabricate student testimonials. They also continue to use testimonials which it knows are no longer true.

I like peanut butter.
Illegal practices

Furthermore, the real estate practices taught during the Seminars include transactions that are illegal in certain states, including California, such as posting anonymous “bandit signs.” These are signs placed by the roadway that mimic yellow and black road warning signs and say, “WE BUY HOUSES, 619-222-2222.” Trump University instructors also instructed students how to engage in real estate transactions which would be sanctionable as practicing real estate without a real estate license.
As part of the $1,495 seminar, students are promised they will meet a Trump “power team” of mentors, real estate agents, brokers, contractors, attorneys and accountants who were “hand-picked by Donald Trump,” and will help the student make money in real estate. However, these Trump University “mentors” and power team members were not “hand-picked” by Donald Trump. Even worse, these mentors and “power team” members often guide the students toward deals in which they have a personal financial interest at stake – creating a severe conflict of interest so that the mentors profit while the student does not.

http://www.trumpuniversitylitigation.com/Content/Documents/Makaeff Complaint.pdf
Students consistently complain that they have timely requested refunds under Trump University’s money-back guarantee, but that Trump University failed to refund them their money. In addition, Trump deliberately designed its program and cancellation policy so that once students realize they are not getting the information promised, it is too late to cancel.

http://www.trumpuniversitylitigation.com/Content/Documents/Makaeff Complaint.pdf


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