Looks like Judge Curiel broke some US judge codes "of conduct"

Defendant literally had a "PlayBook" for his Scheme and nationwide advertising campaign to mislead student-victims. The PlayBook contains a chart depicting the upsell scheme executed across the country.

Specifically, Defendant first lured consumers in with a free 90-minute Live Event called the Preview. The Preview is used to persuade students to purchase the $1,495 "one year apprenticeship" course called the Fulfillment. If student-victims purchased the Fulfillment, Defendant used the Live Event to convince them to purchase Trump University's $35,000 Gold Elite program. Even then, after investing nearly $36,500, students still do not receive Defendant Trump's "secrets" they were promised, but are constantly subjected to upsells of additional Live Events, products and books.

http://www.trumpuniversitylitigation.com/Content/Documents/Cohen Complaint.pdf

After paying out the ass for a one year program, the victims got a three day sales course instead.
Though Defendant portrayed Trump University as a University with an admissions process and "Ivy League quality" rivaling Wharton Business School, Trump University was unaccredited and unlicensed to operate as an institution of higher learning. Trump University provided no degrees, no credits, no licenses, nor anything else of marketable value to student-victims.

Nice red herring you have there!

Nah... I nailed it and you know it G-Boy.
Nope. You missed by a country mile, retard. I have posted countless times on this forum I support John Kasich and will be writing him in.

Got any more stupidity you wish to expose about yourself, goldfish?

Good luck wasting your vote genius... why bother? You should just get drunk and rub one out. It'd be just as productive as writing in Kasich.
I'd only be wasting my vote and my principles if I cast my vote for Trump or Clinton.

My vote has to be EARNED.

Blah blah blah..... you're gonna get Clinton or Trump.
And you deserve either one of them.
Defendant literally had a "PlayBook" for his Scheme and nationwide advertising campaign to mislead student-victims. The PlayBook contains a chart depicting the upsell scheme executed across the country.

Specifically, Defendant first lured consumers in with a free 90-minute Live Event called the Preview. The Preview is used to persuade students to purchase the $1,495 "one year apprenticeship" course called the Fulfillment. If student-victims purchased the Fulfillment, Defendant used the Live Event to convince them to purchase Trump University's $35,000 Gold Elite program. Even then, after investing nearly $36,500, students still do not receive Defendant Trump's "secrets" they were promised, but are constantly subjected to upsells of additional Live Events, products and books.

http://www.trumpuniversitylitigation.com/Content/Documents/Cohen Complaint.pdf

After paying out the ass for a one year program, the victims got a three day sales course instead.

Sounds like some pretty dumb motherfuckers...
At the Preview, students were greeted by a large screen projector and two tall banners of Donald Trump's photo. The presentation opens with the song "Money, Money, Money," and the Main Promotional Video is shown.

The instructor is introduced as one of Donald Trump's top instructors who was hand selected because of his expertise and knowledge in the real estate business.

The speaker induces the audience to trust in the Donald Trump name and "family" by walking through the history of the Trump Organization and Defendant Trump's `humble beginnings.'

http://www.trumpuniversitylitigation.com/Content/Documents/Cohen Complaint.pdf

Humble beginnings! BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!
Though Defendant portrayed Trump University as a University with an admissions process and "Ivy League quality" rivaling Wharton Business School, Trump University was unaccredited and unlicensed to operate as an institution of higher learning. Trump University provided no degrees, no credits, no licenses, nor anything else of marketable value to student-victims.

Nah... I nailed it and you know it G-Boy.
Nope. You missed by a country mile, retard. I have posted countless times on this forum I support John Kasich and will be writing him in.

Got any more stupidity you wish to expose about yourself, goldfish?

Good luck wasting your vote genius... why bother? You should just get drunk and rub one out. It'd be just as productive as writing in Kasich.
I'd only be wasting my vote and my principles if I cast my vote for Trump or Clinton.

My vote has to be EARNED.

Blah blah blah..... you're gonna get Clinton or Trump.
And you deserve either one of them.

I live in reality.. live in your Kasich fantasy world if you want. Perhaps you could write in Ralph Nader!
The speaker emphasizes that on the television show, "The Apprentice," Donald Trump could only work one-on-one with one person a year, so he created Trump University — not to make money for himself, but so that he could teach others. With this program, "Mr. Trump takes you through an entire apprenticeship for one year." The speaker emphasizes that "Trump University is owned, lock, stock and barrel by Mr. Trump — it's his `baby,' his company, designed to help him accomplish his goal of leaving a legacy." The presentation plays on consumers' trust in the Donald Trump name, The Apprentice show, Defendant Trump's wealth and Defendant Trump's real estate expertise. Student-victims are shown slides that portray Trump University as the latest Donald Trump achievement.

http://www.trumpuniversitylitigation.com/Content/Documents/Cohen Complaint.pdf
Though Defendant portrayed Trump University as a University with an admissions process and "Ivy League quality" rivaling Wharton Business School, Trump University was unaccredited and unlicensed to operate as an institution of higher learning. Trump University provided no degrees, no credits, no licenses, nor anything else of marketable value to student-victims.

Nah... I nailed it and you know it G-Boy.
Nope. You missed by a country mile, retard. I have posted countless times on this forum I support John Kasich and will be writing him in.

Got any more stupidity you wish to expose about yourself, goldfish?

Good luck wasting your vote genius... why bother? You should just get drunk and rub one out. It'd be just as productive as writing in Kasich.
I'd only be wasting my vote and my principles if I cast my vote for Trump or Clinton.

My vote has to be EARNED.

Blah blah blah..... you're gonna get Clinton or Trump.
And you deserve either one of them.

Or, perhaps you could write-in Rue Paul?
Throughout, the instructor portrays him or herself as knowledgeable in the Donald Trump way of investing and that he or she is close to Defendant Trump through firsthand accounts of Defendant Trump.

The instructor also plays on the fears of the audience, which includes a significant percentage of senior citizens. "How many of you lost a lot of your 401k investment in the market? How many of you are retired or want to retire? How many of you want to leave a legacy or property to your children or grandchildren?" The speaker encourages attendees, including the elderly, to cash out their 401K' s or increase their credit limits so they can supposedly make a higher return on their investments in the foreclosure market.

http://www.trumpuniversitylitigation.com/Content/Documents/Cohen Complaint.pdf

What a sick bastard! Preying on the elderly!
The Gold Elite program was sold on the promise of a mentorship with Defendant Trump's handpicked real estate experts who would personally teach them Donald Trump's real estate strategies. Instead, none of the mentors was handpicked by Donald Trump or trained in his investing "secrets."
In January 2010, Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott's office launched a probe of Defendant and Trump University's advertising and business practices after getting two dozen complaints. Abbott said he was probing "possibly deceptive trade practices" dating back to 2008. Abbott's investigation resulted in Defendant's ultimate suspension of all Live Events in Texas in May 2010.

Almost immediately after Trump founded Trump University, the New York State Education Department ("NYSED") wrote to Donald Trump on May 27, 2005, warning him that using the name "University" was illegal without a license, and asked Trump to stop using the name "Trump University." Instead of complying, Defendant's agents created a fictitious office in Dover, Delaware, and then Defendant continued to brazenly operate illegally out of his 40 Wall Street office in New York, New York for five years.

http://www.trumpuniversitylitigation.com/Content/Documents/Cohen Complaint.pdf[

Oh, the horror. How many people died? Did someone get the Foster treatment? Did an ambassador die? Who got raped? Did he perjure himself? Was he disbarred? Is he under criminal investigation for possible breaches of national security? Drug smuggling? Is there a Whitewater like thingy?

You're such a leftwing hack G.
The facts just burn your ass, don't they.

And you think it's okay to break the law and rip people off if no one dies. I seeeeeee...

It is fascinating to see what lengths you piss drinkers will go to defend your idol. There literally is no limit.
He's a con man. But he sold these folks what they wanted: a con. That's the essence of any con: the victim actually has to convince himself. I can't convince someone that something too good to possibly be true is really true. The victim's own greed or desperation makes the sale because they NEED to BELIEVE.

I don't find Trump U to be that big a deal in and of itself.

But Trump is selling the middle class that he'll reform taxes when he and his actual supporters don't pay taxes ... or their bills.

Who would pay taxes if they can avoid doing so? That would be just stupid.
Exactly, and the tax laws should encourage people like Trump to pay now taxes. Roll on Tumpeters
In January 2010, Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott's office launched a probe of Defendant and Trump University's advertising and business practices after getting two dozen complaints. Abbott said he was probing "possibly deceptive trade practices" dating back to 2008. Abbott's investigation resulted in Defendant's ultimate suspension of all Live Events in Texas in May 2010.

Dude.. you're obsessing.. .seek medical attention. None of this matters.

Almost immediately after Trump founded Trump University, the New York State Education Department ("NYSED") wrote to Donald Trump on May 27, 2005, warning him that using the name "University" was illegal without a license, and asked Trump to stop using the name "Trump University." Instead of complying, Defendant's agents created a fictitious office in Dover, Delaware, and then Defendant continued to brazenly operate illegally out of his 40 Wall Street office in New York, New York for five years.

http://www.trumpuniversitylitigation.com/Content/Documents/Cohen Complaint.pdf[

Oh, the horror. How many people died? Did someone get the Foster treatment? Did an ambassador die? Who got raped? Did he perjure himself? Was he disbarred? Is he under criminal investigation for possible breaches of national security? Drug smuggling? Is there a Whitewater like thingy?

You're such a leftwing hack G.
The facts just burn your ass, don't they.

And you think it's okay to break the law and rip people off if no one dies. I seeeeeee...

It is fascinating to see what lengths you piss drinkers will go to defend your idol. There literally is no limit.
He's a con man. But he sold these folks what they wanted: a con. That's the essence of any con: the victim actually has to convince himself. I can't convince someone that something too good to possibly be true is really true. The victim's own greed or desperation makes the sale because they NEED to BELIEVE.

I don't find Trump U to be that big a deal in and of itself.

But Trump is selling the middle class that he'll reform taxes when he and his actual supporters don't pay taxes ... or their bills.

Who would pay taxes if they can avoid doing so? That would be just stupid.
Exactly, and the tax laws should encourage people like Trump to pay now taxes. Roll on Tumpeters

What are now taxes? And what kind of law "encourages" paying taxes? How does that work?
Pattern of Racketeering Activity

Defendant Trump, who is a person associated-in-fact with the Trump University Enterprise, knowingly, willfully, and unlawfully conducted or participated, directly or indirectly, in the affairs of the enterprise through a pattern of racketeering activity within the meaning of 18 U.S.C. § 1961(1), 1961(5) and 1962(c). The racketeering activity was made possible by the regular and repeated use of the facilities, services, distribution channels, and employees of the Trump University Enterprise.

Defendant Trump committed multiple "Racketeering Acts," as described 4 below, including aiding and abetting such acts.

The Racketeering Acts were not isolated, but rather were related in that they had the same or similar purposes and results, participants, victims, and methods of commission. Further, the Racketeering Acts were continuous, occurring on a regular (daily) basis throughout a time period beginning in mid-2007 and, upon information and belief, continuing through at least 2010.

In devising and executing the Scheme, Defendant Trump and Trump University personnel committed acts constituting indictable offenses under 18 U.S.C. § § 1341 and 1343, in that he devised and knowingly carried out a material scheme or artifice to defraud or to obtain money by means of materially false or fraudulent pretenses, representations, promises, or omissions of material facts. For the purpose of executing the Scheme, Defendant committed these Racketeering Acts, which number in the thousands, intentionally and knowingly, with the specific intent to advance the Illegal Scheme.

Defendant used thousands of mail and interstate wire communications to create and perpetuate the Scheme through virtually uniform misrepresentations, concealments and material omissions.
wow Soggy you're smart. Donald pays no taxes and he doesn't intend to change that. Happy now. Go stand in the sun
In January 2010, Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott's office launched a probe of Defendant and Trump University's advertising and business practices after getting two dozen complaints. Abbott said he was probing "possibly deceptive trade practices" dating back to 2008. Abbott's investigation resulted in Defendant's ultimate suspension of all Live Events in Texas in May 2010.

Dude.. you're obsessing.. .seek medical attention. None of this matters.
Says the dude in the umpteenth topic about the judge.

The person who wrote the OP has started at least two topics about the judge in as many days.
Are all Democrats crooks? Hillary is a crook. The judge is a crook. Obama is a crook.

LOL- how very hilarious- once again Conservatives start with the noose and then whine about why people think that trials are necessary.

Who is being convicted of crimes?
Republican Former House Leader Dennis Hastert- for crimes related to child molestation
Republican governor of Virginia- Bob McDonnel- convicted of 11 counts of corruption charges.

Who has not been convicted of crimes
President Obama
Secretary Clinton
Judge Curiel

Sure- its just Democrats.......on your brain.
RWNJ'S seem to be the only people in America that don't understand that the organizations are completely separate and are not related. But we give you an A for trying.
The code of conduct says he can't be a member of a group that excludes members based on race, creed or national origin.

What part of that don't you understand?

And what group does he belong to the excludes members based upon any of that?
Are all Democrats crooks? Hillary is a crook. The judge is a crook. Obama is a crook.



You can't even comprehend what you just read, can you? Just stick with the Dr. Seuss and let others worry about this, mkay?

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