Looks like Obama was correct about Benghazi

After hearing about and reading the investigative report by the New York Times blaming a video for the attacks on the US Consulate in Benghazi, Libya on September 11, 2012; which killed four Americans including Ambassador Chris Stevens, sources and eyewitnesses on the ground that night slammed the report as 'completely false.'

Doesn't pay to contradict people who were actually there as it happened, now does it. I gather the NYT and the Obama Administration should be ashamed of themselves for turning this into a farce. Those four men who died that night deserve better than this.

Fifteen months after the Sept. 11 attack in Benghazi which killed Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans, the narrative of the attack continues to be shaped, and reshaped, by politicians and the press.

But a New York Times report published over the weekend has angered sources who were on the ground that night. Those sources, who continue to face threats of losing their jobs, sharply challenged the Times’ findings that there was no involvement from Al Qaeda or any other international terror group and that an anti-Islam film played a role in inciting the initial wave of attacks.

“It was a coordinated attack. It is completely false to say anything else. … It is completely a lie,” one witness to the attack told Fox News.

The controversial Times report has stirred a community that normally remains out of sight and wrestles with how to reveal the truth, without revealing classified information.

Fox News has learned that the attack on the consulate started with fighters assembling to conduct an assault.

"Guys were coming into the compound, moving left, moving right…and using IMT (individual movement techniques). … That’s not a spontaneous attack,” one special operator said.

"One guy was shooting, one guy was running. There are guys watching the gates. … The bosses on the ground were pointing, commanding and coordinating -- that is a direct action planned attack."

The community of operators in Libya that night and since includes the CIA, FBI, U.S. military, U.S. State Department and contractors working for the United States in a number of capacities. According to multiple sources on the ground that night, all the intelligence personnel in Benghazi before the attack and there now understand Al Qaeda is a significant threat in Libya.

'Completely false': Sources on ground in Benghazi challenge NYT report | Fox News
Yes the NY times is a known far left propaganda organization for the DNC. All this proves that they are a mouth piece for the current administration.
Wake up, this is nothing but an attempt by the left wing press to excuse Hillary's terrible job as SecState. Those 4 americans died because "what difference does it make" was her attitude as to protecting americans overseas.

Sorry, libs, but it won't work.

No, four diplomats died because the middle east is a dangerous place.

That your side kept trying to use the coffins of brave Americans as soap-boxes and got slapped down repeatedly for trying it shows you just don't learn.

Sure its a dangerous place, thats why they should have been provided with adequate protection--------protection that they requested and Hillary denied.

Tell that to your Republican leaders who refused to fund more security......the rw is all about not taking responsibility for their ineptness.
Does anyone know if an armed drone was overhead as the attack formed at the Benghazi consulate?

Would it have made a difference ?

This is the stupidest piece of shit I have ever witnessed. I'm no einstein but I'm smart.
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Repub- voters will have to move on to the next Firebug led investigation. Did I mention that he uses taxpayer $$$ for these dog & pony shows that invariably lead nowhere?

I'd be interested in the final tab to the taxpayers of this great nation for all of Firebug's dead-end investigations.

This from the party that wants to cut spending and less government......rich...:lol::lol:
Yeah sure, that's why those on the right had to falsify the e-mails......to make sure they said what the "right" lied about what the CIA said....:lol::lol:

Are you serious? That was thoroughly discussed on the thousand Benghazi threads started by the right....

Oh, that's right, Faux News wouldn't have covered it.....:lol::lol:

Funny how the rw always seems to miss all the stories outing their deceitfulness.....:lol:

One day after The White House released 100 pages of Benghazi emails, a report has surfaced alleging that Republicans released a set with altered text.
Republicans Altered Benghazi Emails, CBS News Report Claims

White House: GOP fabricated leaked Benghazi email | TheHill

I had forgotten about that.
No, four diplomats died because the middle east is a dangerous place.

That your side kept trying to use the coffins of brave Americans as soap-boxes and got slapped down repeatedly for trying it shows you just don't learn.

Sure its a dangerous place, thats why they should have been provided with adequate protection--------protection that they requested and Hillary denied.

Tell that to your Republican leaders who refused to fund more security......the rw is all about not taking responsibility for their ineptness.

Whoa and we will do battle up and coming.

What dumb fuck couldnt figure out that Ottawa didn't need an extra guy?

What dumb mother freaking idiot decided to hire Libyan rebels as security guards?
No, four diplomats died because the middle east is a dangerous place.

That your side kept trying to use the coffins of brave Americans as soap-boxes and got slapped down repeatedly for trying it shows you just don't learn.

Sure its a dangerous place, thats why they should have been provided with adequate protection--------protection that they requested and Hillary denied.

Tell that to your Republican leaders who refused to fund more security......the rw is all about not taking responsibility for their ineptness.

Fuck you. You can't figure out how to move security around?

But that's not the worst of it. You hired libyan rebels

What could possibly go wrong??????????????????

You spent the money.
Let's get down and dirty here.

You bought and paid for a Libyan protection team. You actually did this.
Sure its a dangerous place, thats why they should have been provided with adequate protection--------protection that they requested and Hillary denied.

Tell that to your Republican leaders who refused to fund more security......the rw is all about not taking responsibility for their ineptness.

Whoa and we will do battle up and coming.

What dumb fuck couldnt figure out that Ottawa didn't need an extra guy?

What dumb mother freaking idiot decided to hire Libyan rebels as security guards?

Did you miss something?

You can't cut spending on security and then bitch about why security wasn't increased.....logic...use logic....

Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) said today that he voted to cut funding for U.S. embassy security amid political attacks from Republicans that the Obama administration did not do enough to secure the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi, Libya that was attacked last month.
But hidden beneath the GOP campaign is the fact that House Republicans voted to cut nearly $300 million from the U.S. embassy security budget. When asked if he voted to cut the funds this morning on CNN, Chaffetz said, “Absolutely“:
GOP Rep: I 'Absolutely' Voted To Cut Funding For Embassy Security | ThinkProgress

Repub- voters will have to move on to the next Firebug led investigation. Did I mention that he uses taxpayer $$$ for these dog & pony shows that invariably lead nowhere?

I'd be interested in the final tab to the taxpayers of this great nation for all of Firebug's dead-end investigations.

This from the party that wants to cut spending and less government......rich...:lol::lol:

You best be ready.
Sure its a dangerous place, thats why they should have been provided with adequate protection--------protection that they requested and Hillary denied.

Tell that to your Republican leaders who refused to fund more security......the rw is all about not taking responsibility for their ineptness.

Fuck you. You can't figure out how to move security around?

But that's not the worst of it. You hired libyan rebels

What could possibly go wrong??????????????????

You spent the money.

Yeah, you cut the funding and then bitch about not increasing security....typical conservative reasoning.....it takes money to move them around too, or did you think they paid for their own moves? Geez......no wonder your party is losing elections.....

Are you serious? That was thoroughly discussed on the thousand Benghazi threads started by the right....

Oh, that's right, Faux News wouldn't have covered it.....:lol::lol:

Funny how the rw always seems to miss all the stories outing their deceitfulness.....:lol:

One day after The White House released 100 pages of Benghazi emails, a report has surfaced alleging that Republicans released a set with altered text.
Republicans Altered Benghazi Emails, CBS News Report Claims

White House: GOP fabricated leaked Benghazi email | TheHill

I had forgotten about that.

Looks like they (rw) conveniently forgot that, too.....:lol::lol:
Are you serious? That was thoroughly discussed on the thousand Benghazi threads started by the right....

Oh, that's right, Faux News wouldn't have covered it.....:lol::lol:

Funny how the rw always seems to miss all the stories outing their deceitfulness.....:lol:

One day after The White House released 100 pages of Benghazi emails, a report has surfaced alleging that Republicans released a set with altered text.
Republicans Altered Benghazi Emails, CBS News Report Claims

White House: GOP fabricated leaked Benghazi email | TheHill

I had forgotten about that.

Looks like they (rw) conveniently forgot that, too.....:lol::lol:

I see the far left will believe anything that Obama tells them to believe.
Tell that to your Republican leaders who refused to fund more security......the rw is all about not taking responsibility for their ineptness.

Whoa and we will do battle up and coming.

What dumb fuck couldnt figure out that Ottawa didn't need an extra guy?

What dumb mother freaking idiot decided to hire Libyan rebels as security guards?

Did you miss something?

You can't cut spending on security and then bitch about why security wasn't increased.....logic...use logic....

Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) said today that he voted to cut funding for U.S. embassy security amid political attacks from Republicans that the Obama administration did not do enough to secure the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi, Libya that was attacked last month.
But hidden beneath the GOP campaign is the fact that House Republicans voted to cut nearly $300 million from the U.S. embassy security budget. When asked if he voted to cut the funds this morning on CNN, Chaffetz said, “Absolutely“:
GOP Rep: I 'Absolutely' Voted To Cut Funding For Embassy Security | ThinkProgress

Well this will freak you out.:lol:I'm a huge Hillory fan. She's my guy. I don't know how to explain this. And boy oh boy it doesn't look good when you print it out.
So much for the Republican campaign against Hillary

A Deadly Mix in Benghazi - The New York Times

Months of investigation by The New York Times, centered on extensive interviews with Libyans in Benghazi who had direct knowledge of the attack there and its context, turned up no evidence that Al Qaeda or other international terrorist groups had any role in the assault.

Yeah--we saw them burning all those "video's"--LOL.

This was a planned orchestrated attack on our U.S. Consulate in Bengazi. It definitely was a terrorist attack on the anniversary of 9/11--and it was the 3rd attack on this consulate prior to any video showing up.

The NYT's is just putting out a smoke screen to get the news off of Obamacare for a couple of days--that no one believes anyway. Sworn congressional testimony by those in security and others at this compound says much different.


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