Looks Like the Trump Admin is Bringing Dark Secrets to The Light

"So, sir, if you think the law is more important than kids being fed,

Why are they not feeding their children?
Takes money, idiot.
/—-/ Libs say stand in line at the food bank and feed your kids institutional grade food.
There is always the dumpster to dive if you prefer to be non-institutionalized..Or they could work on a farm..Or they could ask for SNAP and buy the food in the stores that has not been hoarded..
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Haha ohh ok.... even though Obama is on record directing caution to do things by the book, you go ahead and assume he was just joking and was really winking it out. Are you for real?
Are you? You can believe what Obama said, if you are really stupid, like a dumb farm animal.

Or you can look with you own lying eyes at what his minions did!
Like the Steele dossier, like the fraudulent way the FBI got FISA warrants, like the way the FBI use a
perjury trap to nail Michael Flynn, etc.

Jesus!! Wake up, mother fukker! Stop being so damned stupid. DID Obama's flying moneys play "by the book"?
That's not what the record shows.
Haha your back to the fake perjury trap?! There is no such thing as a perjury trap. That’s a fake phrase used to make excuses for liars. I see the broken record is now on repeat. This conversation seems to be over. I’m not interested in repeating myself. You obviously don’t agree with my points and I don’t agree with yours so that’s that.
These turds can’t form an honest argument. The IG did find many issues with the way the investigation was conducted yet they still need to lie and distort what is valid criticism. That’s pathetic
You have yet to list the lies you allege. You have a lot of guts talking about "honest arguments".
I’m not alleging lies. He was fired by Trump for lying to Pence, he was arrested by the FBI for lying about his conversations with the Russians, he plead guilty twice in court, Mueller outline several lies from Flynn in his report.... saying he didn’t lie makes you sound delusional
Again, context is everything, with your post we only get part of the story.
Of course you’re getting part of the story. I’m not here to write a novel. One point at a time. Instead of wasting space pointing out the obvious why don’t you add to the discussion by making a point of your own or counter argument to my point.
It's disingenuous....the only way you can make it work is using half truths. Which you and your ilk use freely.
These turds can’t form an honest argument. The IG did find many issues with the way the investigation was conducted yet they still need to lie and distort what is valid criticism. That’s pathetic
You have yet to list the lies you allege. You have a lot of guts talking about "honest arguments".
I’m not alleging lies. He was fired by Trump for lying to Pence, he was arrested by the FBI for lying about his conversations with the Russians, he plead guilty twice in court, Mueller outline several lies from Flynn in his report.... saying he didn’t lie makes you sound delusional
Again, context is everything, with your post we only get part of the story.
Of course you’re getting part of the story. I’m not here to write a novel. One point at a time. Instead of wasting space pointing out the obvious why don’t you add to the discussion by making a point of your own or counter argument to my point.
It's a disingenuous....the only way you can make it work is using half truths. Which you and your ilk use freely.
Half truth? Such as...
"So, sir, if you think the law is more important than kids being fed,

Why are they not feeding their children?
Takes money, idiot.
/—-/ Libs say stand in line at the food bank and feed your kids institutional grade food.
There is always the dumpster to dive if you prefer to be non-institutionalized..Or they could work on a farm..Orr they could ask for SNAP and buy the food in the stores that has not been hoarded..
/——/ Anything to avoid the humiliation of actually earning a living and paying your own way.
Coyote Just LISTEN to this bragging bastard traitor ENTERTAINING TDSers like you about AMBUSHING Gen Flynn.,. He's just a HERO to them... NEEDS the credit at that point for GETTING a special counsel to investigate NOTHING that the FBI had on Russia Russia Russia...

This interview was shortly after he was fired and going out on "The Resistance Tour" to whip up the dittohead resisters about Russia..

Boils my blood at the level of ABUSE OF POWER that's here... Not the "abuse of power" you IMAGINED existed in the 1st weeks of the Trump Admin...

Watch IT -- and tell me this is funny or APPROPRIATE now that America KNOWS the FBI had NOTHING ON RUSSIA about Flynn and THEY knew this also...

I am no fan of Comey, particularly with what he did to Hilary, but 1 minute 32 second snippet isn’t going to make or break a case. It just feeds emotions.

You think I imagined abuse of power with Trump? I am just a TDS’er eh? That is your fall back when I point serious issues with Trump. Well, I know one thing for sure, I am not so far up Trump’s ass I am imitating a suppository.

In the history of bullshit hypocritical statements, you just skyrocketed to the top and lost my respect all at once.


Comey confesses in 1:32 and you say it doesn't matter.

There is simply zero point in even trying to talk to someone who ignores. FUCKING GOD DAMN CONFESSION so she can keep partisan hate alive.

Like a security blanket, huh?

A 1:32 minute out of context snippet is an entire confession but an analysis from lawfare is fraudulent (I doubt you even bothered to read it).

You guys are looney tunes with no interest in discussion if it doesn’t support your pet conspiracy theory and make Trump’s ass shine.

keeping the partisan hate alive...good job dude, because that is what you are doing here when you can’t even entertain the idea of another point of view. You can drop your pretense of open mindedness, you are just another Trumpbot.

Nice leftist-Democrat talking points. You are quite the propagandist. Do they pay you?

can you challenge any of the legal points made in lawfare?

There WERE no "legal points" of value in that Lawfare screed.. The guy just DISMISSED "the ambush" while Comey was bragging publicly about it.. Just like you did.. He SPECULATED as to what the judge would do... And WORSE -- he misrepresented WHY Flynn CHANGED his COUNSEL..

The TRUTH IS it wasn't about a whim.. His FORMER counsels were ACTIVELY SCREWING HIM.. Withholding IMPORTANT exculpatory evidence from the court that SHOWED he was set-up, THREATENED and ambushed by the FBI.. When the FBI KNOWINGLY was ready to close the "official" Russian investigation into Flynn..

THAT LIE of omission makes the LawFare article lame and useless.. Because it's no BETTER than uninformed or INTENTIONAL Bullshit that gets posted on USMB...

Wow. Simply wow. No legal points of value huh? I don’t think you read it.

What specific evidence was withheld? And how would it have made a difference?

The 302's where the agents said flynn wasn't lying. C'mon Coyote, you're better than this.

Yeah the facts are Flynn wasn't lying until Comey said he was. Comey should be in jail.

They should ALL be imprisoned for life. That's the only thing that has a chance to prevent the next scumbag bureaucrat who thinks they are above the law.

Throw Trump in their while you are at it.

Why would I do that? He's not the subject of this thread. The subject is the FBI lying to the Court, and falsifying documents.

Next time you hurl the "you are a trump cultist" epithet, I suggest you look in the mirror.

I am talking about criminal wrongdoing on the part of the FBI. You are launching non sequitur after non sequitur, and resorting to personal insults when the evidence is clearly against you.

Stop it.

I would suggest you look at what some of the other participants here are doing. I've posted discussion, I've posted sources. But certain people would rather discuss anything else BUT that. If all they are going to lob personal insults, then why exactly do I want to waste my time with them?

I and many others have also posted sources like the exact verbiage of the FBI where they admitted trying to get Flynn to lie. Sources that show Flynn was not read his Miranda rights and was not encouraged to get a lawyer. He did not even enjoy a presumption of innocence. Rights even a common criminal is given in this country. Neither you nor any of the other TDSers want to address that, all you/they do is beat the same old dead horse that "Flynn lied" while absolutely refusing to see the whole picture.

Flynn made the choice to lie. Testing his honesty is not a crime and it’s not inappropriate. It’s exactly what cops do when they investigate to see if people are trustworthy. Flynn was not trustworthy

Testing his honesty is not a crime and it’s not inappropriate.

His honesty isn't an issue if they aren't conducting a legitimate investigation.

Flynn was not trustworthy

Not material.
you're wrong. Giving honest accounts to cops is material and relevant. Lying is illegal.

If you haven't already watched this, you really should.

Jimmy Dore is a far, far lefty.
Hates Trump!!!
And totally dissects all the sleaze and lies of this FBI crap.

Ok, well I made it 3 minutes in after the host repeatedly said that the IG claimed the FBI lied over and over again to the FISA court and then played a video of the IGs actual testimony where he didn’t say once that the FBI lied over and over again to the FISA court.
See when you post crap like this that is such blaring manipulation of the facts, it just becomes a waste of time. If this is the stuff you consider news then I feel sorry for you.

Wait, you watched only 3 minutes?

Yes... when a 50 minute video can’t make it through the first few minutes without lying then it’s pretty clear that it’s not worth wasting my time watching crap like that

I can understand your reluctance to watch a far, far left-wing Trump hater
slam the obvious, wide-spread abuses committed by the FBI against Flynn.

It might burst your bubble.

I don’t really care who says what. I don’t pledge loyalty like you constantly push like a tard. But I’m it going to waste my time listening to dishonest garbage. You May like the echo chamber of lies but as soon as I see or read that crap I stop wasting my time. Send me an honest video or article and I’m happy to read. But that one couldn’t make it past the intro without spouting lies. Haha, and you all lean on that crap as proof of something. Pathetic

"So, sir, if you think the law is more important than kids being fed,

Why are they not feeding their children?
Takes money, idiot.
/—-/ Libs say stand in line at the food bank and feed your kids institutional grade food.
There is always the dumpster to dive if you prefer to be non-institutionalized..Or they could work on a farm..Orr they could ask for SNAP and buy the food in the stores that has not been hoarded..
/——/ Anything to avoid the humiliation of actually earning a living and paying your own way.
Yeah, that is what the humans are good at.
I gave it a shot. I’m not wasting an hour of my life watching something that started out as a clearly dishonest agenda pushing piece of propaganda. I can’t watch that crap on either side of the political aisle.

If there are points they make that you feel are valid then make them here and we can discuss. But I’m not spending an hour watching dishonest crap
Speaking of dishonest someone who preemptively decides something is a lie, therefor he doesn't have to look
at any evidence, is about as honest as a murder trial where the judge says the defense are liars so no trial is
needed! You didn't give anything a shot!

Someone who isn't a liar, like you clearly are, might decide a video by progressives who dislike Trump
and by an award winning progressive journalist, is at least worth watching once.

But not you! Your lies and dishonesty are an insult to serious decent minds and people. You don't have a leg to
stand on, and your excuses and whimpering are patently and transparently as phony and dishonest as can be.
So fuck off! You aren't worth the rage you cause.
These turds can’t form an honest argument. The IG did find many issues with the way the investigation was conducted yet they still need to lie and distort what is valid criticism. That’s pathetic
You have yet to list the lies you allege. You have a lot of guts talking about "honest arguments".
I’m not alleging lies. He was fired by Trump for lying to Pence, he was arrested by the FBI for lying about his conversations with the Russians, he plead guilty twice in court, Mueller outline several lies from Flynn in his report.... saying he didn’t lie makes you sound delusional
Again, context is everything, with your post we only get part of the story.
Of course you’re getting part of the story. I’m not here to write a novel. One point at a time. Instead of wasting space pointing out the obvious why don’t you add to the discussion by making a point of your own or counter argument to my point.
It's a disingenuous....the only way you can make it work is using half truths. Which you and your ilk use freely.
Half truth? Such as...
see any of your previous posts for reference.
These turds can’t form an honest argument. The IG did find many issues with the way the investigation was conducted yet they still need to lie and distort what is valid criticism. That’s pathetic
You have yet to list the lies you allege. You have a lot of guts talking about "honest arguments".
I’m not alleging lies. He was fired by Trump for lying to Pence, he was arrested by the FBI for lying about his conversations with the Russians, he plead guilty twice in court, Mueller outline several lies from Flynn in his report.... saying he didn’t lie makes you sound delusional
Again, context is everything, with your post we only get part of the story.
Of course you’re getting part of the story. I’m not here to write a novel. One point at a time. Instead of wasting space pointing out the obvious why don’t you add to the discussion by making a point of your own or counter argument to my point.
It's a disingenuous....the only way you can make it work is using half truths. Which you and your ilk use freely.
Half truth? Such as...
Not telling the entire event of how's and WHY'S. Just telling the story in the light that you and your ilk want it to be received.
Don't be stupid, you know what you're doing.
These turds can’t form an honest argument. The IG did find many issues with the way the investigation was conducted yet they still need to lie and distort what is valid criticism. That’s pathetic
You have yet to list the lies you allege. You have a lot of guts talking about "honest arguments".
I’m not alleging lies. He was fired by Trump for lying to Pence, he was arrested by the FBI for lying about his conversations with the Russians, he plead guilty twice in court, Mueller outline several lies from Flynn in his report.... saying he didn’t lie makes you sound delusional
Again, context is everything, with your post we only get part of the story.
Of course you’re getting part of the story. I’m not here to write a novel. One point at a time. Instead of wasting space pointing out the obvious why don’t you add to the discussion by making a point of your own or counter argument to my point.
It's a disingenuous....the only way you can make it work is using half truths. Which you and your ilk use freely.
Half truth? Such as...
Not telling the entire event of how's and WHY'S. Just telling the story in the light that you and your ilk want it to be received.
Don't be stupid, you know what you're doing.
you're about to win an all expenses paid vacation to egypt with a trip down "de nile" as your grand prize.
These turds can’t form an honest argument. The IG did find many issues with the way the investigation was conducted yet they still need to lie and distort what is valid criticism. That’s pathetic
You have yet to list the lies you allege. You have a lot of guts talking about "honest arguments".
I’m not alleging lies. He was fired by Trump for lying to Pence, he was arrested by the FBI for lying about his conversations with the Russians, he plead guilty twice in court, Mueller outline several lies from Flynn in his report.... saying he didn’t lie makes you sound delusional
Again, context is everything, with your post we only get part of the story.
Of course you’re getting part of the story. I’m not here to write a novel. One point at a time. Instead of wasting space pointing out the obvious why don’t you add to the discussion by making a point of your own or counter argument to my point.
It's a disingenuous....the only way you can make it work is using half truths. Which you and your ilk use freely.
Half truth? Such as...
Not telling the entire event of how's and WHY'S. Just telling the story in the light that you and your ilk want it to be received.
Don't be stupid, you know what you're doing.
you're about to win an all expenses paid vacation to egypt with a trip down "de nile" as your grand prize.
Yeah, I know, I know, they always skirt the truth.
These turds can’t form an honest argument. The IG did find many issues with the way the investigation was conducted yet they still need to lie and distort what is valid criticism. That’s pathetic
You have yet to list the lies you allege. You have a lot of guts talking about "honest arguments".
I’m not alleging lies. He was fired by Trump for lying to Pence, he was arrested by the FBI for lying about his conversations with the Russians, he plead guilty twice in court, Mueller outline several lies from Flynn in his report.... saying he didn’t lie makes you sound delusional
Again, context is everything, with your post we only get part of the story.
Of course you’re getting part of the story. I’m not here to write a novel. One point at a time. Instead of wasting space pointing out the obvious why don’t you add to the discussion by making a point of your own or counter argument to my point.
It's a disingenuous....the only way you can make it work is using half truths. Which you and your ilk use freely.
Half truth? Such as...
Not telling the entire event of how's and WHY'S. Just telling the story in the light that you and your ilk want it to be received.
Don't be stupid, you know what you're doing.
you're about to win an all expenses paid vacation to egypt with a trip down "de nile" as your grand prize.
Yeah, I know, I know, they always skirt the truth.
skirt hell, at this point we're to a full blown floor length gown with more fluff than a dozen bridesmaids.
These turds can’t form an honest argument. The IG did find many issues with the way the investigation was conducted yet they still need to lie and distort what is valid criticism. That’s pathetic
You have yet to list the lies you allege. You have a lot of guts talking about "honest arguments".
I’m not alleging lies. He was fired by Trump for lying to Pence, he was arrested by the FBI for lying about his conversations with the Russians, he plead guilty twice in court, Mueller outline several lies from Flynn in his report.... saying he didn’t lie makes you sound delusional
Again, context is everything, with your post we only get part of the story.
Of course you’re getting part of the story. I’m not here to write a novel. One point at a time. Instead of wasting space pointing out the obvious why don’t you add to the discussion by making a point of your own or counter argument to my point.
It's a disingenuous....the only way you can make it work is using half truths. Which you and your ilk use freely.
Half truth? Such as...
Not telling the entire event of how's and WHY'S. Just telling the story in the light that you and your ilk want it to be received.
Don't be stupid, you know what you're doing.
you're about to win an all expenses paid vacation to egypt with a trip down "de nile" as your grand prize.
Yeah, I know, I know, they always skirt the truth.

That's because eventually, the non evil people, have to admit that they have been suckered, and have been serving evil.

Those who are evil, like most of the professional progressive propagandists here, don't care.
I gave it a shot. I’m not wasting an hour of my life watching something that started out as a clearly dishonest agenda pushing piece of propaganda. I can’t watch that crap on either side of the political aisle.

If there are points they make that you feel are valid then make them here and we can discuss. But I’m not spending an hour watching dishonest crap
Speaking of dishonest someone who preemptively decides something is a lie, therefor he doesn't have to look
at any evidence, is about as honest as a murder trial where the judge says the defense are liars so no trial is
needed! You didn't give anything a shot!

Someone who isn't a liar, like you clearly are, might decide a video by progressives who dislike Trump
and by an award winning progressive journalist, is at least worth watching once.

But not you! Your lies and dishonesty are an insult to serious decent minds and people. You don't have a leg to
stand on, and your excuses and whimpering are patently and transparently as phony and dishonest as can be.
So fuck off! You aren't worth the rage you cause.
I’m Saying Flynn lied according to Trump when he fired him, the FBI when they charged him and Flynn when he admitted it in court. You keep fighting the good fight though!! You’re super believable... *wink wink
These turds can’t form an honest argument. The IG did find many issues with the way the investigation was conducted yet they still need to lie and distort what is valid criticism. That’s pathetic
You have yet to list the lies you allege. You have a lot of guts talking about "honest arguments".
I’m not alleging lies. He was fired by Trump for lying to Pence, he was arrested by the FBI for lying about his conversations with the Russians, he plead guilty twice in court, Mueller outline several lies from Flynn in his report.... saying he didn’t lie makes you sound delusional
Again, context is everything, with your post we only get part of the story.
Of course you’re getting part of the story. I’m not here to write a novel. One point at a time. Instead of wasting space pointing out the obvious why don’t you add to the discussion by making a point of your own or counter argument to my point.
It's a disingenuous....the only way you can make it work is using half truths. Which you and your ilk use freely.
Half truth? Such as...
Not telling the entire event of how's and WHY'S. Just telling the story in the light that you and your ilk want it to be received.
Don't be stupid, you know what you're doing.
Im challenging one point and your critiquing me because I didn’t lay out very detail to the story?! Are you serious. Is every post supposed to be pages long? Should I get it published?

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