Looks Like the Trump Admin is Bringing Dark Secrets to The Light

BTW, it's time everyone who wants out start posting and calling and saying that the stay at home didn't work, nursing homes are still losing residents. that was the wrong play and to 'cease and desist'
Woman Sentenced To Week In Jail For Refusing To Apologize For Reopening Salon – USSA News | The Tea Party's Front Page

So this lady in Texas opens up her hair salon in defiance of a governor decree not to work because she had to feed her family as well as those who worked for her had to feed their family.

All the lady had to do was apologize to the judge and say she was selfish to avoid jail, to which she replied, "How is trying to feed my kids and the kids of my employees selfish?"

All she had to do was lick his boots and she could have avoided jail time, but she declined respectfully rather than be humiliated and oppressed by the state at the same time. Maybe in jail she can find some food. So the judge sent her to 7 days jail where Covid is spreading like wildfire.

What a callous arrogant prick of a buffoon the judge is.

How does this make any sense? It obviously is not Constitutional, but Progressives reinterpreted that long ago so as to ignore it. Most don't read the disclaimer on the First Amendment that gives people the right to assemble. On the back it says, "EXCEPT FOR COVID STUPID"
Can't blame me, I didn't vote for the skidmark!
I didn't vote for my governor either. prickster is a pugsly and cartman combined. he thinks he's kim jong un

These turds can’t form an honest argument. The IG did find many issues with the way the investigation was conducted yet they still need to lie and distort what is valid criticism. That’s pathetic

And frustrating. They are turning valid criticisms into grist to fuel their huge, multifaceted conspiracy theory of a coup. You can’t argue conspiracy theories, logic has no place there, it becomes an exercise in frustation. That is what I found with birthers.
Faist Judge demands shop owner apology for opening a few days early to help her staff earn a living. She refused, gets 7 days in prison and $7,000 fine

A Dallas salon owner has been sentenced to seven days in prison for keeping her salon open, reports The Dallas Morning News.

Shelley Luther was also fined $7,000 for continuing to operate her business, Salon a la Mode.

Dallas County Judge Eric Moye ruled against Luther for both criminal and civil contempt.
Moye told Luther she owes local leaders an apology.

"I have to disagree with you, sir, when you say that I am selfish because feeding my kids is not selfish," she said. "I have hair stylists that are going hungry because they'd rather feed their kids.

"So, sir, if you think the law is more important than kids being fed, then please go ahead with your decision, but I'm not going to shut the salon."
Salons and barbershops can reopen May 8, but Luther told Moye she would still reopen her establishment before then.
So Texas Governor Abbot is a 'libtard' now?
"So, sir, if you think the law is more important than kids being fed,

Why are they not feeding their children?
no money to buy food? isn't that what poor means? here,

Learn to pronounce

adjective: poor; comparative adjective: poorer; superlative adjective: poorest
  1. 1.
    lacking sufficient money to live at a standard considered comfortable or normal in a society.
They are giving away food from local, state and federal sources..How can one not be able to feed their child? If they ever get to the point where I was once because of a health issue and have to get their meals from dumpster diving them I will join their cause.
/——-/ Mortgages or rents, utilities, car insurance.... BTW, since when is it the business owners responsibility to prove their business is a necessity? WTF business is it of some bureaucrat who decides if you can make a living or not.

I recall when Liberals would be on the front lines demanding people’s liberties restored.
I remember when the government and the president were not so incompetent that we still don't have equipment to protect workers. Great job as always
"So, sir, if you think the law is more important than kids being fed,

Why are they not feeding their children?
no money to buy food? isn't that what poor means? here,

Learn to pronounce

adjective: poor; comparative adjective: poorer; superlative adjective: poorest
  1. 1.
    lacking sufficient money to live at a standard considered comfortable or normal in a society.
They are giving away food from local, state and federal sources..How can one not be able to feed their child? If they ever get to the point where I was once because of a health issue and have to get their meals from dumpster diving them I will join their cause.
/——-/ Mortgages or rents, utilities, car insurance.... BTW, since when is it the business owners responsibility to prove their business is a necessity? WTF business is it of some bureaucrat who decides if you can make a living or not.

I recall when Liberals would be on the front lines demanding people’s liberties restored.
I remember when the government and the president were not so incompetent that we still don't have equipment to protect workers. Great job as always
Trump has nothing to do with this ya insane scum!
I realize nuance escapes you. The dossier was not "fictional" - it was a collection of raw unverified intelligence. That is all it was, and it all it claimed to be. Within it, some was verified as proven, some was verified as unproven. As is typical with those sort of intelligence dumps. What has not been verified is what you term "fictional" - and it may well be. But your implication is that it was created as a fictional report.
Tell us which part of Steele's opposition report were real then? if some parts were real and some not,
you should be able to sort them out, right? And if you can't, then how can anyone honestly claim what you are alleging?
Faist Judge demands shop owner apology for opening a few days early to help her staff earn a living. She refused, gets 7 days in prison and $7,000 fine

A Dallas salon owner has been sentenced to seven days in prison for keeping her salon open, reports The Dallas Morning News.

Shelley Luther was also fined $7,000 for continuing to operate her business, Salon a la Mode.

Dallas County Judge Eric Moye ruled against Luther for both criminal and civil contempt.
Moye told Luther she owes local leaders an apology.

"I have to disagree with you, sir, when you say that I am selfish because feeding my kids is not selfish," she said. "I have hair stylists that are going hungry because they'd rather feed their kids.

"So, sir, if you think the law is more important than kids being fed, then please go ahead with your decision, but I'm not going to shut the salon."
Salons and barbershops can reopen May 8, but Luther told Moye she would still reopen her establishment before then.
She wasn't following the Dan Patrick directive of old people sacrificing themselves for the economy.

These turds can’t form an honest argument. The IG did find many issues with the way the investigation was conducted yet they still need to lie and distort what is valid criticism. That’s pathetic

And frustrating. They are turning valid criticisms into grist to fuel their huge, multifaceted conspiracy theory of a coup. You can’t argue conspiracy theories, logic has no place there, it becomes an exercise in frustation. That is what I found with birthers.

And you willfully ignore the political classes own statements where 19 minutes after inauguration they were already plotting on how to remove him.

Like I said Coyote, look in the mirror.
Faist Judge demands shop owner apology for opening a few days early to help her staff earn a living. She refused, gets 7 days in prison and $7,000 fine

A Dallas salon owner has been sentenced to seven days in prison for keeping her salon open, reports The Dallas Morning News.

Shelley Luther was also fined $7,000 for continuing to operate her business, Salon a la Mode.

Dallas County Judge Eric Moye ruled against Luther for both criminal and civil contempt.
Moye told Luther she owes local leaders an apology.

"I have to disagree with you, sir, when you say that I am selfish because feeding my kids is not selfish," she said. "I have hair stylists that are going hungry because they'd rather feed their kids.

"So, sir, if you think the law is more important than kids being fed, then please go ahead with your decision, but I'm not going to shut the salon."
Salons and barbershops can reopen May 8, but Luther told Moye she would still reopen her establishment before then.
So Texas Governor Abbot is a 'libtard' now?
No he always was.
Last edited:

These turds can’t form an honest argument. The IG did find many issues with the way the investigation was conducted yet they still need to lie and distort what is valid criticism. That’s pathetic

And frustrating. They are turning valid criticisms into grist to fuel their huge, multifaceted conspiracy theory of a coup. You can’t argue conspiracy theories, logic has no place there, it becomes an exercise in frustation. That is what I found with birthers.

And you willfully ignore the political classes own statements where 19 minutes after inauguration they were already plotting on how to remove him.

Like I said Coyote, look in the mirror.

I did. And I found this.

I realize nuance escapes you. The dossier was not "fictional" - it was a collection of raw unverified intelligence. That is all it was, and it all it claimed to be. Within it, some was verified as proven, some was verified as unproven. As is typical with those sort of intelligence dumps. What has not been verified is what you term "fictional" - and it may well be. But your implication is that it was created as a fictional report.
Tell us which part of Steele's opposition report were real then? if some parts were real and some not,
you should be able to sort them out, right? And if you can't, then how can anyone honestly claim what you are alleging?
What I am alleging? I am alleging nothing. I am just pointing out what the dossier was, raw intellegance.

What was verified and unverified can be found here: Revisiting the Trump-Russia dossier: What's right, wrong and still unclear?
These turds can’t form an honest argument. The IG did find many issues with the way the investigation was conducted yet they still need to lie and distort what is valid criticism. That’s pathetic
You have yet to list the lies you allege. You have a lot of guts talking about "honest arguments".
I’m not alleging lies. He was fired by Trump for lying to Pence, he was arrested by the FBI for lying about his conversations with the Russians, he plead guilty twice in court, Mueller outline several lies from Flynn in his report.... saying he didn’t lie makes you sound delusional
Again, context is everything, with your post we only get part of the story.
Of course you’re getting part of the story. I’m not here to write a novel. One point at a time. Instead of wasting space pointing out the obvious why don’t you add to the discussion by making a point of your own or counter argument to my point.
It's a disingenuous....the only way you can make it work is using half truths. Which you and your ilk use freely.
Half truth? Such as...
Not telling the entire event of how's and WHY'S. Just telling the story in the light that you and your ilk want it to be received.
Don't be stupid, you know what you're doing.
Im challenging one point and your critiquing me because I didn’t lay out very detail to the story?! Are you serious. Is every post supposed to be pages long? Should I get it published?
"I didn’t lay out very detail to the story?"

Well, you only laid out half the story, which is being disingenuous.
You took your time detailing and laying out what you wanted to sway your half truth.
You should have brought it home using all the facts, then there would be an honest discussion.
The way you play, we're just discussing half truths that you presented.
You can get away with that when discussing with your own ilk, they don't want to
discuss the truth.....but, you're not
Are you unfamiliar with how debates and discussions work?! I made a point. If you think something was wrong then counter it. If you think it’s right but missing context then point out the context. These last few post of yours coming after me for not laying out the whole story are useless and a waste of time. Make a point or move on
And frustrating. They are turning valid criticisms into grist to fuel their huge, multifaceted conspiracy theory of a coup. You can’t argue conspiracy theories, logic has no place there, it becomes an exercise in frustation. That is what I found with birthers.
Maybe you and your pal should define what a "valid" criticism is. You seem to think
anything you bring up and throw in is "valid". It is not.

And maybe you should comment on the fact that progressive anti Trump YouTubers are the ones providing
all the rationales and arguments that you are dismissing out of hand. Ever hear of the site Push Back?

You are not credible or ethical. You should be ashamed but apparently you're incapable of feeling shame.
I wish I didn't have to try and shame you but what recourse does anyone have when someone sticks to a politicized narrative no matter how false and patently absurd it is.

Mueller shot Russia Gate down. You are beating a dead horse. Wise up.
Last edited:
And frustrating. They are turning valid criticisms into grist to fuel their huge, multifaceted conspiracy theory of a coup. You can’t argue conspiracy theories, logic has no place there, it becomes an exercise in frustation. That is what I found with birthers.
Maybe you and your pal should define what a "valid" criticism is. You seem to think
anything you bring up and throw in is "valid". It is not.

And maybe you should comment on the fact that progressive anti Trump YouTubers are the ones providing
all the rationales and arguments that you are dismissing out of hand. Ever hear of the site Push Back?

You are not credible or ethical. You should be ashamed but apparently you're incapable of feeling shame.
I wish I didn't have to try and shame you but what recourse does anyone have when someone sticks to a politicized narrative no matter how false and patently absurd it is.

Mueller shot Russia Gate down. You are beating a dead horse. Wise up.

You misunderstand what was meant by valid criticisms. I meant what the IG report revealed on the failings in the FBI. Those indicate a need for reform and more transparency and oversight. What you’ve done is taken those criticisms, heavily fertilized them with manure, and used them to prop up your conspiracy theory of a coup.

As to the rest of your rant? Meh.
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"If dossier claims were still unverified when Comey testified to Congress in mid 2017 (and thereafter), then those claims could not have been verified when the Obama Justice Department and FBI submitted it to the FISC as a “VERIFIED APPLICATION” in October 2016. It also had to have been unverified on January 6, 2017, when the Obama administration chose to include a sliver of the dossier in the briefing of President-elect Trump — the day after intelligence chiefs met with President Obama in the Oval Office and discussed what Russia information should be shared with the incoming Trump team. "
There is proof positive that Obama was part of the attempted coup of Donald Trump. His FBI, Justice Department and intelligence leadership all were in on the plot to file false documents with the FISA court in order to spy on, and ultimately remove a legally elected president of the United States of America.

Ignore such illegalities at the peril of your own freedom.
Actual notes were posted in this thread by somebody who was trying to back up your faux arguments which actually stated Obama’s insistence to his intel leaders to do everything by the book. It was reiterated by Susan Rice in an email

The email Susan Rice sent to herself on Obama's last day in office? LOL!
Notes from a meeting... yes
Notes are taken contemporaneously, not after the fact. Therefore Rice's memorandum may are may not reflect actual facts.
You misunderstand what was meant by valid criticisms. I meant what the IG report revealed on the failings in the FBI. Those indicate a need for reform and more transparency and oversight. What you’ve done is taken those criticisms, heavily fertilized them with manure, and used them to prop up your conspiracy theory of a coup.
Did the FBI conspire against Trump or are the fraudulently obtained FISA warrants proof of nothing to you?
In your world I guess the Nixon White House wasn't crooked...it just needed reform, transparency and
There is much more proof but of course you'd rather not see any.
And frustrating. They are turning valid criticisms into grist to fuel their huge, multifaceted conspiracy theory of a coup. You can’t argue conspiracy theories, logic has no place there, it becomes an exercise in frustation. That is what I found with birthers.
Maybe you and your pal should define what a "valid" criticism is. You seem to think
anything you bring up and throw in is "valid". It is not.

And maybe you should comment on the fact that progressive anti Trump YouTubers are the ones providing
all the rationales and arguments that you are dismissing out of hand. Ever hear of the site Push Back?

You are not credible or ethical. You should be ashamed but apparently you're incapable of feeling shame.
I wish I didn't have to try and shame you but what recourse does anyone have when someone sticks to a politicized narrative no matter how false and patently absurd it is.

Mueller shot Russia Gate down. You are beating a dead horse. Wise up.

Taibbi is hardly a credible source.

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