Looks like Trump's lawyers are out to get him too

A coward would have given up running for a 2nd term.

Call him an asshole if you want, but he isn't a coward.

I doubt you could stand up to the abuse heaped on him the past 8 years.
Bravado is not courage.

Even Hillary Clinton showed more courage than the Don on many occasions.
Developer, Owner, whatever. It's the NYC real estate market.
He has developed nothing in NYC since the 1990s. People will not do business with him there. Before being President, he was reduced to just selling the rights to his name for pother people's projects (we and swindling people in condoes in Mexico with his daughter).

Indicted 90 times for maybe a few checks they claim to be "fraud"
No. For Federal felonies related to his attempted coup, state felonies to his attempts to overturn the election with fraudulent electors and vote counting, and felony theft of top secret documents, and attempting to cover said felony theft via destruction of files, records, and media.

Andevidently if we take your argument, he is utterly incompetent in hiring employees and firms.
Trying to lump questioning with actual conspiracy theories like fake moon landings and 9/11 demolitions is a pathetic attempt to avoid discussion. You are called out sir.

The Deep State Runs Deep, and things like that don't need direction, it's just the elite working in their interest.
Oh bullshit. The 9/11 truthers were just asking questions too. That’s what you lunatics say when you want to hide your bullshit.

You see these goddamn conspiracies all over the right and Trump actively nurtures them because it helps. It helps that conservatives can just decide to believe whatever the hell they want to.

That’s why you want to get rid of civil servants and replace them with right wing hacks. That way when Trump tells them to “just say it was corrupt”, they don’t think whether it was actually corrupt because it doesn’t matter to them.
He has developed nothing in NYC since the 1990s. People will not do business with him there. Before being President, he was reduced to just selling the rights to his name for pother people's projects (we and swindling people in condoes in Mexico with his daughter).

No. For Federal felonies related to his attempted coup, state felonies to his attempts to overturn the election with fraudulent electors and vote counting, and felony theft of top secret documents, and attempting to cover said felony theft via destruction of files, records, and media.

Andevidently if we take your argument, he is utterly incompetent in hiring employees and firms.
Trump has properties all over the world, douchebag. New Yorkers hate him since he confirmed he's a Republican.

Trump has committed no felonies nor misdemeanors. The prog belief that you morons believe these charges are legitimate is utterly hysterical.
Trump has properties all over the world, douchebag. New Yorkers hate him since he confirmed he's a Republican.
Yet you didn't disagree with my statement.
Trump has committed no felonies nor misdemeanors. The prog belief that you morons believe these charges are legitimate is utterly hysterical.
He has committed plenty. He just didn't go to jail yet, like any other crime thug. that appears like it will be rectified in the coming year.
Yet you didn't disagree with my statement.
Should a follow you around pointing out everything you post that I disagree with? If I don't, does that mean I agree with it?

Do progs possess any trace of a capacity to reason?

He has committed plenty. He just didn't go to jail yet, like any other crime thug. that appears like it will be rectified in the coming year.
ROFL! So how do we know he committed any of these crimes?
Like when?
When she humbly conceded in the wee hours the morning after election day in 2016. She called the MFer. Probably the hardest concession call she ever had to make. Then the next day she conceded to her supported and implored them to accept the outcome and come back an fight even harder to win election in the future.

Donnie Dangerously doesn't have than kind of courage.

But we all know Donnies Design was to tear down the system in 2016 if he lost.
When she humbly conceded in the wee hours the morning after election day in 2016. She called the MFer. Probably the hardest concession call she ever had to make. Then the next day she conceded to her supported and implored them to accept the outcome and come back an fight even harder to win election in the future.

Donnie Dangerously doesn't have than kind of courage.

But we all know Donnies Design was to tear down the system in 2016 if he lost.
She has whined about that election ever since she lost it.

Who do you think you're fooling?

Everything you know about Trump is a lie.
Ballot harvesting in concentrated Dem areas.

In all States? or in some States were they just mailed out due to COVID changes to the laws?

Requested for them.
There was no ballot harvesting in the contentious swing states. No one was allowed to send strangers in to sweep neighborhoods to collect ballots from registered voters that individually requested a ballot be sent to them. ZIP ZERO ZILCH ballot HARVESTING of democratic neighborhoods or republican neighborhoods.

Relatives were allowed to drop off other relatives ballots....which I personally do every election....give my ballot to my husband to drop off for me.

No one swept neighborhoods, harvesting ballots.

How could you not know this?
A Democrat that ran for AG EXPLICITLY on prosecuting Trump and a Democrat elected judge. Yeah, they are in cahoots with the Democrats.
Would it have been partisan for Elliot Ness to run for AG with the platform of catching and bringing down All Capone?
Would it have been partisan for Elliot Ness to run for AG with the platform of catching and bringing down All Capone?
Really? That's the best defense of her that you can muster? No. Al Capone was not the President of the United States elected from an opposing political party.
This, of course, is not true.

Ok. I’m sure you have a link to the documents which were filed publicly once submitted to the court where Trump’s team requested a jury trial. I’m also certain the Judges Order, in writing, and also part of the public record, refusing the trial by jury in violation of the 6th Amendment.
Ok. I’m sure you have a link to the documents which were filed publicly once submitted to the court where Trump’s team requested a jury trial. I’m also certain the Judges Order, in writing, and also part of the public record, refusing the trial by jury in violation of the 6th Amendment.
Want to rethink that one?
Ok. I’m sure you have a link to the documents which were filed publicly once submitted to the court where Trump’s team requested a jury trial. I’m also certain the Judges Order, in writing, and also part of the public record, refusing the trial by jury in violation of the 6th Amendment.
Yep, it's already been established that Trump was not asked if he wanted a jury trial. This law appears to be unconstitutional.
Ok. I’m sure you have a link to the documents which were filed publicly once submitted to the court where Trump’s team requested a jury trial. I’m also certain the Judges Order, in writing, and also part of the public record, refusing the trial by jury in violation of the 6th Amendment.
The law says that no jury trial is required.

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