Loretta Lynch Vows to Prosecute Those Who Use 'Anti-Muslim' Speech That 'Edges Toward Violence'

I'd prefer to see them all saved and set in their right minds. I don't want to see anyone lose their heads but figuratively speaking that can happen when a person panics. We need to keep in mind that God is in full control and he knows who is who. This is not going to be a random event. I assure you. God is in full control. Trust in God, AvgGuyIA.
. I pray this is end of time prophesy being fulfilled. In that case I'm not worried because we win!
Yes. We do win. All those who belong to the LORD win. And those who don't? Lose. Big time. Here and eternally! The stakes could not be higher. Goodnight, AvGuyIA and Rosie. Sleep well.
Did anyone hear if she also mentioned Christian and Jews in her RANT?

I did not listen to her rant------what did she say? I am intrigued
She's talking about sharia - cannot say anything that will insult Islam / Muslims - something along the line of what they have in Canada now, Rosie.

I can't? here goes-----islam stinks -----the 14 people who are dead ---died because
of the filth and stench of islam and its founder the rapist pig of mecca, muhummad
Thank you irosie91. There Loretta, arrest ironies 91 too. She hates the Muslims too...we defy you to have her arrested for exercising her 1t amendment rights.

cool it, average person
  • Video: Former Congressman DARES Loretta Lynch to Prosecute Him in Scathing Rant
    Hypeline ^ | 12/04/15 | Stephen Rowe
    The day after the horrific terrorist San Bernardino shooting spree, Attorney General Loretta Lynch pledged to a group of Muslim activists that she would take aggressive action against anyone who used “anti-Muslim rhetoric” that “edges toward violence.” Joe Walsh, former Congressman from Illinois, didn’t back down from the Attorney General’s threat. In fact, Walsh has released a statement to Hypeline News directly challenging Lynch: What the hell does that mean? I have a 1st Amendment right, Ms Lynch, to say whatever I want about Muslims. You want to try and prosecute me for what I say? I dare you. Here...
Is there a Twitter hashtag we can use to defy Lorreta Lynch's threat to imprison anyone who speaks bad about Muslims?
I wouldn't do that. That is what she wants. I would ignore her. Your freedom of speech is intact right now. She is all bluster for the moment. Ignore heyr like a bad headache.
i don't want some political appointee overruling the constitution. If this is how black liberals rule, I don't want anymore of it.
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Did anyone hear if she also mentioned Christian and Jews in her RANT?

I did not listen to her rant------what did she say? I am intrigued
She's talking about sharia - cannot say anything that will insult Islam / Muslims - something along the line of what they have in Canada now, Rosie.

I can't? here goes-----islam stinks -----the 14 people who are dead ---died because
of the filth and stench of islam and its founder the rapist pig of mecca, muhummad
Thank you irosie91. There Loretta, arrest ironies 91 too. She hates the Muslims too...we defy you to have her arrested for exercising her 1t amendment rights.

cool it, average person
That's what they want ironies, to shut us up. I take back the call for Lynch to have you arrested in our defiance to her ruling.j. If you don't want to be part of our protest, I understand.
I did not listen to her rant------what did she say? I am intrigued
She's talking about sharia - cannot say anything that will insult Islam / Muslims - something along the line of what they have in Canada now, Rosie.

I can't? here goes-----islam stinks -----the 14 people who are dead ---died because
of the filth and stench of islam and its founder the rapist pig of mecca, muhummad
Thank you irosie91. There Loretta, arrest ironies 91 too. She hates the Muslims too...we defy you to have her arrested for exercising her 1t amendment rights.

cool it, average person
That's what they want ironies, to shut us up. I take back the call for Lynch to have you arrested in our defiance to her ruling.

thank you-------never poke a sleeping rabid dog
You and AverageBugeye should share a bottle of Valium together and calm the fuck down. Don't pretend that hysterically screaming racist, bigoted nonsense makes either of you 'conservative.' You're just idiots - exactly like guano and dot cum.

The absolute COOLEST thing about the word "Bigot" and it's respective tenses... is that the use of such directed toward another, is a literal demonstration of bigotry.

Islam is not a race Dumbass.

And there is not the slightest tinge of hysteria anywhere near anything I've said about Islam.

As what I said, is an irrefutable fact.

Now you might 'feel' that speaking truthfully about an irrational, mass-murderin' cult is 'hateful'... but given that there is nothing irrational about by intense dislike for Islam... there's nothing hateful about it.

I see Islam as I see an animal that is mortally injured... It's a threat to those around it... it's in pain and it needs to be put out of the misery of those around it.

You can like it, don't like it, or weep and gnash your tooth cryin' about it.

It's not going to change the absolute certainty that there are no 'good Muslims'... Islam is a threat to the US, and it is only a matter of time before they cause sufficient destruction, that it falls to the nation to erase the cult from the United States.

I need you to understand, that when that times comes... those who are known to have enabled Islam, through their moderate desire to 'understand' it... will be counted as being among them.

So... pick a side and stay on it. As at some point, HAVING BEEN TO THAT SIDE... will be a disqualifying consideration.

:bye1:HAVE A NICE DAY Haj...
Yes. When the time comes there will be no distinguishing between Muslim terrorists and their liberal enablers. They will be dealt with equally.

A threat, dickless?
.... Nothing I said was racist. .....

Readers can decide for themselves how idiotically disingenuous that denial is. Dimwitted cowards like you and your 'buddy' reacting like hysterical children is just what they - both the terrorist animals and the corrupt, racist obama henchmen - want. Good job obeying so promptly.
You and AverageBugeye should share a bottle of Valium together and calm the fuck down. Don't pretend that hysterically screaming racist, bigoted nonsense makes either of you 'conservative.' You're just idiots - exactly like guano and dot cum.

The absolute COOLEST thing about the word "Bigot" and it's respective tenses... is that the use of such directed toward another, is a literal demonstration of bigotry.

Islam is not a race Dumbass.

And there is not the slightest tinge of hysteria anywhere near anything I've said about Islam.

As what I said, is an irrefutable fact.

Now you might 'feel' that speaking truthfully about an irrational, mass-murderin' cult is 'hateful'... but given that there is nothing irrational about by intense dislike for Islam... there's nothing hateful about it.

I see Islam as I see an animal that is mortally injured... It's a threat to those around it... it's in pain and it needs to be put out of the misery of those around it.

You can like it, don't like it, or weep and gnash your tooth cryin' about it.

It's not going to change the absolute certainty that there are no 'good Muslims'... Islam is a threat to the US, and it is only a matter of time before they cause sufficient destruction, that it falls to the nation to erase the cult from the United States.

I need you to understand, that when that times comes... those who are known to have enabled Islam, through their moderate desire to 'understand' it... will be counted as being among them.

So... pick a side and stay on it. As at some point, HAVING BEEN TO THAT SIDE... will be a disqualifying consideration.

:bye1:HAVE A NICE DAY Haj...
Yes. When the time comes there will be no distinguishing between Muslim terrorists and their liberal enablers. They will be dealt with equally.

A threat, dickless?
to hell with that sheboon.
the chimp louis farrakhan asked for 10000 negroes to stalk and kill white people....loretta jemimah remained silent.

“10,000 in the midst of the million … 10,000 fearless men who say death is sweeter than continued life under tyranny.So if the federal government will not intercede in our affairs, then we must rise up and kill those who kill us,” he said. “Stalk them and kill them and let them feel the pain of death that we are feeling.”

threatening to murder white people is ok with the chimp AG...just don't say anything bad about muslims or disparage the religion of the manchurian muslim in the whitehouse. THAT would be a crime and could get you prosecuted.

she's just another typical anti white, negro racist.
Loretta Lynch Vows to Prosecute Those Who Use 'Anti-Muslim' Speech That 'Edges Toward Violence'

Where the hell is this anti-Muslim speech that "borders towards violence"?

And what happens when Muslims vow to destroy the West with violence? My guess, nothing. Obama doesn't give a damn about that.

If this doesn't prove that Obama is a Muslim, I don't know what else there could.
'Where the hell is this anti-Muslim speech that "borders towards violence"?'


'Donald J. Trump said Wednesday that in the battle against the Islamic State, the families of terrorists should be targets, saying they were using their relatives “as shields.”'


Lynch is referring to the fact that the First Amendment right is not absolute – one is not at liberty to incite violence or imminent lawlessness against others, such as advocating that mosques be bombed or set afire, that Muslims be attacked, or the families of those alleged to have committed crimes be targeted for reprisal for no other reason than being Muslim (see Wisconsin v. Mitchell).

Once again we have another idiotic thread from the right made up of nothing but ignorance, hate, stupidity, bigotry, and lies:

Muslims are not seeking to 'destroy the West' – this is a lie.

That the president doesn't care about terrorism is a lie.

That the president is a 'Muslim' is a lie – it also exhibits the hate and stupidity common to bigots on the right, as if there was something 'wrong' with being Muslim.
Loretta Lynch Vows to Prosecute Those Who Use 'Anti-Muslim' Speech That 'Edges Toward Violence'

Where the hell is this anti-Muslim speech that "borders towards violence"?

And what happens when Muslims vow to destroy the West with violence? My guess, nothing. Obama doesn't give a damn about that.

If this doesn't prove that Obama is a Muslim, I don't know what else there could.

Hes not a Muslim but he has an affinity towards them, more so than people he sees as white christians. Its payback time for him, in his mind he's trying to set the world right. "Edges towards violence "is Horrifically Vauge. and they will be the ones who determine what this speech is.... i can just see the government destroying peoples lives over nothing . They are sick
Loretta Lynch Vows to Prosecute Those Who Use 'Anti-Muslim' Speech That 'Edges Toward Violence'

Where the hell is this anti-Muslim speech that "borders towards violence"?

And what happens when Muslims vow to destroy the West with violence? My guess, nothing. Obama doesn't give a damn about that.

If this doesn't prove that Obama is a Muslim, I don't know what else there could.
'Where the hell is this anti-Muslim speech that "borders towards violence"?'


'Donald J. Trump said Wednesday that in the battle against the Islamic State, the families of terrorists should be targets, saying they were using their relatives “as shields.”'


Lynch is referring to the fact that the First Amendment right is not absolute – one is not at liberty to incite violence or imminent lawlessness against others, such as advocating that mosques be bombed or set afire, that Muslims be attacked, or the families of those alleged to have committed crimes be targeted for reprisal for no other reason than being Muslim (see Wisconsin v. Mitchell).

Once again we have another idiotic thread from the right made up of nothing but ignorance, hate, stupidity, bigotry, and lies:

Muslims are not seeking to 'destroy the West' – this is a lie.

That the president doesn't care about terrorism is a lie.

That the president is a 'Muslim' is a lie – it also exhibits the hate and stupidity common to bigots on the right, as if there was something 'wrong' with being Muslim.

There you go! she can prosecute her political opponents. Where in the world have we seen that happen before?
Loretta Lynch Vows to Prosecute Those Who Use 'Anti-Muslim' Speech That 'Edges Toward Violence'

Where the hell is this anti-Muslim speech that "borders towards violence"?

And what happens when Muslims vow to destroy the West with violence? My guess, nothing. Obama doesn't give a damn about that.

If this doesn't prove that Obama is a Muslim, I don't know what else there could.

So, the Jew who asserted Islam was a violent religion and was promptly murdered because Islam isn't a violent religion would be prosecuted?
Loretta Lynch Vows to Prosecute Those Who Use 'Anti-Muslim' Speech That 'Edges Toward Violence'

Where the hell is this anti-Muslim speech that "borders towards violence"?

And what happens when Muslims vow to destroy the West with violence? My guess, nothing. Obama doesn't give a damn about that.

If this doesn't prove that Obama is a Muslim, I don't know what else there could.
'Where the hell is this anti-Muslim speech that "borders towards violence"?'


'Donald J. Trump said Wednesday that in the battle against the Islamic State, the families of terrorists should be targets, saying they were using their relatives “as shields.”'


Lynch is referring to the fact that the First Amendment right is not absolute – one is not at liberty to incite violence or imminent lawlessness against others, such as advocating that mosques be bombed or set afire, that Muslims be attacked, or the families of those alleged to have committed crimes be targeted for reprisal for no other reason than being Muslim (see Wisconsin v. Mitchell).

Once again we have another idiotic thread from the right made up of nothing but ignorance, hate, stupidity, bigotry, and lies:

Muslims are not seeking to 'destroy the West' – this is a lie.

That the president doesn't care about terrorism is a lie.

That the president is a 'Muslim' is a lie – it also exhibits the hate and stupidity common to bigots on the right, as if there was something 'wrong' with being Muslim.

“So if the federal government will not intercede in our affairs, then we must rise up and kill those who kill us,” he said. “Stalk them and kill them and let them feel the pain of death that we are feeling.”

Louis Farrakhan: “Stalk Them and Kill Them” – Muslim Leader Call for 10,000 Volunteers to Kill White People - The Washington Standard
She'll be put of a job in about a year anyway....and good riddance to bad racist rubbish

Sassy-lassie give me some hope-----she loses her job with the change of Presidents? I did not know-----TELL ME TELL ME??? that lady scares me

She serves at the pleasure of the president and can be removed by the president
I thought it was that all advisers, Cabinet Heads and Department heads gave their letter of resignation on Jan. 20 to the new president. He then decides which ones to accept.
this woman is an absolute traitor to us. Her job is to protect and serve US ALL

WHERE is the calls for her to be removed from office? she is stirring this up. there is NO Backlash happening. but you didn't see her or Obama or any of these Government officials come and take a stand for pro-lifers when they were being harassed. or for the white people when they are being harassed. this is sick we have enemy's within our government


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