Loretta Lynch Vows to Prosecute Those Who Use 'Anti-Muslim' Speech That 'Edges Toward Violence'

I wouldn't do that. That is what she wants. I would ignore her. Your freedom of speech is intact right now. She is all bluster for the moment. Ignore her like a bad headache.
If we have to censor our freedom of speech to avoid her fascist prosecution, then our freedom of speech is NOT intact, Jeremiah.
we should be DEMANDING she be removed from office. NOT IGNORING this because all that does is embolden them.

call your congressCritters and show your displeasure about this.
Hey Loretta how about this. you don't call that HATEFUL Speech AGAINST ALL OF US in this country? CAIR is suppose to the bridge between us and the Muslims in this country and they COME OUT WITH THIS?
I'm not bowing to people like this. I don't care what they are

CAIR LA Leader: Terrorism Is Global Problem Not a Muslim Problem… It’s America’s Fault (Video)

Jim Hoft Dec 4th, 2015 10:13 pm

CAIR LA spokesman Hussam Ayloush blamed American foreign policy for Islamic terrorism today in a CNN interview.

It’s America’s fault.

We complain that what are the Muslim people doing to root out terrorism and extremism. Let’s not forget that some of our own foreign policy as Americans as the West has fueled that extremism. When we support coup leaders in Egypt or some other place, when we support dictatorships, oppressive regimes around the world that push people over to the edge, then they become extremists, then they become terrorists, we are partly responsible. Look terrorism is a global problem not a Muslim problem.

ALL of it here:
CAIR LA Leader: Terrorism Is Global Problem Not a Muslim Problem... It's America's Fault (Video) - The Gateway Pundit
saw this on another site: the people in the country BETTER WAKE UP and soon

from the article where CAIR blames us for the terrorist in the world
CAIR LA Leader: Terrorism Is Global Problem Not a Muslim Problem... It's America's Fault (Video) - The Gateway Pundit
this woman is an absolute traitor to us. Her job is to protect and serve US ALL

WHERE is the calls for her to be removed from office? she is stirring this up. there is NO Backlash happening. but you didn't see her or Obama or any of these Government officials come and take a stand for pro-lifers when they were being harassed. or for the white people when they are being harassed. this is sick we have enemy's within our government

If we had a two party
saw this on another site: the people in the country BETTER WAKE UP and soon

from the article where CAIR blames us for the terrorist in the world
CAIR LA Leader: Terrorism Is Global Problem Not a Muslim Problem... It's America's Fault (Video) - The Gateway Pundit
CAIR sure looks like an Islamic terrorist organization masquerading as a civil rights organization.

I wonder how many times CAIR operatives have been in the White House.
this woman is an absolute traitor to us. Her job is to protect and serve US ALL

WHERE is the calls for her to be removed from office? she is stirring this up. there is NO Backlash happening. but you didn't see her or Obama or any of these Government officials come and take a stand for pro-lifers when they were being harassed. or for the white people when they are being harassed. this is sick we have enemy's within our government

If we had a two party
saw this on another site: the people in the country BETTER WAKE UP and soon

from the article where CAIR blames us for the terrorist in the world
CAIR LA Leader: Terrorism Is Global Problem Not a Muslim Problem... It's America's Fault (Video) - The Gateway Pundit
CAIR sure looks like an Islamic terrorist organization masquerading as a civil rights organization.

I wonder how many times CAIR operatives have been in the White House.

from what I've heard and read they have been there MANY times and are in important positions in this Obama administration. Of course they will deny it.

and you're right. Obama should have been impeached in his first term and we wouldn't be seeing all this maybe
Hey Loretta how about this. you don't call that HATEFUL Speech AGAINST ALL OF US in this country? CAIR is suppose to the bridge between us and the Muslims in this country and they COME OUT WITH THIS?
I'm not bowing to people like this. I don't care what they are

CAIR LA Leader: Terrorism Is Global Problem Not a Muslim Problem… It’s America’s Fault (Video)

Jim Hoft Dec 4th, 2015 10:13 pm

CAIR LA spokesman Hussam Ayloush blamed American foreign policy for Islamic terrorism today in a CNN interview.

It’s America’s fault.

We complain that what are the Muslim people doing to root out terrorism and extremism. Let’s not forget that some of our own foreign policy as Americans as the West has fueled that extremism. When we support coup leaders in Egypt or some other place, when we support dictatorships, oppressive regimes around the world that push people over to the edge, then they become extremists, then they become terrorists, we are partly responsible. Look terrorism is a global problem not a Muslim problem.

ALL of it here:
CAIR LA Leader: Terrorism Is Global Problem Not a Muslim Problem... It's America's Fault (Video) - The Gateway Pundit
Always playing the victim card, and even under the most inappropriate circumstances too. Libtards encourage this ad nauseum, not that Islamists need any encouragement to lie for Islam and blame very one else at every opportunity for their butchering psycho's.
I remember during the Cold War how liberals bent over for Communist regimes, denying all the evil things they were doing, and the millions of people they killed.

Now liberals have made new butt buddiess with the Muslims.

When it's all said and done, liberals have no honor, no courage, no ability to distinguish right from wrong. They are pussies, and will be the first victims of a Muslim regime.
Watching our liberals being the first to lose their heads is almost worth a Muslim takeover. These fuckers need to own the shit they get us into. God isn't going to help them.

Go take your pills, head case.
Loretta Lynch Vows to Prosecute Those Who Use 'Anti-Muslim' Speech That 'Edges Toward Violence'

Where the hell is this anti-Muslim speech that "borders towards violence"?

And what happens when Muslims vow to destroy the West with violence? My guess, nothing. Obama doesn't give a damn about that.

If this doesn't prove that Obama is a Muslim, I don't know what else there could.

Hes not a Muslim but he has an affinity towards them, more so than people he sees as white christians. Its payback time for him, in his mind he's trying to set the world right. "Edges towards violence "is Horrifically Vauge. and they will be the ones who determine what this speech is.... i can just see the government destroying peoples lives over nothing . They are sick

he's a gay muslim and if he weren't "president" and if he were in the ME they'd cut off his faggot head.....but the point here is to destabilize america and especially white americans. He's jealous and resentful of white people and the nation we built...racial revenge politics.
What is speech 'that edges toward violence'?
whatever the gay manchurian muslim tells the negro AG it is.
They won't do anything about farrakhan openly trying to recruit 10000 negro chimps to go kill white people....but there are all sorts of trigger words that whites aren't allowed to use...like "rope" for instance.
it's ok...the day of the ROPE approaches.
Did anyone hear if she also mentioned Christian and Jews in her RANT?

I did not listen to her rant------what did she say? I am intrigued
Rosie She just made the statement that Muslim parents should contact her or the Justice department if their kids are bullied at school. Don't contact the principal or the school counselor - contact the justice department. They will handle Muslim complaints of being bullied. We know where this one is going.......

AG Lynch Tells Muslims To Call Her If Their Children Are 'Bullied' in School

they will open hundreds of thousands of fake cases. They were doing it in New York City-------having just about nothing of which to complain----muslim women
actually went to the precincts to complain 'someone pulled my head kerchief'.
Lynch has set up a HUGE WASTE OF RECOURCES
No, she is setting up a perfect storm in order to enforce hate speech laws with Obama's magic pen - call it EO time.

I never actually thought about it-----I am civics challenged. Is an Executive Order
actually a "LAW"-----does it stick around as such? Does the congress or supreme
court have to do something to get rid of it once the "executive" who ordered it----
gets put out to pasture or gets sent to the glue factory?

The next president can get rid of all of Obama's executive orders ..Vote Republican:thup:
Loretta Lynch Vows to Prosecute Those Who Use 'Anti-Muslim' Speech That 'Edges Toward Violence'

Where the hell is this anti-Muslim speech that "borders towards violence"?

And what happens when Muslims vow to destroy the West with violence? My guess, nothing. Obama doesn't give a damn about that.

If this doesn't prove that Obama is a Muslim, I don't know what else there could.

Hes not a Muslim but he has an affinity towards them, more so than people he sees as white christians. Its payback time for him, in his mind he's trying to set the world right. "Edges towards violence "is Horrifically Vauge. and they will be the ones who determine what this speech is.... i can just see the government destroying peoples lives over nothing . They are sick

he's a gay muslim and if he weren't "president" and if he were in the ME they'd cut off his faggot head.....but the point here is to destabilize america and especially white americans. He's jealous and resentful of white people and the nation we built...racial revenge politics.

Go back to stormfront you moron. Your kind hurts the cause of real constitutional conservatives.:slap:
Loretta Lynch Vows to Prosecute Those Who Use 'Anti-Muslim' Speech That 'Edges Toward Violence'

Where the hell is this anti-Muslim speech that "borders towards violence"?

And what happens when Muslims vow to destroy the West with violence? My guess, nothing. Obama doesn't give a damn about that.

If this doesn't prove that Obama is a Muslim, I don't know what else there could.

Hes not a Muslim but he has an affinity towards them, more so than people he sees as white christians. Its payback time for him, in his mind he's trying to set the world right. "Edges towards violence "is Horrifically Vauge. and they will be the ones who determine what this speech is.... i can just see the government destroying peoples lives over nothing . They are sick

he's a gay muslim and if he weren't "president" and if he were in the ME they'd cut off his faggot head.....but the point here is to destabilize america and especially white americans. He's jealous and resentful of white people and the nation we built...racial revenge politics.

Go back to stormfront you moron. Your kind hurts the cause of real constitutional conservatives.:slap:

since you can't refute anything, you resort to changing the subject. so clever!

Apparently, to a jew like you, anyone who speaks out for white interests is "stormfront".
very revealing, hymie.

I know you'll enjoy this;

“We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White children.”
You knuckle dragging gun loving bible thumping rubes.

Don't you know that the biggest threats to America are Climate Change and Nogoodracistbadthink?

Why should the Feds spend precious resources trying to identify ISIS and AQ agents in the U.S. when so many people are still thinking BadThoughts and saying BadThings?
What is speech 'that edges toward violence'?
whatever the gay manchurian muslim tells the negro AG it is.
They won't do anything about farrakhan openly trying to recruit 10000 negro chimps to go kill white people....but there are all sorts of trigger words that whites aren't allowed to use...like "rope" for instance.
it's ok...the day of the ROPE approaches.

Assholes like you guarantee there will always be assholes like your exact counterparts on the left, you fucking moron. STFU, you hysterical, cowardly numbskull.
What is speech 'that edges toward violence'?
whatever the gay manchurian muslim tells the negro AG it is.
They won't do anything about farrakhan openly trying to recruit 10000 negro chimps to go kill white people....but there are all sorts of trigger words that whites aren't allowed to use...like "rope" for instance.
it's ok...the day of the ROPE approaches.

Assholes like you guarantee there will always be assholes like your exact counterparts on the left, you fucking moron. STFU, you hysterical, cowardly numbskull.
Go get yourself a nice cup of chamomile tea. Sounds like you need it.
What is speech 'that edges toward violence'?
whatever the gay manchurian muslim tells the negro AG it is.
They won't do anything about farrakhan openly trying to recruit 10000 negro chimps to go kill white people....but there are all sorts of trigger words that whites aren't allowed to use...like "rope" for instance.
it's ok...the day of the ROPE approaches.

more cracka goyim fantasies
Loretta Lynch Vows to Prosecute Those Who Use 'Anti-Muslim' Speech That 'Edges Toward Violence'

Where the hell is this anti-Muslim speech that "borders towards violence"?

And what happens when Muslims vow to destroy the West with violence? My guess, nothing. Obama doesn't give a damn about that.

If this doesn't prove that Obama is a Muslim, I don't know what else there could.

Hes not a Muslim but he has an affinity towards them, more so than people he sees as white christians. Its payback time for him, in his mind he's trying to set the world right. "Edges towards violence "is Horrifically Vauge. and they will be the ones who determine what this speech is.... i can just see the government destroying peoples lives over nothing . They are sick

he's a gay muslim and if he weren't "president" and if he were in the ME they'd cut off his faggot head.....but the point here is to destabilize america and especially white americans. He's jealous and resentful of white people and the nation we built...racial revenge politics.

Go back to stormfront you moron. Your kind hurts the cause of real constitutional conservatives.:slap:

since you can't refute anything, you resort to changing the subject. so clever!

Apparently, to a jew like you, anyone who speaks out for white interests is "stormfront".
very revealing, hymie.

I know you'll enjoy this;

“We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White children.”

Crawl back into your whole boy..Real Americans don't want your kind. "White interest" you're a moron, no better than Farrakhan:uhoh3:

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